wildfly jboss standalone configuration for microsoft azureload balancer - wildfly

Can anyone tell me what configuration is needed in standalone.xml to integrate Wilfly Jboss 7 with Microsoft Azure Load balancer?

Create a web farm for the servers API in azure and route the traffic at round robin fashion to each server.
You may see the access log with the api URL.


WildFly 10.1 Load Balancer + Kerberos/SPNEGO

How can I add SPNEGO authentication to a WildFly 10.1 load balancer?
All nodes are running on Windows.
The nodes themselves are running on WildFly 8.2.1 (because the application is tight to it) in a Wildfly 8.2.1 domain
The load balancer is running WildFly 10.1
The nodes are registering with mod_cluster
You need to get the SPNEGO support into your application.
WildFly 8 and 9 don't have the Undertow SPNEGO integration ready (WFLY-2553) . You should either switch to WildFly 10.x, or try to use a custom SPNEGO authentication method on your worker nodes. Try to use either
servlet filter approach or this custom authenticator.
My strong recommendation is to upgrade to WildFly 10+.
There isn't much to go by in your post as to what is and is not working. This forum is more about what custom code you have created that isn't working, and we can help you there. It seems in this instance you are looking more for an approach on how to setup Kerberos authentication into your WildFly nodes through a load-balancer. As info, it doesn't matter that there is a load-balancer involved, except that you specify a VIP name for the nodes in DNS and have the VIP name be the fully-qualified DNS host part of the name in the SPN which you will need to setup in order for clients to do Kerberos SSO against the WildFly nodes. I don't know anything about WildFly specifically, but I found this link for you which may help get you started: WildFly 9 - Kerberos Authentication for Domain Management Over HTTP

OSB 12c rest proxy service security with OWSM

I used OWSM policy Oracle/wss_http_token_service_policy on the rest based proxy service, it is working fine (authenticating with basic.credentilas) in my local machine weblogic server but not supporting in the dev/test server, so what extra setting is required here? or do we need to use any other policy, I want to use just the basic authentication configured in my realms. Could you please advise.

Can I install ADFS Service and ADFS Web Proxy on same server

We have a running ADFS Service with Office 365 on one of our production box. Now we want to expose our ADFS to ASP.NET Applications as well. My understanding is that I have to install ADFS Web Proxy to do it.
My question is, Can I do it on the server where ADFS service is configured? or Do I have to have a separate server?
No - you have to have a separate server.
Typically the Web Application proxy (WAP) is in the DMZ while ADFS is behind a firewall.
In general, adding ASP.NET claims-enabled applications to ADFS does not require installing WAP.
Are these non claims-based? External?

List webservices in JBoss AS 4

I have some applications deployed in JBoss Application Server 4.
I need to know how to get a list of deployed web services in that application server ?
Is there any informations in the jmx-console?
You should see all deployed web services at: http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services. Update IP and port information in that address accordingly.

portofino partnerapp for josso

I want to make Portofino a partnerapp for josso, and i did the steps described here: http://www.manydesigns.com/documentation/tutorials/integration-with-josso.html,
but I don't know how to connect josso with portofino because they use different servers.
JOSSO has two parts: gateway and agent.
Gateway can be installed anywhere (and should be configured with a specific datastore), but agent should be installed on all servers that consume JOSSO authentication. JOSSO agent installs its hooks on web servers to control access.
So, you should install JOSSO agent on the web server instance that portofino runs on.