Inner join request to get the items available for the user - postgresql

I have four tables:
CREATE TABLE t_users (
user_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
user_email varchar
CREATE TABLE t_items (
item_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
owner_id varchar not null references t_users(user_id),
title varchar
CREATE TABLE t_access_gropes (
access_group_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
user_id varchar not null references t_users(user_id)
CREATE TABLE t_access_sets (
access_set_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
item_id varchar not null references t_items(item_id),
access_group_id varchar not null references t_access_gropes(access_group_id)
With data:
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us123', '');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us456', '');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us789', '');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it123', 'us123', 'title1');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it456', 'us456', 'title2');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it678', 'us789', 'title3');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it323', 'us123', 'title4');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it764', 'us456', 'title5');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it826', 'us789', 'title6');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it568', 'us123', 'title7');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it038', 'us456', 'title8');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it728', 'us789', 'title9');
INSERT INTO t_access_gropes VALUES ('ag123', 'us123');
INSERT INTO t_access_gropes VALUES ('ag456', 'us456');
INSERT INTO t_access_gropes VALUES ('ag789', 'us789');
INSERT INTO t_access_sets VALUES ('as123', 'it123', 'ag123');
INSERT INTO t_access_sets VALUES ('as456', 'it456', 'ag123');
The t_access_gropes forms groups of users.
The t_access_sets forms security kits.
How to make a request to get the all items available for the user. Something like:
select *
from t_items
inner join t_users on t_items.owner_id = t_users.user_id
inner join t_access_gropes on t_users.user_id = t_access_gropes.user_id
inner join t_access_sets on t_items.item_id = t_access_sets.item_id
where t_access_gropes.user_id = 'us123';
Thank you.

select u.user_id,, i.item_id, i.title
from t_users u
join t_items i on i.owner_id = u.user_id
where u.user_id = 'us123'
I believe this is what you want for your exact request!
Otherwise what you wrote is fine however I dont see the relevance in the tables you joined together as you directly connected your users table and items table together, which is why you wouldnt need to join the other two tables (groups & sets). Usually in some cases you find a table of user_items inbetween the users and items table.


How to pull out records based on array of values

Suppose the following structure:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_schema.conversation (
user_ids BIGINT[] NOT NULL
INSERT INTO my_schema.user VALUES
(1, 55555),
(2, 77777);
INSERT INTO my_schema.conversation VALUES
(1, '{1,2}');
I can pull out the my_schema.conversation records if I know the values:
FROM my_schema.conversation
WHERE user_ids #> '{1}'
The above works, but I need to use my_schema.user.tag_id instead of
How can I do this?
You would have to join the two tables on the array values
FROM my_schema.user u
JOIN my_schema.conversation c
ON = any(c.chat_ids)
WHERE u.tag_id=55555;

Postgresql not choosing rows grouping

I have query. There is a construction like this example: (online demo)
You will see the in result created_at field. I have to use query the created_at field. So I have to use it in select created_at. I don't want to use it created_at field in select. Because, there are millions of records in the deposits table. How can i escape this problem?
(Note: I have many table to query, like "deposits" table. this is just a short example.)
create table payment_methods
payment_method_id bigserial not null
constraint payment_methods_pkey
primary key
create table currencies_of_payment_methods
copm_id bigserial not null
constraint currencies_of_payment_methods_pkey
primary key,
payment_method_id integer not null
create table deposits
deposit_id bigserial not null
constraint deposits_pkey
primary key,
amount numeric(18,2) not null,
copm_id integer not null,
created_at timestamp(0)
INSERT INTO payment_methods (payment_method_id) VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO payment_methods (payment_method_id) VALUES (2);
INSERT INTO currencies_of_payment_methods (copm_id, payment_method_id) VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO deposits (amount, copm_id, created_at) VALUES (100, 1, '2020-09-10 08:49:37');
INSERT INTO deposits (amount, copm_id, created_at) VALUES (200, 1, '2020-09-10 08:49:37');
INSERT INTO deposits (amount, copm_id, created_at) VALUES (40, 1, '2020-09-10 08:49:37');
SELECT payment_methods.payment_method_id,
FROM payment_methods
CROSS JOIN lateral
SELECT currencies_of_payment_methods.copm_id AS deposit_copm_id
FROM currencies_of_payment_methods
WHERE currencies_of_payment_methods.payment_method_id = payment_methods.payment_method_id) deposit_copm_id
CROSS JOIN lateral
SELECT sum(deposits.amount) AS manuel_deposit_amount,
array_agg(deposits.created_at) AS created_at
FROM deposits
WHERE deposits.copm_id = deposit_copm_id.deposit_copm_id) manuel_deposit_amount
WHERE payment_methods.payment_method_id = 1

