Microsoft Teams status integration with Genesys Workspace Edition? - plugins

Since there exist plugin for Skype for Business that do much more than that.
How hard would that be to create similar plug-in for MS Team with only functionality would be taking the status from the Genesys and setting it up to the corresponding status in Ms Teams, so if someone is on the call everyone can see it on MS TEAMS and know he's not available.
Would someone with little experience in writing plug-ins could do it and where he could start? Maybe they already working on it? Any ideas?

Microsoft will always focus on customer’s feedback and experience, some new features would be added to the services based on customers' feedback in the future, we also recommend you to raise your UserVoice here:


Tools to create a digital status board

In my company we are using a board to present status of the tickets. Something like kanban board but with more columns. So a chit is a ticket that you put on the table, that is drawn on the board. Columns (sometimes split into rows rows) represent status (development, in testing, etc.). Problem is that this is all manual. I am looking for software to help me setup digital one. I would need:
possibility to integrate with jira (board <-> jira)
fully customizable (look of sinlgle ticket, table setup)
drag and drop option
possible free
I am not afraid to write it from scratch (in java) but if there is something that can help me I am open to suggestions.
You can try SwiftKanban - it integrates with JIRA and has all of the capabilities you are looking for. There is a free version - but for the JIRA integration option, you do need to pay for it.
Your other option might be to try Trello - which is now acquired by Atlassian, the maker of JIRA - and may be integrated with it.
Disclaimer: I work for the company that has developed SwiftKanban.
There are many tools you can pick up from.
As being part of Kanbanzie, I can definitely suggest it. It is integrated with JIRA, drag and drop function is available and you have 30-day free trial. You can also use a portfolio Kanban approach in order to manage multiple project.
I think Workfront and Asana are good options as well.
Good luck.

Is TFS services free forever?

I have seen at Team Foundation Service free package for 5 users.
Is this free forever or for limited period of time? I mean is this for trial period?
I assume you're referring to the pricing information on the site? That's not a trial pricing model they're referring to. That's the arrangement that will be in place once they start charging.
I can't speak for what Microsoft will do with their pricing plans in the future but I'd be very surprised if they took away free features. If anything I'd expect it to move the other way based on competitive pressures.
The latest pricing structure has been posted since this service has been officially launched. Check out their Visual Studio Online pricing page.
As Dave Chen said, Microsoft has made no promises as to what their pricing will be forever. At this point in time, the Visual Studio Online Basic remains free for up to five users. The tiers above Basic do not receive the free five user allotment. Also, at this point in time, MSDN subscribers can join any Visual Studio Online project for free and do not count against the five free users.
All of this is subject to change.
Microsoft have not announced the pricing model for Team Foundation Service yet.
Brian Harry's blog will probably see the announcment first.
Here is his last comment on the matter.

How to save Lync conversation history when Corp has blocked this feature?

I am using Lync 2010 (4.0.7577.4356), which we use on my small development team for IM'ing. Lots of technical Q&A are handled through this program and lots of other items that need to be documented. Unfortunately, our parent company has a policy that turns off "Converation History", so once the window is closed, it's gone.
I've done a fair bit of research and I haven't found a way to save this data since the settings have been made at our parent Corporation's level (through Active Directory, or whatever). This is information that we need and even my boss has tried finding a way to save this information (everything short of copy-pasting everything before closing the window or computer).
How can I accomplish this task? Are there any programs out there (freeware or otherwise) that can save these conversations? Does anyone know of a way that I can hook up Lync (the instant messaging module) to another instant messenger (GTalk, Jabber, ICQ, Yahoo, or whatever) -- then record each message from there? I'm a software developer, so if anyone knows of a means of communicating with Lync, and is able to access the messages, that would help too!
Anything at this point would help... thanks in advance!!!
Try this I've used the Tom Morgans answer and created own local lync (Skype for Business) conversation history tracker.
You can build it from source or just unpack and run latest release here:
There's a client-side Lync SDK, which is pretty easy to use if you're already a .NET developer.
It's easier to do something like this and have it running on every member of your small dev team's machine alongside Lync - easier than trying to re-invent a central conversation store.
I recently blogged about recording the length and status of Conversations, and also about identifying different sorts of Call within the Conversation (you'd be looking for Instant Message Call type).
After that, you'd need to subscribe to the Flow and catch every message to and fro, and log them to a database or whatever. There's a really good book which could help you with this: Unified Communications with Microsoft Lync. If you're serious about doing Lync development, this is definitely the book for you!
With Lync 2013, CTRL+S will save the current tab to your Outlook/Exchange Conversation History folder. I'm not certain if this works with 2010.
You may try this:
This tool saves the conversations in text files, using a file naming convention that makes it easy to identify the time and participants.

Any free online issue/feature tracking software for small scale independent dev?

I'm going to be creating a few small mobile applications and have managed to find a great online Git repo hosting services that is free. It even comes with online issue tracking software but appears to be mainly geared towards the development team. I was hoping it would also have an interface for end-users to log issues/features and allow them to vote on what they wanted but it does not have this. It does expose an RESTful API but I didn't want to go down that path and wanted something ready to go (once configured).
I don't think I need it to be integrated with the Git repo so having something that is purely standalone would be great but I would definitely want something that is online as I don't want to install software on my local PC.
In summary, my requirements are:
Free or very cheap
Simple end-user interface to allow users
to submit issues/features
Allow end-users to vote on their own or other users issues/features
Visible status of issues/features (i.e. whether they are pending, in progress, rejected, fixed etc)
A more advanced management system for me as a developer to manage the
Some basic reports/charts/graphing would be great
Email/RSS notification of new issues/suggestions would be great too
Something that is ready to go after some configuration/settings.
Can anyone recommend something that would be suitable for this?
I based my question on a website I saw a while back but couldn't find it. Anyway, I've now found it again (it's called It's not really issue tracking but more of a way of letting end-users report features and allow them to vote on them. The important thing is that it is a very user friendly interface which is perfect for end-users. Obviously, I would then need to maintain issues/features in my own system (e.g. Mantis) and then manually sync features requested in uservoice to Mantis but that shouldn't be a big issue. Anyway, this perfectly meets my needs for my low volume applications at the moment.

intranet portal for the project

I would like to setup a portal for my development team to share the ideas, reports, documents, images, etc. Something similar to MS SharePoint but free/open source.
Can you please share what do you guys use for the same?
Check out DotNetNuke
Trac and MediaWiki would be my top two picks, depending on whether or not you wanted ticketing integrated. Don't forget, also, that MediaWiki has a robust plugin ecosystem, so anything you wanted to add above and beyond wiki and discussion functionality might well be available.
Redmine is another good pick - I don't love it quite as well as Trac, but it's much easier to set up on the shared host where I keep my project management tools.
Try Alfresco