Which support team in microsoft should I reach out for Windows Automation API issues? - ui-automation

I tried Accessibility, but they were not able to help on the API. I am a developer and I have development related question about Windows Automation API.

Nobody helped me here, but these URLs might be helpful to somebody who might be looking for this information


Block spam using microsoft graph api

Is there a way to use the Microsoft graph api to block spam or add emails to the whitelist? I am currently using Microsoft Graph Api powershell and its SUPER FAST. I LOVE IT!
There is a way to add spam to the blacklist using Exchange online powershelling using the Set-HostedContentFilterPolicy https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/set-hostedcontentfilterpolicy?view=exchange-ps command using exchange online powershell. But it not at as fast as the Microsoft Graph API.
If anyone has any ideas let me know.
Thank you for your question and I'm glad you are enjoying the MS Graph experience on Powershell. To my knowledge, there isn't currently a way to modify spam filter policies using MS Graph - I would recommend working with the ExchangePowerShell cmdlet. Alternatively, would you consider filing a feature request on the M365 Developer Platform, so that this can be looked into ?
Let me know if this helps, and if you have further questions.

Microsoft Teams status integration with Genesys Workspace Edition?

Since there exist plugin for Skype for Business that do much more than that.
How hard would that be to create similar plug-in for MS Team with only functionality would be taking the status from the Genesys and setting it up to the corresponding status in Ms Teams, so if someone is on the call everyone can see it on MS TEAMS and know he's not available.
Would someone with little experience in writing plug-ins could do it and where he could start? Maybe they already working on it? Any ideas?
Microsoft will always focus on customer’s feedback and experience, some new features would be added to the services based on customers' feedback in the future, we also recommend you to raise your UserVoice here:

is there a local github for teamwork? (not in cloud)

me and my friend are developing new code and we want to maintaine from time to time.
we looking for sodtware or service that can provide us what github and his "friends" are providing but we dont want to store our code on the cloud or in the web.
a software that can provide us something like when someone is working on the code so no one else can work on this in the same time' you know what I mean...
can anyone recommand about software or service like this?
thanks a lot!
Gitlab is easy to install on a Linux server.
It offers a lot of features on the open version, it is what you're searching for I guess.
The Gitlab on the cloud is not free, it is similar to Github, but don't worry you won't have to pay unless you need advanced features (out of issues, PR, basic CI, hooks...) https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/#self-managed
First of all you i have to define what you really need. It seems that your are looking for a remote solution that enables you and friends to work together on common code and at the sametime you don't want a "cloud" solution.
By "cloud" i guest you want to say not in internet? If it is so; why don't you try a personnal Gitlab server, hosted on a server in your home or friend's one. If you have serious unix skill this is something that you can envisage or try a private cloud solution as bitbucket.

Where can I get the key to create a Telemetry Reporter at Visual Studio Code?

I am working on a Visual Studio Code extension, and I would like to use Telemetry to have some insights about the use of the extension.
The Telemetry repository explains how to create a Reporter. I believe how the Python extensions use it is much better though. The problem is that documentation is quite bad at how to get the key or where is the dashboard to see the data.
Do you know if the Telemetry of a VS Code extension works with Azure Application Insights? It could make sense, but I'm new to Microsoft world and I wouldn't like start creating a lot of accounts or expend too much time working on that and being wrong :-)
Thank you for your answers.
After some research and more new accounts at Azure. The answer to this question is yes, at least partially. I don't know if there are other ways, but Telemetry with Application Insights (at Azure) works quite well.
Telemetry configuration is something the Microsoft documentation doesn't explain, actually there is not too much información about all the Telemetry usage.

trigger.io multiple developers best practices

Does anyone have recommendations for how to develop on the trigger.io platform with multiple developers? We have an existing source code repository / code review process / staging process, and would like to share the trigger.io build system in a sane way as we foray into mobile.
In particular, we would like several developers to be able to use the build system, with the extra modules enabled when we paid for the service.
There doesn't appear to much documentation or support for this within this trigger.io system...
Support for working in teams is actually a feature we have released recently. We just wrote a blog post that should be enough for you to get started with it: http://trigger.io/cross-platform-application-development-blog/2013/01/15/introducing-projects/
If you have any feedback or run into any issues just ask here or send an email to support#trigger.io.