Merging data from SPSS version 0 to SPSS version 19 - merge

I'm new to SPSS, so this may be an easy question to answer. I have data in SPSS version 0 (I know that version is ancient, but it's the one my professor uses). He wants me to merge it with other data in SPSS version 19. In other words, he wants all the data in version 19. How would I go about doing this?

I can't believe that there really was a version 0 that anyone could have data from. That would date from the 1960's Perhaps the data are from the first PC product, SPSS/PC or SPSS/PC+, which date from around 1984 - 1993. If so, the file extension would be .sys. Such files can be read in current versions by choosing that file type in File > Open > Data.


Use older MATLAB save formats

I'm running a model that has a bunch of DLLs which read some .mat files.
When I use an old version of MATLAB (I think 2011a) to generate the files I get files that work okay, but when I create them with 2017a the files seem not to work with the same script.
I've used 2017 to read in the working 2011 file and then saved it, and these files also don't work.
I've also tried the above with the '-vXX' settings at all available values according to the help, with no success.
clear; load('v2011file.mat'); save('v2017copy.mat', '-v6', 'var1', 'var2', 'var3');
One thing that I have noticed between the two is that when they're selected in the "Current folder" browser, the preview always shows the 2017 files with the variable names in alphabetical order, regardless of the order that I saved them in, while the older 2011 file seems to maintain the order that they were saved. I can only assume that this is something related to a change in the way that files are saved - it might not be the problem but it does hint toward a change (it does this whether or not I include '-vXX' to use older formats).
It's probably worth noting that the 2011 files are created on XP, while the 2017 files are made on Windows 7.
Essentially I'm looking for anyone who might know whether it's possible for me to change the way the file is put together by MATLAB, rather than having to change the DLLs to accept a newer file.
It looks like I can work around the save order issue and have something that works by doing:
save('new2017file.mat', 'var1');
save('new2017file.mat', 'var3'. '-append');
save('new2017file.mat', 'var2', '-append');
Meaning I can put them in a specific order - I have to have the default save set to -v7 in preferences>general>.mat files too.
I wouldn't say no to a more elegant answer if there's one available though!

Talend - delete files older then X days

How to delete contents of the folder older then x days in Talend job?
I have thought about retrieving that attribute from rFilesList (could not find) or passing unix command to a system (less preferable way as you have less control).
Thank you!
P.S. The issue solved
You can use a "tfilelist" coupled with a "tfileproperties".
The variable mtime or mtime_string can help you.
Here there is a page that explain a little bit (but it's in french so you can google trad if you want) :
My solution (based on a link above):
tFileList->iterate->tFileProperties (reads the file from previous step, ((String) globalMap.get ( "tFileList_1_CURRENT_FILEPATH")) )-> tMap has 2 outputs, based on mtime condition:
Files to delete: (TalendDate.getCurrentDate().getTime()-row3.mtime)/(24*60*60*1000) > 2
Files to keep: (TalendDate.getCurrentDate().getTime()-row3.mtime)/(24*60*60*1000) <=2
tFileDelete that deletes filesToDelete.filename
Write a script to remove files over X days. and call the script from tSystem component :
More about tSystem :

How can I determine the version of a MAT file from MATLAB?

I am wondering if there is a way to determine whether a particular MAT file is v4, v6, v7 or v7.3?
I am looking for a solution that can determine the version using MATLAB code, preferably without having to load the data into memory.
There is some comment at the beginning of mat-files version 6 or following. This code reads it:
function txt=getMatComment(x)
It seems the comment is always 116 chars long, but I did not find any reference. This code reads 140 chars and cuts of at the end.
The part I don't understand: For Version 6 or 7 it says MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file

