get Postgres UDT value with JOOQ - postgresql

In Postgres, i created a UDT as follows
and in postgres cli, i can retrieve the UDT value back like
which lists the details of the UDT, including its enum values under the 'Elements' column
EDIT: added result of "\dT+" command
postgres=# \dT+ status_type
List of data types
Schema | Name | Internal name | Size | Elements | Owner | Access privileges | Description
public | status_type | status_type | 4 | WAITING +| Postgres | |
| | | | STARTED +| | |
| | | | PAUSED +| | |
| | | | SUCCESS +| | |
| | | | FAILED | | |
Now, I am using JOOQ in a spring project, and want to get that UDT's value using JOOQ. Can anyone help me on how to get that done?
NOTE: I know that JOOQ generates the ENUM types when generating classes, But is that the only way to get the information i need?

I'm assuming you want to get a listing of all the enum literals from the database, dynamically. The SQL query that the jOOQ code generator uses for this similar to this:
SELECT n.nspname, t.typname, e.enumlabel, e.enumsortorder
FROM pg_enum e
JOIN pg_type t ON e.enumtypid = t.oid
JOIN pg_namespace n ON t.typnamespace = n.oid
ORDER BY n.nspname, t.typname, e.enumsortorder
Now, just run this query using jOOQ like any other query to get something like this (from the Sakila database):
nspname |typname |enumlabel |enumsortorder |
public |mpaa_rating |G |1 |
public |mpaa_rating |PG |2 |
public |mpaa_rating |PG-13 |3 |
public |mpaa_rating |R |4 |
public |mpaa_rating |NC-17 |5 |


SQL parameter table

I suspect this question is already well-answered but perhaps due to limited SQL vocabulary I have not managed to find what I need. I have a database with many code:description mappings in a single 'parameter' table. I would like to define a query or procedure to return the descriptions for all (or an arbitrary list of) coded values in a given 'content' table with their descriptions from the parameter table. I don't want to alter the original data, I just want to display friendly results.
Is there a standard way to do this?
Can it be accomplished with SELECT or are other statements required?
Here is a sample query for a single coded field:
newid() as id,
I want to produce 'decoded' results like:
|--------------------------------------|------------ |
| BABCEC1E-5FE2-46FA-9763-000131F2F688 | Active |
| 758F5201-4742-43C6-8550-000571875265 | Active |
| 5E51634C-4DD9-4B0A-BBF5-00087DF71C8B | Active |
| 0A4EA521-DE70-4D04-93B8-000CD12B7F55 | Inactive |
| 815C6C66-8995-4893-9A1B-000F00F839A4 | Proposed |
Rather than original, coded data like:
| F50214D7-F726-4996-9C0C-00021BD681A4 | 3 |
| 4F173E40-54DC-495E-9B84-000B446F09C3 | 3 |
| F9C216CD-0453-434B-AFA0-000C39EFA0FB | 3 |
| 5D09554E-201D-4208-A786-000C537759A1 | 1 |
| F0BDB9A4-E796-4786-8781-000FC60E200C | 4 |
but for an arbitrary number of columns.

Sorting Issue with Underscore in Postgres

I'm trying to perform sorting on below data but postgres return the wrong sorting result.
Can someone please help me over her. How can I get proper sorting data.
Here I'm write below query to get data,
and it's return result like below,
| BB001217 |
| BB001217_000010 |
| BB001217_000011 |
| BB001217_00002 |
| BB001217_00003 |
| BB001218 |
| BB001219 |
| BB001220 |
| BB001220_000010 |
| BB001220_000011 |
| BB001220_00002 |
| BB001220_00003 |
| BB001220_00004 |
| BB001220_00005 |
| BB001220_00006 |
And I Expected result in below form,
| BB001217 |
| BB001217_00002 |
| BB001217_00003 |
| BB001217_000010 |
| BB001217_000011 |
| BB001218 |
| BB001219 |
| BB001220 |
| BB001220_00002 |
| BB001220_00003 |
| BB001220_00004 |
| BB001220_00005 |
| BB001220_00006 |
| BB001220_000010 |
| BB001220_000011 |
From PostgreSQL v10 on you could use an ICU collation that provides “natural sorting”:
CREATE COLLATION english_natural (
LOCALE = 'en-US-u-kn-true',
FROM TempTable
ORDER BY a_test COLLATE english_natural
You are storing numbers in a VARCHAR column and the sorting is thus based on character sorting where '10' is considered to be smaller than '2'
You need to split the column into two parts, then convert the second to a number and sort on those two:
FROM temptable
ORDER BY split_part(a_test,'_',1),
nullif(split_part(a_test,'_',2),'')::int ASC NULLS FIRST;
Online example:

