tinymce 4.5.1 missing border style on table - tinymce

this is my current setup of my tinymce :
selector: '.default-editor',
height: 80,
menubar: true,
plugins: 'print preview fullpage searchreplace autolink directionality visualblocks visualchars fullscreen image link codesample table charmap hr toc insertdatetime advlist lists textcolor wordcount imagetools contextmenu colorpicker textpattern',
toolbar1: 'formatselect | forecolor backcolor | link | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | numlist bullist outdent indent | removeformat',
I cannot find why the border style option on advanced tab of table properties is missing.
This is the advanced tab of my tinymce table properties
But the tinymce full featured is showing the border style on advanced tab
I cannot find what i've been missing in my set up to show the border style option.

What version of TinyMCE are you running? If I load TinyMCE via http://fiddle.tinymce.com/ and open that dialog the option is there:
My guess is you are running an older TinyMCE release and updating to the current release will address this issue.


How can I disable auto prefill of the editor's find/search box?

In VS Code, if I press control+F to search, it auto prefills the search box with the word under the cursor. Is there a way to disable that behavior?
For the editor finder (AKA "search"), put the following in your settings.json:
"editor.find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": "never"
The setting's description:
Controls whether the search string in the Find Widget is seeded from the editor selection.
Bonus material: For the search panel in the sidebar (ctrl+shift+f / View: Show Search), put the following in your settings.json:
"search.seedOnFocus": true,
// "search.seedWithNearestWord": true, // optional

VSCode doesn't autocomplete when text is highlighted after another autocompletion

When editing text on visual studio code, when I use autocomplete for something (like in the picture)
It highlights my text (while typing) and autocomplete stops working
Same goes when I autocomplete an if statement
Is there any way to disable that highlight, or make it autocomplete even with the highlight?
Add this in your settings.json file, it'll prevent this behaviour:
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": true,
If you wanted autocomplete dropdown while code is highlighted
(for example: After you performed an autocomplete and VS Code auto highlights for you):
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
^^^ in your settings.json ^^^
Example action:
Editing a html doc: you typed 'clas...' in a div
<div clas..>
It should autocomplete to
<div class="HIGHLIGHTEDTXT">
with HIGHLIGHTEDTXT, you can type any things and the autocomplete dropdown will be shown.
The autocomplete dropdown will not appear if the settings is set to TRUE when a text is highlighted.

I want a rich text editor for make text bold, italic and some file attachment

I need a text editor which I can edit for some modifications because of requirement. My basic need is bold, italic, underline, image and video attachment.

how to increase the indent width in the vscode explorer

I want to know how to increase the indent width in the explorer window.
I have change the indent width in the editor window. But the indent width in explorer window is too small.
There is this setting Workbench › Tree: Indent

Tinymce emoticons plugin doesn't adds image to the text

I'm using //cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.js
And recently I've added emoticons plugin.
I can see emojis in the toolbar, but with a click on emoji it doesn't adds to the text area.
Thanks for any suggestions in advance!
Are you getting any console errors when you click an emoticon? Does the HTML of your content change at all when you attempt to add an emoticon?