Can I install ADFS Service and ADFS Web Proxy on same server - single-sign-on

We have a running ADFS Service with Office 365 on one of our production box. Now we want to expose our ADFS to ASP.NET Applications as well. My understanding is that I have to install ADFS Web Proxy to do it.
My question is, Can I do it on the server where ADFS service is configured? or Do I have to have a separate server?

No - you have to have a separate server.
Typically the Web Application proxy (WAP) is in the DMZ while ADFS is behind a firewall.
In general, adding ASP.NET claims-enabled applications to ADFS does not require installing WAP.
Are these non claims-based? External?


Migrating ADFS v2 to v4 - handle dns split

So we're finally moving to Windows Server 2019 from 2008 R2 and the new ADFS requirements are that ADFS stays behind a firewall and the Web Application Proxy will be exposed and forward any authentication requests to the actual ADFS server. So far so good.
But our initial ADFS setup did not use subdomains. So we don't have the luxury of just moving eg. to a new server. Our web server, database server and ADFS server were all responding to ADFS v2 was an application under IIS after all. Poor planning, but here we are.
So now we have 2 new production servers both running Windows Server 2019. One exposed to the internet running the Web Application Proxy and the actual ADFS server behind a firewall. All the settings, relying party trusts and claims providers have all been migrated with Microsofts bundled scripts. All good. But our ADFS is behind a firewall and the ADFS is configured to respond to and the federation service identifier is equally
If i set it all up with externally pointing to the WAP and internally they both think the ADFS is it works just fine. I can connect, it fetches metadata and lists Claims Providers.
But when i try the same trick with it fails.
So I've been trying to fool the ADFS server and edited hosts files so the ADFS server thinks it's and the web app proxy also thinks that the ADFS server is internally. But obviously still responding to web requests on on the external interface. But when i do that the WAP refuses to connect to the ADFS server.
What gives?

Trusting External organization ADFS server and consuming openid Connect token

ADFS server 2016 supports openId connect. I have external organization that hosts ADFS server , I want my web application to get authenticated from External ADFS server using openIdConnect .
Question : As per Microsoft docs . If we want to consume external organization's ADFS we should host ADFS in our organization also. My application should trust ADFS hosted inside my organization ,instead of trusting external ADFS directly.
Here I want to know why we cannot directly trust External ADFS using opendiconnect ? It seems possible. what is reason of not trusting external ADFS directly?
Both models work. If your application plans to have users from multiple organizations, it is better to have your app trust an internal org ADFS which can then be federated to multiple of these organizations with simple configuration changes. This makes the application simpler where it is dealing with only one IDP. An additional advantage for having an internal ADFS is that any authentication policy changes can be managed fully at internal ADFS layer and not potentially requiring application changes.
However, if your application is only going to support one external organization, you can do this directly in the application. Both models work for this.
Hope that helps.
Thanks //Sam (Twitter: #MrADFS)

How to call external REST service over SSL from Bluemix

We have developed a web application using angularjs and html5 and Node.js. This web application is hosted on Bluemix using the Node.js runtime. This web application calls an external RESTfull service (we are invoking the REST service using angularjs) which was developed by a third party. This REST API requires an HTTPS connection to call the service. The SSL certificate and certificate password are provided by the API development team. Our problem is how to configure the SSL certificate on Bluemix to call the external REST service over SSL from the web application. Can anyone please help us? Thanks in advance for your help.
To do this properly I would advice to create an API Management Service, where you add your external service as an API together with the SSL settings. You then call this API (proxy) without SSL from your node.js bluemix app.
The proxy will care for SSL, forward the request to the actual service implementation, and provide you also with debugging and analytics capabilities. With having API Management in place, you also benefit from a central place that manages your SSL certificates.

SiteMinder Single-Sign-On without installing agent on web application server

Our IT staff refuses to install the SiteMinder agent on our application's IIS 6.0 web server, citing security concerns as it is a third-party software, as well as the possibility of high resource utilization impacting application performance.
They suggest that we set up an independent, segregated web server containing only a bare-bones IIS, the SiteMinder Agent, and a "shim" to authenticate login attempts.
This shim would be a single ASPX page marked to be protected by the agent. It would use the SiteMinder agent to authenticate the user ID, look up the user ID in the application's database, and return the user ID and password to the user's browser. A JavaScript function would then POST the user ID and password to the application's existing login page as if they typed it in themselves.
Are their concerns warranted? Why or why not?
Have you ever heard of anyone implementing a similar architecture?
Is their proposed solution good, bad, or ugly?
It does not look like it would work, because the agent manages not only the initial login, but subsequent calls to the application, i.e. authenticated session. The agent examines the cookie, validates it, etc. Your scenario does not describe how that would happen.
In our environment, all internet traffic goes through an Apache reverse proxy before hitting IIS. IIS is behind firewall. The Apache reverse proxy has the SM agent all it does is redirect the traffic to IIS. I suppose it would be feasible to do a similar setup with IIS acting as a reverse proxy.
BTW, tell your IT guy that his proposed shoestring and bubblegum login solution is a much bigger security concern than installing SiteMinder on IIS.
The apache reverse proxy solution will definitely work, but with SiteMinder r12.51, Secure Proxy Server is included, which is basically SiteMinder's version of a reverse proxy (plus a lot more).
SPS will let you configure a single server as a "gateway" for all of your applications that can't or won't install a SiteMinder agent. The web agent is embedded in SPS and a proprietary Java app does the heavy lifting. SPS also has a GUI which follows the look and feel of the r12 WAMUI, which makes configuring it very simple.
Secure Proxy Server also has a Federation Gateway feature, so you don't need to install the web agent option pack if you are doing SAML Federation. All of your fcc pages can also be served by the SPS, so you can reduce the number of webservers needed to support your SSO environment.

Intercepting and forwarding client certificate to webservice

I have a web application (gwt) that is running on a tomcat application server. This web application consumes several web services (login, application data transfer, queries, etc.). The web service client on the tomcat is implemented as apache axis2 web service client.
For user log on I provide a form in the web application with username and password. This data are transmitted via web service to authenticate the user.
It is planned to change the hole authentication mechanism to client certificated based authentication. The authentication still should be done on the web service provider side.
So my system has three relevant components: the web client, the tomcat application server and the web service provider.
Every user of the application has its own private client certificate (PKI Token, X.509- Auth-Cert). When the user connects to the web application his certificate is requested.
How can I forward the client certificates for use in the web services? (The tomcat will not be responsible for authentication).
1.) Is there a way to intercept the request and extract the client certificates before authentication error occurred?
I found some information about Servlet Filters what sounds really good, but I’m not sure where to implement it to intercept the certificates before they are verified against tomcats keystore.
2.) If it is possible, how can I pass after the client certificate to the web service?
Thank you for reading
No, not really. The real piece used in authentication is the private key associated with the certificate, not just the certificate itself. And, typically, you have no way of retrieving that from the web client. Therefore, you cannot really pass-through the credentials you receive from a web client on to the web service client. The certificate itself is readily available, but is useless for authentication without the corresponding private key.