Copying records in a table with self referencing ids - postgresql

I have a table with records which can reference another row in the same table so there is a parent-child relationship between rows in the same table.
What I am trying to achieve is to create the same data for another user so that they can see and manage their own version of this structure through the web ui where these rows are displayed as a tree.
Problem is when I bulk insert this data by only changing user_id, I lose the relation between rows because the parent_id values will be invalid for these new records and they should be updated as well with the newly generated ids.
Here is what I tried: (did not work)
Iterate over main_table
copy-paste the static values after each
do another insert on a temp table for holding old and new ids
update old parent_ids with new ids after loop ends
My attempt at doing such thing(last step is not included here)
create or replace function test_x()
returns void as
userId int8;
rowPK int8;
userId := (select 1)
create table if not exists id_map (old_id int8, new_id int8);
create table if not exists temp_table as select * from main_table;
for r in select * from temp_table
rowPK := insert into main_table(id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(nextval('hibernate_sequence'), userId, r.code, r.description, r.parent_id) returning id;
insert into id_map (old_id, new_id) values (, rowPK);
end loop;
language plpgsql;
My PostgreSQL version is 9.6.14.
DDL below for testing.
create table main_table(
id bigserial not null,
user_id int8 not null,
code varchar(3) not null,
description varchar(100) not null,
parent_id int8 null,
constraint mycompkey unique (user_id, code, parent_id),
constraint mypk primary key (id),
constraint myfk foreign key (parent_id) references main_table(id)
insert into main_table (id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(0, 0, '01', 'Root row', null);
insert into main_table (id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(1, 0, '001', 'Child row 1', 0);
insert into main_table (id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(2, 0, '002', 'Child row 2', 0);
insert into main_table (id, user_id, code, description, parent_id)
values(3, 0, '002', 'Grand child row 1', 2);
How to write a procedure to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.

It appears your task is coping all data for a given user to another while maintaining the hierarchical relationship within the new rows. The following accomplishes that.
It begins creating a new copy of the existing rows with the new user_id, including the old row parent_id. That will be user in the next (update) step.
The CTE logically begins with the new rows which have parent_id and joins to the old parent row. From here it joins to the old parent row to the new parent row using the code and description. At that point we have the new id along with the new parent is. At that point just update with those values. Actually for the update the CTE need only select those two columns, but I've left the intermediate columns so you trace through if you wish.
create or replace function copy_user_data_to_user(
source_user_id bigint
, target_user_id bigint
returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
insert into main_table ( user_id,code, description, parent_id )
select target_user_id, code, description, parent_id
from main_table
where user_id = source_user_id ;
with n_list as
(select, mt.code, mt.description, mt.parent_id
, p_id,mtp.code p_code,mtp.description p_des
, c_id, mtc.code c_code, mtc.description c_description
from main_table mt
join main_table mtp on = mt.parent_id
join main_table mtc on ( mtc.user_id = target_user_id
and mtc.code = mtp.code
and mtc.description = mtp.description
where mt.parent_id is not null
and mt.user_id = target_user_id
update main_table mt
set parent_id = n_list.c_id
from n_list
where =;
end ;
-- test
select * from copy_user_data_to_user(0,1);
select * from main_table;

CREATE TABLE 'table name you want to create' SELECT * FROM myset
but new table and myset column name should be equal and you can also
use inplace of * to column name but column name exist in new table
othwerwise getting errors


trigger to set date automatic after update

Some background info: i have a table named defects which has column named status_id and another column named date_closed ,i want to set date_closed after status_id has been updated
i already try to do this using after update trigger with the following code:
after update on eba_bt_sw_defects
for each row
l_status number(20) := null;
select status_id into l_status from eba_bt_sw_defects D,eba_bt_status S where D.status_id =;
if l_status in ( select id from eba_bt_status where is_open = 'N' and NVL(is_enhancement,'N')='N') then
end if;
but an error occured ( subquery not allowed in this contextCompilation failed)
i want a help
A couple of things that need fixing in your code:
In a trigger do not select from the table the trigger you're on. This will probably raise a ORA-04091: table name is mutating, trigger/function may not see it error.
IF l_variable IN (SELECT ...) is not a valid oracle syntax. It raises PLS-00405: subquery not allowed in this context
I don't have your data so here is a similar example:
drop table todos;
drop table statuses;
-- create tables
create table statuses (
id number generated by default on null as identity
constraint statuses_id_pk primary key,
status varchar2(60 char),
is_open varchar2(1 char) constraint statuses_is_open_ck
check (is_open in ('Y','N'))
create table todos (
id number generated by default on null as identity
constraint todos_id_pk primary key,
name varchar2(255 char) not null,
close_date timestamp with local time zone,
status_id number
constraint todos_status_id_fk
references statuses on delete cascade
-- load data
insert into statuses (id, status, is_open ) values (1, 'OPEN', 'Y' );
insert into statuses (id, status, is_open ) values (2, 'COMPLETE', 'N' );
insert into statuses (id, status, is_open ) values (3, 'ON HOLD', 'Y' );
insert into statuses (id, status, is_open ) values (4, 'CANCELLED', 'N' );
insert into todos (name, close_date, status_id ) values ( 'Y2 Security Review', NULL, 1 );
-- triggers
l_dummy NUMBER;
INTO l_dummy
is_open = 'N' AND
id = :new.status_id;
:new.close_date := localtimestamp;
WHEN no_data_found THEN
-- I'm assuming you want close_date to NULL if todo is re-opened.
:new.close_date := NULL;
END todos_biu;
update todos set status_id = 2;
select * from todos;
id name close_date status_id
1 Y2 Security Review 11-MAY-22 PM 2