current scctext replacement for textual representation of vfp binary files

What are people using in vfp 9 for a replacement for the built-in scctext.prg that translates binary files in vfp to a textual representation?
We’ve moving an existing project that’s in vfp 9 sp1 into tfs source control, but we need a way to make sure that the non-textual files are able to get the benefits of comparison that only non-binary text files allow. We plan to check both the textual representation and the binary file into source control (the binary is more for the “just in case” scenario)
According to the document at
there are at least three options for converting .scx, .frx, .lbx, .prj and other non-prg dbf files in visual foxpro (vfp) to a textual representation. Only some of them allow for converting the textual information back to binary - not sure how often we’d really use that or not.
This one seems older with latest version in 2009 - not sure if it’s still the preferred tool - and it seems to have no way to take the textual representation and convert it back to a binary file.
This one seems similar to the foxbin2prg except it creates xml files - seems like only one dev is working on it unlike the others that are open to contributions from others so not sure how current it is and how much it’s being used by other developers - it does have two way conversion like fox2binprg has.
This one is fairly recent - but not sure if it’s production ready enough to use for prod coding working - it does have two way conversion
What are people using to invoke these textual representation options?
I’ve seen this class that was created to run one of the programs listed above for all files in the project. Apparently it does it when the date time of the last generate is older that the date time on the textual version of the file. One detriment I’ve read is that it generates for foundation classes and other things that really are not items that a dev is working on (code that is referenced by but not included in your project).
Thanks for any advice from those that are using vfp 9 with source control out there!
You should check out the scX library written by Paul McNett which is published on Ed Leafe's web site. I haven't used it in a mission-critical software project yet, but I have tested it out. It seemed to catch all the potential problems I've encountered with other scctext replacements.
The reason I haven't used it in a big project for a couple of reasons.
It is a breaking change for source control history. So, comparing source code in your current SCA or VCA files with the new files generated by scX isn't going to be simple.
It isn't a drop in replacement for scctext. Instead of checking files into and out of source control directly from the IDE, you'll have an intermediary folder.
You'll check your files out of source control into one folder, convert them to FoxPro format, and then edit them in the FoxPro IDE.
Then, you'll save your changes in the FoxPro IDE, convert them to scX format, and then check them into source control.
I'm sure much of #2 can be automated; but combined with #1, making the change to scX wasn't worth it for me.
FoxBin2Prg is Production ready, and AFAIK, it's the only tool that allow Diff and Merge of the generated text (tx2) files, and can regenerate the binaries from them.
The generated files are PRG style, so developers can see them as modifying a PRG (with PROc/ENDPROC structures and such), but they aren't mean to compile. Primary use is for SCM tools, but can be used seperately.
I'm actually using on production code with a 10 member team using concurrent modifications on forms and classes.
Some documentation is available on VFPx in English and Spanish, Internal messages are vailable on both languages and from version v1.19.24 a new translation to German is available too.
More info on VFPx site,
Best regards!

Can antique versions of TFS generate a changelog report?

Don't ask why, but I'm using VS2003 and need to see what changes have taken place in all the files in my project between a certain date and now. I see how I can do that, namely by right-clicking on each file and selecting "Compare Versions" then selecting By Date and the date for the version to compare with the latest. This is good; what would be (much) better is if I could generate a report whereby it would show me something like:
The line "*Sit on a potato pan Otis*" was removed from BachBestsMozart.cs.
The line "*Any enterprise requiring new duds is likely a dud itself*" was added to CheapSunglasses.cs
...but hopefully ignore unimportant differences, such as formatting, comments, etc.
Does such a possibility exist, or am I doomed to open each file, one by one?
I ended up having to compare them all, one by one, eyeballing them. At least it's better than VS2010 is acting for me right now:
Awedly (I am awed, but not in a good way), the "Compare" functionality in VS2010 doesn't hold a candle to that in VS2003!
In VS2003, I can select a Target Version based on a date to compare with the current version - so, if I pick 2/13/2013, I may end up comparing files dated recently (today or whenever the file was last modified) and one modified on 2/13/2013, or 2/1/2013, or whenever the last modification prior to the date I selected took place.
In VS2010, it looks like I should be able to do that, but the combo box for the comparison file is grayed out/inacessible! Heavens to Murgatroid!!!
Or maybe this is just related to the problem I'm having where I can't update anything in the Package Manager - even trying to update Nuget gives me a can't load library err msg; and the package console is "read only" for me, too... I wish there were a "repair" functionality built into VS that would check up on missing or corrupt DLLs and replace them...