VSCode doesn't autocomplete when text is highlighted after another autocompletion - autocomplete

When editing text on visual studio code, when I use autocomplete for something (like in the picture)
It highlights my text (while typing) and autocomplete stops working
Same goes when I autocomplete an if statement
Is there any way to disable that highlight, or make it autocomplete even with the highlight?

Add this in your settings.json file, it'll prevent this behaviour:
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": true,

If you wanted autocomplete dropdown while code is highlighted
(for example: After you performed an autocomplete and VS Code auto highlights for you):
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
^^^ in your settings.json ^^^
Example action:
Editing a html doc: you typed 'clas...' in a div
<div clas..>
It should autocomplete to
<div class="HIGHLIGHTEDTXT">
with HIGHLIGHTEDTXT, you can type any things and the autocomplete dropdown will be shown.
The autocomplete dropdown will not appear if the settings is set to TRUE when a text is highlighted.


How can I disable auto prefill of the editor's find/search box?

In VS Code, if I press control+F to search, it auto prefills the search box with the word under the cursor. Is there a way to disable that behavior?
For the editor finder (AKA "search"), put the following in your settings.json:
"editor.find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": "never"
The setting's description:
Controls whether the search string in the Find Widget is seeded from the editor selection.
Bonus material: For the search panel in the sidebar (ctrl+shift+f / View: Show Search), put the following in your settings.json:
"search.seedOnFocus": true,
// "search.seedWithNearestWord": true, // optional

How to change activeEditor in TinyMCE?

How can I change activeEditor programetically in tinyMCE.
Like if I have two editors in same page, How can I switch between them programetically?
The activeEditor will switch when you focus a different editor so the method is to call focus on the editor you want to be active. You can choose to not actually focus the editor by passing false.
Extract from that page:
Focuses/activates the editor. This will set this editor as the
activeEditor in the tinymce collection it will also place DOM focus
inside the editor.
skipFocus (Boolean) - Skip DOM focus. Just set is as the active editor.
We can get any instance of TinyMCE by tinyMCE.get('field-name') or by tinyMCE['field-name'] here field name will be the field TinyMCE is associated with.

CodeSandbox editor has stopped auto completing the corresponding JSX closing tags?

CodeSandbox editor used to auto generate the corresponding close tag for the current tag.
For example:
But don't know exactly when, it stopped doing that, and I have to write it manually. Is there a way to enable this autocomplete again?
In the codesandbox.io go to:
File -> Preferences -> Settings
In the Search Settings box type Javascript Autoclosing Tags.
Enable that feature by checking the Checkbox.
Just posting an updated answer since the UI has changed for codesandbox. I believe this answer is now slightly better:
Press cmd+, (ctrl+, on a windows) with the editor focused (this opens the vscode settings)
You should see a settings page like so:
In the Search Settings box type Javascript Autoclosing Tags
Toggle the checkbox on
In my case the auto completion works if a change the extension of the file to .jsx and if I start typing the tag without the <.

How to autocomplete tag.className in Visual Studio Code like Sublime Text

In sublime Text 2 writing div.panel then press tab, or the auto complete trigger, in the HTML document produces <div class="panel"></div>
I have tried to get the same result in Visual Studio Code version 1.17.1 but I could not able to get it.
I am using the following plugins:
Auto Close Tag
HTML CSS Support
HTML Snippets
settings.json Ctrl+,
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true,
"emmet.showSuggestionsAsSnippets": true,
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top"
In the latest version of vs code, you need to go in seetings using Ctrl+, key and search for Emmet.
Tick the checkbox of Emmet: Show Suggestions As Snippets and Emmet: Triger Expansion On Tab and you will be able to use Emmet functionalities.
Add it at setting.json
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"javascript": "javascriptreact"}
Do not forget to ADD A COMMA at the end of the closing bracket above this code.

Customize TinyMCE Code Editor

I use TinyMCE (with react-tinymce moudle on npm). I need to customize the HTML code editor, so that it looks like the one on Wordpress. I think it should be possible as Wordpress use TinyMCE.
What makes the editor on Wordpress comfortable is we don't need to enter <br> or <p> on code editor. But when we switch to visual mode, it will add <br> or <p> automatically. That makes the text looks much cleaner and easier to read.
Another question is how to make the code editor not displayed in a popup. The main problem with the popup is it will be closed when we accidentally press esc or the cancel button. In addition, the Wordpress code editor also has a toolbar, while the default TinyMCE code editor is just a textarea on a popup.
The code plugin that comes with TinyMCE places the HTML code is a separate window - there in no configuration option that will allow the code to appear directly in the editor's main window.
If you'd like to submit this as a feature request, TinyMCE has a place for that: