Speaker segmentation using Kaldi's x-vector approach - neural-network

I'm using kaldi for asr and now I want to do speaker segmentation using Kaldi's x-vector approach. They are providing some example segmentation scripts at https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi/tree/master/egs/sre16/v2 .They also provide a basic pretrained model on LDC corpus at https://david-ryan-snyder.github.io/2017/10/04/model_sre16_v2.html
This pretrained model has following structure when unarchived:
I don't have access to LDC corpus and I want to know how to train a model on my own data, and then how to use that model to do actual segmentation ?

I want to know how to train a model on my own data
There is voxceleb demo which uses public data, you can run it yourself.
You can also format your data in the proper data structure (create data/utt2spk and data/wav.scp files) and run with your data.
and then how to use that model to do actual segmentation ?
You start with the scripts from the demo, removing unused parts. That will give you basic segmentation demo. You can call this reduced demo to do the segmentation with system(2) call from your application or in a similar way.
Then if you need you can turn the scripts into corresponding C++ API calls and call the same procedure from C++ or from any scripting language.


Flutter - Google ML kit - Text Recognition - Unable to read MRZ correctly

I am working on a flutter project wherein I need to read RMZ code from passport or ID cards.
I am using google ml kit's text recognition package (google_mlkit_text_recognition) to do this job and I am able to read the RMZ code.
The trouble is, the ml kit seems to gobble up a lot of '<'s from the RMZ code and also (only) sometimes seems to be able to convert the dates from 'YYMMDD' as in the passport RMZ to 'DD/MM/YYYY'.
Due to this inconsistency, I am unable to accurately get the required elements from the RMZ code.
Is there a way to make the ml kit simply read the code and spit it out as it is, in its raw form? Or is there some other way to do this - maybe use another plugin?
In case someone asks for the code. It's a boilerplate, see below:
final textDetector = TextRecognizer();
RecognizedText recognisedText = await textDetector.processImage(inputImage)
It would be helpful if you posted an image and the relative model output, pointing out what the model is failing at. Anyways, it seems weird the model does anything more to the output than giving you what it reads block by block. Having said this, the problem might be that the model is not suited for your specific task, in which case I would go on as follows:
Switch from your current model to the other available OCR model on Ml Kit. (eg. : from V2 beta to V1 or viceversa);
Try pre-trained models from Tensorlfow Hub;
Train a pre-trained model on your specific task;
Train a model from scratch on your specific task;
Look for any cloud based service which offer a model suited for your task;
This is everything I can come up with given the limited context of your question. If you are willing to expand on your specific problem I might be able to give you more precise info.

Initialize buildable Matlab Simulink Model with parameters from SQLite Database

Context: I have a huge Simulink Model that is going to be used for automated simulations on a Debian 10. Therefore it has to be built as standalone C-Code using the Matlab Coder. This code is then called to start the simulation.
What I need: I need to find a way to initialize my built model with ~500 parameters. These change with each simulation run and are stored in a SQLite file. The goal is to have parameters written to the database, then start the Model which reads the parameters from SQLite during initialization (presumably using the InitFcn Model Callback, although I'm open to alternatives).
What I have tried:
Direct SQL interface: I tried to use a direct Matlab-SQL interface such as JDBC (since I don't have access to the Database-toolbox) but those are not supported for Code generation.
Write a C-function that reads the SQLite file, then call the function during initialization in the InitFcn Callback using coder.ceval like this:
data = 0;
err = coder.ceval('read_function',4, 2, 12, coder.wref(data));
parameter = data;
Problem here is that coder.wref is not supported in Matlab and therefore doesn't work in the InitFcn. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
This only seems to work inside a Matlab-Function-Block:
Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of block_diagram 'Model'.
Caused by:
The coder.wref function is not supported in MATLAB.
So my problem with the second approach is, that I can't call the C-function during initialization.
Using a Matlab-function-Block to read the parameters isn't really an option, since I would have to route all the signals out which makes maintaining and further development of the model really hard. Also my suggestion is, that the model would not even run because the parameters are needed to initialize the model.
Is there a way to make one of the above approaches work? If yes, how? Where is my mistake?
Is there another (simpler) option to pass the data as an array or struct to my model?
Database looks like this:
Identifier Default
latitude 52.5
longitude 13.4
electricity_consumption 4000.0
ventilation_stream 50.0
PV_peak 30.0
PV_orientation 0.0
no_vessels 28.0
heatpump_exists 1.0
hotwater_consumption 1000.0
After having spent so much time on this issue, I would like to share my experience on this problem:
SQLite: This approach did not work out for me because the direct SQL-Matlab interfaces are not supported for code generation.
It is in fact possible to write a C-function, that reads from SQLite and call that function in a Matlab-function-block via coder.ceval wich allows to read in a signal during simulation. This works for code generation (Simulink coder) as well. However this will not work for initialization (see question).
So none of my original approaches ended up working.
Workaround: I ended up switching to an approach based on the Simulink RSIM-target wich generates code (also for Linux) and can be parametrized via a .mat file wich contains all the parameters. The .mat file can be modified to update parameters. This required some additional code wich automates this step. Also the model configuration for RSIM is a bit tricky.

