How to allow VS Code to take input from users? - visual-studio-code

I have installed Visual Studio Code 1.23.1 and added extensions - Python, Code Runner.
With Code Runner, now I can see the Run Code symbol (triangle) and on highlighting it, I see the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + N. But when I try to use it to run the code that asks for user input, I can't find a way to provide the input. When I try to enter user input, I get error message "Cannot edit in read-only editor". I think this is because I am missing some configuration part for Code Runner like setting up PATH or some other Workspace settings.
Question: Please assist me in identifying what all configuration will I need to do and how?
I did select "Add Python 3.6 to PATH" while installing Python. I have attached screenshots for reference:
Note: Even now when I right click and select "Run Python File in Terminal" for the same program, I can enter user input fine and get the expected output.

Here's another alternative answer, I think more accurate.
Add following settings to your vscode user settings file:
"code-runner.executorMap": {
"python": "$pythonPath -u $fullFileName",
Check out this reference for some useful variables:
Variables Reference

You can provide input by telling code runner to use the terminal. To do this, there is a setting called code-runner.runInTerminal, set to false by default, that you can set to true.
There is one more thing that you should watch out for if you are using a windows command line for the terminal like CMD or PowerShell. If your project directory has spaces in it (e.g. C:\Example Test) you will get an error. To fix this, you need to add escaped quotation marks (\") around the directory path variables (normally $dir or $workspaceRoot) found under the setting code-runner.executorMap and code-runner.executorMapByFileExtension in the user settings.

The main problem here is that the output window that the code runner extension uses by default is read only. If you use the terminal instead, your program will be able to accept input as normal.
You can configure Code Runner to use the integrated terminal instead of the output window by setting the code-runner.runInTerminal setting to true (the default is false). In the settings.json file it should look like: "code-runner.runInTerminal": true
If you want to use the GUI instead the setting should look like this once set to true.
If you are using a virtual environment instead of the system python install, you will also need to configure a second setting for it to work properly with installed modules.
The code-runner.executorMap setting will configure what code runner actually does once you press run or use the Ctrl + Alt + N shortcut. By default it seems to simply invoke the python interpreter added to the PATH.
If you change the setting in the settings.json file to:
"code-runner.executorMap": {
"python": "$pythonPath -u $fullFileName"
then Code Runner will use whatever value is in the pythonPath variable instead. You can set this using the Python: Select Interpreter command from the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P). This way you can select the interpreter in your virtual environment and use that instead of the one attached to the PATH by default.
The two settings above should allow you to A) Enter input inside of the integrated terminal and B) Select which python interpreter code-runner should execute easily using existing commands.


In VS Code, how can I get the path to the currently selected Python?

I want to specify the Python path in tasks.json without an explicit full path. I used to do this using python.pythonPath, but that setting is now deprecated. What is the alternative way to retrieve the currently selected Python path? Are there any other VS Code environment variables?
For the current python path, you need to select an interpreter and the currently used one is shown as a relative path in the box.
In tasks, have args called options so you can define env and PYTHONPATH there
You can find more details about tasks from the Tasks in Visual Studio Code documentation.
If you have the Python VSCode extension installed, and an interpreter is selected, then you can get the path to that interpreter in tasks.json using ${command:python.interpreterPath}.
You can open VS Code command selector with ctrl + shift + p and type "Python: Select Interpreter" to open a dropdown menu of all available interpreters. Doing this should create the appropriate entry to settings.json (which was python.pythonPath for me with version Python plugin version v2021.8.1159798656)
You can also change the interpreter from the bottom toolbar.

VS Code - can I disable the 'No Python interpreter' warning?

I use VS Code for multiple languages and don't always need an interpreter. I also use multiple Python versions, usually managed via Pipenv. I find the constant nagging to select an interpreter really annoying; can I disable it?
After all, I'll soon quickly find out I don't have one selected when I try and run the code.
Yes. You can go into settings, extensions, Python ( which is generating the popup) , and there you can check the box next to "Python: Disable Installation Check"
Is you open the settings.json file instead, you are going to add/check the setting to this.
"python.disableInstallationCheck": true
For reference, I'm on VS Code for Mac v1.6, Python extension is v2021.12.1559732655.

