Folder name with space issue - perl

How do I handle a folder name containing spaces in Perl? For example C:\Sample Picture\Data.
I wrote this
use File::Glob ':glob';
$indir = "C:\\Sample Picture\\Data\\";
#flist = bsd_glob( $indir.'*');
This is throwing an error
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

The error message The syntax of the command is incorrect comes from the Windows command line, not from Perl
The issue is not to do with File::Glob, but with whatever you are doing with the contents of #flist. It's my guess that you're using backticks or system to rename one or more of the files or directories. This will fail if you use paths that contain spaces without enclosing the complete path in double quotes
If you need any more help then you must show the relevant part of your code


AHK Run command with directory path containing space

Using AHK script to open up and launch text files (or script files) within notepad++. I recently had to add spaces to my file path which has caused the problems I now experience. It's as if the space in the file path is escaping the command.
Run % "notepad++.exe C:\C Docs\SW\AHK\Desktop1.ahk"
Upon running the above line, it will ask in msgbox: "C:\C" doesn't exist. Create it?
This script happens to be the script location itself. So I also tried the following without success (produces same message):
Run % "notepad++.exe " . a_scriptdir . "\" . A_ScriptName
You are passing two arguments to Notepad++ the first one being C:\C and the second one being Docs\SW\AHK\Desktop1.ahk.
To pass them as one argument, do what you'd always do with command line arguments, quote them.
Run, % "notepad++.exe ""C:\C Docs\SW\AHK\Desktop1.ahk"""
Try like this:
Run notepad++.exe "C:\C Docs\SW\AHK\Desktop1.ahk"

system command accessing folders with spaces

I'm currently trying to write a program that requires I access files on a OneDrive folder that will be shared with multiple computers. Currently, an issue is appearing where the 'system' command is throwing an error when I try and access the OneDrive folder because the full path name has spaces in it.
folder = '/Users/myuser/Desktop/OneDrive\ -\ -\ Company\ Name/foldername-AVL'
STR = sprintf('cd %s',folder);
The error I keep receiving is
/bin/bash: line 0: cd: %s/Users/myuser/Desktop/OneDrive: No such file
or directory
So it is effectively cutting off all entries after the second space. I've looked through the documentation and all, and I can't seem to find a solution or a guide for using the system command in this specific situation.
I am guessing that you are trying to escape the spaces. In general I prefer to wrap all arguments that have spaces with double quotes. I would have guessed that escaping the path would work as well, but maybe not ...
This should work ... and it is much easier to read (IMHO).
folder = '"/Users/myuser/Desktop/OneDrive - - Company Name/foldername-AVL"'
STR = sprintf('cd %s',folder);
OR - moving " to sprintf
folder = '/Users/myuser/Desktop/OneDrive - - Company Name/foldername-AVL'
STR = sprintf('cd "%s"',folder);

file transfer using ssh sftpg3

I am writing a Perl script to do a secure file transfer using SSH sftpg3.exe
But I am having issue to accessing the source file.
the script able to pick the file from C:\xx\t.txt while running it from the directory
It is not showing error C:\Program is not a valid command.
my $sftpPath="C:\\Program Files\\client";
my $srcPath="C:\\xx\\test.txt";
my $trgCommand=$sftpPath." -D $srcPath user#host:/tmp/";
my $result=system("$trgCommand");
while running this script from C:\ directory it is running without error but I can not see the file in destination server.
Could you please help me sort out this file path issue ?
I want to run it from O:\ and it will pick the target file and sftpg3.exe from C:\ drive and do the file transfer (in ASCII mode) successfully.
try the below code
my $cmd="sftpg3.exe " . "$src_path user#host:";
system("C:\\Program Files\\Client\");
You might have interpolation of #host in your third line because you are using double quotes (""). Do you have use strict and use warnings turned on? There might also be an issue with the space () in the path.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $sftp_path = q{"C:\Program Files\Client\sftpg3.exe"};
my $src_path = 'C:\xx\test.txt';
my $result = system( $sftp_path, '-D', $src_path, 'user#host:/tmp/' );
say $result;
Let's look at what I did.
When you tab-complete a path like C:\Program Files\foo in Windows cmd, it usually wraps them in double quotes if there is a space inside the path. So we use the q operator, which is equivalent to single quotes, and put double quotes inside. That also gives us the benefit that we don't have to escape the backslash \. Also see quote-like operators in perlop.
Same goes for the source path.
system allows you to pass all the arguments to the program you want to run as arguments to itself and will take care of the quoting
The double quote in "user#host:" will try to expand #host as an array. That doesn't work, because it's not defined. So there's a warning that you probably didn't see because you did not use strict and use warnings. Instead of the double quotes, use single quotes.
I used $sftp_path instead of $sftpPath because there is a convention in Perl to use underscores and no capital letters. We like camels, but not in our variable names. :)

Xcopy: invalid number of parameters or file not found error

From inside a .bat file, I m issuing this command
xcopy\s Folder1\folder2\folder3\blah-blah Folder1\temp\folder2\folder3
But I get the error:
The system cannot find the path specified.
I tried copying the same line to command line and tried it:
Then, I get the error, xcopys command not found.
If I try to use xcopy instead of xcopy/s, I get error:
File not found - Folder1folder2folder3blah-blah
If I use xcopy command with backward slash on command line: Invalid number of parameters.
I tried enclosing paths in quotes, but it does not help.
My file names don't have spaces in them but they do have -
I have checked the path of source and destination and they exist
Any help will be appreciated.
I guess you're running under windows, so you have to use forward slashes for arguments.
xcopy/s is something very different from xcopy\s. The later searches for an application called s in a subfolder called xcopy. To further avoid confusion, separate the program from its argument(s) with spaces.

prevent the problem of space in windows folders in the command line

As we know that windows, we can create folders with a name contains spaces(Hello World,New Folder,My Programs). In the commandline if we use start c:\Hello World\mygame.exe , it gives error called Hello is not found. it split the word from the space, to avoid this we can use thid start c:\"Hello World"\mygame.exe. my problem is this set x=%cd% (Here cd is "c:\Hello World" ) and we execute mygame.exe using this command "start %cd%\mygame.exe" which gives error of Hello is not found. Anyone knows solution for this?
Instead of putting quotes around just part of the path, put quotes around the entire path. If you do that, you should be fine.
start "%cd%\mygame.exe"
In the set command put quotes around the whole assignment:
set "x=%cd%"
In the start command, use quotes as well:
start "%x%\mygame.exe"
for example, if you have a folder name FOO FOO with a space and you want to access from cmd yo just do:
cd "FOO FOO"
That's all