Tumblr: Adding content to a certain tag - tumblr

I want to add a line of code into a post with a certain tag and only that tag, I'm not sure how to go about that since I don't see any kind of class with each post.
Can someone point me in the right direction?

I believe you would not be able to do that by tag, because Tumblr doesn't associate individual tags with a class, but you could in theory do this for post type (Text, Photo, Quote, etc.)


Hide element on blog page

I am really a beginner, trying to improve my wife's Wordpress website. What I am wanting to do is to hide a certain element (of the header, in this case) on mobile only. I already managed to figure out the "name" of this element, which is .vc_custom_xyz. I also managed to hide this element by adding additional CSS to any given page. BUT: This doesn't work for the blog post page - which simply ignores all CSS that I add. Also, when I add CSS into the theme's additional CSS section by referring to the blog page ID. Any ideas to help me achieve this? Thanks...

Facebook meta / share - change provider ("By website.com" text)

Is it possible to change the provider text for a website article when it gets shared on facebook?
Right now, when someone shares something off one of our websites, there will be the following provider text below the title and description in the sharing dialogue:
I am wondering if we can somehow either remove the "BY COMPANYDOMAIN.COM" or change it to something else (for instance "BY BLOG AUTHOR").
Thank you in advance
Should be the og:site_name meta tag that’s responsible for that, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/opengraph/object-properties#standard
Also, depending on which object type you choose, an author/publisher can be explicitly specified as well (although those must point to a Facebook user profile or page), for example for the article type, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/opengraph/object-type/article/#properties

How to show facebook comments box multiple times on a page?

I have a page for a bakery site, and on the page, there will be a list of cakes. There will be a picture of the cake, followed by a comments box, to let people comment on that specific cake. Each cake will need to have its own set of comments, separate from each other.
But unless I'm mistaken, facebook comment plugin is linked to a page's url, and can't be shown multiple times?
Is there any way to show it multiple times per page, and to link it individually to each cake, so the comments don't mix up?
But unless I'm mistaken, facebook comment plugin is linked to a page's
url, and can't be shown multiple times?
It can be shown.Though it is linked with your site url,you always have the privilage of appending custom string after the ternerary operator in your URL.
Is there any way to show it multiple times per page, and to link it
individually to each cake, so the comments don't mix up?
The trick here is to make a url unique.
This can be done in various ways:
I am using this on my current website where there are more than 10 comment boxes:http://www.arrowlife.com/
In addition to unique anchor tags per product, you may also add the product ID in a query string such as www.yoursite.com?productID=44
In my case I was dynamically creating a div showing the product detail. It was also necessary to force the Facebook script to show the comment section using the FP.XFBML.parse command

Add unique classes to Tumblr posts using per-post booleans

I know it's possible to create blog-wide meta-if boolean variables in Tumblr themes (e.g. {block:IfNotReversePagination}), but it is it possible to do something similar for individual posts?
For instance:
I'd like to be able to create several different widths for Photo posts, and it seems that the easiest way to do that would be to have a checkbox in the Edit screen for a post, labeled Wide Photo or something similar, that I could use to add a class in the theme markup.
Is this possible? If not, is there another way to accomplish something similar?
On a per-post basis you can enter a tag to the post. Say you enter widephoto as a tag on a post you can use the {TagsAsClasses} template tag on your posts to check it.
<article class="{TagsAsClasses}"></article>
If you don't want the tag showing up in the tag listing for the post you can remove it via JS (though it will still show up in the Tumblr Dashboard).

Facebook like button counting problem

I have installed facebook like button with javascript solution.
I left the href attribute empty so it will use the current url for counting. It seems that right now , even after changing the href attribute , facebook is counting the like on my entire website.
1. domain.com/fb_url
2. domain.com/fb_url2
If you will like the first url , you will be able to see the likes on the second url.
Why not putting into the href attribute the absolute URL of the page? I guess this will fix the issue. This can be easily achieved in whatever language you use. Please post the code you are using so that we can provide further help.
If you used og:url tag, you although have to change it on each page.