Rest API bulk naming convention [closed] - rest

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Are there any known best practices for web service REST API bulk naming?
Some suggestions for user resource :

There is no rules, you can use any routes, but I prefer 3rd /api/users/bulk in case bulk is additional functionality for users (like get all users /api/users, get user by id /api/users/:id, ...). In this case all user related operations are under /api/user/.


Is it possible to use the uber api to identify a driver? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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working in a vehicle protection association and I need to identify which of our associates are uber drivers, is this possible to be done using the api?
Taking a look at the documentation, there are only these endpoints
And I think none of them solves the problem.

Rest or RestQL or Falcor or GraphQl [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm going to develop a web-application and planning to expose several APIs to customer. Also, going to consume several APIs from third party system
Rest or RestQL or Falcor or GraphQl
Which one would be the best choice of the above 4???

How to display resources of a restful API [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to display the resources and associated subresources of a restful API I am working with ( If resources aren't documented, is there any way to find them?
There presently is not a standard way to discover restful API operations like there is with WSDL based soap web services.
Documentation from the API provider is the best way to learn.

Can Meteor.js fully substitute traditional PHP/MySQL/Apache stack? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I followed several tutorials and examples in Meteor, but they are always showing what is Meteor goot at. So my question would be, what is Meteor bad at?
Could I for example develop an eshop (which would be a typical task for PHP developer) with ease? Or is Meteor specifically aimed at different kind of websites?

Where can I create, update and store my iPhone backend [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have found a lot of sites that can store my data but I also would like a web service that can run my three php files regularly to update the data in my database. I have these files because I need to get data from another source and make it more suitable for my needs and then I save them into JSON files which I later want to access from my iPhone app. Is there any place that can do this (hopefully for free or cheap)?
You can find some sites for free, but you're better off paying for a service IMO. You're looking for something with "MySQL Databases" as a feature.,,, etc. all offer this.