Get keys from a Mifare Mini 0.3K - mifare

I am playing around with a Mifare MINI 0.3K tag and a PN532 module connected with an FTDI cable via UART to Ubuntu.
I successfully managed to get the PN532 working with libnfc and mfoc/mfcuk.
But I am having issues with this Mifare MINI 0.3K Tag:
Found Mifare Classic Mini tag
ISO/IEC 14443A (106 kbps) target:
ATQA (SENS_RES): 00 04
* UID size: single
* bit frame anticollision supported
UID (NFCID1): ee 6a 7e 50
* Not compliant with ISO/IEC 14443-4
* Not compliant with ISO/IEC 18092
Fingerprinting based on MIFARE type Identification Procedure:
* MIFARE Mini 0.3K
* SmartMX with MIFARE 1K emulation
Using mfoc (knowing that the card has at least one known default key):
Try to authenticate to all sectors with default keys...
Symbols: '.' no key found, '/' A key found, '\' B key found, 'x' both keys found
[Key: ffffffffffff] -> [.....]
[Key: a0a1a2a3a4a5] -> [/////]
[Key: d3f7d3f7d3f7] -> [/////]
[Key: 000000000000] -> [/////]
[Key: b0b1b2b3b4b5] -> [x////]
[Key: 4d3a99c351dd] -> [x////]
[Key: 1a982c7e459a] -> [x////]
[Key: aabbccddeeff] -> [x////]
[Key: 714c5c886e97] -> [x////]
[Key: 587ee5f9350f] -> [x////]
[Key: a0478cc39091] -> [x////]
[Key: 533cb6c723f6] -> [x////]
[Key: 8fd0a4f256e9] -> [x////]
Sector 00 - Found Key A: a0a1a2a3a4a5 Found Key B: b0b1b2b3b4b5
Sector 01 - Found Key A: a0a1a2a3a4a5 Unknown Key B
Sector 02 - Found Key A: a0a1a2a3a4a5 Unknown Key B
Sector 03 - Found Key A: a0a1a2a3a4a5 Unknown Key B
Sector 04 - Found Key A: a0a1a2a3a4a5 Unknown Key B
Using sector 00 as an exploit sector
Card is not vulnerable to nested attack
Using mfcuk -C -R -1:z -v 3:
mfcuk - 0.3.8
Mifare Classic DarkSide Key Recovery Tool - 0.3
by Andrei Costin,,
INFO: Connected to NFC reader: pn532_uart:/dev/ttyUSB0
Key A sectors: 0
I would like to know how I may proceed.

same problem
git clone
autoreconf -vis
make && sudo make install
mfcuk --help


How swift know value of memory is address or actual value that I assigned

struct ValueType {
var member: Int
class ReferenceType {
var member: Int
init(member: Int) {
self.member = member
var valueTypeObject = ValueType(member: 3)
var referenceTypeObject = ReferenceType(member: 4)
withUnsafePointer(to: &referenceTypeObject) {
print("referenceTypeObject address: \($0)")
withUnsafePointer(to: &valueTypeObject) {
print("valueTypeObject address: \($0)")
When executing the above code, the address of each object appears like this.
valueTypeObject address: 0x0000000100008218
referenceTypeObject address: 0x0000000100008220
First, if I view memory of valueTypeObject address (0x0000000100008218), I can check the 03 value within 64 bits that I actually allocated (03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. Maybe data is stored as little endian.)
Next, if I view memory of referenceTypeObject address (0x0000000100008220), I can check 0x000000010172f8b0 is stored in 64bit. (I don't know why right side of ..r..... is also highlighted, and what it is 🤔)
I know that the referenceTypeObject is reference type, so the actual value is in the heap area. So I can guess 0x000000010172f8b0 is an address that stores the actual value that I assigned (in this case, 4.)
But how does Swift know that this is the address that points to heap area instead of 0x000000010172f8b0 value that can be assied by me?
In addition, if I view memory of address 0x000000010172f8b0 where the actual value is stored, there are some 32 bytes values in front of the value that I allocated (in this case, 4). What are those?

How to setup I2C on NodeMCU?

I'm trying to get a LIDAR-Sensor (VL53L1X) working. I connected the Clk-Pin and the SDA-Pin to my Arduino. Then I run the example script (this one). This worked perfectly fine. Then I tried this on my NodeMCU. I connected D1 with CLK and D2 with SDA. I added the Pins in the Wire.begin() line:
Wire.begin(D2, D1);
Now I got this error message:
19:36:40.889 -> load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
19:36:40.889 -> tail 8
19:36:40.889 -> chksum 0x2d
19:36:40.889 -> csum 0x2d
19:36:40.889 -> v8b899c12
19:36:40.889 -> ~ld
19:36:40.957 -> Failed to detect and initialize sensor!
What I'm doing wrong?
I found out that my NodeMCU was broken

How to get the exact, full version number of Perl that's installed?

