Does the use of AWS Mobile Hub + AWS Amplify will carry or rise problems with a HIPAA Audit process? - aws-mobilehub

Just a concern about using AWS Mobile Hub + AWS Amplify in order to make easier our tasks on the frontend side:
Does the use of AWS Mobile Hub + AWS Amplify will carry or rise problems with a HIPAA Audit process?
We don't see Mobile Hub listed as an eligible service here:
ooooooor... is it just a tool that will help our app to securely configure and talk with a plethora of Amazon Web Services?

Your are right, AWS Mobile Hub is just a tool that helps you to create and configure your AWS resources. And AWS Amplify is a SDK library that directly talks to the underlining services.


Hyperledger Console usability

I'm tasked with creating a hyperledger application that will represent a consortium of same-skilled organizations.
I have the barebones prototype with a network of 2 orgs, built by following the fabric-samples example that I created as a capstone project; I am looking to upgrade the application to a production level.
My question is, is there a GUI/platform available to create and maintain hyperledger fabric networks?
What are the alternatives for tools like the Console?
What would be the best way to start building such an application considering the goal is to get to the production level?
Is IBM Cloud Blockchain Platform the best option for me?
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
I know of Hyperledger Console. I have used it previously for school projects. But can it be used to create and maintain+govern a production-grade HLF app?
IBM Blockchain Platform on IBM Cloud is withdrawn ( But the console is open sourced as

Can't find Blockchain Cloud Foundry app

I followed the instructions on IoT Asset Tracking on a Hyperledger Blockchain . BUILD and DEPLOY finished successfully, but I can't find the composer-rest-server- app under Cloud Foundry Applications.
I can use the CF Blockchain services, enter the Monitor and open the Swagger UI. The question is, where can I find the application-specific APIs mentioned in the tutorial:
If everything deployed correctly, you can find the app in the IBM Cloud dashboard at If you have many apps and services deployed, make sure to filter correctly or to be aware of paging.
If you suspect that something got wrong during build and deploy, go to the toolchain and check the logs. The toolchains can also be reached from the dashboard.

How to integrate Watson IOT service to Hyperledger Fabric?

Due to IBM doesn't provide free plan for IBM Blockchain anymore, I come up with with solution to integrate Watson IOT to Hyperledger Fabric instead of IBM Blockchain.
I found this document, it say that Watson IoT Platform blockchain integration supports connecting to both IBM Blockchain fabrics and Hyperledger fabrics
(in section Config Blockchain IBM environment)
But I can not find any guideline.
Anyone can help?
I have several related comments:
1) The page you linked to shows an early version of the IoT Contract Platform that I authored. I have not been funded to port it to Hyperledger v1 so it must be considered deprecated at this time. Instead, I suggest that you get comfortable with the Hyperledger Composer, which provides a huge development environment and a powerful data modelling language.
2) Which leads me to IBM's free container service. If you want to get started with IBM Blockchain on Bluemix, you can create a free kubernetes cluster using the instructions found here.
The "create_all" script gives you a working fabric on a lite cluster (as in free) with hyperledger composer running (with playground) and with a copy of the example02 ubiquitous sample Go chaincode running on the same channel.
EDIT: As for the iot connection, you can use node-red to create iot apps that will catch your events on a topic and then forward them to the blockchain. This is for experimentation of course, but you will get the idea how an application must be written.
If you want to follow my "partial state as event" pattern in composer contracts, you can look at the deep-merge npm project and mimick that code while we wait for the node based chaincode that is coming in Fabric 1.1, at which time I hope that we can import it as normal in our business network js files.
Using deep-merge requires that you create your own transactions for create, replace, update and delete in your smart contracts, but these are straightforward. The bonus is that it is also easy then to emit custom events defining what happened to listening applications.
I think you will like these two technologies together.
Instead of using the IBM Blockchain, you should create your own Blockchain. You should use the Hyperledger Fabric for that. You have the documentacion about it here. I suggest you to start reading from the Building Your First Network chapter.
Then, you should integrate your Blockchain with the Watson IoT.

How to develop bluemix CAM

Is there any github source where IBM Cloud automation manager source code is there? Can I extend CAM's functionalities? Or should I extend terraform's capabilties instead?
IBM Cloud Automation Manager running on ICP platform has the ability to deploy bluemix templates built in. Use the "IBM Cloud" connection type to build your connection data, and then you can use the already included.
For details on the connection see
For details on what the IBM Cloud terraform provider can do check it's github here:

What exactly is BlueMix in layman's terms?

How exactly would someone define BlueMix to an engineering major with little to no knowledge in Comp. Sci?
Bluemix is a fully managed cloud service so all of the operations activities such as maintenance, availability, upgrades are part of the Bluemix service, so users don't have to worry about setting up their own infrastructure or installing software.
Bluemix makes it easy for application developers to write applications as it is a polygot environment that supports many different languages and runtimes.
Applications in Bluemix can easily be scaled as needed leveraging the elasticity of the cloud. There are over 100 services available in Bluemix (both IBM and 3rd party services) which can be tied together to make robust applications and also to implement a microservices architecture.
Bluemix cloud services are available as part of the public multi-tenant cloud offering which runs on softlayer. There are also dedicated and local Bluemix cloud offerings available for users who don't want to use the public cloud or want to combine the different offerings to create a hybrid cloud.
it is a platform that lets you build, run, deploy applications via cloud. moreover, it handles multiple languages
Check Bluemix Overview topic in the docs: