Download Vimeo videos for offline use using Unity Vimeo API - unity3d

I am currently using the Unity Vimeo API to stream videos but is there a way to download and store the videos at a particular resolution such as 720p so that they can be used offline?

This is currently not supported in the Vimeo Unity SDK, but we will consider that for our roadmap.
This answers a similar question and describes a way to save the videos yourself and load them back for offline playback.


How to play vimeo videos inline in moblie application and grab seek, play events

We are developing a mobile application (using ionic framework, jquery) and thinking to let our users to share videos from vimeo, youtube etc. in this case we are integrating vimeo video link in iframe. Below are challenges:
Not able to play vimeo videos inline in our application:
on iPhone device when we play vimeo video from our ionic application it opens in a native video player, on the contrary we want to play it inline in our application itself
in case of Youtube video its supported and works well. They have provide Playsinline property to support it.
As per vimeo developers documentation, we have not found any similar video player property to allow inline video rendering
Is there any workaround that you suggest to play vimeo video inline inside application?
Play, seek & load progress events are not supported in mobile application
As per your developers page, play, seek, load progress etc events are not supported in mobile application
Is there any workaround to enable these events on our mobile application
Yes, I know there are limitations that vimeo has declared but can someone provide me if there are any workarounds? Your response to our queries is very much important for us.
try adding background=1 to your embed code
<iframe id="player1" src="[video id]?api=1&player_id=player1&background=1" width="630" height="354" frameborder="0"></iframe>
This wil not work in browsers which revert to the flashplayer.
I don't know if you'll have javascript API functionallity.
This will remove all controls aswell. What I've read, it's still in an experimental fase, but hope it works for you.

Does Apple Company allow for apps to stream video from youtube?

I need to write app(on swift) that streams video using url! So, My question is , can I write player that take url from youtube? Does Apple allow this ? Searching on internet I found only Media Framework . However this frame work only uses url that directly points to the video (like http://someserver/moview.mpg4)
On youtube , there is no direct link to the videos.
So can someone help me to answer:
Does apple allow youtube streaming?
if yes, what framework to use?
Yes you can 'embed' YouTuve video playback in your app - YouTube provide an API and details here:
You will see it uses a UIWebView which is a common technique to bridge web and native app technologies.

How to download video from youtube and also trim or cut that downloaded video in iphone sdk?

I want to download video from youtube. Then the downloaded video should saved and user can also play it in offline mode and user can also trim or edit that downloaded video.
I have searched a lot on Google and i find some answers but they didn't satisfy my question.
This question tell downloading video from youtube may reject your application is this true?
The screen shot from apple. YouTube Terms & Condition are also not allowing to download videos. Read section 5-B.
I have also try to load some examples for video downloading from youtube but they all failed for loading video MyTube , YouTube , SCBTube , PSYouTubeExtractor
Some questions related to youtube download. and for video trimming or cutting i am following this code .
is this downloading is possible or not ?
Downloading is, in some cases, possible, but it's against the YouTube T& yeah, don't do it. Furthermore, even if you did implement this not all videos on YouTube are actually available in the appropriate H.264 format (e.g, videos which require advertising or content protection are often not available).

Download youtube video through gdata-objectivec-client

I am developing an iphone app in which i have to integrate the youtube api.
I am using gdata-objectivec-client library for iphone
I am able to search, like, dislike, upload video etc. through this library but i don't know how to stream and download the video from youtube using this library as there is no class for this.
My question is that is it possible to download/stream the youtube video through gdata-objectivec-client library?
Thanks in advance.
You cant download youtube video using API. Its against thier Terms and conditions.
But streaming is possible i think.
Check this post
iphone:How to stream and play youtube video with in application using MPMoviePlayer?

video API iphone

I want to play H.264 video streamed from network. To play video iphone provides the media player API. Does anyone one aware of any documented or undocumented API for decoding and playing single video frame?
Is it Live video or on demand ?
If live the only way is to use iPhone OS 3 with MediaPlayer.
take a look at the discussions group from apple there is some interesting thread.