Two observers within the same app interfering with each other - swift

I have two observers within my app, one that is ordered, one that isn't. The unordered observer seems to interfere with the ordered observer's results.
My database looks like this:
"events" : {
"Oo75nbcDsUK7vPWGDbnL" : {
"queue" : {
"K7THdbKzd2aSfaD9a0xmsszkReq1" : {
"queuePosition" : 1
"R5UwSxlH3vhH6SjTNMGfMoiaGae2" : {
"queuePosition" : 2
I have a class that handles the observer creation for the real-time database with the following static function:
static func listenToRtdbDocument<T: JSONDecodable>(_ refString: String, eventType: DataEventType = .value, orderedByChild: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, fromCollection collection: Firebase.RtdbCollections? = nil, completion: #escaping (_ decodedDoc: T?, _ error: Error?) -> ()) -> DatabaseHandle {
var query: DatabaseQuery
if let orderedByChild = orderedByChild {
query = rtdb.child(refString).queryOrdered(byChild: orderedByChild)
} else {
query = rtdb.child(refString)
if let limit = limit {
query.queryLimited(toFirst: UInt(limit))
return query.observe(eventType, with: { snapshot in
guard var docData = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] else {
completion(nil, nil)
docData["id"] = snapshot.key
let decodedDoc = T(json: docData)
completion(decodedDoc, nil)
}) { error in
completion(nil, error)
This creates the observer and then returns a DatabaseHandle reference. I use this function in two different places in my app. The first is inside a collection view cell model. This calls the function like so:
queuerRefString = "events/Oo75nbcDsUK7vPWGDbnL/queue/R5UwSxlH3vhH6SjTNMGfMoiaGae2"
func listenToQueuer(updateHandler: #escaping (QueuerJSONModel?) -> ()) {
guard queuerListener == nil,
let refString = queuerRefString else { return }
queuerListener = FirebaseClient.listenToRtdbDocument(refString) { (queuer: QueuerJSONModel?, error) in
guard error == nil else {
The second is from a view controller model. This view controller gets presented over the collection view cell:
queueRefString = "events/Oo75nbcDsUK7vPWGDbnL/queue"
func listenToQueue() {
guard queueChildAddedListener == nil
let refString = queueRefString else { return }
queueChildAddedListener = FirebaseClient.listenToRtdbDocument(refString, eventType: .childAdded, orderedByChild: "queuePosition", limit: 25) { [weak self] (queuer: QueuerJSONModel?, error) in
guard let strongSelf = self,
let queuer = queuer,
error == nil else {
print("an error occurred")
For the ordered array observer, this always returns the current user first, and then the rest of the ordered queue. E.g. If the current user is at position 5, the queuers array will look like this:
5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
How can I stop them from interfering with each other??
How to reproduce:
Put this code in one view controller's viewDidLoad method:
let test1 = Database.database().reference()
.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
guard var docData = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] else {
docData["id"] = snapshot.key
let queuer = QueuerJSONModel(json: docData)!
print("ok we got", queuer.queuePosition) // Prints out 2
Then put this code in another view controller's viewDidLoad method:
let test2 = Database.database().reference()
.queryOrdered(byChild: "queuePosition")
.queryLimited(toFirst: 25)
.observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
guard var docData = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] else {
docData["id"] = snapshot.key
let queuer = QueuerJSONModel(json: docData)!
print("ok we got", queuer.queuePosition) // Prints out 2, then 1
First view the view controller that has test1 in, then view the one with test2 in. I use a tab bar controller to switch between the two.
Oddly, if these two pieces of code are put within the same viewDidLoad method of a view controller, then the ordered listener works as expected.