Need help assigning global settings for Rstudio's pandoc in VSCode to knit pdf_document in a .rmd output format

So I am migrating from RStudio to Visual Studio Code for my future R projects. I have successfully gotten my github aspect all setup and I am trying to write my code in (.rmd) format so that I can knit it to pdf, html and flex_dashboard outputs. When I have tried to knit the it, I get the following error:
Error: pandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (see the help page ?rmarkdown::pandoc_available).>
I found the following solution that once run in the terminal, allows it to knit into a pdf_document successfully.
Code: Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC="--- insert directory here ---")
Reference: pandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (R shiny)
This is great, but everytime I restart VSCode, this setting appears to be reset and I have to run it again. Is there away to set this globally so that I don't have to run it every time I use it? Or is there a better way to do this?
I had a similar problem before in VScode to render R markdown. Now, I found the solutions to it.
Following the steps below to properly set up the pandoc:
Step 1:
Go to your R Studio and go the console, type the following:
If you are using MacOS, you will get the path for "pandoc": "/Applications/"
If you are using Windows, you probably will get the path like:
"/c/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/" as mentioned in pandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (R shiny)
Step 2:
Paste the path of "pandoc" and put it into your bash or zsh (depends on what command shell that you are using).
On MacOS, I'm using zsh. Therefore, I add the following path into ~/.zshrc:
export RSTUDIO_PANDOC="/Applications/"
As for how to edit ~/.zshrc, one way to do this is presented as follows:
step 2.1
nano ~/.zshrc
It will open your .zshrc file and navigate to the bottom of this file, paste the
export RSTUDIO_PANDOC="/Applications/". Then, control + X to exit. It will ask about "Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ?", then type Y and type return bottom.
step 2.2
source ~/.zshrc
Now, it should work fine in VScode. By checking if it works, you could open your console by typing R to invoke the R environment and type Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC"). If it returns the path of the "pandoc", it would work fine in VScode as well.
"terminal.integrated.env.osx": {
into settings.json worked for me.
Adding to .zshrc didn't work at all since the System environment wasn't being passed on to the integrated terminal.

