What does the Swift 'mutating' keyword mean? - swift

Why must I insert mutating before implementing a method on a struct when adopting protocols?
Why don't I need mutating when I do the same thing in a class?

The mutating keyword is only required if you are changing any state contained within the struct. Since Swift structs are immutable objects, calling a mutating function actually returns a new struct in-place (much like passing an inout parameter to a function). The mutating keyword lets callers know that the method is going to make the value change. The best way to conceptualize this is to think of your struct the same as you would a number: if you perform the operation 4 + 1, 4 doesn’t become 5, you’ve just gotten a new value after performing the operation. Mutating functions operate on the same principle. You cannot call mutating functions on constants (e.g. let someStruct = SomeStruct()), because that would be the same thing as trying to assign the constant to a new value. Because of this behavior mutating functions can only be performed on variables (e.g var someStruct = SomeStruct()).

Being the value type structs are immutable. Meaning other variables can not change the values for instance of structure at any given point.
The mutating word is required for changing the values of self variables inside structure's function ONLY.
For. e.g
struct MyStruct {
var abc: String = "initila value"
func changeValue() {
abc = "some other value". //Compile time error: Cannot assign to property: 'self' is immutable. Mark method 'mutating' to make 'self' mutable.
Here as we are trying to change value of variable abc inside function declared in struct itself, we get the compile time error.
So here we need to make function mutating to make change value inside structure. Hence the correct code will be:
struct MyStruct {
var abc: String = "initila value"
mutating func changeValue() {
abc = "some other value"
When declaring protocol, it can be declared commonly for reference and value types, so these kind of protocols itself declares the functions as mutating so that it can be adopted by both classes and structures.
Since being reference type the mutating keyword is removed (or we can say not required) in the classes, but for structures being value types the mutating keyword is required.
From the docs:
If you define a protocol instance method requirement that is intended to mutate instances of any type that adopts the protocol, mark the method with the mutating keyword as part of the protocol’s definition. This enables structures and enumerations to adopt the protocol and satisfy that method requirement.
If you mark a protocol instance method requirement as mutating, you don’t need to write the mutating keyword when writing an implementation of that method for a class. The mutating keyword is only used by structures and enumerations.
I hope this will clear your doubt.

Classes are reference types. What that means is that a variable typed to a class:
let someObject = SomeClass()
just contains a pointer to that class's memory, under the hood. The class's contents and data can change without changing the original pointer, because it's just a reference.
Structs, on the other hand, are value types. If you have a variable containing something that is a struct type:
var someStruct = SomeStruct()
the variable itself is actually containing all the struct's data. Changing the struct's internal state actually involves reassigning the variable—so in the example above, something like someStruct.foo = "bar" would actually cause the someStruct variable to be reassigned, as if you'd typed:
someStruct = SomeStruct(foo: "bar", otherStuff: someStruct.otherStuff) // or something of this nature
This is also why you have to declare structs using var if you plan to change anything in them, whereas this isn't so with classes.
As for protocols, they can represent either struct or class types, so if you are dealing with a protocol existential, you can't do operations on it that assume it's a class (unless the protocol is constrained as such).

The Mutating Keyword : In order to modify the properties of a value type, you have to use the mutating keyword in the instance method. With this keyword, your method can then have the ability to mutate the values of the properties and write it back to the original structure when the method implementation ends.
Class is not support In swift, classes are reference type whereas structures and enumerations are value types. The properties of value types cannot be modified within its instance methods by default. In order to modify the properties of a value type, you have to use the mutating keyword in the instance method.


Is there any way in Swift to define a collection which holds elements with different data types?

