Memory management - operating system - Page table Entry [closed] - operating-system

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Kindly explain page table entry as according to my understanding total page table size = number of pages *size of each page where number of pages is given in the logical address and offset is the page size. So how page table entry is applicable and when to use?

Page table entry forms a single entry or a row inside a page table. We get to the correct entry of page table using page number of virtual address.
After getting to the correct entry of page table, the entry gives us the correct physical page number or frame number of physical memory and we use the offset to get to the correct byte(in case word = byte) or word.
This means size of page table = number of entries in page table * size of single page table entry.
Number of entries in page table is = 2 to the power of virtual page number as it is in binary.


How to show a question in a form based on selected answer for previous dropdown-menu-question (enum list)

So I'm making a form in AppSheet that will be filled out by the user of the app. I have a table with questions for the columns. Question 1 contains an EnumList of answers, so the user can select multiple answers. What I want to do is display question 2 only if any of the answers in question 1 were selected. So if none were, then don't show question 2 so the user will answer question 3 next.
On AppSheet
Go to Data
Open the corresponding table
Go to Columns
Click on the Edit button of the column to be hidden
On the Show field, add formula, i.e. ISNOTBLANK([Fruit]) (in this example Fruit is the column name).
Click Done

Matlab data pull and save [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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What I'm attempting to do is simple:
Given an excel dataset and user defined inputs, open the associated excel file, pull the associated information for the user inputted information and save this information in a separate excel file.
I've already developed a list of values and the program recognizes user input with associated checks. I'm stuck on getting Matlab to use this information to open the correct dataset, I don't know how to get Matlab to pull a row/column in excel with a silent open and I don't know how to get it to save that data into a separate excel file. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Consider using the functions readtable, and writetable if you have a recent MATLAB (anything more recent than R2013b). The readtable function will 'silently' read data from a specific worksheet in an Excel file into a MATLAB table variable. From there you can 'query' the table to find the specific rows you want and write the result to a new excel table with writetable.
Using readtable, you can specify the range of data with the parameters sheet and range.
requested_data = readtable(excel_file, ...
'sheet',input_sheet_name, ...
and write the data to another Excel file with
writetable(requested_data,ouput_excel_file, ...
'sheet',output_sheet_name, ...
Note: Remember to set the values for excel_file, input_sheet_name, input_data_range, output_excel_file, output_sheet_name, and output_data_range before running above commands.
Querying the table to access data in your table. One way would be to use ismember as in this answer.
Finally, use writetable to store the values.
See also: sheetnames, detectImportOptions, and SpreadsheetImportOptions

Save a ordering list of data into core data [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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i have an nstableview, where the user can add rows.
each row will directly save into Core data.
at the moment i can request the records of core data and sort it by objects id to get the correct order, because the object id is nearly the same like an incremental number.
but now the user can reorder the rows.
how can i save this new order of rows into core data?
Using the id as a way to order is not guaranteed to work, so you shouldn't do that.
Instead, add a field that represents the order.
What we do is have a field called pos that is in integer and we set it sparsely. The first record can be 100, the second 200, etc. Then when we re-order, we set pos to the mid-point of the records right before and after. Every once in a while, you need to re-number the records. The more sparse you do it, the less you need to re-number.
When you add a new record set it to the max value + 100 (or whatever spacing you are using)

What actually high and low means in a ranges table [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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The range table contains the high and a low value. What it actually does and used for?
the range table can be used in open sql queries (using the IN clause) as a restriction. You can define several ranges to include or exclude in your query result. For instance:
report ZZTEST.
lt_kunrng type range of kunnr_d.
it_rnrng type standard table of lt_kunrng,
wa_rnrng type lt_kunrng,
it_kna1 type standard table of kna1.
'I' to wa_rnrng-sign,
'EQ' to wa_rnrng-option,
'0001000000' to wa_rnrng-low,
'0002999999' to wa_rnrng-high.
append wa_rnrng to it_rnrng.
'I' to wa_rnrng-sign,
'EQ' to wa_rnrng-option,
'0003500000' to wa_rnrng-low,
append wa_rnrng to it_rnrng.
select * from kna1 into corresponding fields of table it_kna1
where kna1~kunnr in it_rnrng.
this example defines a RANGE table manually, adds two rows to it and then queries transparent table KNA1 with this range table. The internal table it_kna1 should then contain all KNA1 records with KUNNR between 1000000 and 2999999 and the record with KUNNR 35000000. So you can combine several ranges in a single range table.
The field SIGN contains either 'I' for Include or 'E' for Exclude (meaning that this row should include or exclude records matching the defined range), the field OPTION defines the comparer ('EQ' for equal, 'GT' for greater than, 'GE' for greater or equal and so forth). Fields HIGH and LOW contain the actual ranges. If you only want to query a single value you don't have to supply both LOW and HIGH, you only need to supply field LOW (and of course SIGN and OPTION).
RANGE table are also created when you define a SELECT-OPTION in a report. Users can then use the selection screen to define the ranges they want to use in the report.
TABLES: kna1.
DATA: it_kna1 type standard table of kna1.
so_kndrng for kna1-kunnr.
select * from kna1 into corresponding fields of it_kna1
where kna1~kunnr in so_kndrng.
For further information regarding range tables you can also refer to the official documentation here

How to delete last page [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have document that contains two pages. At first I have table from top to bottom of page. Second page consists of single unprintable paragraph character. I cannot delete that character. I want to have only one page with table. Is is possible? I tried Ctrl+Shift+Del at last table cell, but it does not work. Software version:
This may not be the answer you are looking for:
As per this blog post:
Problem: open office text document with tables ends up with a blank page at the end of the document if the last table fills the previous page. Why? A new line character refuses to be deleted on that last blank page.
Bug #254655
In OpenOffice writer it seems that tables insist on being followed by a new line. This means that you cannot get rid of new line characters between tables. It also means that you cannot get rid of a new line character when it follows a table at the end of a document.
This latter case can mean that you need to reduce the size of the bottom page margin just to make sure then new line character doesn’t get printed on a new page.
What ought to happen is that there should be no new line of text after a table unless you actually want one.
Not a Bug. (Seriously?)
You can click left mouse to the break line at the bottom of the page and delete page break. You can see screenshot bellow
I had the same problem and did the following:
added an empty row to the table
selected the last two rows of the table
separed the table
cancelled the second table (1 row empty table)
went on the following page and pushed the 'backward delete' key
that's it: the last page was no more there!