Set global $PATH environment variable in VS Code

I'm defining a custom $PATH environment variable in my ~/.bash_profile (on a Mac), like so:
However, VS Code of course does not run my .bash_profile, so it does not have my custom paths. In fact, if I Toggle Developer Tools and check process.env.PATH, it doesn't even seem to have /usr/local/bin.
How do I globally set the $PATH environment variable in VS Code?
(I want to set it globally, not per project or per task, since I'm maintaining a lot of small packages.)
If you only need the $PATH to be set in the integrated terminal, you can use VS Code's terminal.integrated.env.<platform> variable (added in version 1.15). Press Cmd+Shift+P (or Ctrl+Shift+P) and search for "Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)". Then add the following entry to the settings file:
"terminal.integrated.env.osx": {
"PATH": "...:/usr/bin:/bin:..."
(Replace .osx with .linux or .windows as needed.)
To see your system's $PATH, type echo "$PATH" in, and copy and paste it into the settings snippet above.
As for having the $PATH available everwhere in VS Code, so that it will
be used by extensions that call binaries, the only workaround I've found so far is this:
Configure your shell (bash by default) to have the $PATH you want. For example, my ~/.bash_profile has the following line:
In VS Code, press ⇧⌘P and type install 'code' command if you haven't done so before.
Quit VS Code.
Launch VS Code not by clicking the icon in the dock or in Launchpad, but by opening and typing code. Your newly set path will be active in VS Code until you quit it.
If VS Code restarts, for example due to an upgrade, the $PATH will reset to the system default. In that case, quit VS Code and re-launch it by typing code.
Update: VS Code on Mac and Linux now apparently tries to automatically resolve the shell environment when it is started by clicking the icon (rather than via code). It does this by temporarily starting a shell and reading the environment variables. I haven't tested this though.
> Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)
add to the JSON file:
"": {
"PATH": "${env:PATH}"
-> terminal.integrated.env should end with .osx, .linux or .windows depending on your OS.
In order to check if it works execute in your VS Code Terminal:
# For PowerShell
echo $env:PATH
# For bash
echo "$PATH"
I am using vscode on macos for C/C++ development in conjunction with CMake.
The vscode extension CMake Tools allows to manipulate environment variables via the configuration properties cmake.configureEnvironment, cmake.buildEnvironment and cmake.environment (acting respectively on the CMake configuration phase, the build phase and both - see docs).
Then you can extend your system PATH with custom paths by adding the following snippet to your user or project settings.json:
"cmake.environment": {
"PATH": "~/.myTool/bin:${env:PATH}"
Visual Studio Code is the problem.
No matter how you set your PATH variable in the shell, there are cases where Visual Studio Code will not inherit your PATH setting. If you're using an application launcher like LaunchBar to start Visual Studio Code, your PATH variable will not be inherited.
Here is a system-wide fix:
In the /etc/paths.d directory, create a file with your Unix username. In that file, place the additional paths that Visual Studio Code needs to work. In my case, this is the contents of my /etc/paths.d file:
Note: Your /etc/paths.d file will be processed system-wide. Since most systems are single-user, this shouldn't be a problem for most developers.
Since this is the top Google search result for variants of "VS Code path", I will add my answer here.
I'm running Linux and my problem was that VS Code couldn't find some executable needed to build my project. I was running VS Code from the quick launcher (ALT+F2), and not from a Terminal. I tried modifying the PATH variable in many different places, but I couldn't seem to get it right.
In the end, placing the right PATH inside of ~/.zshenv is what worked. It's because .zshenv is the only file that gets sourced for non-interactive shell command execution like from inside of VS Code (more detailed explanation here )
This was even easier to fix than the above answers suggested.
Open VSCode Settings (Ctrl + ,) and search for terminal.defaultProfile.
I updated my Terminal > Integrated > Default Profile: Windows.
It was set to null by default. As soon as I changed it to PowerShell and restarted the terminal, it picked up my system's path variables!
What did the trick in my case (Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon, VS code installed via snap) was to put my appended PATH in ~/.profile . Since this file is read at the beginning of a user session, don't forget to logout/login or reboot after editing this file.
I'm working with ubuntu 18.04. I had a similar problem, my enviroment variables were defined and the terminal knows the $PATH but when I tried to debug with golang, go libraries were not found in $PATH variable.
So, to solve it I uninstall the default version from ubuntu software and install manually using the following instructions:
It works for me.
As of VS Code v1.63.2, you can proceed with Ctrl + Shift + P and then type Open Settings (JSON), and simply add the following line.
"terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": true
In my case the code was already there, but set to false. After changing it, everything was fine.
Getting Code to load your existing ~/.bash_profile would be best. I think the docs here are the relevant reference:
Typically $SHELL is your primary shell on Unix-like systems so you
probably won't want to change the shell. You can pass arguments to the
shell when it is launched.
For example, to enable running bash as a login shell (which runs
.bash_profile), pass in the -l argument (with double quotes):
// Linux "terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux": ["-l"]
// OS X "terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx": ["-l"]
Although, it looks like that setting is the default on my current VS Code (OS X) setup. Integrated terminal is running my ~/.bash_profile without any changes to the configuration. Perhaps try adding echo Executing .bash_profile... to test if it's running when a new terminal is opened in Code.
Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile:
launchctl setenv PATH $HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin
Or run a Bash script when needed, e.g.:
set -Eeuxo pipefail
proj_path=$( cd $( dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ) && pwd )
launchctl setenv PATH $proj_path/bin:${PATH:-}
For me it's resolved by editing the .desktop file.
Originally I have
Exec=/usr/bin/code-oss --unity-launch %F
. Just changed to
Exec=zsh -c "source ~/.zshrc && /usr/bin/code-oss --unity-launch %F"
since I use zsh, instead of bash. But if you have the same problem with bash, simply replace zsh with bash. And shortcuts from your desktop environment should be fixed.

