PyDev Code Completion for Shared Libraries (.so) in Linux - pydev

How do I get code completion for shared Python libraries (.so) in PyDev?
If it's just a matter of adding it to the python path, then which one and do I add the .so's directory of the full .so path? None of them seem to work although it could be because I am forced to use an old version of PyDev (if so which version introduced the funcionality)?

This should work out of the box... (and this functionality is there for many years already).
Can you post a screenshot of your pydev package explorer showing your project contents expanded up to the .so you're using as well as your editor showing where code completion is not working?


Support for Java Decompiling in current Eclipse IDE

I am currently looking for the latest version of the decompiler plugin for Eclipse (Kepler). Does this tool still exist?
I have downloaded jd.ide.eclipse.feature_0.1.5.jar and placed it in my plugins folder for eclipse but it does not seem to work. I have also copied JAD.exe into my local file and I point to that location for Path to Decompiler in JadCliple preferences. I have also set File Associations to read *.class as JadClipse Class File Viewer to default. Is there something else I am missing here? I have read past posts on this website and I see that access to the website has been the main problem. If anyone can guide me in the right direction this would be great.
I keep getting this error, The Class File Viewer cannot handle the given input ('org.eclipse.ui.ide.FileStoreEditorInput').
Instead of using JD-GUI or other GUI based tools, you may want to consider command-line decompilers that are frequently updated like the ones below:
Both of these (should) support new Java 8 additions and other things that JD-GUI usually fails on.

How can Eclipse recognize MPI artifcats without errors?

I installed Eclipse for Parallel Applications and MPI v. 2.
I created inside Eclipse a new Hello World MPI project and run it using 4 processes. I can build and run it from Eclipse, it works.
Eclipse also recognizes MPI artifacts correctly.
I configured the includes as described here:
However I'm getting a lot of errors on MPI artifact on the source code, same errors as described in the above link:
The Indexer can't find your include file
"If the indexer can't find your MPI header file, you may see problems like the following:
If your MPI header file is located in a global area that automatically gets included in your project's include path location, such as /usr/include or /usr/local/include, then things will probably work just fine without further alteration. Building and indexing will probably both operate correctly.
If you do not use mpicc or a similar build command and need to specify include and libpath information on building and linking, you will probably want to set the PLDT preferences to point to your include path for MPI, in which case, the include and link arguments will be added to your build commands."
My code works but I think it is impossible to work with al these red lines on every MPI instruction.
So my question is: how can I configure Eclipse in order to recognize MPI functions without telling me that there are errors?
Using Ubuntu 64 bit with last version of MPI and Eclipse.
I found a fix:
Right click on project -> Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols
On tab "Includes" click on "GNU C" and then on "Add.."
It sounds like Eclipse does not include directories recursively.
Source: [pages 35-36]
The link you posted seems to have all the answers that you're going to get here. Are you sure that your "mpi.h" header file is in the location you put in your include path in Eclipse? It seems that you may have the wrong path.

Java FX in Eclipse on Mac OSX 10.7

Since I had problems with compiling JavaFX Code from Eclipse on Mac OSX 10.7 using java development kit 1.7.0_04 i just want to share my intermediate solution with interested people:
The jfxrt.jar and other .jar files are not recognized when selecting the new jdk issued by oracle as a new jre/jdk in eclipse.
The jdk is installed within /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk which is recognized as a package.
Adding the path /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar later is not possible since the file open dialog of eclipse does not allow to navigate to the inside of the package
Create a symbolic link from outside the package to inside the package and follow the link within the file open dialog.
Simply go to a terminal and execute the following:
[0-/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines]:sudo ln -s 1.7.0.jdk/Contents/ 1.7.0.jdk_Contents
This creates the symbolic link 1.7.0.jdk_Contents using super user permissions (sudo).
By this compilation and execution of JavaFx code works fine and as expected.
It's not need to do all said before, just use a allmost unknown behaviour of Finder dialogs: Drag & Drop.
You can open a Finder window from console with:
open /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib
so yo will see jfxrt.jar and other .jar files. Drag this files to Eclipse's Add external jar dialog window... et voila!
Dependencies satisfaced! No link needed!
The initial JavaFX 2.1 release in jdk1.7.0_u4 was not supported by e(fx)clipse.
This support thread indicates that the maintainer of the plugin is aware of the incompatibility issue is pushing a patch to the plugin repository to fix the issue and in the meantime recommends using a JavaFX 2.2 preview build instead.

Eclipse "go to definition" problem

I'm using PyDev for eclipse and am experiencing some issues with "go to definition". It works for most modules, but for some site packages it does not. It does the "bump" sound and then nothing happens. One of the packages that doesn't work is Twisted, which is weird since the source is included and right there. Any idea how to fix this?
The go to definition works just fine. The problem was that eclipse didn't know where to find the source. You can go to window > preferences > pydev > interpreter > New folder, and add the folders missing. Even though you've added site-packages to the configuration, you still have to add subfolders separately to get code assist and to be able to go to the definition.
Pydev (also bundle with the Aptana distro) does not seem to have any bug exactly similar to the one you are describing.
Here is the list of bugs including the word "definition" for PyDev: bugs
You could open a bug report there with the exact version of eclipse, pydev, java used
But first:
What version of Pydev are you using? The open-source one or the commercial one (i.e. open-source + Pydev extensions)?
Because the matrix feature is quite clear:
Feature List Pydev "Open Source" Pydev Extensions
Go to definition BRM* Pydev Extensions(2)
BRM*: Bicycle Repair Man is an open-source program that provides 'go-to-definition' and refactoring. Its 'go-to-definition' only works for Python, and only works 'well' for global or local tokens (does not work very well on methods from parameters or on 'self'). It is currently 'unsupported'.
Pydev Extensions (2): Pydev extensions provides a 'go-to-definition' that works for python and jython, and should work even on methods from parameters and 'self'.

Why am i not able to link my C/C++ libraries with NetBeans?

I've downloaded C/C++ libraries from Cygwin, and set the environment variables according to the instructions here, in NetBeans.
I've also gone through this.
Actually I followed the same steps on a different machine and everything worked out fine.
But on my machine the associations aren't made.
for example: #include<stdio.h> says No such file or directory.
Any idea what the problem might be?
The Cygwin package I downloaded is also fine, I downloaded it twice.
If it's complaining about a #include, that's a compile issue, not a linking issue.
What happens if you create a new C/C++ application project and try to build it?
In the Build node of the project properties, is the correct Tool Collection selected? (Cygwin in your case). And the Tools -> Options, on the C/C++ tab, is that tool collection set up correctly?
You should check whether you have a file c:\cygwin\usr\include\stdio.h.