The behavior you're observing is because of to the way 'value' events are different from 'childAdded' events.
In your first observer (using .value), you're simply requesting all the data from events/Oo75nbcDsUK7vPWGDbnL/queue/R5UwSxlH3vhH6SjTNMGfMoiaGae2 in a single snapshot. If any data under the location changes while that observer is still added, your observer will get invoked again with a snapshot of everything at that location.
In your second observer (using .childAdded), you're requesting that your observer be called once for each child at events/Oo75nbcDsUK7vPWGDbnL/queue. If you have two children there, your observer will be called once for each child. As new children are added at that location, your observer will get called again, once for each new one.
The observers are not interfering with each other. They're just doing different things.

This is Firebase support's response to my question:
Apparently, this is an intended behavior. The idea of childAdded is, here is what you have retrieved so far, and what hasn't been added yet. So the childAdded gives R5UwSxlH3vhH6SjTNMGfMoiaGae2 as your preloaded data, and comes back with K7THdbKzd2aSfaD9a0xmsszkReq1 as your new data.
This way, even if you have requested it to be ordered, it won't necessarily come back ordered, if you have preloaded data on your device.


I want my code to run consecutively/synchronously in the background (DispatchQueue)

I want grabAllFollowingPosts() to run only after loadFollowing() has finished running. These are both network calls so I want to run them in the background. Any ideas on why my code isn’t working? .userInteractive).sync {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
What these 3 functions do is:
grab every user that the current user is following
for each of those users, grab their posts
Hence, loadUsers() must run before grabAllFollowingPosts()
var followingUsers = [String]()
//Function 1: load the poeple you are following into the followingUsers array
func loadFollowing () {
guard let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
let firestoreRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("Following").document(userID).collection("UserFollowing")
firestoreRef.addSnapshotListener { (snapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
//error retrieving documents
print (error!.localizedDescription)
} else {
// document retrival successful
guard let snapshot = snapshot else { return }
for document in snapshot.documents {
let data =
let userid = data["UserID"] as? String ?? "anonymous"
//Function 2: for all of the users in the followingUsers array - grab their documents from Firestore
func grabAllFollowingPosts () {
for users in followingUsers {
loadPosts(theUsers: users)
//Function 3: loads the posts
func loadPosts (theUsers: String) {
let firestoreRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("Posts").whereField("UserID", isEqualTo: theUsers).whereField("Date", isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: Date()).limit(to: 8)
//TODO: add infinate scroll
firestoreRef.addSnapshotListener { (snapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
//error retrieving documents
print (error!.localizedDescription)
} else {
// document retrival successful
guard let snapshot = snapshot else { return }
for document in snapshot.documents {
let data =
let ageRestriction = data["AgeRestriction"] as? String ?? "Age E"
let category = data["Category"] as? String ?? "Error - No Category"
let date = data["Date"] as? Date ?? Date()
let documentId = data["DocumentID"] as? String ?? "Error - No Document-ID"
let description = data["Description"] as? String ?? "Error - No Description"
let location = data["Location"] as? String ?? "Error - No Location"
let title = data["Title"] as? String ?? "Error - No Title"
let userId = data["UserID"] as? String ?? "Error - No User-ID"
let username = data["Username"] as? String ?? "Anonymous"
let color = data["Color"] as? String ?? "Sale"
