How would you get the Average Background Color of a Website in Swift? - swift

I am creating an app where I want menu bar to camouflage with the color of a website the user is on. how can I go about doing this is in swift?


Styling button with dynamic text in iOS app

I am not a iOS developer. I am working on designing GUI for an iOS application to be developed using Appcelerator Titanium.
As far as all the other buttons are concerned, they can be provided with a .png image to style them. But this one type of button which has dynamic text, and thus can have width of various sizes as shown in the image below.
The screenshot is from Instagram iOS app. It shows the button in navigation bar named Camera which is the name of the folder from which image being cropped resides. In the app I'm designing for has a button with same functionality.
I just want to know whether it is possible to add custom styling for this particular type of button.
yes you can create a button and set the backgroundImage for the button to be whatever you want!/api/Titanium.UI.Button
third paragraph
You can specify background images for each state, as well as button text and a button icon. On iOS, there are button styles which define appearance for each state, even if no button images are set.
backgroundLeftCap Property
Simple answer: yes you can add custom styling to this button. As for the varying width, the background image will stretch to fill it.

What s the background style for the default buttons in Bing Maps for the App store

See attached photo, trying to make my buttons this style.
What is the brush style for the default button for the Bing maps SDK for Windows app store?
The background color of the button is: #FF333333
The actually style for the button is a custom one that is defined in the map control only and you won't be able to access. To get the hover effect a ColorAnimation is being used in a VisualStateManager.

Lwuit S40 Dimmed Forms

I am developing a LWUIT S40 app. The guidelines specify that when a
dialog is on, the background, including status bar,
header bar, category bar, must be dimmed – 60%
I think that this will happen automatically, but it doesn't.
Anybody knows a way to do that? To dim the header bar and the category bar, like this capture (which is an lcdui alert)
I prefer to use native Alert from nokia LCDUI. the LWUIT for Series 40 allow us to combine the LCDUI component along with LWUIT component.
For example, here's my code:
Alert loading = new Alert("MIG33", "Loading user", null, null);
loading.setIndicator(new Gauge(null, false, Gauge.INDEFINITE, Gauge.CONTINUOUS_RUNNING));
Since LWUIT has its own Display class we use in the midlet. It has to be written like above. So it can be differenced with the Display from LCDUI.
You need to set the tint color of the parent form to something like 0xaa000000 (an ARGB value to paint the background).
I dont think LWUIT S40 gives access to the header bar and the category bar, you need to get app Nokia signed to edit category bar colors. For me i customized the loading dialog and set the title like this : dialogObj.setTitle(" "); so nothing appears in the dialog title.
Also for an app using the category bar, instead of this approach i refresh the form's contents with the loading GIF or APNG and any loading message as well.

How to show number small custom icon like mail, iphone

I have a social networking app. I have a button and based on the click on the button I need to show a small icon on the top right corner of the button. it is a custom color and text.
I know to show the default system number icon for like the one for unread mail you can get it from the shared application badge count. But I am trying to do something custom here.
I am thinking of building my own imageview (its background will be a custom png) and then within it a small text to show the number.
Anyone has experience with this and can recommend a better way?
You can add a imageView with badge image as the subvie of that button.
There is a lot of custom badge controls available.
Please check the following links.
You cannot change anything on the home screen besides for the app icon, name, and badge value. Do you mean on the home screen or on a tab bar?
If you mean a badge in the app, not on the homescreen, checkout #MidhunMP's answer to find links on how to do this. I have used before successfully.

Search component effect in the mail application

In the iPhone email application once I click on the search bar it shifted to top and the background gets black. How to achieve this type of effect in the code? Do we need to create a custom UIView and make this shift explicitly?