In my specific case, I want something like:
var collectionWithDifferentTypes: [ObservableObject] = []
var elementOfTypeAWhichConformsToObservableObject = TypeA()
var elementOfTypeBWhichConformsToObservableObject = TypeB()
But letting arrays conform to ObservableObject is not possible. As the docs state, arrays, sets, and dictionaries can only contain elements of the same type. Is there any way in swift to have a collection similar to the one I've described above?
The reason you are getting this error is that ObservableObject specifies an associated type ObjectWillChangePublisher that has to be defined in classes that conform to the protocol. There's an annoying trait of Swift that any protocol that specifies an associated type can't be used as a generic parameter since the runtime needs to know how the associated type is defined in order to effectively use it.
In order to use such a protocol as a generic type, you have to do what the error message specifies and use it as a generic constraint. That means that wherever you are defining the array has to be made into a generic context using ObservableObject as a constraint.
(class field)
class SomeClass<T: ObservableObject> {
var myArray: [T] = []
(function variable)
func doAThing<T: ObservableObject>() {
var myArray: [T] = []
(See this article for a more in-depth explanation on what this error means.)
Of course, there's always the nuclear option of just defining the array as [Any].
Two ways I can think of. If you subclass TypeB with TypeA then you could use var collectionWithDifferentTypes: [TypeA] = [] or if they both conformed the same protocol. No need for the subclassing. Just use var collectionWithDifferentTypes: [protocolName] = []

What is the type of a Swift Type?

I want to pass an array of types to a function - but I'm not sure what is the type of a Swift Type.
Let's say I have two classes:
MyClass and AnotherClass.
I want an array like this [MyClass, AnotherClass].
What will be the type of the array?
It would be of AnyClass type which is base for all object types.
func checkClassTypes(types: [AnyClass]) {
types.forEach { type in
// Your custom classes don't necessarily have to subclass from NSObject.
print(type is NSObject.Type)
checkClassTypes([MyClass.self, AnotherClass.self])
If you need to contain only class types, AnyClass will works:
class MyClass {
class AnotherClass {
let classTypes: [AnyClass] = [MyClass.self, AnotherClass.self]
If you want to include some value types, you may need to use Any or Any.Type:
let types: [Any] = [Int.self, String.self, MyClass.self, AnotherClass.self]
let anyTypes: [Any.Type] = [Int.self, String.self, MyClass.self, AnotherClass.self]
But all three types, AnyClass, Any or Any.Type, are hard to use. You will soon find it is very hard just to instantiate a class in the array.
I'm not sure I understand your question about Swift Types correctly, but Swift doesn't specify a Type as being a certain kind of variable. Swift defines that variables in code can have a certain type, which can be a float, a string, integer, etc. When it is said that Swift is type safe and infers a type, this means that Swift requires you to be clear on the type of values that you store in your variables (type safety) and that Swift will try to infer what type a variable is when you specify a value (type inference).
The type of your variable can also be more complex, like an enum, a struct or a class. Swift even sees an array or other collections as types. In this sense a Type could be defined as a piece of memory in which a constant or a variable (or a collection of these) is stored. A type can be different things. The great thing about having a Type as a constant/variable in which I store information, is that I can now defer the type of a variable until runtime, rather than that I have to specify it in my code. Or I can specify a structure of a generic type and later I can define different kinds of variables with the same structure, but of different types. Please, read for a more detailed understanding of dealing with types the Swift programming language from Apple. It is free and can be downloaded in the iBooks Store.
Now coming back to your second question of an array of [MyClass, AnotherClass] is kind of like deferring the types of your array until later. You can initially define your array as an array of AnyObjects or more swift-like AnyClass, like
myArray = [AnyClass]()
Later you can put different types of variables/objects in that array, like a Double, a String, or an object with a specific class.
You should be careful about building such an array, however. This array is not type safe and you haven't specified the type of object at a certain index. To prevent xcode having trouble with your code and your program from crashing, you should always type cast the individual objects in your array. For instance like
if let myObject = myArray[2] as? myClass { do something }
If you don't typecast your array both xcode and your program will do weird things.
I hope this answered your question.
Kind regards,
I'm guessing that you really want to create an array of instances of the two classes rather than an array of the class definitions. If so, you will be creating an array of Any or AnyObject, not AnyClass.
class MyClass {
class OtherClass {
let m = MyClass()
let o = OtherClass()
let array1 = [m, o] as [Any]
// or
let array2 = [m, o] as [AnyObject]

Declare overloaded += operator as mutating?