let newPost = Post(documentIDText: documentId, usernameText: username, titleText: title, locationText: location, dateText: date, descriptionText: description, ageText: ageRestriction, category: category, uid: userId, color: color)
if self.posts.isEmpty {self.goFollowPeopleImage.isHidden = false}
There are two basic patterns:
When dealing with RESTful network requests, we give all of our network routines a completion handler closure, which we call when the network request is done. That way, the caller can invoke each subsequent step in the completion handler of the prior step.
There are many variations on this theme (asynchronous Operation subclasses, futures/promises, etc), but the idea is the same, namely chaining a series of asynchronous tasks together in such a way that the caller can know when the requests are all done and can trigger the UI update.
On the other hand, when dealing with Firestore, we can add observers/listeners to update our UI as updates come in. The addSnapshotListener closure is repeatedly called as the underlying database is updated. In this scenario there isn’t a “ok, we’re done, update the UI” point in time (so we wouldn’t generally use the completion handler approach), but rather we just continually update the UI as the documents come in.
But while your example is using addSnapshotListener, it also is using the limit(to:), which adds a wrinkle. It’s a bit like the first scenario (e.g., if you’re limited to 8, and you retrieved 8, the listener won’t get called again). But it’s also a bit like the second scenario (e.g., if limiting to 8 and you currently have only 7 posts, it will retrieve the first seven and call that closure; but if another record comes in, it will call the closure again, this time with the 8th document as well).
Trying to handle both limited/paginated responses and listening for realtime updates can get complicated. I might suggest that if you want to make Firestore act like a RESTful service, I might suggest using getDocuments instead of addSnapshotListener, eliminating this complexity. Then you can use the completion handler approach recommended by others. It makes it behave a bit like the RESTful approach (but, then again, you lose the realtime update feature).
In case you’re wondering what the realtime, second scenario might look like, here is a simplified example (my post only has “text” and “date” properties, but hopefully it’s illustrative of the process):
func addPostsListener() {
db.collection("posts").addSnapshotListener { [weak self] snapshot, error in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard let snapshot = snapshot, error == nil else {
print(error ?? "Unknown error")
for diff in snapshot.documentChanges {
let document = diff.document
switch diff.type {
case .added: self.add(document)
case .modified: self.modify(document)
case .removed: self.remove(document)
func add(_ document: QueryDocumentSnapshot) {
guard let post = post(for: document) else { return }
let indexPath = IndexPath(item: self.posts.count, section: 0)
tableView.insertRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
func modify(_ document: QueryDocumentSnapshot) {
guard let row = row(for: document) else { return }
guard let post = post(for: document) else { return }
posts[row] = post
tableView.reloadRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row, section: 0)], with: .automatic)
func remove(_ document: QueryDocumentSnapshot) {
guard let row = row(for: document) else { return }
posts.remove(at: row)
tableView.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row, section: 0)], with: .automatic)
func row(for document: QueryDocumentSnapshot) -> Int? {
posts.firstIndex {
$ == document.documentID
func post(for document: QueryDocumentSnapshot) -> Post? {
let data =
let text = data["text"] as? String,
let timestamp = data["date"] as? Timestamp
else {
return nil
return Post(id: document.documentID, text: text, date: timestamp.dateValue())
But this approach works because I’m not limiting the responses. If you do use limit(to:) or limit(toLast:), then you’ll stop getting realtime updates when you hit that limit.

