Form is not submitted on pressing Enter key but submiited onclicking submit button - forms

This may be silly but i really want to know about this, not only me this may be question a from thousands of students.
The following link is my university website
there is a login panel.
after entering my username & password if i click enter then page reloads but the expected behaviour is to submit the form.
To actually login into this website you need to click on submit button.
Can anyone explain me about this.
what i think is there must be some onlick event on sumit button but
the button there is <input type="submit"> so by default it
need to submit by pressing enter as usally happens in all websites
I also noticed one more thing that the form tag is missing there.
Any help or explanation about this question is appreciated
just enter a wrong email and password
if u press enter: there is no red color error message of wrong
email and password
if u click submit:there is a red color error message of wrong email and password

The default behaviour is that when input with type submit is present in the form, the form will get sumitted upon click on the button, or enter key press when some form control has focus. Since controls on your site are not inside of form the expected behaviour will not be seen.


How to deactivate form key in text form field?

Here, I have taken email and password in text form field. If user do not fill any details within that and click on log in that time error message shows that plz enter email and password in text form field. Now the problem is when user click on login without info and then click on forget password it will show error of empty data and redirect on forget password screen. but when user come back to login page that message will be show as it is like before. my pont is when user come back to login screen that time all the errors and info will be clear as like init state. How do I do it ?
Just add this line on click of forget password. It will reset form state.

Capture form field without click submit button?

I have a form on my landing page
When my customers fill up my form, then clickout/leave page/refresh/after seconds but without click submit button, could I capture those informations?
I hear that we could do with Google Analytics/Tag Manager, but I don't know the method. Please help

HTML Forms - Back and Next Buttons

I am building a multi-page form for my website. Each page has several fields and a Back Button and Next Button. The Next Button takes the user to the next page of the form. I have achieved this by adding a input button like <input type="submit" value="Next Step">. The Form action is set to a different php page. A Back button lets user go back to the previous page and make changes if any. For this, I added <input type="button" value="Back" onClick="history.go(-1);">
I have also added header('Cache-Control: max-age=900'); to all my pages. I also use Sessions to store data.
On clicking the back button, I can see all my previously entered text in the first form. But, on clicking the Next button, text entered in the next form disappears.
My question is, how can the user entered data be stored inspite of clicking the Next button. The browser forward button keeps the data though!
I may prefer you to use more elegant way of storing your forms' data by using any kind of local storage api. There is already an api that will do that for you:
I'm not the developer of this api and I haven't tasted it by myself, but I've seen other people suggesting it to people.

Visibility change on div with time (Contact Form 7)

I am using WordPress. My contact form plugin is "contact form 7". If your email fails or succeeds, it says sucessfull or not sucessful. I want to attach javascript to it and locate it in middle of my contact so if it fails box opens up says it failed and it disappears, samething for success. I also would like page to change to homepage if mail sent successfully.
If you want this only for the normal use of the form, and not for some fancy special feature - Contact form 7 already have this function .
The default message is (red box ) "Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method."
you can change this message in the settings.
seems like this could be done pretty easily with jQuery, no? just look for the submit button to be clicked, validate, and then run your actions.
you could either use an alert, or have a hidden div on the page that you change to display:block, throw a timer on that to hide it (or a close button), and just set the html text to 'success' or 'fail' respectively. then when the div is set to close, and was successful, throw a url redirect.
i know that is pretty vague, but not sure of your level of expertise.

iPhone safari asks confirmation to submit form again when back button is pressed

I have a form. When I click on the submit button the form is submitted and result is loaded in the next page. In this page I have a hyperlink. On click of that hyperlink, I am going to another page. At this point if I click 'Back' button of the browser, I get a confirmation whether I should submit the form or not. How do I disable this ? I am storing results in sessionStorage so I do not need to submit form again.
Use the PRG pattern, which can be described as:
Never show pages in response to POST
Always load pages using GET
Navigate from POST to GET using REDIRECT
See and links from there