program giving different output than what i expected - operator-keyword

nt main()
cout << ('a'^'b');
when i wrote this simple code(in C++) program giving the "3" output. but it must be "1".
do you know why? is there problem with the xor operator??

There is no problem with XOR and the result of 3 is correct.
'a' XOR 'b'
-> 0x61 XOR 0x62 (hex, per ASCII)
-> 01100001 XOR 01100010 (binary)
-> 00000011 (only these bits differ)
-> 3 (decimal)
Consider the following, which is 1 - why?
'`' ^ 'a'


8085 program to add two 8-bit numbers in 8085 simulator

I am trying to add two 8 bit number and wrote the following code:
MVI D 08h
MVI B 03h
MVI C 00h
But I got incorrect output.
Well assuming my assumption is correct that you are storing answer in C,
then just do a small change on 7th line:
MVI D 08h
MVI B 03h
MVI C 00h
It should work now.

How to convert binary to hex in Batch or Powershell?

I wondering if there is a way to convert binary to hexadecimal, in Batch or Powershell language.
Exemple :
10000100 to 84
01010101 to 55
101111111111 to BFF
In a simple way, I’m not very good in Batch or Powershell.
I will appreciate any kind of information
Converting a binary string to an integer is pretty straightforward:
$number = [Convert]::ToInt32('10000100', 2)
Now we just need to convert it to hexadecimal:
'{0:X}' -f $number
(pure batch)
CALL :CONVERT 10000100
CALL :CONVERT 101111111111
CALL :CONVERT 1111111111
:: Convert %1 to hex
SET "data=%1"
SET "result="
:: If there are no characters left in `data` we are finished
IF NOT DEFINED data ECHO %1 ----^> %result%&GOTO :EOF
:: Get the last 4 characters of `data` and prefix with "000"
:: This way, if there are only say 2 characters left (xx), the result will be
:: 000xx. we then use the last 4 characters only
SET "hex4=000%data:~-4%"
SET "hex4=%hex4:~-4%"
:: remove last 4 characters from `data`
SET "data=%data:~0,-4%"
:: now convert to hex
FOR %%a IN (0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111
8 1000 9 1001 A 1010 B 1011 C 1010 D 1101 E 1110 F 1111
) DO IF "%%a"=="%hex4%" (GOTO found) ELSE (SET "hex4=%%a")
SET "result=%hex4%%result%"
GOTO cvtlp
This solution uses a parsing trick in the for %%a loop. The original value of hex4 is compared in the if and where the if fails, the value tested is assigned to hex4 so that when a match is found, the previous value tested remains in hex4.

Remove leading zeroes binary

I want to basically remove my leading zeroes. When I print out a number for example 17 is 00000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00001 0001 but to do remove those leading zeroes. Because in sparc machine that is what is printed out and I need to do this using some sort of loop or logic or shift function.
this is my psuedocode for printing the binary
store input, %l1 ! store my decimal number in l1
move 1,%l2 !move 1 into l2 register
shift logical left l2,31,l2 !shift my mask 1 31 times to the left
and l2,l1,l3 ! do and logic between l1 and l2 and put this in l3
compare l3,0 compare l3 zero
bne print 1 !branch not equal to zero, to print 1
if equal to 0
print zero
print 1:
print a 1
go: increment counter
compare counter 32
if counter less than 32 return to loop
shift l2 to the right to continue comparison
so this is what is being done say my input is l1 is 17
00000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00001 0001
10000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000 0000 and my mask 1 shift left 31 times
this pseucode print out my input decimal into binary. But how can I make it remove leading zeroes?
because in the sparc 17 input inside the machine is
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 00001
You create the labels, like go and print 1 (more commonly done in all caps and without spaces, FYI). So, starting with bne you should always be printing 1, or falling through to see if it needs to print the 0:
! same initialization
mov 0, l4 ! Initialize a flag to avoid printing
and l2, l1, l3 ! do and logic between l1 and l2 and put this in l3
cmp l3, 0 ! Is this a 0 digit?
bne ALWAYS_PRINT ! If it's not 0, then it must be 1 (was "bne print 1")
cmp l4, 1 ! Should we be printing the 0?
be PRINT_VALUE ! Yes, we need to print the 0 because we have seen a 1
ba INCREMENT ! We should not be printing the 0, so check the next
! digit (ba is "branch always")
mov 1, %l4 ! Note that we want to always print for the
! rest of the loop
PRINT_VALUE: ! Do whatever you're doing to print values
print value in l3 ! Always print the value
INCREMENT: ! Formerly your "go:" label
! same logic
cmp l4, 0 ! If the flag was never set, then the value is 0
! Alternatively, you could just compare the value to 0
! and skip the loop entirely, only printing 0 (faster)
bne DO_NOT_PRINT ! If it was set (1), then do nothing
print zero ! If it wasn't set, then print the 0
To walk through it a little, you need to continue to initialize your values and shift the bits to figure out what the current digit is for each iteration. Since you will need another flag, then you need to use another register that is initialized to an expected value (I chose 0, which commonly represents false).
Get current digit into l3 (0 or 1)
See if it is 0
If it's not 0, then it must be 1. So go remember that we found a 1, for later, then print the value and increment/loop.
If it's 0, then see if we have found a 1 before. If so, then print the value and increment/loop. If not, then increment/loop.
For actually printing, I have no idea what you are actually doing. However, you can avoid a second comparison by using the labels. For example, ALWAYS_PRINT will always be used when the value is 1, so you can just set the flag and immediately print 1, then jump to INCREMENT. If you did that, then PRINT_VALUE would only be used to print 0, which could then fall through to INCREMENT.
From a high level language's perspective, you want:
int l2 = // value...
bool seenOneAlready = false;
if (l2 != 0)
// MSB first
for (int i = 31; i > -1; --i)
int l3 = (l2 >> i) & 1;
if (l3 == 1)
seenOneAlready = true;
else if (seenOneAlready)