Launch mac eclipse with environment variables set

My company provides an eclipse based development environment which needs some environment variables setting up for the underlying toolchain so multiple versions can be installed concurrently and not take over the system.
I want to provide an icon in finder or the dock which sets these then launches eclipse so customers cannot accidentally launch eclipse without the environment being set. This is what I have tried so far:
Setting environment in Info.plist
for eclipse:
This should be a nice way to do it
but I cannot make it add to the
existing path (like export
bash script wrapping eclipse:
I created a bash script called
eclipse.command to set the
environment then launch eclipse.
This opens a terminal window as well
as the eclipse icon and allows
people to "Keep on dock" for the
bare eclipse. I cannot put
eclipse.command on the dock as it is
not an application.
Applescript wrapping eclipse.command:
An Applescript wrapper around
eclipse.command makes it look like
an app and prevents the terminal
window appearing. Unfortunately I
now get a dock icon for the
applescript and one for eclipse so
can still keep the bare eclipse on
the dock.
Any suggestions? Am I going about this in completely the wrong way?
There is an alternate solution which involves replacing the executable that is run by MacOS X when the user launches the Eclipse application with a shell wrapper that sets up the environment.
Create an empty text file called "" in the Eclipse application bundle directory /Applications/eclipse/
Open the in a text editor an enter the following contents:
export ENV_VAR1=value
export ENV_VAR2=value
logger "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse"
exec "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse" $#
In the example ENV_VAR1 and ENV_VAR2 are the environment variables being set up. These variables will be visible to processes launched from within Eclipse. The logger command will just log the path of the eclipse executable to the system.log as a debugging aid.
In the Terminal set the executable flag of the shell script, i.e.:
chmod +x /Applications/eclipse/
Open the Info.plist and change the value for the key CFBundleExecutable from eclipse to
MacOS X does not automatically detect that the's Info.plist has changed. Therefore you need to force update the LaunchService database in the Terminal by using the lsregister command:
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -v -f /Applications/eclipse/
The next time you launch from the Dock or from the Finder the environment variables should be set.
I created the following:
alias start-eclipse='open /Applications/eclipse/'
If you run start-eclipse from the command line, all env vars will be picked up. This way, you only need to maintain a single set of env vars across both command-line and eclipse environments.
Take a look at a related question: Environment variables in Mac OS X.
Basically, this involves the creation of a ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file.
Log out and Log in for the environment.plist to get picked up by .App's
This worked perfectly in OS X Yosemite:
Open /Applications/Automator.
When the drop-down appears asking you what kind of document you want to create, choose "Application."
In the second-from-the-left list, double-click "Run Shell Script."
In the right side delete the "cat" that gets put there automatically, and replace it with this:
source ~/.bash_profile && /Applications/eclipse/
Now go to File->Save, and save the application to your Applications directory. I named it "Eclipse" with a capital 'E' so as not to conflict with the "eclipse" directory I already had. For good measure, you can even give it the Eclipse icon by selecting the real eclipse app, pressing command-i, selecting the icon, pressing command-c, then selecting the automator "Eclipse" app, pressing command-i, selecting the icon, and pressing command-v.
Now you can open the app, or even drag it to your dock. Note that if you start it, the "real" eclipse will still show up in your dock as a separate icon, but you can't have everything. :)
sakra's answer above is awesome, except is doesn't automatically inherit your existing bash environment. To ensure picks up your existing bash environment, modify to use bash instead of sh and add a line to source your existing ~/.bash_profile thus:
source ~/.bash_profile
logger "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse"
exec "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse" $#
None of the above worked for me. you have to set Eclipse -> Preferences -> Terminal -> Arguments set to --login
That will instruct Eclipse to login with your account just after opening Terminal.
See screenshot:
Link to Eclipse doesn't use the path set in .bashrc
Create simple script
source /home/user/.environment_variables
/home/user/eclipse_cpp/eclipse"My Name"
Next put your all system variables in file /home/user/.environment_variables (any file you want)
My looks like:
export COCOS_ROOT=/home/user/Projects/edukoala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/
Now you can delete your variables in .bashrc and put line
source /home/user/.environment_variables
Everything works fine :)
As pointed out in, the environment variables can be loaded automatically, without explicit source ~/.bash_profile by using
#!/usr/bin/env bash -l
instead of
source ~/.bash_profile
after that, in both cases, follows
exec "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse" $#
It works great for me, thanks for all previous work.
After setting env variables in .bash_profile.
Simply open the application through terminal!
open /Application/{path/to/app}.app