Copying records in a table with self referencing ids

I have a table with records which can reference another row in the same table so there is a parent-child relationship between rows in the same table.
What I am trying to achieve is to create the same data for another user so that they can see and manage their own version of this structure through the web ui where these rows are displayed as a tree.
Problem is when I bulk insert this data by only changing user_id, I lose the relation between rows because the parent_id values will be invalid for these new records and they should be updated as well with the newly generated ids.
Here is what I tried: (did not work)
Iterate over main_table
copy-paste the static values after each
do another insert on a temp table for holding old and new ids
update old parent_ids with new ids after loop ends
My attempt at doing such thing(last step is not included here)
create or replace function test_x()
returns void as
userId int8;
rowPK int8;
userId := (select 1)
create table if not exists id_map (old_id int8, new_id int8);
create table if not exists temp_table as select * from main_table;
for r in select * from temp_table
rowPK := insert into main_table(id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(nextval('hibernate_sequence'), userId, r.code, r.description, r.parent_id) returning id;
insert into id_map (old_id, new_id) values (, rowPK);
end loop;
language plpgsql;
My PostgreSQL version is 9.6.14.
DDL below for testing.
create table main_table(
id bigserial not null,
user_id int8 not null,
code varchar(3) not null,
description varchar(100) not null,
parent_id int8 null,
constraint mycompkey unique (user_id, code, parent_id),
constraint mypk primary key (id),
constraint myfk foreign key (parent_id) references main_table(id)
insert into main_table (id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(0, 0, '01', 'Root row', null);
insert into main_table (id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(1, 0, '001', 'Child row 1', 0);
insert into main_table (id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(2, 0, '002', 'Child row 2', 0);
insert into main_table (id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(3, 0, '002', 'Grand child row 1', 2);
How to write a procedure to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
It appears your task is coping all data for a given user to another while maintaining the hierarchical relationship within the new rows. The following accomplishes that.
It begins creating a new copy of the existing rows with the new user_id, including the old row parent_id. That will be user in the next (update) step.
The CTE logically begins with the new rows which have parent_id and joins to the old parent row. From here it joins to the old parent row to the new parent row using the code and description. At that point we have the new id along with the new parent is. At that point just update with those values. Actually for the update the CTE need only select those two columns, but I've left the intermediate columns so you trace through if you wish.
create or replace function copy_user_data_to_user(
source_user_id bigint
, target_user_id bigint
returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
insert into main_table ( user_id,code, description, parent_id )
select target_user_id, code, description, parent_id
from main_table
where user_id = source_user_id ;
with n_list as
(select, mt.code, mt.description, mt.parent_id
, p_id,mtp.code p_code,mtp.description p_des
, c_id, mtc.code c_code, mtc.description c_description
from main_table mt
join main_table mtp on = mt.parent_id
join main_table mtc on ( mtc.user_id = target_user_id
and mtc.code = mtp.code
and mtc.description = mtp.description
where mt.parent_id is not null
and mt.user_id = target_user_id
update main_table mt
set parent_id = n_list.c_id
from n_list
where =;
end ;
-- test
select * from copy_user_data_to_user(0,1);
select * from main_table;
CREATE TABLE 'table name you want to create' SELECT * FROM myset
but new table and myset column name should be equal and you can also
use inplace of * to column name but column name exist in new table
othwerwise getting errors

Postgresql request to get recommended friends

I have two tables, friends and relations of friends:
Friendship is symmetrical.
CREATE TABLE t_users (
user_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar
CREATE TABLE t_friendship (
friendship_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
from_user_id varchar,
to_user_id varchar
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us123', 'us123');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us456', 'us456');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us789', 'us789');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us987', 'us987');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us654', 'us654');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us321', 'us321');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr123', 'us123', 'us456');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr456', 'us123', 'us789');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr789', 'us123', 'us987');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr987', 'us456', 'us123');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr654', 'us456', 'us321');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr321', 'us987', 'us123');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr322', 'us456', 'us654');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr323', 'us654', 'us123');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr324', 'us789', 'us654');
INSERT INTO t_friendship VALUES ('fr325', 'us321', 'us123');
How to make a request to get recommended friends.
For example friends of my friends.
Thank you.

Postgresql how to organize delimited access

How to organize delimited access to elements correctly.
I have two main tables:
CREATE TABLE t_users (
user_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
user_email varchar
CREATE TABLE t_items (
item_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
owner_id varchar not null references t_users(user_id),
title varchar
I'm trying to create tables to differentiate access:
CREATE TABLE t_access_gropes (
access_group_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
user_id varchar not null references t_users(user_id)
CREATE TABLE t_access_sets (
access_set_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
item_id varchar not null references t_items(item_id),
access_group_id varchar not null references t_access_gropes(access_group_id)
The example data:
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us123', '');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us456', '');
INSERT INTO t_users VALUES ('us789', '');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it123', 'us123', 'title1');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it456', 'us456', 'title2');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it678', 'us789', 'title3');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it323', 'us123', 'title4');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it764', 'us456', 'title5');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it826', 'us789', 'title6');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it568', 'us123', 'title7');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it038', 'us456', 'title8');
INSERT INTO t_items VALUES ('it728', 'us789', 'title9');
INSERT INTO t_access_gropes VALUES ('ag123', 'us123');
INSERT INTO t_access_gropes VALUES ('ag456', 'us456');
INSERT INTO t_access_gropes VALUES ('ag789', 'us789');
INSERT INTO t_access_sets VALUES ('as123', 'it123', 'ag123');
INSERT INTO t_access_sets VALUES ('as456', 'it456', 'ag123');
In the end, I want to get a differentiation of access rights.
Access kind:
For friends.
My query:
select *
from t_items
inner join t_users on t_items.owner_id = t_users.user_id
inner join t_access_gropes on t_users.user_id = t_access_gropes.user_id
inner join t_access_sets on t_items.item_id = t_access_sets.item_id
where t_access_gropes.user_id = 'us123';
works but returns only one value.
Thank you.
I think you want LEFT OUTER JOIN on t_access_sets
SQL Fiddle
Query 1:
FROM t_items i
join t_users u
ON i.owner_id = u.user_id
join t_access_gropes g
ON u.user_id = g.user_id
left outer join t_access_sets s
ON i.item_id = s.item_id
WHERE u.user_id = 'us123'
| item_id | owner_id | title | user_email | access_group_id | access_set_id |
| it123 | us123 | title1 | | ag123 | as123 |
| it323 | us123 | title4 | | ag123 | (null) |
| it568 | us123 | title7 | | ag123 | (null) |