Changing column properties size - mysql-workbench

How to change column properties size so as to columns list was expand?

You can make the entire pane larger which will then proportionally make the subpage bigger. Additionally, there's a splitter between the column list and the details pane which allows to change the relative size of both parts.


Scaling UI element with content up to a maximum (Unity)

I have a Panel containing a TextMeshPro (TMP) object and a few other (buttons for example) aligned vertically. I want the following behavior:
Panel size expands vertically as more text is added to the TMP or more elements are added (e.g. buttons and sub-images).
As more text is added to the TMP, we stop expanding the size of the Panel and instead use overflow (ellipses or whatever).
So it should look like this when the text is long, and this when the text is short.
My current setup has Vertical Layout Group and Content Size Fitter components in the Panel object.
The Vertical Layout Group has "Control Child Size" ticked but not "Use Child Scale" or "Force Child Expand".
The Content Size Fitter has "Preferred Size" for vertical fit.
The TMP object has a Layout Element component. If I set this component to a specific preferred size it gets fixed at that size and so handles overflow well but when the text content is short there is tons of extra space.
If I uncheck preferred size from the TMP, the TMP object shrinks to fit small amounts of text snugly (as I want). However, when I add lots of text it keeps growing without a cap, eventually taking over the entire screen and more.
Is there any way to achieve my desired behavior by tweaking the settings of the Layout Element/Content Size Fitter/Vertical Layout Group? Or do I have to write a new component that turns on preferred size to cap the height when text reaches a certain length?
The best solution I found is to add a new component to the parent object with the Content Size Fitter that enforces the maximum.
The new component needs to implement the interface ILayoutSelfController and implement the methods SetLayoutHorizontal and SetLayoutVertical. In these methods, check if the current X and Y dimensions are larger than Serialized maxes you set in the inspector.
The full solution, from a Unity user called Democide (aka Democritus) is available here

How to achieve auto width Column in sap.ui.table.Table?

I am using sap.ui.table.Table. This table has some very good feature but I am having a tough time to figure out how to set the column to auto width.
Currently, all the columns are fixed size but I want something if column A value is small, then auto adjust it rather than having fixed size. Same for if the column value is large, then adjust it to show the value.
I saw the other question sap.ui.table.Table how to optimize column widths but the answers there are to get column layout with fixed sizes, not auto width.
The control sap.ui.table.Column offers a property called autoResizable by which the user can resize the column width depending on the content of the column's template.
From API Reference:
Enables auto-resizing of the column on double clicking the resize bar. The width is determined on the widest currently displayed content. It does not consider rows which are currently not scrolled into view.
However, as you can see, it requires user interaction. Doing it without user interaction programmatically can be achieved by using the (currently experimental) API autoResizeColumn from sap.ui.table.Table.
myTable.autoResizeColumn(/*ColumnIndex*/); // experimental!
Here is an example of both approaches:

Stretch elements by overflow in jasperreports

I have a structure like bellow which consist of one static text and two text fields. The text fields should expand relative to their content. I need to adjust them in a way that these three elements expand together. Should I keep them in one band? What should be the stretch type for each?
Put all three elements in a band.
Set the Stretch Type of Static Text to Relative To Band Height.
Set the same for text field 1.
Set the same for text field 2 and additionally set Position Type to Float.

define height of tine mce

I want to set height of tiny mce depending on the type of element it is initialized for. For example, I want to set height 200px for headings and use mce's default size for for paragraph and ordered and unordered lists. Also, I want to adjust height of the mce instance with the content. Instead of adding vertical scrolls, it should increase with content.
For this you need to specify editor_css in the tinimce init.
There you should change the desired values.

How to increase Detail band height dynamically

My requirement is to increase the Detail band height dynamically when the text field has more data. Are there any settings to increase to it? I am using one textField in the Detail band when it has more information (words), it is displaying only some information.
i.e the words are being cut off. Depending on the detail band height the words are displaying. I would like to increase the band height dynamically when the text field has more data.
First select your field and set following properties (third one is most important):
Position type: float
Stretch type: relative to tallest object
Stretch with overflow: true (checked)
Go to Report level properties. Advanced - Set the Column count and then Print order as Horizontal
Try setting the text field and surround object to Position Type Float in the object's properties.
This should let the report expand as the text field grows.