Matlab/Simulink - Create S-function from DSpace Code

I know that it is possible to create S-function from C code that I provide.
But is it possible to create one S-function from C Code, which is generated from a Simulink Model for dSPACE ECUs, with low effort. The reason is, I am trying to test the dspace code with matlab/simulink.
Furthermore I'm aksing because the generated code from this simulink model consists multiple .c and .h files and I don't know how to integrate these files in one s-function block.
There are several methods of doing this. I suggest using the Legacy Code Tool as its structure helps to guide you through the process. You could also explore calling the function(s) from Stateflow or a Matlab Function block depending on the application.
With respect to multiple c/h files. I assume they will all need to be visible to Matlab through pointing to the source paths, but you should be able to identify the 'entry' function that you're interested in and utilize that in your model.

training a new model using pascal kit

need some help on this.
Currently I am doing a project on computer vision that requires me to train a new model to detect a certain object.
In this case, I am using the system provided by P. Felzenszwalb, D. McAllester, D. Ramaman and his team => Discriminatively trained deformable part models which is implemented in Matlab.
Project webpage: http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~pff/latent/.
However I have no idea how to direct the system to use my dataset(a collection of images and annotation) which is different from the the PASCAL datasets so as to train a new model.
By directing, I meant a line of code that allows me to change the dataset the system reads from, for training a model.
% directory for caching models, intermediate data, and results
cachedir = ['/var/tmp/rbg/YOURPATH/' VOCyear '/'];
I tried looking at their Readme and documentation guides but they do not make any mention. Do correct me if I am wrong.
Let me know if I have not made my problem clear enough.
I tried looking at some files such as global.m but no go.
Your help is much appreciated and thanks in advance!
You can try to read pascal.m in the DPM package(voc-release5), there are similar code working on VOC2007/2010 dataset.
There are plenty of parts that need to be adapted to achieve this. For example the voc_config has to be adapted in order to read from your files.
The same with the pascal_train.m function. Depending on the images and the way you parse them, this may require quite some time to adapt this function.
Other functions to consider:

Using model callback with Simulink Coder

I am using Matlab 2012a and the Simulink Coder (aka Real-Time Workshop). I want to compile the model using Simulink Coder but preserve the functionality of model callbacks.
Consider the following simple example. I have a Simulink model, callBackTest, which reads in a constant and outputs to a since. input1 is defined in myValues.m and loaded into the model workspace using the PreLoadFcn model callback. The PreLoadFcn callback is executed when the model is first opened. By using the PreLoadFcn callback, input1 will automatically be defined every time the model is opened.
Suppose myValues.m is originally coded as input1=1. When you run the simulation, yout will be an array of 1s. Also if I compile the model using the Simulink coder, the output will also be an array of 1s. However if I modify myValues.m so that input1 = 2 and do not recompile, the realtime output is still 1. This is wrong, so how can I read variables from a file into the model workspace with a compiled model?
You cannot generate code for model callbacks. If you do not want to regenerate code every time you change your input you can try using "From File" block which can read data from a .mat file. When you want to change your data you can then run your MATLAB code and save the output data into the same .mat file. There are some restrictions on what kind of data is supported for code generation from this block. Check out the doc for that block for details.
If your data is not too big you can also edit the generated source to modify the data. Data from Constant block is usually in-lined in the generated source code. After editing you can compile the generated code to produce new binary.
Another approach is to write your custom C S-Function where you can read from your own data sources. You need to write a TLC file to support code generation for this S-Function.
You need to recompile your model if these does not work for you. Documentation at http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/importing-signal-data-in-simulink.html lists different ways of importing signal data into Simulink.
This does not answer your question about Model callbacks, but it might be helpful anyway.
If the "Inline Parameters" option is checked in:
Preferences -> Optimization -> Signals and Parameters
there is no way to change values in an already compiled model because they are hardcoded. Once you have this option turned off and you have recompiled, you could for example connect with external mode and run your myValues.m script and the values will be updated (unless you have marked them as non-tuneable).