Custom POST/PUT route/endpoint based on meta value - woocommerce-rest-api

I'm currently making a store which is receiving it's data from external sources. Being new to the world of editing/creating REST API, I've come across a problem. The problem is that the external source have no idea what ID the product gets in woocommerce so update/delete products is not possible with the current endpoints/routes. However, the external source does have it's own ID on it's product and I've stored this in a custom meta field in woo and I can see it and update it through api on Postman.
How can i create a new endpoint/route that uses the custom meta field called externalProductId and use this to update the product instead of the woocommerce ID?

What you can do, which I particularly did in my case ... Create a field id_product_woo in your external bank, the time you create the product in Woocommerce, it returns a JSON with the information of the product created, including the ID inside Woocommerce... When you create or update a product in Woocommerce, you then pass the id stored in the id_product_woo field of your external bank.
Apparently, this for me, worked perfectly.


Insert value into Azure DevOps Custom Fields through Rest Api

I've added some custom fields for Test Plan in Azure DevOps. But when I try to create a new Test Plan through the Rest API call, it is only creating a Test Plan with default fields populated, while custom fields remain blank.
I've tried using both the field name (like Team Name) along with field reference name (like custom.TeamName) but to no avail. Even Get is also not exposing custom fields. Is some extra configuration required for custom fields, or it is a code related issue?
Details: I've created one Inherited process under the organization, and then under Process->Test Plan I've created new fields in the Test Plan, as shown in the screen shot:
I've tried below code to create Test Plan as Work Item and successfully created it with extra fields. But as I couldn't create a test suite independently, it is not behaving properly.
I've created a JsonPatchDocument and added all the fields (adding just one here) like below code:
JsonPatchDocument patchDocument= new JsonPatchDocument();
VssConnection connection=new VssConnection(uri,credential);
WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingHttpClient= connection.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHTTPClient>();
WorkItem res=workItemTrackingHTTPClient.CreateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument,project,"Test Plan").Result;
It is creating the Test Plan, but not Test Suite. So it is acting weirdly. Kindly check this.
Insert value into Azure DevOps Custom Fields through Rest Api
I could reproduce this issue with the REST API Test Plans - Create.
I think this should be related to the REST API, that because even if I use the REST API Test Plans - Get to get the custom field, but the request body does not include the custom field.
Since we could not get the custom field, we could not use the POST or PATCH for the custom filed.
You could add this request for this feature on our UserVoice site ( ), which is our main forum for product suggestions. Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.

How to populate fields of an online form

I created a custom record (child of Inventory item) and an online form.
The final goal it's to send a link to a user (not a netsuite user) to display the different informations of this custom record. The user will be able to update some values and submit the form.
I saw it's possible to link a script file to this form, but I need the ID of the record to load it and populate every field of the form.
With normal forms, we have the internalid of the record as an URL param but in this case there is nothing in the URL .
Do you know any way to achieve that ?
A solution for the final goal could be:
Create an empty Suitelet (provides external link for User). Or refer to step 4 for contents.
Stored on the Custom record or via script (created in step 3) you can add to the external link, to include the record type and id as url parameters (&recordtype=customrecord&recid=12345). Be sure to avoid reserved parameter names.
Create a UserEvent, Client, or Scheduled Script to send email to User based on your requirements (in the email include the custom external suitelet link). User will click on the link and land on a NetSuite looking webpage (not requiring credentials).
Modify empty Suitelet. Suitelet should when context.request.method===GET: get parameters, load record(s), get data from record(s), create form, display data to User, display fields for User to enter data, add submit and refresh/cancel button, write/display the form with all fields. Upon submission (when context.request.method is not GET) you can use record.submit method to update the custom record(s).
NetSuite Suite Answer Id 74607 has a Sample Custom Form Suitelet Script from that can be very helpful.

square listCustomers call does not include custom fields in Response customer object

I'm trying to come up to speed on the Square API. I have been able to successfully create a post call to CreateCustomer() and a get call to ListCustomers(). In both cases, the customer objects come through fine but the custom fields I have added to extend the customer object are not present. When I add, view and edit Customers using the Square Dashboard they show up as expected. They are also present if I export Customers from the Dashboard.
Is there a way to get the custom fields to be included in Square's Rest API calls?
At this time Square's APIs will not return custom fields.

how can i upload course and user with its id on moodle

I want to upload course using upload courses menu.
and i want to import the id with the other fields.
I tried "id","shortname","fullname","category" as a filed on the csv.But it uses incremented id instead.
Oh and i want the same thing for user too.
That cannot be done - all ids in Moodle are automatically generated, in order to make sure they always uniquely identify the item (course, user, etc).
Instead of trying to identify the course by id, you should look at identifying it by shortname or idnumber.

Linking Marketo Custom Object to Lead via SOAP

How do I link a custom object created via Marketo's SOAP API to an existing lead?
In your custom object, you can define one of the fields as a 'link'.
In the web interface , when you select 'link', it reloads the dialog and gives you the option to select the linked object type (Lead) and the field to link with (ID).
When you create an object using the SOAP API with a link field like this, you can give the custom object your lead ID to link it.