Why EnvDTE.ProjectItem.FileCodeModel is Null on .net core project? - vsix

I am trying to constrcut a net core console app project programmatically. To do this, I coded like below.
The problem is ..... FileCodeModel instance "fcm" is always null in the code. if I forcefully show the messagebox after calling AddFromTemplate(), the issue does not occur. but i do not prefer this workaround. does anyone know why this issue ouucrs and how to avoid it?
string itemName = "View.cs";
string itemTemplatePath =solution2.GetProjectItemTemplate("CodeFile", "CSharp");
destProject.ProjectItems.AddFromTemplate(itemTemplatePath, itemName);
//if I forcefully show the msgbox, fcm is not null.!!
ProjectItem destProjectItem = null;
foreach(ProjectItem projectItem in destProject.ProjectItems)
if(projectItem.Name == itemName)
destProjectItem = projectItem;
FileCodeModel fcm = destProjectItem.FileCodeModel;
if (fcm == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("fcm is null!!");
now I am using VS 2017 latest version wit net core sdk.


Can two ASP . NET Core 5.0 web api cause "The content may be already have been read by another component" errpr 400 if they accessed same db be4?

My API was as follows:
public async Task<ActionResult<HomeContextModel>> EditHomeContext(int id, string title, string context, string subcontext, IFormFile imageFile)
HomeContextModel homeContextModel = await _context.HomeContext.Include(x => x.Image).Include(x => x.Button).Include(x => x.Logo).ThenInclude(y => y.Image)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Context_Id == id);
//HomeContextModel homeContextModel = await GetHomeContextModel(id);
if (homeContextModel == null)
return BadRequest("Context Id cannot be null");
if (imageFile != null)
ImageModel imageModel = homeContextModel.Image;
if (imageModel != null)
string cloudDomain = "https://privacy-web.conveyor.cloud";
string uploadPath = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath + "\\Images\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(uploadPath))
string filePath = uploadPath + imageFile.FileName;
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
await imageFile.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
await fileStream.FlushAsync();
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
await imageFile.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
imageModel.Image_Byte = memoryStream.ToArray();
imageModel.ImagePath = cloudDomain + "/Images/" + imageFile.FileName;
imageModel.Modify_By = "CMS Admin";
imageModel.Modity_dt = DateTime.Now;
homeContextModel.Title = title;
homeContextModel.Context = context;
homeContextModel.SubContext = subcontext;
_context.Entry(homeContextModel).State = EntityState.Modified;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
if (!HomeContextModelExists(homeContextModel.Context_Id))
return NotFound();
return Ok("Home Context Edit Successfully");
It's an API for the Content Management System (CMS) to change the content of the Homepage using a Flutter webpage that make put request onto this API.
Everything works fine. In the last few days, where I tested and tested again during the development. So before today, I've wrapped up them and submitted to the necessary place (It's a university FYP).
Until now it cause me this error when I was using this to prepare my presentation:
Error 400 failed to read the request form Unexpected end of stream ..."
After all the tested I tried:
Internet solutions
restore the database
repair Microsoft VS 2019 (As this issue was fixed before after I
updated my VS 2019 from 16.8. to the latest 16.11.7)
Use the ASP .NET file which didn't caused this issue before
Then I realized it may be because of I used another older ASP file to accessed the same database before. Does this really cause this matter?
If yes, then now how should I solved it, with the action I already done (listed as above)?
EDIT: Additional description to the situation
The above API I set breakpoint before, on the first line, using Swagger to test it.
It turns out that it didn't go into the API and straightaway return the error 400
REST API can have parameters in at least two ways:
As part of the URL-path
(i.e. /api/resource/parametervalue)
As a query argument
(i.e. /api/resource?parameter=value)
You are passing your parameters as a query instead of a path as indicated in your code. And that is why it is not executing your code and returning 400.