I am overloading (or maybe implementing in this case) the += operator for a class (not a struct!). The operation modifies the state of the left-hand-side instance. I noticed that I can declare the left-hand-side element with let without any errors (and since it is an instance of a class, it's internal state changes with the operation). This of course is undesired, and should result in a compile-time-error. Is there a way to declare the overloaded operator as mutating to the left-hand-side element?
class MyClass {
static func +=(lhs: MyClass, rhs: MyClass) {
lhs.fu(rhs) // fu() changes internal state of lhs
let a = MyClass()
let b = MyClass()
a += b // this is legal but shouldn't be, since instance 'a' will
// have a different internal state after the concatenation
The let constant in this case is the reference a to the MyClass object that it points to. It prevents you from being able to do this:
let a = MyClass()
a = MyClass() //redefinition not allowed
It does not guarantee anything about the constancy of the members of that object however. Classes/objects exist to model constantly changing data, marking methods as mutating would be a bit tedious, because ultimately that's what they're supposed to do, in general.
You should be using structs in cases where you want controlled mutation.

What is the in-practice difference between generic and protocol-typed function parameters?

Given a protocol without any associated types:
protocol SomeProtocol
var someProperty: Int { get }
What is the difference between these two functions, in practice (meaning not "one is generic and the other is not")? Do they generate different code, do they have different runtime characteristics? Do these differences change when the protocol or functions become non-trivial? (since a compiler could probably inline something like this)
func generic<T: SomeProtocol>(some: T) -> Int
return some.someProperty
func nonGeneric(some: SomeProtocol) -> Int
return some.someProperty
I'm mostly asking about differences in what the compiler does, I understand the language-level implications of both. Basically, does nonGeneric imply a constant code size but slower dynamic dispatch, vs. generic using a growing code size per type passed, but with fast static dispatch?
(I realise that OP is asking less about the language implications and more about what the compiler does – but I feel it's also worthwhile also to list the general differences between generic and protocol-typed function parameters)
1. A generic placeholder constrained by a protocol must be satisfied with a concrete type
This is a consequence of protocols not conforming to themselves, therefore you cannot call generic(some:) with a SomeProtocol typed argument.
struct Foo : SomeProtocol {
var someProperty: Int
// of course the solution here is to remove the redundant 'SomeProtocol' type annotation
// and let foo be of type Foo, but this problem is applicable anywhere an
// 'anything that conforms to SomeProtocol' typed variable is required.
let foo : SomeProtocol = Foo(someProperty: 42)
generic(some: something) // compiler error: cannot invoke 'generic' with an argument list
// of type '(some: SomeProtocol)'
This is because the generic function expects an argument of some type T that conforms to SomeProtocol – but SomeProtocol is not a type that conforms to SomeProtocol.
A non-generic function however, with a parameter type of SomeProtocol, will accept foo as an argument:
nonGeneric(some: foo) // compiles fine
This is because it accepts 'anything that can be typed as a SomeProtocol', rather than 'a specific type that conforms to SomeProtocol'.
2. Specialisation
As covered in this fantastic WWDC talk, an 'existential container' is used in order to represent a protocol-typed value.
This container consists of:
A value buffer to store the value itself, which is 3 words in length. Values larger than this will be heap allocated, and a reference to the value will be stored in the value buffer (as a reference is just 1 word in size).
A pointer to the type's metadata. Included in the type's metadata is a pointer to its value witness table, which manages the lifetime of value in the existential container.
One or (in the case of protocol composition) multiple pointers to protocol witness tables for the given type. These tables keep track of the type's implementation of the protocol requirements available to call on the given protocol-typed instance.
By default, a similar structure is used in order to pass a value into a generic placeholder typed argument.
The argument is stored in a 3 word value buffer (which may heap allocate), which is then passed to the parameter.
For each generic placeholder, the function takes a metadata pointer parameter. The metatype of the type that's used to satisfy the placeholder is passed to this parameter when calling.
For each protocol constraint on a given placeholder, the function takes a protocol witness table pointer parameter.
However, in optimised builds, Swift is able to specialise the implementations of generic functions – allowing the compiler to generate a new function for each type of generic placeholder that it's applied with. This allows for arguments to always be simply passed by value, at the cost of increasing code size. However, as the talk then goes onto say, aggressive compiler optimisations, particularly inlining, can counteract this bloat.
3. Dispatch of protocol requirements
Because of the fact that generic functions are able to be specialised, method calls on generic arguments passed in are able to be statically dispatched (although obviously not for types that use dynamic polymorphism, such as non-final classes).
Protocol-typed functions however generally cannot benefit from this, as they don't benefit from specialisation. Therefore method calls on a protocol-typed argument will be dynamically dispatched via the protocol witness table for that given argument, which is more expensive.
Although that being said, simple protocol-typed functions may be able to benefit from inlining. In such cases, the compiler is able to eliminate the overhead of the value buffer and protocol and value witness tables (this can be seen by examining the SIL emitted in a -O build), allowing it to statically dispatch methods in the same way as generic functions. However, unlike generic specialisation, this optimisation is not guaranteed for a given function (unless you apply the #inline(__always) attribute – but usually it's best to let the compiler decide this).
Therefore in general, generic functions are favoured over protocol-typed functions in terms of performance, as they can achieve static dispatch of methods without having to be inlined.
4. Overload resolution
When performing overload resolution, the compiler will favour the protocol-typed function over the generic one.
struct Foo : SomeProtocol {
var someProperty: Int
func bar<T : SomeProtocol>(_ some: T) {
func bar(_ some: SomeProtocol) {
bar(Foo(someProperty: 5)) // protocol-typed
This is because Swift favours an explicitly typed parameter over a generic one (see this Q&A).
5. Generic placeholders enforce the same type
As already said, using a generic placeholder allows you to enforce that the same type is used for all parameters/returns that are typed with that particular placeholder.
The function:
func generic<T : SomeProtocol>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
return a.someProperty < b.someProperty ? b : a
takes two arguments and has a return of the same concrete type, where that type conforms to SomeProtocol.
However the function:
func nongeneric(a: SomeProtocol, b: SomeProtocol) -> SomeProtocol {
return a.someProperty < b.someProperty ? b : a
carries no promises other than the arguments and return must conform to SomeProtocol. The actual concrete types that are passed and returned do not necessarily have to be the same.
If your generic method had more than one parameter involving T, there would be a difference.
func generic<T: SomeProtocol>(some: T, someOther: T) -> Int
return some.someProperty
In the method above, some and someOther have to be the same type. They can be any type that conforms to SomeProtocol, but they have to be the same type.
However, without generics:
func nonGeneric(some: SomeProtocol, someOther: SomeProtocol) -> Int
return some.someProperty
some and someOther can be different types, as long as they conform to SomeProtocol.

