pg_restore: using the -L (use-list) option not working - postgresql

I every now and then restores a db-dump. To save time and I want to exclude some large un-needed tables.
I try to use the -L (use-list) option but when running the pg_restor command it does not work.
I get the same result even if I'm using a un-edited list.
This is the command I use:
pg_restore -v -U [user] -L "restore.pgdump.list" -d [dbname]-h localhost -p 5432 [dump-file]
This is the result:
pg_restore: [archiver] WARNING: line ignored: ÿþ
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: implied data-only restore
If I go with the same command without the L-option the database is restored correctly.
Would much appreciate your help


Restore postgres database with correct ownership in azure (no superuser)

I am currently working on migrating a postgres database between two azure postgres instances. Since these are managed services, I am not able to use a superuser-account (those are not provided). I am first migrating my roles, then my database, with the following commands:
# Migrate the roles
pg_dumpall -r --host=$OLD_HOST --username=$OLD_USERNAME --database=$DB_NAME > roles.sql
sed -i 's/NOSUPERUSER//g' roles.sql
sed -i 's/NOBYPASSRLS//g' roles.sql
psql -f roles.sql --host=$NEW_HOST --username=$NEW_USERNAME --dbname=postgres --clean --if-exists
pg_dump -Z0 -Fd -j 12 -h $OLD_HOST -U $OLD_USERNAME -d $DB_NAME -f $DIRECTORY
pg_restore -h $NEW_HOST -U $NEW_USERNAME -j 12 -Fd -C -d $DB_NAME $DIRECTORY
Unfortunately this results in a couple of errors like these:
pg_restore: from TOC entry 720; 1259 1421377 SEQUENCE id_publicatie_seq svp
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: permission denied for schema svp
Command was: ALTER TABLE svp.id_publicatie_seq OWNER TO svp;
pg_restore: from TOC entry 718; 1259 1421365 TABLE publicatie svp
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: permission denied for schema svp
Command was: ALTER TABLE svp.publicatie OWNER TO svp;
I'm able to get rid of these errors by adding the --no-owner flag in my pg_restore command, but this is a problem since I specifically want to keep all owners exactly the same as in my original database. Am I overseeing something?

How to restore postgres 12 dump file into postgres 11.5

dump file generated by pg_dump command in postgres 12
command i use in postgres 11.5:
pg_restore -h [host] -p 5432 -U postgres -d [db] -1 backup.dump
error message:
pg_restore: error: could not set default_table_access_method: ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter "default_table_access_method"
Is it possible to restore it? please advice.
It seems that only pg_restore throws an error, psql just issues a warning. So you could convert your binary dump to text:
pg_restore dumpfile.Fc -f- | psql -U user -d database
This worked for me on linux.
default_table_access_method is not available in pg11. So the workaround is to take a plain dump of source database and remove the following given below entry from your backup.dump file
SET default_table_access_method = heap;
After that use the below command for restoring the dump on target pg1

How can I restore Postgres backup extension file in windows?

Let's start with basic info:
-OS Windows Server 2012R2
-Postgres 9.5
I'm trying to restore a .backup file from a backup generated from the pgadmin3 interface.
I've tried restoring it using the GUI and psql and pg_restore.
I always receive the following error :
[archiver] input file does not appear to be a valid archive
Here's a sample of my pg_restore command
D:>pg_restore -d newDB -h HOSTNAME -U someuser -v -F c
"D:\BackupFull.backup" pg_restore: [archiver] did
not find magic string in file header
D:>pg_restore -d newDB -h HOSTNAME -U someuser
pg_restore: [archiver] input
file does not appear to be a valid archive
Am I doing something wrong or is my file corrupted somehow.

How to restore postgres db from gzip file using psql? (arelle: XBRL SEC DB)

I downloaded the postgres pg_dump file from I then ran the schema ddl file in pgAdminIII and it recreated all of the databases, functions, etc.
When I try to restore the databases using the following:
desktop:~/Downloads$ sudo postgres zcat | psql -U postgres public
I get:
sudo: postgres: command not found psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"
I can zcat the file into a file to expand it. Looks like it is a pg_dump file.
postgres=> pg_restore -a /home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_2014-11-02.txt
postgres-> ;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "pg_restore"
LINE 1: pg_restore -a /home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_2014-11-0...
postgres=> pg_restore -a postgres /home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_2014-11-02.txt;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "pg_restore"
LINE 1: pg_restore -a postgres /home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_...
So then I tried to use PG Admin III, and my output:
/usr/bin/pg_restore --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --dbname "public" --role "postgres" --no-password --section data --data-only --exit-on-error --table accession --schema public --verbose "/home/jeremy/Downloads/xbrldb_SEC_pg_2014-11-02.backup"
pg_restore: [archiver] input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql.
Process returned exit code 1.
May I please ask what I need to do to get the databases restored?
Does anyone know what I need to do to get the database updated from 2014-11-02 to the current date?
You should run psql as postgres user, not zcat, so try to use following:
zcat | sudo -u postgres psql public
PS pg_restore is an utility, not a PostgreSQL command, that means you should run it from command line, not from psql.

pg_restore: [compress_io] could not uncompress data: invalid block type

I'm getting this error when I restore a Postgres backup from another server:
pg_restore: [compress_io] could not uncompress data: invalid block type
I haven't found much online about what that error means. Except of this discussion.
Is it a problem with the backup file? Is it corrupted? Or is there anything that I need to do in order for the target database to read the block type?
This is part of a script running in crontab for creating the backup: ...
if /usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_dump -Fc -Z 9 -U postgres $PG_DATABASE -p $PG_PORT --schema=$SCHEMA > $PG_BACKUP_FOLDER/notus_dump_$NOW-$SILO.backup 2>/tmp/pg_dump.err
... And this is the command that restores it:
/usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_restore -v -U postgres -p $PG_PORT -C -e -d $PG_DATABASE -n $SCHEMA [backup file]
All variables resolve correctly. The problem is on restore, it starts restoring but it exits with the error in the title.