Postgres exclude using gist across different tables

I have 2 tables like this
drop table if exists public.table_1;
drop table if exists public.table_2;
CREATE TABLE public.table_1 (
id serial NOT NULL,
user_id bigint not null,
status varchar(255) not null,
date_start date NOT NULL,
date_end date NULL
CREATE TABLE public.table_2 (
id serial NOT NULL,
user_id bigint not null,
status varchar(255) not null,
date_start date NOT NULL,
date_end date NULL
alter table public.table_1
add constraint my_constraint_1
EXCLUDE USING gist (user_id with =, daterange(date_start, date_end, '[]') WITH &&)
where (status != 'deleted');
alter table public.table_2
add constraint my_constraint_2
EXCLUDE USING gist (user_id with =, daterange(date_start, date_end, '[]') WITH &&)
where (status != 'deleted');
Every table contains rows which are related to a user, and all the rows of the same user cannot overlap in range. In addition, some rows may be logically deleted, so I added a where condition.
So far it's working w/o problems, but the 2 constraints work separately for each table.
I need to create a constraint which cover the 2 set of tables, so that a single daterange (of the same user and not deleted), may appaer only once across the 2 different tables.
Does the EXCLUDE notation be extended to work with different tables or do I need to check it with a trigger? If the trigger is the answer, which is the simplier way to do this? Create a temporary table with the union of the 2, add the constraint on it and check if fails?
Starting from #Laurenz Albe suggestion, this is what I made
-- #################### SETUP SAMPLE TABLES ####################
drop table if exists public.table_1;
drop table if exists public.table_2;
CREATE TABLE public.table_1 (
id serial NOT NULL,
user_id bigint not null,
status varchar(255) not null,
date_start date NOT NULL,
date_end date NULL
CREATE TABLE public.table_2 (
id serial NOT NULL,
user_id bigint not null,
status varchar(255) not null,
date_start date NOT NULL,
date_end date NULL
alter table public.table_1
add constraint my_constraint_1
EXCLUDE USING gist (user_id with =, daterange(date_start, date_end, '[]') WITH &&)
where (status != 'deleted');
alter table public.table_2
add constraint my_constraint_2
EXCLUDE USING gist (user_id with =, daterange(date_start, date_end, '[]') WITH &&)
where (status != 'deleted');
-- #################### SETUP TRIGGER ####################
create or REPLACE FUNCTION check_date_overlap_trigger_hook()
RETURNS trigger as
l_table text;
l_sql text;
l_row record;
l_table := TG_ARGV[0];
l_sql := format('
select *
from public.%s as t
t.user_id = %s -- Include only records of the same user
and t.status != ''deleted'' -- Include only records that are active
', l_table, new.user_id);
for l_row in execute l_sql
IF daterange(l_row.date_start, COALESCE(l_row.date_end, 'infinity'::date)) && daterange(new.date_start, COALESCE(new.date_end, 'infinity'::date))
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Date interval is overlapping with another one in table %', l_table
USING HINT = 'You can''t have the same interval across table1 AND table2';
end loop;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- #################### INSTALL TRIGGER ####################
create trigger check_date_overlap
BEFORE insert or update
ON public.table_1
EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_date_overlap_trigger_hook('table_2');
create trigger check_date_overlap
BEFORE insert or update
ON public.table_2
EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_date_overlap_trigger_hook('table_1');
-- #################### INSERT DEMO ROWS ####################
insert into public.table_1 (user_id, status, date_start, date_end) values (1, 'active', '2020-12-10', '2020-12-20');
insert into public.table_1 (user_id, status, date_start, date_end) values (1, 'deleted', '2020-12-15', '2020-12-25');
insert into public.table_1 (user_id, status, date_start, date_end) values (2, 'active', '2020-12-10', '2020-12-20');
insert into public.table_1 (user_id, status, date_start, date_end) values (2, 'deleted', '2020-12-15', '2020-12-25');
-- This will fail for overlap on the same table
-- insert into public.table_1 (user_id, status, date_start, date_end) values (1, 'active', '2020-12-15', '2020-12-25');
-- This will fail as the user 1 already has an overlapping period on table 1
-- insert into public.table_2 (user_id, status, date_start, date_end) values (1, 'active', '2020-12-15', '2020-12-25');
-- This will fail as the user 1 already has an overlapping period on table 1
insert into public.table_2 (user_id, status, date_start, date_end) values (1, 'deleted', '2020-12-15', '2020-12-25');
update public.table_2 set status = 'active' where id = 1;
select 'table_1' as src_table, * from public.table_1
select 'table_2', * from public.table_2
You can probably use a trigger, but triggers are always vulnerable to race conditions (unless you are using SERIALIZABLE isolation).
If your tables really have the same columns, why don't you use a single table (and perhaps add a type column to disambiguate)?

