how to distribute load across multiple ingress pods - kubernetes

In the cluster, 2 ingress pods are raised, but when the load is applied to the cluster, requests go only through one pod, tell me with what tools you can use to balance the load distribution between the ingress pods

You can do this with a load balancer. It is also possible to create one that is only internal of the cluster so that none get created by your cloud provider:


For Kubernetes cluster, shouldn't we have two load balancers instead of one?

In al the tutorials about Kubernetes cluster I have read I didn't see that they mention to 2 load balancers, but only one for the ingress pods.
However, in a proper production environment, should's we have 2 different load balancers?
to balance between the master nodes for requests to the ApiServer.
to balance between the Ingress podes to control the external traffic.
to balance between the master nodes for requests to the ApiServer.
For all production environments its advised to have load
balancer for API Server. This is the first step as part of K8S HA mode creation. More details are in k8s documentation
to balance between the Ingress podes to control the external traffic.
You are correct for this also it’s definitely required to handle external traffic. All the ingress services are created of LoadBalancer Type in their implementations.

Ingress traffic flow in to kubernetes cluster

Can anyone please help me understand the ingress traffic flow to a pod in kubernetes? Any web links or documents are much appreciated.
In my application there is a intermittent connection timed out so i want to understand how the traffic is flowing in to cluster and where do i need to enable tcpdump to understand what is happening when there is timeout.
Your question does not contain enough information to give you a detailed answer. There are different types of ingress controllers, and load balancers as well.
So, suppose:
you are using Azure Kubernetes Service
you are using Azure Load Balancer
you have two types of backend pods, each has its own dedicated service
you are using Nginx as ingress controller which is able to do LAYER 7 (OSI) load balancing
Nginx has also its own pods and a service sits in front of these pods. This service has a Service IP which is available only within the AKS cluster. Due to this, additionally you can use Azure Load Balancer (ALB) to make your backend pods available for the public. ALB is a layer 4 load balancer, which sends the incoming traffic to the worker nodes.
Kube-proxy is running on every worker nodes and able to recognize that the traffic from the ALB was destined to the Nginx service.
See the flow on the image below:

Prometheus: Better Option to monitor external K8s Cluster

I have two kubernetes clusters who do not talk to one another in any way. The idea is to maintain one prometheus instance(in another 3rd cluster) that can scrape endpoints from both the clusters.
I created a service account in each cluster, gave it cluster role & clusterrolebinding and took an yaml file of the secret. I then imported the same secret in the 3rd cluster where I have prometheus running. Using these mounted secrets, I was able to pull data from all pods in cluster 1 and 2.
Are there any better options to achieve this usecase?
I am in a way transferring secrets from one cluster to another to get the same ca.crt and token.
I think it is not safe to share secrets between clusters.
What about federation prometheus, one prometheus instance can export some data, which can be consumed by external prometheus instance.
For example, a cluster scheduler running multiple services might expose resource usage information (like memory and CPU usage) about service instances running on the cluster. On the other hand, a service running on that cluster will only expose application-specific service metrics. Often, these two sets of metrics are scraped by separate Prometheus servers.
Or deploy some exporter, which can be consumed by external prometheus. e.g. (but it is not providing cpu/memory usage of pods)

Pop to Pod communication for pods within the same Deployment

I have a Kubernetes deployment that has 3 replicas. It starts 3 pods which are distributed across a given cluster. I would like to know how to reliably get one pod to contact another pod within the same ReplicaSet.
The deployment above is already wrapped up in a Kubernetes Service. But Services do not cover my use case. I need each instance of my container (each Pod) to start-up a local in memory cache and have these cache communicate/sync with other cache instances running on other Pods. This is how I see a simple distributed cache working on for my service. Pod to pod communication within the same cluster is allowed as per the Kubernetes Network Model but I cannot see a reliable way to address each a pod from another pod.
I believe I can use a StatefulSet, however, I don't want to lose the ClusterIP assigned to the service which is required by Ingress for load balancing.
Ofcourse you can use statefulset, and ingress doesn't need ClusterIP that assigned to the service, since it uses the endpoints, so 'headless service' is ok.

Helm Deployment vs Service

I am trying to understand k8s and helm.
When I create a helm chart, there are 2 files: service.yaml and deployment.yaml. Both of them have a name field.
If I understand correctly, the deployment will be responsible for managing the pods, replicasets, etc and thus the service.
Basically, why am I allowed use a separate name for the service and for the deployment? Under what scenario would we want these 2 names to differ? Can a deployment have more than 1 service?
The "service" creates a persistent IP address in your cluster which is how everything else connects it. The Deployment creates a ReplicaSet, which creates a Pod, and this Pod is the backend for that service. There can be more than 1 pod, in which case the service load balances, and these pods can change over time, change IP's, but your service remains constant.
Think of the service as a load balancer which points to your pods. It's analogous to interfaces and implementations. The service is like an interface, which is backed by the pods, the impementations.
The mapping is m:n. You can have multiple services backed by a single pod, or multiple pods backing a single service.