How can I combine the result of these 2 async methods?

I have 2 methods I call. I need to produce a model that contains the result of both and call another method.
I wanted to avoid placing 1 method inside another as this could expand out to 3 or 4 additional calls.
Essentially once I have the results for setUserFollowedState and loadFollowersForTopic I want to send both values to another function.
Coming from a JS land I would use async/await but this does not exist in Swift.
func setUserFollowedState() {
following.load(for: userID, then: { [weak self, topic] result in
guard self != nil else { return }
let isFollowed = (try? result.get().contains(topic)) ?? false
// do something with isFollowed?
func loadFollowersForTopic() {
followers.load(topic, then: { [weak self, topic] result in
guard self != nil else { return }
let count = (try? result.get().first(where: { $0.tag == topic })?.followers) ?? 0
// do something with count?
You can store both async call results as optional properties. When your callbacks happen, set these properties then check that both properties have been set. If they've been set, you know both async calls have returned.
private var isFollowed: Bool?
private var count: Int?
func setUserFollowedState() {
following.load(for: userID, then: { [weak self, topic] result in
guard let self = self else { return }
let isFollowed = (try? result.get().contains(topic)) ?? false
self.isFollowed = isFollowed
func loadFollowersForTopic() {
followers.load(topic, then: { [weak self, topic] result in
guard let self = self else { return }
let count = (try? result.get().first(where: { $0.tag == topic })?.followers) ?? 0
self.count = count
private func performPostAsyncCallFunctionality() {
// Check that both values have been set.
guard let isFollowed = isFollowed, let count = count else { return }
// Both calls have returned, do what you need to do.
The good thing about this approach is that you can easily add more async calls using the pattern. However, if you need to make that many async network calls at once, I would recommend you think about rewriting your server-side logic so you only need one network call for this functionality.
Another approach (which I believe is a bit cleaner) would be to use a DispatchGroup to combine the result of the mentioned methods.
You would modify your original methods to take a completion handler and then combine the two results where you actually need the data.
See example below.
func setUserFollowedState(completion: #escaping ((Bool) -> Void)) {
following.load(for: userID, then: { [weak self, topic] result in
guard self != nil else { return }
let isFollowed = (try? result.get().contains(topic)) ?? false
// Call completion with isFollowed flag
func loadFollowersForTopic(completion: #escaping ((Int) -> Void)) {
followers.load(topic, then: { [weak self, topic] result in
guard self != nil else { return }
let count = (try? result.get().first(where: { $0.tag == topic })?.followers) ?? 0
// Call completion with follower count
func loadFollowedAndCount() {
let group = DispatchGroup()
var isFollowed: Bool?
// Enter group before triggering data fetch
setUserFollowedState { followed in
// Store the fetched followed flag
isFollowed = followed
// Leave group only after storing the data
var followCount: Int?
// Enter group before triggering data fetch
loadFollowersForTopic { count in
// Store the fetched follow count
followCount = count
// Leave group only after storing the data
// Wait for both methods to finish - enter/leave state comes back to 0
group.notify(queue: .main) {
// This is just a matter of preference - using optionals so we can avoid using default values
if let isFollowed = isFollowed, let followCount = followCount {
// Combined results of both methods
print("Is followed: \(isFollowed) by: \(followCount).")
Edit: always make sure that a group.enter() is followed by a group.leave().

Item keeps getting added to Tableview even if I just have one in my DB

I have this code and I call it every time I click on a button and call another viewcontroller where I call fetchVinylData inside viewWillappear. The problem is everytime I click a button to go to this VC it adds one item to the tableview even if I only have one inside my database.I am guessing is because my array keeps getting fed even if there is only one record in my database.How do I delete from my array so I don't get many values inside my tableView only the ones that is saved on my firebase database?I tried to add myArray.removeAll() inside fetchrequest before I load the vinyl to the array but my app crashs eventually
func fetchVinylData() {
guard let currentUID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
dbRef.child("vinylsOUT").child(currentUID).observe(.childAdded) { (snapshot) in
guard let dictionary = snapshot.value as? Dictionary<String,AnyObject> else { return }
let vinyl = Vinyl(dictionary: dictionary)
self.vinyls.sort(by: { (vinyl1, vinyl2) -> Bool in
return vinyl1.artist < vinyl2.artist
thank yo very much
You are appending to your array every time you get back data from Firebase:
- self.vinyls.append(vinyl)
You can just override your current vinyls array by doing:
self.vinyls = [Vinyl]()
before you fetch the new data from Firebase.
That would look like this:
func fetchVinylData() {
guard let currentUID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
self.vinyls = [Vinyl]() // <- here you reset the array
dbRef.child("vinylsOUT").child(currentUID).observe(.childAdded) { (snapshot) in
guard let dictionary = snapshot.value as? Dictionary<String,AnyObject> else { return }
let vinyl = Vinyl(dictionary: dictionary)
self.vinyls.sort(by: { (vinyl1, vinyl2) -> Bool in
return vinyl1.artist < vinyl2.artist

