Forgot Username Link Keycloak - keycloak

I am looking into how to make the "Forgot Username" link to appear on the login page. According to the PR that added this functionality (, it looks like it is supposed to show up when you turn on the feature for "Forgot Password".
I have this feature turned on, and the "Forgot Password" link now shows up on the login screen and works correctly. I still cannot get the "Forgot Username" link to show up.
I cannot find any documentation on this feature. If someone could point me to the documentation for this or the correct setting in the admin UI, I would appreciate it.
I have tried:
In Realm Settings -> Login, turning on "Forgot Password"
In Realm Settings -> Login, trying all possible combinations of "Verify Email", "Login with Email" and "Duplicate Email"

The "Forgot Username" link has been removed since this commit. According to the commit message, this is because Keycloak supported login with email.


Getting Unable to verify your captcha response error when trying to log into github

I made a second github account from another email address and must have typed a different character than I was aware of when making my password. I tried to reset the password and am getting the error listed in the title. I went to the documentation page and did the tests present and passed both of them. When I go to the reset page I don't get any type of capta, I just get a loading icon and eventualyl a green checkmark and when I click the "send password reset" email the error pops up and the loading icon resets. I can still log in and out of my other account perfectly fine, but the new one is for some reason acting up. Does anybody know why this is happening or know of a bug on their website that can be causing this?

This url has been identified as malicious and/or abusive
I`m a developer of Facebook login app for website. When I'm trying to save changes in my Facebook web-application settings, getting this error "Site URL has been been identified as malicious and/or abusive." I can't save anything while field "Site URL" contains my domain name. What am I supposed to do?
Go to . Try to share the url. You will get a dialog saying the url is bad and in the button there will be a link if you don't agree and you want to report it.
simple solution is to disable facebook button, so that facebvook change their aggressive globalism political tactic of changing their ways for developers constantly forcing to change their code, like google does with google login.
Other solution is to, according to:
First go to:
and check if your URL appears as non safe or as Untested
Click on reclassify --> url reclassification request
Then select the option SAFE
Suggest a category
Add your email
click the button to proceed, then go to yuour email and click the link that trendmicro sent to you, then wait
other links:

Form is not submitted on pressing Enter key but submiited onclicking submit button

This may be silly but i really want to know about this, not only me this may be question a from thousands of students.
The following link is my university website
there is a login panel.
after entering my username & password if i click enter then page reloads but the expected behaviour is to submit the form.
To actually login into this website you need to click on submit button.
Can anyone explain me about this.
what i think is there must be some onlick event on sumit button but
the button there is <input type="submit"> so by default it
need to submit by pressing enter as usally happens in all websites
I also noticed one more thing that the form tag is missing there.
Any help or explanation about this question is appreciated
just enter a wrong email and password
if u press enter: there is no red color error message of wrong
email and password
if u click submit:there is a red color error message of wrong email and password
The default behaviour is that when input with type submit is present in the form, the form will get sumitted upon click on the button, or enter key press when some form control has focus. Since controls on your site are not inside of form the expected behaviour will not be seen.

Create a change password page

I have added a plugin called "force password" which will force members to change their password on their first login.
However, because I redirect the users to a profile page I have done myself, I don't want them to be redirected to the dashboard or to be able edit my profile page.
Instead, I want a screen to popup with a "change my password" box or a change password box to be loaded on a similar page as the login page. After they change their password they will be logged into their profiles.
I'm not sure what your question is, but what you need to do is to hook into the wp init action that runs when a request starts. There you can check if the password has changed, put up the form, check the post values and do your redirects.
Redirects must be done in the init before Wordpress starts writing to the response.

how to create facebook auth dialog preview user

I'm using open graph to publish actions on users' feed. My tests are ok for admin users and now I want to test it on "Auth dialog preview user"'s timeline before submiting any approuval. But I can't see this user anywhere. So I tried to create him by using: It was created successfully but when I try to publish action on it's timeline I got the error message: "Application with ID has not been granted the capability to use the property message". So I understand that the user I created is not recognized as a test user. Is there any way to have a valid one?
Have you tried to do it by app dashboard?<APP_ID>/roles at the bottom there is section like "Test users" and link "Add".
If the actions are created but the user is not there, click "Get Code" as described from this section
The first thing you should do is create an Open Graph Action, by
clicking the Open Graph link as shown in the above image Set your
namespace because we need this to define your Open Graph meta data as
stated in the protocol –
Next, go back to the Open Graph link and create an action
Plan a Trip
Walk the dog
Drink Computers
Honestly, the actual action isn’t important right now. All I am trying
to do is lead you to the Auth Preview User, it will be up to you to
make the next steps.
Once that’s set, go to the Open Graph Dashboard.
Select “Get Code” this should return a cURL command for you to execute
curl -F 'access_token=xxx' \
-F 'computer=' \
You don’t need to execute the cURL command, just go to your roles,
that Auth Dialog Preview User should be looking at you with his white
avatar self.
Help! I’ve deleted the Auth Dialog Preview User and I cannot get him back :( Thanks in advance. This is urgent
Well adding him back via Roles isn’t going to work, so what are you
going to do?
Click Get Code again on your Open Graph action, this should bring the
Auth Dialog Preview User back again.
If that doesn't work execute the cURL command as shown above and see how that works.
now I want to test it on "Auth dialog preview user"'s timeline before submiting any approuval. But I can't see this user anywhere.
If you have Open Graph actions for your app set up already, you should find the Auth dialog preview user on the roles tab in your app settings.
It’s created automatically, you do not do that yourself.
You will get more details about
2.Auth dialog
Finally I get test user "Auth Dialog Preview User" created. I didn't have this user on my test users on the dashbord, so I submitted an approuval with this status. Of course, my request was rejected but fortunately, the user was created at the same time. I just do my test on its timeline and resubmit an approuval. Now every thing is ok. Thank you for all