Swift: Recursive use of generic struct

I'm playing around with linked lists in Swift and I'm using:
struct Node<Element> {
var next: Node<Element>?
it yields this error:
Recursive value type "Node<Element>" is not allowed.
I tried using indirect on both the struct declaration and the property but neither worked. How do you implement this type of structure?
When you write var next: Node<Element>?, Swift tries to put this storage inline, but since it's recursive, that results in an infinite-size struct.
indirect only applies to enums, so you could do something like this:
enum Node<Element> {
indirect case Node(Element, next: Node?)
Node.Node(42, next: nil)
Or you can use a regular reference type, a.k.a. class:
class Node<Element> {
var next: Node<Element>?
It seems that is not possible to create a recursive use of struct, but you can do by using enum, associated values and the indirect attribute.
A recursive enumeration is an enumeration that has another instance of
the enumeration as the associated value for one or more of the
enumeration cases. You indicate that an enumeration case is recursive
by writing indirect before it, which tells the compiler to insert the
necessary layer of indirection.
indirect enum Tree<Element: Comparable> {
case Empty
case Node(Tree<Element>,Element,Tree<Element>)
Code taken from AirspeedVelocity.
It's not possible with Structs. It's also doesn't seem wise to do linked list with value types. Unless you feel like doing
head.next.next.next.next.next = head.next.next.next.next.next.next
to delete the seventh node, you're going to want to be able to set
let next = head.next