Swift Firebase Reuse a function throughout the app

In my app, in a few places I am loading data from Firebase Firestore database and showing the data. The problem is I am not adopting the DRY technique and I know I shouldn't, but I am reusing this same load function in different places in my app.
func loadData() {
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
db.collection("users").document((user?.uid)!).collection("children").getDocuments() {
QuerySnapshot, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
// get all children into an array
self.childArray = QuerySnapshot!.documents.flatMap({Child(dictionary: $})
DispatchQueue.main.async {
The function simply grabs all the children from the database and adds them to my child array.
Is there some better way to do this or a central place I can put this function where it can be called as and when I need it in the app instead of repeatedly adding it in multiple view controllers?
I thought about a helper class, and just calling the function, but then not sure how to add the result to the childArray in the viewcontroller I needed it?
my Child model
import UIKit
import FirebaseFirestore
protocol DocumentSerializable {
// Child Struct
struct Child {
var name: String
var age: Int
var timestamp: Date
var imageURL: String
var dictionary:[String:Any] {
return [
//Child Extension
extension Child : DocumentSerializable {
init?(dictionary: [String : Any]) {
guard let name = dictionary["name"] as? String,
let age = dictionary["age"] as? Int,
let imageURL = dictionary["imageURL"] as? String,
let timestamp = dictionary["timestamp"] as? Date else {
return nil
self.init(name: name, age: age, timestamp: timestamp, imageURL: imageURL)
EDIT: I have updated to safely unwrap the optionals. You may still have to modify as I am not sure what your Firebase structure is, nor do I know your Child initializer.
You could just write this as a static function and then reuse it everywhere. I assume you might have some class related to whatever "children" is, and that'd be the best place to implement. You could pass the results (as an option array of Child) in a completion handler so that you can do whatever you need with those results. It'd look something like this:
static func loadData(_ completion: (_ children: [Child]?)->()) {
guard let user = Auth.auth().currentUser else { completion(nil); return }
Firestore.firestore().collection("users").document(user.uid).collection("children").getDocuments() {
querySnapshot, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
guard let snapshot = querySnapshot else { completion(nil); return }
// get all children into an array
let children = snapshot.documents.flatMap({Child(dictionary: $})
Assuming you have this implemented in your Child class you would use it like this:
Child.loadData { (children) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let loadedChildren = children {
//Do whatever you need with the children
self.childArray = loadedChildren

How can I detect firebase observe childAdded is stop calling when reach queryLimit?

