All kubernetes pods configuration don't refresh on calling actuator refresh endpoint - kubernetes

I have multiple pods for the same microservices in a kubernetes cluster. Each pod has exactly one instance of the microservice. All these pods are behind a network load balancer.
I hit the LB with /refresh end point, and this refreshed only config for the container of the pod that it load balanced.
Is there a way to refresh configs for containers of all pods for this microservice by not individually call each containers?

There is currently no way in Kubernetes to do this without making a request to all endpoints individually. You can get all endpoint addresses from the service with kubectl get endpoints <service-name>.
See also Kubenetes: Is it possible to hit multiple pods with a single request in Kubernetes cluster and the referenced GitHub issue #18755.


difference between Kubeproxy and service

I see in an article that I can access to pods from kubeproxy, so what is the role of kubernetes service here? and what is the difference between Kube Proxy and service? finally,
is kube proxy part of service?
As far as I understand:
Service is a Kubernetes object that has a stable name and stable IP and sits in front of a set of pods. All requests sent to the pods should go to the service.
Kube-proxy is a networking component running on every cluster node(basically its a Daemonset). It implements the low-level rules to allow communication to pods from inside as well as outside the Kubernetes Cluster. We can say that kube-proxy is a part of service.
So when a user tries to reach an application deployed on Kubernetes first it reaches the service and then forwards the request one of the underlying pods. This is done by using the rules that Kube proxy created.
For more understanding refer this video : Kube proxy & blog
Closer look at Kube proxy
From my understanding
If you are only accessing the pod ports inside the cluster, then there are no Service involved, as you need Service objects to expose your pods outside of your Cluster
Service exposes your pods outside of your Cluster. Service provides a stable virtual IP address. A controller keeps track of the pods that are associated with the Service. While kube-proxy is a daemon running on each node and watches the service resources defined in the cluster and manages the rules for the requests on a Service’s backend pods
kube-proxy interacts with the Service so kube-proxy can change the iptable rules when there are changes on Service objects. Hence they are separate entities.
We can discuss this for a while, but let's short a long story.
Requests come to Service
Then Service passes it to Kube-Proxy
Kube-Proxy decides to which Pod this request go
How requests are forwarded from Service to Pod
Kube Proxy forwards the request
Responsible for maintaining a list of Service IPs and corresponding Pod IPs
Check this section for more details...

how to distribute load across multiple ingress pods

In the cluster, 2 ingress pods are raised, but when the load is applied to the cluster, requests go only through one pod, tell me with what tools you can use to balance the load distribution between the ingress pods
You can do this with a load balancer. It is also possible to create one that is only internal of the cluster so that none get created by your cloud provider:

Load Balancing between PODS

Is there a way to do active and passive load balancing between 2 PODs of a micro-service. Say I have 2 instance(PODs) running of Micro-service, which is exposed using a K8s service object. Is there a way to configure the load balancing such a way that one pod will always get the request and when that pod is down , the other pod will start receiving the request?
I have ingress object also on top of that service.
This is what the Kubernetes Service object does, which you already mentioned you are using. Make sure you set up a readiness probe in your pod template so that the system can tell when your app is healthy.

How does the failover mechanism work in kubernetes service?

According to some of the tech blogs (e.g. Understanding kubernetes networking: services), k8s service dispatch all the requests through iptable rules.
What if one of the upstream pods crashed when a request happened to be routed on that pods.
Is there a failover mechanism in kubernetes service?
Will the request will be forwarded to next pod automatically?
How does kubernetes solve this through iptable?
Kubernetes offers a simple Endpoints API that is updated whenever the set of Pods in a Service changes. For non-native applications, Kubernetes offers a virtual-IP-based bridge to Services which redirects to the backend Pods
Here is the detail k8s service & endpoints
So your answer is endpoint Object
kubectl get endpoints,services,pods
There are liveness and readiness checks which decides if the pod is able to process the request or not. Kubelet with docker has mechanism to control the life cycle of pods. If the pod is healthy then its the part of the endpoint object.

Pop to Pod communication for pods within the same Deployment

I have a Kubernetes deployment that has 3 replicas. It starts 3 pods which are distributed across a given cluster. I would like to know how to reliably get one pod to contact another pod within the same ReplicaSet.
The deployment above is already wrapped up in a Kubernetes Service. But Services do not cover my use case. I need each instance of my container (each Pod) to start-up a local in memory cache and have these cache communicate/sync with other cache instances running on other Pods. This is how I see a simple distributed cache working on for my service. Pod to pod communication within the same cluster is allowed as per the Kubernetes Network Model but I cannot see a reliable way to address each a pod from another pod.
I believe I can use a StatefulSet, however, I don't want to lose the ClusterIP assigned to the service which is required by Ingress for load balancing.
Ofcourse you can use statefulset, and ingress doesn't need ClusterIP that assigned to the service, since it uses the endpoints, so 'headless service' is ok.