Update new value on conflict

I'd like to update a row with an insert statement. Indeed, I can insert rows but if the unique attribute already exists, I'd like to update the content.
So I got these tables
"id" text,
followers_count int4,
someuniq int4
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dtest_idx ON dtest USING btree (someuniq);
CREATE TABLE temp_data (
tid text,
tfo int4,
tuniq int4);
Let's consider that I have a temp tab, and I insert/update data from this table
INSERT INTO temp_data VALUES ('id1',4,1);
INSERT INTO temp_data VALUES ('id2',0,2);
INSERT INTO temp_data VALUES ('id3',40,3);
INSERT INTO dtest("id","followers_count","someuniq")
SELECT t.tid, t.tfo, t.tuniq
FROM temp_data t
Instead of doing an insert and then an update, I'd like to know if it's possible to update the values with something like this
INSERT INTO dtest("id","followers_count","someuniq")
SELECT tid, tfo, tuniq
FROM temp_data
ON CONFLICT ("someuniq")
DO UPDATE SET followers_count =
(SELECT tfo FROM temp_data where tid = EXCLUDED.tid)
WHERE = tid;
Wich means, "Update some fields if the row already exists", what am I doing wrong ?
There is no need to use a sub-select. The excluded row will contain all target columns, including the followers_count:
INSERT INTO dtest (id, followers_count, someuniq)
SELECT tid, tfo, tuniq
FROM temp_data
ON CONFLICT (someuniq)
SET followers_count = excluded.followers_count;

How to use WHILE EXISTS in a loop

CREATE TABLE [CandidateDocsAssociation](
[Row_ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Doc_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[Candidate_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
I have the above table structure to store the association between documents and candidates. Row_ID is an auto generated primary key. Doc_ID is a foreign key referencing the documents table. Candidate_ID is also a foreign key referencing the Candidates table.
A candidate can be associated with more than one document and one document can be associated with multiple candidates.
What i want to achieve is insert a default common document (Doc_ID) for all candidates(DISTINCT) if a Candidate_ID row with a DOC_ID of 2 does not already exist.
Below is what i'm trying but it ain't working
WHILE EXISTS (SELECT DISTINCT Candidate_ID from CandidateDocsAssociation
WHERE Doc_ID <> (SELECT Doc_ID FROM Doc_Table WHERE Doc_Name = N'Default'))
INSERT CandidateDocsAssociation (Doc_ID, Candidate_ID) VALUES ((SELECT Doc_ID FROM Doc_Table WHERE Doc_Name = N'Default'),Candidate_ID)
Forget the loop and do a set-based operation. Assuming you have a Candidates table:
INSERT INTO CandidateDocsAssociation (Doc_ID, Candidate_ID)
SELECT dt.Doc_ID, c.Candidate_ID
FROM Doc_Table dt
CROSS JOIN Candidates c
WHERE dt.Doc_Name = N'Default'
AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM CandidateDocsAssociation cda
WHERE cda.Candidate_ID=c.Candidate_ID
AND cda.Doc_ID=dt.Doc_ID)
try with this (use NOT IN Clause)
WHILE EXISTS (SELECT DISTINCT Candidate_ID from CandidateDocsAssociation
WHERE Doc_ID NOT IN (SELECT Doc_ID FROM Doc_Table WHERE Doc_Name = N'Default'))
INSERT CandidateDocsAssociation (Doc_ID, Candidate_ID) VALUES ((SELECT Doc_ID FROM Doc_Table WHERE Doc_Name = N'Default'),Candidate_ID)

