VS Code - can I disable the 'No Python interpreter' warning? - visual-studio-code

I use VS Code for multiple languages and don't always need an interpreter. I also use multiple Python versions, usually managed via Pipenv. I find the constant nagging to select an interpreter really annoying; can I disable it?
After all, I'll soon quickly find out I don't have one selected when I try and run the code.

Yes. You can go into settings, extensions, Python ( which is generating the popup) , and there you can check the box next to "Python: Disable Installation Check"
Is you open the settings.json file instead, you are going to add/check the setting to this.
"python.disableInstallationCheck": true
For reference, I'm on VS Code for Mac v1.6, Python extension is v2021.12.1559732655.


How can I create a local configs for Neovim extending the global init.vim?

Suppose that I have a map on my init.vim that I want to change the behaviour depending on the folder that I am. How could you do that?
A more concrete example: I have a map on my F12 that runs the project that I am. So if I am on a python project, this F12 will run an ipython on a floaternew window, with the current file already imported. Though, if I am on a cpp project, the same F12 will build using Make and running the binary on a floaternew window as well.
Nowadays, I have these two behaviours mapped on different key bindings. But It is going to very nice if I have only one binding to "run the project". Even if I need to open neovim with some parameter in each project, like neovim --local-config mylocalconfig.vim (extending init.vim with some behaviour)
I am kind inspired by a behaviour like direnv but with .vim files.
Any ideas?
There is an option in vim set exrc which enables reading vim config files from current directory, it also works in neovim.
From docs (:h exrc)
Enables the reading of .vimrc, .exrc and .gvimrc in the current
directory. If you switch this option on you should also consider
setting the 'secure' option (see |initialization|). Using a local
.exrc, .vimrc or .gvimrc is a potential security leak, use with care!
also see |.vimrc| and |gui-init|.
This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
security reasons.

Code-Runner Extension Refuses to Use the Correct Environment

I'm having a bit of trouble getting code-runner to play nice with my conda environments.
The correct python interpreter is selected.
I've explicitly changed the pythonPath and executorMap objects in the settings.json file to the correct environment.
I've tried reinstalling VSCode, Conda and the Code-Runner extension.
I've run a quick script to check which environment is being used and it confirmed that code-runner insists on using the base environment, rather than the one selected, as shown below.
Just to clarify, the code runs perfectly fine, and shows the correct environment selected when I use Ctrl+F5 instead of code-runner (or when I uninstall code-runner and use the normal run feature), but I'd like for it to work with the extension too.
Please help, thanks in advance!

Pylance does not allow me to navigate to the source code, bringing me to the .pyi stub instead

I am using pylance for vs code and it works really nice, except that since I use it, when I try to check code from an installed library, I can get only to the stub, I think generated by pylance.
For example, the information shown about the function:
Or, crtl + click on the function brings me to the .pyi stub, which at
I can't find a way to navigate to the actual code (of pandas in this case).
If I deactivate Pylance and use Microsoft as language server by setting "python.languageServer": "Microsoft", in setting.json, the navigation to the library works fine.
Is it possible to navigate to the actual code with pylance active?
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
Visual Studio Code: Version: 1.50.1
Pylance: v2020.11.0
I had the same issue and realized I was using Docker. So I set up virtualenv and installed Django using pip.
Then I switched Python interpreter in the bottom-left corner of VS Code and it started working.
I know this is a specific case but I hope this answer helps someone in the same problem.
Let's remove ~/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.vscode-pylance-2020.11.0/dist/bundled/stubs/pandas
Then reload vscode
You can navigate to the references by right-clicking on the symbol and selecting "Go to References".
Also, ensure that you have a Python interpreter configured for the script where pandas is installed.
You can select an interpreter by opening Command Palette from the View menu and typing in "Python: Select Interpreter" and following through the dialog.
When you have that set, you should see two references when you Ctrl + click on a symbol: one for the stub and the other from the library.

How can I get Visual Studio Code to reset the IntelliSense engine for Rust?

I am working on two projects, one is a library, the other is a program that uses that library. When I make changes to the library the other window (the program) doesn't see these changes, so I do not get updated IntelliSense. Closing the program that uses the library and reopening it does force an update but I really prefer not having to go that far.
Answering the title directly and not the root issue...
You can reset IntelliSense and all Rust code features by running the "Rust: Restart the Rust server" command from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Progress will be indicated in the status bar.
Still a blunt tool but it will ensure you're in a fresh state without having to restart VS Code entirely.

Cursor overwrite mode in vscode?

I can't seem to find any way to put the cursor into 'overwrite' mode - as in when you press the insert key and newly typed characters overwrite the existing characters inline. I haven't found any reference anywhere online to the omission or inclusion of such a feature in vscode, but it seems to be a fairly commonly used feature. Does this exist?
I too was missing the overtype mode in Visual Studio Code, so I went ahead and wrote an Overtype extension to add the behavior!
You can install it by opening the command palette and entering:
ext install overtype
Update: As of this writing, VS Code still does not have overtype built in, and the original extension seems to no longer be maintained. There is a more up-to-date fork here.
It seems to be working fine for me both ways I can switch it with shift + i on latest VS Code and macOS system.
For me, I think it's because of an extension called Vim (Vim emulation for Visual Studio Code). I was tired of this problem. Just going through all the extensions and settings, Finally I found this solution. By uninstalling this Vim extension I was free of this error.