How to convert PSQLs ::json #> ::json to a jpa/jpql-predicate

Say i have a db-table looking like this:
user_ids JSONB
user_ids are a JSONB-ARRAY
Let a record of this table look like this:
"date":"2019-01-25 11:03:57",
"user_ids":[25, 661, 88]
I need to query all records where user_ids contain 25. In SQL i can achieve it with the following select-statement:
SELECT * FROM myTable where user_ids::jsonb #> '[25]'::jsonb;
Now i need to write a JPA-Predicate that renders "user_ids::jsonb #> '[25]'::jsonb" to a hibernate parseable/executable Criteria, which i then intent to use in a session.createQuery() statement.
In simpler terms i need to know how i can write that PSQL-snippet (user_ids::jsonb #> '[25]'::jsonb) as a HQL-expression.
Fortunately, every comparison operator in PostgreSQL is merely an alias to a function, and you can find the alias through the psql console by typing \doS+ and the operator (although some operators are considered wildcards in this search, so they give more results than desired).
Here is the result:
postgres=# \doS+ #>
List of operators
Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Function | Description
pg_catalog | #> | aclitem[] | aclitem | boolean | aclcontains | contains
pg_catalog | #> | anyarray | anyarray | boolean | arraycontains | contains
pg_catalog | #> | anyrange | anyelement | boolean | range_contains_elem | contains
pg_catalog | #> | anyrange | anyrange | boolean | range_contains | contains
pg_catalog | #> | box | box | boolean | box_contain | contains
pg_catalog | #> | box | point | boolean | box_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | #> | circle | circle | boolean | circle_contain | contains
pg_catalog | #> | circle | point | boolean | circle_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | #> | jsonb | jsonb | boolean | jsonb_contains | contains
pg_catalog | #> | path | point | boolean | path_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | #> | polygon | point | boolean | poly_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | #> | polygon | polygon | boolean | poly_contain | contains
pg_catalog | #> | tsquery | tsquery | boolean | tsq_mcontains | contains
(13 rows)
What you want is jsonb arguments on both sides, and we see the function that has that is called jsonb_contains. So the equivalent to jsonbcolumn #> jsonbvalue is jsonb_contains(jsonbcolumn, jsonbvalue). Now you can't use the function in either JPQL or CriteriaBuilder, unless you register it through a custom Dialect if you're using Hibernate. If you're using EclipseLink, I don't know the situation there.
From here on, your options are to use native queries, or add your own Hibernate Dialect by extending an existing one.
Replacing "#>" with "jsonb_contains()" is not a good idea. The operator is indexed, not the function. Example:

PostgreSQL Order by first 3 letter of field string

I have a column table like this in my table PostgreSQL database
| Product|
| A10A |
| A13 |
| A12B |
and i want to order it by the first like this:
| Product|
| A10A |
| A12B |
| A13 |
If i use the normal order by im not getting the exact same result that i want

How can I get all roads/ways from an osm2pgsql shema?

I'm trying to create a list of every road in Germany (With latitude,longitude and Streetname).
So far I have imported the german osm file with the help of osm2pgsql into a postgres Database.
So what I am looking for is a query that allows me to query every road.
First of all I would suggest using the psql tool. So assuming your database is called gis enter the following command at the terminal:
psql gis
from within the psql tool you can query the database but first it is a g0od idea to get an idea of which tables were created by osm2psql, do this be entering:
this should give you output like this:
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | geography_columns | view | postgres
public | geometry_columns | table | gis
public | planet_osm_line | table | user
public | planet_osm_nodes | table | user
public | planet_osm_point | table | user
public | planet_osm_polygon | table | user
public | planet_osm_rels | table | user
public | planet_osm_roads | table | user
public | planet_osm_ways | table | user
public | spatial_ref_sys | table | gis
(10 rows)
There we can see a likely looking candidate in planet_osm_roads, enter:
\d planet_osm_roads
this will show you the structure of the roads table, which will look something like this:
Table "public.planet_osm_roads"
Column | Type | Modifiers
osm_id | bigint |
access | text |
addr:housename | text |
addr:housenumber | text |
addr:interpolation | text |
admin_level | text |
aerialway | text |
aeroway | text |
amenity | text |
waterway | text |
wetland | text |
width | text |
wood | text |
z_order | integer |
way_area | real |
way | geometry |
From there we can formulate our query. Something like:
SELECT osm_id,name,way FROM planet_osm_roads LIMIT 1;
will get you the first road in the list. The documentation at will help you with decoding the way geometry string.