Now, I'm so confused about firebase with observe using childAdded data event type. The reason why I use childAdded to observe my firebase because I want to make my list page dynamic whether firebase has new data insert.
And my question is how to know observe is stop calling when reach the queryLimit? Because I have a indicator and I want to turn it off when reach the queryLimit.
My firebase structure below:
root {
talkID1(id by auto create) {
attribute1 ...
attribute2 ...
attribute3 ...
talkID2(id by auto create){
... // many talk ID which auto create by firebase
As what I know, if using childAdd to observe, data will one child by child to passing data in call back. So If I have N datas in firebase and I think it will calls N<=5 times, right?
My completion handler below:
func receiveIfExist(completion: #escaping (_ data: (My data type) -> Void) {
let requestWithQuery = Database.database.reference().child("root").queryOrdered(byChild: "time")
requestWithQuery.queryLimited(toLast: 5).observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
guard let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else { return }
self.getSingleTalkInfo(key: snapshot.key, value: value, completion: { (data) in
I'm calling receiveIfExist this function in viewDidLoad().
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.myIndicator.startAnimating() // start running indicator
self.receiveIfExist { (data) in
self.handleTalk(with: data) // do something with request data
self.myIndicator.stopAnimating() // WEIRD!!!! Please look comments below
I think it can not be added here because this completion will call N<=5 times just what I said before.
I think it should detect what my queryLimit data is and check the request data is this queryLimit data or not.
If yes then stop indicator animating, if not then keep waiting the queryLimit reach.
How can I detect the observe is reach queryLimit?
If I can detect then I can turn off my indicator when it reach.
Thank you!
queryLimited(toLast: 5)
means (in much simpler words) please get the last 5 values (order is decided by the previous part of your query)
1. Now, since you are sorting the data by times , the values with the last 5 times will be retrieved, therefore your observer will be triggered 5 times
2. Note that if you have less than 5 records say 2 records, then it will be triggered only twice because maximum limit is 5, not minimum limit
3. Another point is that say if a new child is added and when you sort the items again according to the time and the new child is one of the last 5 items then this observer will be triggered again.
so to get the query limit you can make some changes in your code like this:
func receiveIfExist(completion: #escaping (data: YourType, limitCount: Int) -> Void) {
let requestWithQuery = Database.database.reference().child("root").queryOrdered(byChild: "time")
requestWithQuery.queryLimited(toLast: 5).observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
guard let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else { return }
self.getSingleTalkInfo(key: snapshot.key, value: value, completion: { (data) in
self.index = self.index + 1
completion(data, self.index)
Then using the above function as follows:
var index = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.myIndicator.startAnimating() // start running indicator
self.receiveIfExist { (data, limitCount) in
self.handleTalk(with: data) // do something with request data
if limitCount == 5 {
Since very good point raised by Kevin, that above solution will fail if we have say only two records and index will never be equal to 5 and myIndicator will not stop animating,
One solution that comes to my mind is this:
First we get the children count using observeSingleEvent:
func getChildrenCount(completion: #escaping (_ childrenCount: Int) -> Void){
Database.database.reference().child("root").observeSingleEvent(of:.value with: { (snapshot) in
then we apply the query to get last 5 items:
func receiveIfExist(completion: #escaping (data: YourType, limitCount: Int) -> Void) {
let requestWithQuery = Database.database.reference().child("root").queryOrdered(byChild: "time")
requestWithQuery.queryLimited(toLast: queryLimit).observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
guard let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else { return }
self.getSingleTalkInfo(key: snapshot.key, value: value, completion: { (data) in
self.index = self.index + 1
completion(data, self.index)
then use this count in your code as follows:
var index = 0
var childrenCount = 0
var queryLimit = 5
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.myIndicator.startAnimating() // start running indicator
self.getChildrenCount {(snapChildrenCount) in
self.childrenCount = snapChildrenCount
self.receiveIfExist { (data, limitCount) in
self.handleTalk(with: data) // do something with request data
if (self.childrenCount < self.queryLimit && limitCount == self.childrenCount) || limitCount == self.queryLimit {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
func receiveIfExist(limitCount: UInt, completion: #escaping (data: MyDataType) -> Void) {
let requestWithQuery = Database.database.reference().child("root").queryOrdered(byChild: "time")
requestWithQuery.queryLimited(toLast: limitCount).observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
guard let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else { return }
self.getSingleTalkInfo(key: snapshot.key, value: value, completion: { (data) in
I also do this function for only observe single child's value
let requestTalks = Database.database.reference().child("root")
func getSingleTalk(by key: String = "", at limitType: TalkLimitType, completion: #escaping (_ eachData: MyDataType) -> Void) {
var requestSingleTalk: DatabaseQuery {
switch limitType {
case .first :
return self.requestTalks.queryOrdered(byChild: "time").queryLimited(toFirst: 1)
case .last :
return self.requestTalks.queryOrdered(byChild: "time").queryLimited(toLast: 1)
case .specificKey :
return self.requestTalks.child(key)
requestSingleTalk.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
if limitType == .specificKey {
guard let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else { return }
self.getSingleTalkInfo(key: snapshot.key, value: value, completion: { (data) in
} else {
guard let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary,
let eachTalkKey = snapshotValue.allKeys[0] as? String,
let eachTalkValue = snapshotValue.value(forKey: eachTalkKey) as? [String: Any] else { return }
self.getSingleTalkInfo(key: eachTalkKey, value: eachTalkValue, completion: { (data) in
As a result, I can do something like this in my viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.receiveIfExist(limitCount: 5) { (eachData) in
self.handleTalk(with: eachData)
self.getSingleTalk(at: .last, completion: { (lastData) in
if eachData.keyID == lastData.keyID{
DispatchQueue.main.async {