I know I've got Perl installed. But can I determine that programmatically?
$] only gives the revision, version and sub-version, i.e. 5.020001 for me, meaning 5.20.1.
The Config module (documented here) doesn't seem to give anything deeper than that. For me:
perl -MConfig -e 'foreach (sort keys %Config) { print "$_ -> $Config{$_}\n" if /version|revision/io; }'
Revision -> $Revision
api_revision -> 5
api_subversion -> 0
api_version -> 20
api_versionstring -> 5.20.0
ccversion ->
d_inc_version_list ->
d_libm_lib_version ->
db_version_major -> 0
db_version_minor -> 0
db_version_patch -> 0
gccversion -> 4.8.3
gnulibc_version ->
ignore_versioned_solibs ->
inc_version_list ->
inc_version_list_init -> 0
revision -> 5
subversion -> 1
version -> 5.20.1
version_patchlevel_string -> version 20 subversion 1
versiononly ->
I don't think there's anything in there that gives any more information, but it probably doesn't help that in my case the sub-version number is the same as the sub-sub-version number!
Is there anywhere else I can look? Or have I perhaps missed something in %Config?
Official Perl releases only have three parts. "5" is the language, "20" is the major version and "1" is the minor version. Anything more than that was added by someone else (at a guess, whoever packaged the Perl you're using), so you probably will not find it from inside Perl.

program giving different output than what i expected

nt main()
cout << ('a'^'b');
when i wrote this simple code(in C++) program giving the "3" output. but it must be "1".
do you know why? is there problem with the xor operator??
There is no problem with XOR and the result of 3 is correct.
'a' XOR 'b'
-> 0x61 XOR 0x62 (hex, per ASCII)
-> 01100001 XOR 01100010 (binary)
-> 00000011 (only these bits differ)
-> 3 (decimal)
Consider the following, which is 1 - why?
'`' ^ 'a'

