Keycloak User Attributes are empty after integration with Okta SAML Provider - saml

I have configured Keycloak with Okta SAML Provider.
Unfortunately, the User Attributes are empty.
I have values in Okta but the in Keycloak values are empty.

You need to configure Okta to add the User Attributes to the SAML assertion and then you need to configure Keycloak to add these Attributes to the user.
Read the post for details


Disable Keycloak user quickly when account is disabled on identity provider

When an user account is disabled on a connected IdP, how do I ensure the account is blocked as soon as possible on Keycloak? At the moment, the “disabled” user is able to continue using my SPA because Keycloak continues to refresh the access token without speaking to the external IdP.
One of the critical features required by my partners when using SSO is that they have control over their users’ access to my application. At the moment if the user was logged into my SPA, they can continue using it for about 24 hours. I would hope to cut that time down to 5 minutes, the lifetime of the access token.
The external IdP is Google. I have tried using both Keycloak’s builtin Social provider for Google as well as setting up a SAML app in Google and user-defind SAML provider in Keycloak. I’m using Keycloak v9 but can upgrade if necessary.
Is there a recipe to achieve my goal? What options do I need to set in the Keycloak client and SAML provider?
Many thanks!
The approach could be as follows. The resource server will need to do the checking with the IDP, not Keycloak.
Enable the option to Store Tokens and Read Stored Tokens in the IDP settings.
Assign users the broker/read-tokens role.
On the resource server, decide on a frequency to check whether the user has been disabled on the IDP. Be aware of each IDP's token introspection's endpoint. Each time the API is consumed:
First of course verify the access token as usual.
If it's time to verify against the IDP, call the Keycloak API with the access token to retrieve the IDP's access token.
The Keycloak endpoint is: https://{domain}/realms/{realm}/broker/{idpid}/token
Call the IDP's token introspection endpoint to validate the IDP access token.
Act accordingly if the IDP responds that the token is not valid. Respond with 401 and ensure that the Keycloak access token can't be used again. Maybe the end_session_endpoint or revocation_endpoint, not sure.
Token validation endpoints:
AuthO: https://{tenant}
MS Azure: doesn't exist, good luck with that!

We're sorry... invalidFederatedIdentityActionMessage from Keycloak after successfull login from ADFS over SAML,

I am getting success and responder status information too from ADFS, I checked for both of cases by turning on and off validate signature switch, setting PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING=true and also to porto HTTP and https forwarding.
No one solution from above given worked well for me.
• You can try the settings in keycloak to be configured as below for it to act as a service provider to ADFS IdP so that you will be able to get the SAML requests to process correctly: -
‘ IdP URL: ${IDP_URL}/adfs/ls/
NameID Policy Format: persistent
WantAuthnRequestsSigned: true
WantAssertionsSigned: true
SignatureAlgorithm: RSA_SHA256
SAMLSignatureKeyName: CERT_SUBJECT ‘
Thus, when you configure the above settings in keycloak, also ensure that you update NameID policy in keycloak as SP and similarly custom settings on the IdP side as well to ensure NameID is sent back as ‘persistent’ in format.
Had the same error message with a misconfigured identity provider on Keycloak 15.
Try this:
Go to https://[ADFS server hostname]/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml to download the ADFS server metadata
Find the X509Certificate fields marked 'signing' in the metadata
Go to your Keycloak Identity Provider definition -> settings -> 'Validating X509 Certificates' and insert the values from the metadata. Alternatively you can import the metadata file using Keycloak's import button when you create a new identity provider. Note: if the metadata contains multiple certificate values you can comma delimit them when you enter them in your keycloak identity provider definition.

How to bypass keycloak consent screen for ext-idm users if user already present in keycloak and want to link automatically

We have configured a SAML based ext-idp with keycloak. Now we are trying to onboard users from ext-idm to keycloak. Usecase is, same user is already present in keycloak and same user is trying to login from ext-idm. Now keycloak is showing a consent page for linking the user. Is there a way to bypass this consent and link the ext-idm user to keycloak user?
For all Client Scopes in keycloak we disabled the 'Display On Consent Screen' option.
All clients 'Consent Required' is disabled.
Both changes did not help.
After disabling consent in Client scope we expected ext-idm users auto link with keycloak user. But as of now Keycloak asks for a consent before linking.
Probably you changed a SAML client (SAML SP) settings but you need to change Identity Brokering (SAML IdP) settings. Please read this section:

Keycloak integration with Pingfederate

What I want to do is this:
I have keycloak integrated with my application. So when my app is launched , keycloak login page is shown to user. Now , I am trying to provide an option to login with PingFedrate. So a button to login with PingFed appears(once a new SAML provider is configured in keycloak). On PingFedrate I tried to integrate SP inititated SSO:
I added a new SP connection and there I configured it as SSP initiated SSO. (It forced me to configure SOAP Authentication , where I selected basic and configured random username password). Then I downloaded metatdata.xml from this SP and imported in keycloak which autofilled the login url as : https://myserver:9031/idp/SSO.saml2 (i.e. without client id). After this when user clickon Login with PingFed - PingFed gives following error:
Unexpected System Error Sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact
your administrator for assistance and provide the reference number
below to help locate and correct the problem.
I found the solution to this.
Firstly, we need to add SP inititated SSO in Pingfed for keycloak.
Secondly, the reason I could not make SP inititated SSO work was that keycloak's entityId should be same as Pingfed SP connection's Partner's Entity Id / Connection Id.
Keycloak, by default keeps entity id equal to url of keyloak server containing your realm. E.g
(and I could not find a way to change it through Keycloak UI)
You need to enter this URL in Pingfed.
To avoid adding this manually, you can download the keycloak config from download export tab of identity provider.
And on Pingfed , import this file.
On a side note, though I was importing it earlier, I was changing value of Partenr id to some other name as I was not aware of above restriction until I started decoding the SAML tokens in request.

Using auth0 with keycloak

I would like to be able to use auth0 as identity provider, so having all login part done through auth0 and using keycloak as authorization manager, so having all user permission management done through keycloak. Is there any way to do this ?
Yes there is.
Keycloak allows you to create mappers for custom identity providers, so that you can extract roles and attributes from your provider to keycloak. That way you will be able to use ABAC or RBAC in Keycloak, with still user permission management done through Auth0.
First you can add Auth0 as an identity provider through OpenID Connect or SAML2. Go to your Auth0 app config > advanced setttings > endpoints to get all the required information to create a new identity provider.
Then you need to create mappers in your identity provider, so you can import attributes or roles from Auth0 token. Documentation is available at
Now your user in Keycloak will have attributes and roles you mapped from Auth0.
Next enable Authorization on your client. You can now define your resources, scopes, policies and permissions in it. See