Copy content in TSQL

I need to copy content from one table to itself and related tables... Let me schematize the problem. Let's say I have two tables:
OrderID : int
CustomerID : int
OrderName : nvarchar(32)
OrderItemID : int
OrderID : int
Quantity : int
With the PK being autoincremental.
Let's say I want to duplicate the content of one customer to another. How do I do that efficiently?
The problem are the PKs. I would need to map the values of OrderIDs from the original set of data to the copy in order to create proper references in OrderItem. If I just select-Insert, I won't be able to create that map.
For duplicating one parent and many children with identities as the keys, I think the OUTPUT clause can make things pretty clean (SqlFiddle here):
-- Make a duplicate of parent 1, including children
-- Setup some test data
create table Parents (
ID int not null primary key identity
, Col1 varchar(10) not null
, Col2 varchar(10) not null
insert into Parents (Col1, Col2) select 'A', 'B'
insert into Parents (Col1, Col2) select 'C', 'D'
insert into Parents (Col1, Col2) select 'E', 'F'
create table Children (
ID int not null primary key identity
, ParentID int not null references Parents (ID)
, Col1 varchar(10) not null
, Col2 varchar(10) not null
insert into Children (ParentID, Col1, Col2) select 1, 'g', 'h'
insert into Children (ParentID, Col1, Col2) select 1, 'i', 'j'
insert into Children (ParentID, Col1, Col2) select 2, 'k', 'l'
insert into Children (ParentID, Col1, Col2) select 3, 'm', 'n'
-- Get one parent to copy
declare #oldID int = 1
-- Create a place to store new ParentID
declare #newID table (
ID int not null primary key
-- Create new parent
insert into Parents (Col1, Col2)
output inserted.ID into #newID -- Capturing the new ParentID
select Col1, Col2
from Parents
where ID = #oldID -- Only one parent
-- Create new children using the new ParentID
insert into Children (ParentID, Col1, Col2)
select n.ID, c.Col1, c.Col2
from Children c
cross join #newID n
where c.ParentID = #oldID -- Only one parent
-- Show some output
select * from Parents
select * from Children
Do you have to have the primary keys from table A as primaries in Table B? If not you can do a select statement with an insert into. Primary Key's are usually int's that start from an ever increasing seed (identity). Going around this and declaring an insert of this same data problematically has the disadvantage of someone thinking this is a distinct key set on this table and not a 'relationship' or foreign key value.
You can Select Primary Key's for inserts into other tables, just not themselves.... UNLESS you set the 'identity insert on' hint. Do not do this unless you know what this does as you can create more problems than it's worth if you don't understand the ramifications.
I would just do the ole:
insert into TableB
select *
from TableA
where (criteria)
Simple example (This assumes SQL Server 2008 or higher). My bad I did not see you did not list TSQL framework. Not sure if this will run on Oracle or MySql.
declare #Order Table ( OrderID int identity primary key, person varchar(8));
insert into #Order values ('Brett'),('John'),('Peter');
declare #OrderItem Table (orderItemID int identity primary key, OrderID int, OrderInfo varchar(16));
insert into #OrderItem
OrderID -- I can insert a primary key just fine
, person + 'Stuff'
from #Order
select *
from #Order
Select *
from #OrderItem
Add an extra helper column to Order called OldOrderID
Copy all the Order's from the #OldCustomerID to the #NewCustomerID
Copy all of the OrderItems using the OldOrderID column to help make the relation
Remove the extra helper column from Order
INSERT INTO Order (CustomerID, OrderName, OldOrderID)
SELECT #NewCustomerID, OrderName, OrderID
FROM Order
WHERE CustomerID = #OldCustomerID
INSERT INTO OrderItem (OrderID, Quantity)
SELECT o.OrderID, i.Quantity
FROM Order o INNER JOIN OrderItem i ON o.OldOrderID = i.OrderID
WHERE o.CustomerID = #NewCustomerID
IF the OrderName is unique per customer, you could simply do:
INSERT INTO [Order] ([CustomerID], [OrderName])
2 AS [CustomerID],
FROM [Order]
WHERE [CustomerID] = 1
INSERT INTO [OrderItem] ([OrderID], [Quantity])
FROM [OrderItem] [oi1]
INNER JOIN [Order] [o1] ON [oi1].[OrderID] = [o1].[OrderID]
INNER JOIN [Order] [o2] ON [o1].[OrderName] = [o2].[OrderName]
WHERE [o1].[CustomerID] = 1 AND [o2].[CustomerID] = 2
Otherwise, you will have to use a temporary table or alter the existing Order table like #LastCoder suggested.