EBeans update does not save changed field items

I upgrade from Play 2.5 to 2.7, and am having a problem with saving my forms.
When fields are changed and I call the Model.update() the changes are not persisted in the database (even though they show changed when debugging before the update is done)
When however I set them specifically, then they do persists. So it must have to do something with the fact that it does not detect the change and does not see the object as changed. I use getter and setters in the model, and all the properties are private.
This is the controller function (with the two lines to persist those two fields)
public Result updateSceneSet(Http.Request request) {
Messages messages = messagesApi.preferred(request);
Form<StreamingSceneSet> form = formFactory.form(StreamingSceneSet.class).bindFromRequest(request);
if (form.hasErrors()) {
if (form.rawData().get("id") != null && form.rawData().get("id").length() > 0) {
long itemId = Long.parseLong(form.rawData().get("id"));
StreamingSceneSet item = StreamingSceneSet.findById(itemId);
return badRequest(views.html.streaming.editSceneSetView.render(form, item, messages, request));
} else {
return badRequest(views.html.streaming.createSceneSetView.render(form,messages, request));
// Form is OK, has no errors we can proceed
StreamingSceneSet item = form.get();
// Insert or update?
if (item.getId() == null) {
flash("success", messages().at("addedSceneSet", item.getName()));
} else {
flash("success", messages().at("updatedSceneSet", item.getName()));
return redirect(routes.Streaming.sceneSets());
It seems because when I started the upgrade I had some legacy classes I didn't have getters and setters, and as I had some issue I put in:
play.forms.binding.directFieldAccess = true
Removing this made everything work again.

Plug-In that Converted Note entity pre-existing attachment XML file into new .MMP file

strong text [Plugin error at Note entity][1]
[1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/hRIi9.png
Hi,Anyone resolved my issue i got a Plug-in error which i worked at Update of "Note" entity.Basically i want a Plugin which converted pre-exiting Note attachment XML file into new .MMP extension file with the same name.
I have done following procedure firstly i created a "Converter_Code.cs" dll which contains Convert() method that converted XML file to .MMP file here is the constructor of the class.
public Converter(string xml, string defaultMapFileName, bool isForWeb)
Xml = xml;
DefaultMapFileName = defaultMapFileName;
Result = Environment.NewLine;
IsForWeb = isForWeb;
IsMapConverted = false;
ResultFolder = CreateResultFolder(MmcGlobal.ResultFolder);
In ConvertPlugin.cs Plug-in class firstly i retrieved Note entity attachment XML file in a string using following method in
IPluginExecutionContext context =(IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.
GetService (typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory= (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target")
&& context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
// Obtain the target entity from the input parameters.
Entity entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
var annotationid = entity.GetAttributeValue<Guid>("annotationid");
if (entity.LogicalName != "annotation")
//retrieve annotation file
QueryExpression Notes = new QueryExpression { EntityName ="annotation"
,ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("filename", "subject", "annotationid",
"documentbody") };
Notes.Criteria.AddCondition("annotationid", ConditionOperator.Equal,
EntityCollection NotesRetrieve = service.RetrieveMultiple(Notes);
if (NotesRetrieve != null && NotesRetrieve.Entities.Count > 0)
//converting document body content to bytes
byte[] fill = Convert.FromBase64String(NotesRetrieve.Entities[0]
//Converting to String
string content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fill);
Converter objConverter = new Converter(content, "TestMap", true);
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("something is going wrong");
and than A string is passed to "Converter" constructor as a parameter.
finally i merged all dll using ILMerge following method:
ilmerge /out:NewConvertPlugin.dll ConvertPlugin.dll Converter_Code.dll
and NewConvertPlugin is registered successfully but while its working its generate following error:
Unexpected exception from plug-in (Execute): ConverterPlugin.Class1: System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.
i also debug the plugin using Error-log but its not worked so i could not get a reason whats going wrong.
The error is caused by the library you merged inside your plugin.
First of all you are using CRM Online (from your screenshot) and with CRM Online you can use only register plugins inside sandbox.
Sandbox means that your plugins are limited and they run in a partial-trust environment.
You merged an external library that requires full-trust permissions, so your plugin can't work and this is the reason of your error.
Because you are in CRM Online, or you find another library (the Converter) that requires only partial-trust, hoping that the merge process will work, or you include (if you have it) the source code of the converter library directly inside your plugin.