having trouble returning a best possible interface from a set of routing entries

so i am trying to return a best possible matching interface from routing entries. However, it is not exactly working the way i want it to. I got 5 out 6 values returned the way should be but I am pretty sure I have a million entries in a routing table my algorithm would not work.
I am using Binary Search to solve this problem. But, for example, the interface that i want to return has a ipaddress which is smaller than the ipaddress i am passing as an argument, then the binary search algorithm does not work. the structure looks like this:
struct routeEntry_t
uint32_t ipAddr;
uint32_t netMask;
int interface;
routeEntry_t routing_table[100000];
let's say the routing table looks like this:
{ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 1 }, // [0]
{ 0x0A000000, 0xFF000000, 2 }, // [1]
{ 0x0A010000, 0xFFFF0000, 10 }, // [2]
{ 0x0D010100, 0xFFFFFF00, 4 }, // [3]
{ 0x0B100000, 0xFFFF0000, 3 }, // [4]
{ 0x0A010101, 0xFFFFFFFF, 5 }, // [5]
Example input/output:
Regular search
Input: 0x0D010101 Output: 4 (entry [3])
Input: 0x0B100505 Output: 3 (entry [4])
To find an arbitrary address, it should go to the default interface.
Input: 0x0F0F0F0F Output: 1 (entry [0])
To find an address that matches multiple entries, take the best-match.
Input: 0x0A010200 Output: 10 (entry [2])
Input: 0x0A050001 Output: 2 (entry [1])
Input: 0x0A010101 Output: 5 (entry [5])
But my output looks like 2, 3, 1, 10, 1, 5. I don't understand where I am messing things up. Could you please explain where I am doing wrong? any help would be great. Thanks in advance. However this is what my algorithm looks like (assuming the entries are sorted):
int interface(uint32_t ipAddr)
int start = 0;
int end = SIZE-1;
int mid = 0;
vector<int> matched_entries;
vector<int>::iterator it;
it = matched_entries.begin();
if (start > end)
return -1;
while (start <= end)
mid = start + ((end-start)/2);
if (routing_table[mid].ipAddr == ipAddr)
return routing_table[mid].interface;
else if (routing_table[mid].ipAddr > ipAddr)
uint32_t result = routing_table[mid].netMask & ipAddr;
if (result == routing_table[mid].ipAddr)
end = mid-1;
uint32_t result = routing_table[mid].netMask & ipAddr;
if (result == routing_table[mid].ipAddr)
start = mid+1;
int matched_ip = matched_entries.back();
if (routing_table[matched_ip].netMask & ipAddr)
return routing_table[matched_ip].interface;
return routing_table[0].interface;
The "right" interface is the entry with the most specific netmask whose IP address is on the same subnet as your input.
Let's look at what netmasks are, and how they work, in more detail.
Although netmasks are usually written in dotted-decimal or hex notation, the binary representation of an IPv4 netmask is always 32 bits; that is, it's exactly the same length as an IP address. The netmask always starts with zero or more 1 bits and is padded with 0 bits to complete its 32-bit length. When a netmask is applied to an IP address, they're "lined up" bit by bit. The bits in the IP address that correspond to the 1 bits in the netmask determine the network number of the IP address; those corresponding to the 0 bits in the netmask determine the device number.
Netmasks are used to divide an address space into smaller subnets. Devices on the same subnet can communicate with each other directly using the TCP/IP protocol stack. Devices on different subnets must use one or more routers to forward data between them. Because they isolate subnets from each other, netmasks are a natural way to create logical groupings of devices. For example, each location or department within a company may have its own subnet, or each type of device (printers, PCs, etc.) may have its own subnet.
Example netmasks: → FF FF FF 10 → 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1000 0000
This netmask specifies that the first 25 bits of an IP address determine the network number; the final 7 bits determine the device number. This means there can be 225 different subnets, each with 27 = 128 devices.* → FF FF FF 00 → 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000
This netmask specifies an address space with 224 subnets, each with 28 = 256 individual addresses. This is a very common configuration—so common that it's known simply as a "Class C" network. → FF FF FC 00 → 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000
This netmask specifies 222 subnets, each with 210 = 1024 addresses. It might be used inside a large corporation, where each department has several hundred devices that should be logically grouped together.
An invalid netmask (note the internal zeroes): → FF 80 FF 00 → 1111 1111 1000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000
Here are a few examples that show how a netmask determines the network number and the device number of an IP address.
IP Address: → C0 A8 00 01
Netmask: → FF FF FF 00
This device is on the subnet It can communicate directly with other devices whose IP addresses are of the form 192.168.0.x
IP Address: → C0 A8 00 01
IP Address: → C0 A8 00 82
Netmask: → FF FF FF 80
These two devices are on different subnets and cannot communicate with each other without a router.
IP Address: → 0A 0A C3 1B
Netmask: → FF FF 00 00
This is an address on a "Class B" network that can communicate with the 216 addresses on the network.
You can see that the more 1 bits at the beginning of a netmask, the more specific it is. That is, more 1 bits create a "smaller" subnet that consists of fewer devices.
Putting it all together
A routing table, like yours, contains triplets of netmasks, IP addresses, and interfaces. (It may also contain a "cost' metric, which indicates which of several interfaces is the "cheapest" to use, if they are both capable of routing data to a particular destination. For example, one may use an expensive dedicated line.)
In order to route a packet, the router finds the interface with the most specific match for the packet's destination. An entry with an address addr and a netmask mask matches a destination IP address dest if (addr & netmask) == (dest & netmask), where & indicates a bitwise AND operation. In English, we want the smallest subnet that is common to both addresses.
Why? Suppose you and a colleague are in a hotel that's part of a huge chain with both a corporate wired network and a wireless network. You've also connected to your company's VPN. Your routing table might look something like this:
Destination Netmask Interface Notes
----------- -------- --------- -----
Company email FFFFFF00 VPN Route ALL company traffic thru VPN
Wired network FFFF0000 Wired Traffic to other hotel addresses worldwide
Default 00000000 Wireless All other traffic
The most specific rule will route your company email safely through the VPN, even if the address happens to match the wired network also. All traffic to other addresses within the hotel chain will be routed through the wired network. And everything else will be sent through the wireless network.
* Actually, in every subnet, 2 of the addresses—the highest and the lowest—are reserved. The all-ones address is the broadcast address: this address sends data to every device on the subnet. And the all-zeroes address is used by a device to refer to itself when it doesn't yet have it's own IP address. I've ignored those for simplicity.
So the algorithm would be something like this:
Sort routing table by netmask from most-specific to least specific.
Within each netmask, sort by IP address.
foreach netmask {
Search IP addresses for (input & netmask) == (IP address & netmask)
Return corresponding interface if found
Return default interface
Ok so I this is what my structure and algorithm looks like now. It works and gives me the results that I want, however I still don't know how to sort ip addresses within netmasks. I used STL sort to sort the netmasks.
struct routeEntry_t
uint32_t ipAddr;
uint32_t netMask;
int interface;
bool operator<(const routeEntry_t& lhs) const
return lhs.netMask < netMask;
const int SIZE = 6;
routeEntry_t routing_table[SIZE];
void sorting()
//using STL sort from lib: algorithm
sort(routing_table, routing_table+SIZE);
int interface(uint32_t ipAddr)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
if ((routing_table[i].ipAddr & routing_table[i].netMask) == (ipAddr & routing_table[i].netMask))
return routing_table[i].interface;
return routing_table[SIZE-1].interface;