What is the use of xref in dita? - dita

I have been working on dita for some time now but I am facing a problem.
What is the use of XREF in dita ? How can I use the XREF in the dita file ?


add new line for swt plugin description in feature.xml

I am trying to add a multiline description for my plugin in feature.xml. I am trying by inserting \n between the lines but does not seem to work.However I have seen a lot of plugins with multi-paragraph description. Any help is much appreciated.
New lines in the various fields in the feature.xml are generally done by using the NLS support and specifying the text in a feature.properties file.
So a description in the feature.xml would be:
and in the feature.properties
description=line 1\n\
line 2\n\
last line

Reading zipped xml files in Spark

I have a set of large xml files, zipped together in a singe file and many such zip files. I was using Mapreduce earlier to parse the xml using custom inputformat and recordreader setting the splittable=false and reading the zip and xml file.
I am new to Spark. Can someone help me how can I prevent spark from splitting the zip file and process multiple zips in parallel as I am able to do in MR.
AFAIk ! The answer to your question is provided here by #holden :
Please take a look ! Thanks :)

Merging data from SPSS version 0 to SPSS version 19

I'm new to SPSS, so this may be an easy question to answer. I have data in SPSS version 0 (I know that version is ancient, but it's the one my professor uses). He wants me to merge it with other data in SPSS version 19. In other words, he wants all the data in version 19. How would I go about doing this?
I can't believe that there really was a version 0 that anyone could have data from. That would date from the 1960's Perhaps the data are from the first PC product, SPSS/PC or SPSS/PC+, which date from around 1984 - 1993. If so, the file extension would be .sys. Such files can be read in current versions by choosing that file type in File > Open > Data.

Does PDF::API2 support reading PDF 1.5+ with compressed XRef?

It appears that PDF::API2 does not support PDF 1.5 (and later) compression of the xref table. This type of file is more common since Acrobat 9 & 10 write them by default. The other compression scheme is compressed object streams.
I get the following error:
Malformed xref in PDF file at /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.3/PDF/API2/Basic/PDF/File.pm line 1140.
Do any of the Perl PDF modules support reading a PDF with a compressed XRef?
CAM::PDF can read a compressed XRef. The documentation says:
The file format through PDF 1.5 is well-supported, with the exception
of the "linearized" or "optimized" output format, which this module
can read but not write.
I haven't worked with CAM::PDF. But I looked it over and the api feels strange after coming from PDF::API2. It is more low level or something. There are advantages and disadvantages to both libraries though.
We use PDF::API2 at work and ask our designers to save as PDF v1.4 when they give us stuff. You can also use ghostscript to convert them to PDF 1.4 which is supported by PDF::API2.
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -o out.pdf in.pdf

DocBook to Word Conversion?

I need some help with conversion of DocBook files to Microsoft Word files.
Do I need an XSL file for the transformation?
Yes, you do need an XSL file. You can get XSL files for DocBook from the free DocBook XML distribution. Then, you run a free XSLT transformer such as Saxon. If you run Saxon from a command line, you give it the name of your DocBook file, and the name of one of the stylesheets, and it will transform your file according to the rules in the stylesheet.
What you need to do to transform to Word, is to pick the right stylesheet.
From DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide, here are three possibilities:
Convert to XSL-FO and then use the XMLmind to export to Word. See the XMLmind website for more information.
Use a limited set of tags and then use one of DocBook XML's included stylesheets to output to WordML.
Try to use Jfor to output to RTF, although Jfor no longer appears to be maintained.
And I have one of my own:
As above, use one of DocBook XML's included stylesheets to publish to XSL-FO, then run Apache FOP to convert from XSL-FO to RTF. You will lose the structural information, but you will keep a certain amount of the formatting.
I recently implemented same feature for our users. They use Oxygen XML editor that allows for easy transformations via XSL. I was going to do OOXML but settled on WordML. As a starting point I used roundtrip XSL, but I had to rewrite lots of templates because of existing bugs or just missing functionality. In addition, I did other customization to serve a purpose or for our XML file only.
I would not mind contributing back to the project, but don't really know how to get about it.
I know this is an 11 years old question. But now, in 2022 you can use pandoc to convert DocBook to MS Word (docx).
pandoc --from docbook --to docx --output filename.docx filename.docbook
I am using XQuery to transform DocBook into various formats using XQuery typeswitch library. XQuery uses indexes so I can transform many documents very quickly.