NullReferenceException occurs during offline sync to Azure Mobile Service

I am trying to make offline sync to table from azure mobile service. My Xamarin Form version is
I try to test my code in OnCreate method of MainActivity. All preparation steps such as MobileServiceClient initialization, MobileServiceSQLiteStore initialization, SyncTable creation, etc are ok.
When I try to call PullAsync, I am getting NullReferenceException. I capture the package using Package Capture App from mobile. The request goes to Azure Mobile service and it returns the correct json data successfully.
When I try the same code in Xamarin Android project (not Xamarin Form), it is working fine.
To reproduce the issue.
Just create Xamarin Form (Portable) project and use my code.
My Code
private async Task Test() {
const string applicationURL = #"https://xxxx.azure-mobile.net/";
const string applicationKey = #"xxxx";
var client = new MobileServiceClient(applicationURL, applicationKey);
string path = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "store.db");
if (!File.Exists(path)) {
var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(path);
await client.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store);
var productTable = client.GetSyncTable<Product>();
try {
await client.SyncContext.PushAsync();
await productTable.PullAsync("allProducts", productTable.CreateQuery());
var t = await productTable.ToListAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Product Count : " + t.Count);
catch (Java.Net.MalformedURLException ex) {
catch (Exception e) {
I got the solution for this case.
As far as my understanding, this is what is happening. During the application is loading, I call PullAsync. It is async call and during this call, application keeps loading other components. The actual NullReferenceException is coming from OnPrepareOptionsMenu function (Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AndroidActivity.OnPrepareOptionsMenu). The exception is happening on other thread and the thread simply dies. That's why I cannot get stack trace from my main thread.
This NullReferenceException issue is totally not related to Azure Mobile Service.
I override OnPrepareOptionsMenu in MainActivity and add try-catch block to base class function call. The problem is solved. Here is my code in MainActivity class.
public override bool OnPrepareOptionsMenu(IMenu menu) {
try {
// I am always getting menu.HasVisibleItems = false in my app
if (menu != null && menu.HasVisibleItems) {
// Exception is happening when the following code is executed
var result = base.OnPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);
return result;
return true;
I don't really understand why it is happening. Please point me out if you have better understanding of this case and better solution.
I think my issue is same as this : http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/23579/exception-whilte-trying-to-open-activity-from-xamarin-forms-page

cakephp facebook api, FB->api('/me') returns empty value

I use Webtechnick Facebook plugin for cakephp 1.3 website. I implemented it about a year ago. And it worked fine until now. But today I found out that when I try to login(as a new user) it does not save facebook user data, because $this->Connect->user() (which result is taken from $this->FB->api('/me'), /plugins/facebook/controller/components/connect.php, line 194) returns nothing. I tried also, this facebook plugin on another cakephp 2.0 website, but the same thing was there.
I think, that there was some change in facebook api, because I did not absolutely make any change on the website, which could bring to that result.
this is user function in connect.php component
function user($field = null){
$this->uid = $this->uid;
if($this->Controller->Session->read('FB.Me') == null){
$this->Controller->Session->write('FB.Me', $this->FB->api('/me'));
$this->me = $this->Controller->Session->read('FB.Me');
else {
return null;
$retval = Set::extract("/$field", $this->me);
return empty($retval) ? null : $retval[0];
return $this->me;
and my beforeFacebookSave() function in app_controller
public function beforeFacebookSave() {
$fbUser = $this->Connect->user ();
//debug($fbUser); // outputs nothing
$this->Connect->authUser ['User'] ['email'] = $fbUser ['email'];
$this->Connect->authUser ['User'] ['first_name'] = $fbUser ['first_name'];
$this->Connect->authUser ['User'] ['last_name'] = $fbUser ['last_name'];
return true;
Thank you !
There was a certificate change on Facebook that wasn't reflected in the SDK (because it used the old certificate). Since the plugin is based on PHP SDK, you should just fetch the latest version of the repo https://github.com/webtechnick/CakePHP-Facebook-Plugin. The author has pushed the commit to include the new PHP SDK with the new certificate.
Your error log should have a Facebook Exception due to SSL problems which chokes the API calls causing /me to return empty.
try this, it work for me
$infos = $facebook->api('/me?fields=id,first_name,last_name,picture,email');