square listCustomers call does not include custom fields in Response customer object - rest

I'm trying to come up to speed on the Square API. I have been able to successfully create a post call to CreateCustomer() and a get call to ListCustomers(). In both cases, the customer objects come through fine but the custom fields I have added to extend the customer object are not present. When I add, view and edit Customers using the Square Dashboard they show up as expected. They are also present if I export Customers from the Dashboard.
Is there a way to get the custom fields to be included in Square's Rest API calls?

At this time Square's APIs will not return custom fields.


Custom POST/PUT route/endpoint based on meta value

I'm currently making a store which is receiving it's data from external sources. Being new to the world of editing/creating REST API, I've come across a problem. The problem is that the external source have no idea what ID the product gets in woocommerce so update/delete products is not possible with the current endpoints/routes. However, the external source does have it's own ID on it's product and I've stored this in a custom meta field in woo and I can see it and update it through api on Postman.
How can i create a new endpoint/route that uses the custom meta field called externalProductId and use this to update the product instead of the woocommerce ID?
What you can do, which I particularly did in my case ... Create a field id_product_woo in your external bank, the time you create the product in Woocommerce, it returns a JSON with the information of the product created, including the ID inside Woocommerce... When you create or update a product in Woocommerce, you then pass the id stored in the id_product_woo field of your external bank.
Apparently, this for me, worked perfectly.

Attask- how to know that whether particular custom form is selected in the task or not

I want to search only those task from the project, which has a particular custom form (though not selected any field).
This returns only first custom form(category) object selected in the task and not all the custom forms..
I want to find all those task which contains particular categoryID..
Attask/api/ task/search?categoryID= 46785335&fields=parameterValues
It doesn't return me response when custom form selected after another custom form..
Since multiple custom forms is a new feature it is still only in earlyAccess this has not been released to the current API. You can however do this using the unsupported API.
the following will do what you are wanting.
GET attask/api-unsupported/task/search?objectCategoriesMM:ID=55a4232e005dc2668af39a4f24a4db40
This will search all forms not just the primary(first) form

Ember CLI - Custom routing for very basic dropdown

New to ember and ember cli, and not having any JS based framework experience apart from jQuery (which is not a framework)
I find my self stuck at the very beginning compared to work done in Angular,
I have a static list of groups which are on REST api `http://localhost:8000/api/groups' and it is only 8 items there, I needed to show them as dropdown for a search criteria. Nothing fancy
I started with creating a route and model with the name of groups but app stopped working and I had to create a model for group which is identical to groups model, only having 2 items for dropdown
Now i have a url in my ember app http://localhost:4200/groups which I dont need and i dont want it to be there,
But I ignored it and had to create a dropdown of the cities, api is
http://localhost:8000/api/cities <-- All cities list, needed for admin
http://localhost:8000/api/cities/active <-- For clients to show active cities so they can add their records
http://localhost:8000/api/cities/filled <-- For users, to show them where clients are available
So in ember, I created a route and model for cities, and same model is copied as city just to show the list of cities in dropdown, I needed to show cities which are filled, I had created ember g route city/filled and it created folders, but its model is also same like other two models.
Ajax call is not being sent to city/filled url and now I ended up having
http://localhost:4200/cities // useless for me
http://localhost:4200/cities/filled //useless for me
and in filled i see that ajax call is made but to the http://localhost:8000/api/cities two times, loading same data. I tried adding a dropdown on my application and opened http://localhost:4200/cities/filled in browswer, and woosh, it send ajax call to the same url 3 times, one for application.hbs and one for cities.hbs and one for city/filled. Why load the same data 3 times if it is already fetched from same url within single request?
in angular I just call a custom url and I can get the data, but for ember its really hard to get grip on these small things and there is no help around
active and filled are filters for your cities resource and these are not standalone resources, so you should try to use them as query parameters. like
Facebook uses this style for query params. You can also use query params for getting paginated data of a resource, like for 1st page and 25 records per page, the request will look like:

Linking Marketo Custom Object to Lead via SOAP

How do I link a custom object created via Marketo's SOAP API to an existing lead?
In your custom object, you can define one of the fields as a 'link'.
In the web interface , when you select 'link', it reloads the dialog and gives you the option to select the linked object type (Lead) and the field to link with (ID).
When you create an object using the SOAP API with a link field like this, you can give the custom object your lead ID to link it.

Token is not getting a value when the form sent by email

I'm developing a basic recruitment-type website.
I have an "Apply" CustomForm attached with a contenttype("Job"), but I can't get access fields outside of the CustomForm widget. I'm trying to add the reference number or the url to the email within the workflow. Orchard shows {Content.Fields.Input-Reference} token, but it returns no value when used.
Should I overwrite the handler when the form is created or how can I access fields of other zones?
As far as I understand the question, you don't actually need to add a custom token to your module. Custom Forms module takes care of that for you and adds the tokens for fields itself. You just need to use them in the email module.
Just look for a tokens named like this:
Not that the tasks of adding custom tokens to the system and accessing them inside the workflow are particularly hard, mind you.