Erlang identify umlauts

How can I identify german umlauts in Erlang? I tried for days now, when I read a text as list it just doesn't get them. I tried this for example
change_umlaut(Word) -> change_umlaut(lists:reverse(Word), []).
change_umlaut([],Acc) -> Acc;
change_umlaut([H|T],Acc) ->
%extended ascii characters
H =:= 129 -> change_umlaut(T, ["ue"|Acc]);
H =:= 132 -> change_umlaut(T, ["ae"|Acc]);
H =:= 148 -> change_umlaut(T, ["oe"|Acc]);
%extended ascii characters
H == 129 -> change_umlaut(T, ["ue"|Acc]);
H == 132 -> change_umlaut(T, ["ae"|Acc]);
H == 148 -> change_umlaut(T, ["oe"|Acc]);
H == "ü" -> change_umlaut(T, ["ue"|Acc]);
H == "ä" -> change_umlaut(T, ["ae"|Acc]);
H == "ö" -> change_umlaut(T, ["oe"|Acc]);
true -> change_umlaut(T, [H|Acc])
it just passes all the arguments without matching until true...
Thank you for your help.
In Erlang, strings usually contain Latin-1 or Unicode codepoints, so you should be looking for 228 for "ä", 246 for "ö" and 252 for "ü".
Your literals section should have made this work transparently, except for the fact that H is a single character, and you're comparing it to strings ("ü", "ä" and "ö"). The corresponding character literals are $ü, $ä and $ö - make sure that your source file is saved as Latin-1 for this to work.

Need help identifying and computing a number representation

I need help identifying the following number format.
For example, the following number format in MIB:
0x94 0x78 = 2680
0x94 0x78 in binary: [1001 0100] [0111 1000]
It seems that if the MSB is 1, it means another character follows it. And if it is 0, it is the end of the number.
So the value 2680 is [001 0100] [111 1000], formatted properly is [0000 1010] [0111 1000]
What is this number format called and what's a good way for computing this besides bit manipulation and shifting to a larger unsigned integer?
I have seen this called either 7bhm (7-bit has-more) or VLQ (variable length quantity); see
This is stored big-endian (most significant byte first), as opposed to the C# BinaryReader.Read7BitEncodedInt method described at Encoding an integer in 7-bit format of C# BinaryReader.ReadString
I am not aware of any method of decoding other than bit manipulation.
Sample PHP code can be found at
or in Python I would do something like
def encode_7bhm(i):
o = [ chr(i & 0x7f) ]
i /= 128
while i > 0:
o.insert(0, chr(0x80 | (i & 0x7f)))
i /= 128
return ''.join(o)
def decode_7bhm(s):
o = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
v = ord(s[i])
o = 128*o + (v & 0x7f)
if v & 0x80 == 0:
# found end of encoded value
# out of string, and end not found - error!
raise TypeError
return o