Should I add a buffer after a Kafka source in Akka stream - apache-kafka

According to this blog post:
If the source of the stream polls an external entity for new messages and the downstream processing is non-uniform, inserting a buffer can be crucial to realizing good throughput. For example, a large buffer inserted after the Kafka Consumer from the Reactive Streams Kafka library can improve performance by an order of magnitude in some situations. Otherwise, the source may not poll Kafka fast enough to keep the downstream saturated with work, with the source oscillating between backpressuring and polling Kafka.
The documentation for the alpakka kafka connnector doesn't mention that, so I was wondering if it makes sense to use a buffer in this case. Also does the same thing apply to Kafka sinks (should I add a buffer before)?

...I was wondering if it makes sense to use a buffer in this case
Consider the following segment from the blog post you quoted:
...the downstream processing is non-uniform....
One of the points of that section of the post is to illustrate the similar effects that a user-defined buffer and an asynchronous boundary can have on a stream. The default behavior, in which there are no buffers or asynchronous boundaries, is to enable operator fusion, which runs a stream in a single actor. This essentially means that for every Kafka message that is consumed, the message must go through the entire pipeline of the stream, from source to sink, before the next message goes through the pipeline. In other words, a message m2 will not go through the pipeline until the preceding message m1 is finished processing.
If the processing that occurs downstream from a Kafka connector source is "non-uniform" (i.e, it can take varying amounts of time: sometimes the processing happens quickly, sometimes it takes a while), then introducing a buffer or an asynchronous boundary could improve the overall throughput. This is because a buffer or asynchronous boundary can allow the source to continue consuming Kafka messages even if the downstream processing happens to take a long time. That is, if m1 takes a long time to process, the source could consume messages m2, m3, etc. (until the buffer is full), without waiting for m1 to finish. As Colin Breck states in his post:
The buffer improves performance by decoupling stages, allowing the upstream or downstream to continue to process elements, on average, even if one of them is busy processing a relatively expensive workload.
This potential performance boost doesn't apply for all situations. Again quoting Breck:
Similar to the async method discussed in the previous section, it should be noted that inserting buffers indiscriminately will not improve performance and simply consume additional resources. If adjacent workloads are relatively uniform, the addition of a buffer will not change the performance, as the overall performance of the stream will simply be dominated by the slowest processing stage.
One obvious way to determine whether using a buffer (i.e., .buffer) makes sense in your case is to try it. You might also try adding an asynchronous boundary (i.e., .async) instead. Compare the following three approaches--(1) the default fused behavior without buffering, (2) .buffer, and (3) .async--and see which one results in the best performance.


Is `BoundedSourceQueue` from `Source.queue` ok with concurrent producers?

Source.queue recently added an overload which specializes to OverflowStrategy.dropNew and avoids the async mechanism. The result of materializing this is a BoundedSourceQueue[T] (compared to SourceQueueWithComplete[T] in the older version). The docs for the SourceQueueWithComplete variants of Source.queue make it clear that the materialized queues should be used by any number of concurrent producers:
The materialized SourceQueue may be used by up to maxConcurrentOffers concurrent producers.
The docs for the BoundedSourceQueue don't say anything about this. Is this constraint lifted for BoundedSourceQueue? Can it be used by any number of concurrent producers?
Technically, the SourceQueueWithComplete variant doesn't have the maxConcurrentOffers restriction if OverflowStrategy.dropNew is in effect.
However, because the result of offering an element to the SourceQueueWithComplete is communicated asynchronously, that does mean that if a producer produces faster than it handles the future, it may overwhelm memory. Asynchrony removes backpressure, unless some other mechanism reintroduces it, after all.
Because when the strategy is dropNew, it's possible to know immediately that the element was dropped, the result of offering can be communicated synchronously (i.e. blocking the producer until it handles/throws away the result). This allows there to be arbitrarily many producers without OOM risk. For this reason if using the dropNew strategy, the BoundedSourceQueue version is recommended (i.e. only use the SourceQueueWithComplete if some other strategy is being used), with the recommendation becoming stronger as load becomes higher.
Yes, the number of running threads is the limit for the number of concurrent producers to the BoundedSourceQueue variant.

Kafka - Difference between Events with batch data and Streams

What is the fundamental difference between an event with a batch of data attached and a kafka stream that occasionally sends data ? Can they be used interchangeably ? When should I use the first and when the latter ? Could you provide some simple use cases ?
Note: There is some info in the comments of this question but I would ask for a more well rounded answer.
I assume that with "difference" between streams and events with batched data you are thinking of:
Stream: Every event of interest is sent immediately to the stream. Those individual events are therefore fine-grained, small(er) in size.
Events with data batch: Multiple individual events get aggregated into a larger batch, and when the batch reaches a certain size, a certain time has passed, or a business transaction has completed, the batch event is sent to the stream. Those batch events are therefore more coarse-grained and large(r) in size.
Here is a list of characteristics that I can think of:
Realtime/latency: End-to-end processing time will typically be smaller for individual events, and longer for batch events, because the publisher may wait with sending batch events until enough individual events have accumulated.
Throughput: Message brokers differ in performance characteristics regarding max. # of in/out events / sec at comparable in/out amounts of data. For example, comparing Kinesis vs. Kafka, Kinesis has a lower max. # of in/out events / sec it can handle than a finely tuned Kafka cluster. So if you were to use Kinesis, batch events may make more sense to achieve the desired throughput in terms of # of individual events. Note: From what I know, the Kinesis client library has a feature to transparently batch individual events if desired/possible to increase throughput.
Order and correlation: If multiple individual events belong to one business transaction and need to be processed by consumers together and/or possibly in order, then batch events may make this task easier because all related data becomes available to consumers at once. With individual events, you would have to put appropriate measures in place like selecting appropriate partition keys to guarantee that individual events get processed in order and possibly by the same consumer worker instance.
Failure case: If batch events contain independent individual events, then it may happen that a subset of individual events in a batch fails to process (irrelevant whether temporary or permanent failure). In such a case, consumers may not be able to simply retry the entire event because parts of the batch event has already caused state changes. Explicit logic (=additional effort) may be necessary to handle partial processing failure of batch events.
To answer your question whether the two can be used interchangeably, I would say in theory yes, but depending on the specific use case, one of the two approaches will likely result better performance or result in less complex design/code/configuration.
I'll edit my answer if I can think of more differentiating characteristics.

Kafka Stream: KTable materialization

How to identify when the KTable materialization to a topic has completed?
For e.g. assume KTable has few million rows. Pseudo code below:
KTable<String, String> kt = kgroupedStream.groupByKey(..).reduce(..); //Assume this produces few million rows
At somepoint in time, I wanted to schedule a thread to invoke the following, that writes to the topic:
I wanted to ensure all the data is written as part of the above invoke. Also, once the above "to" method is invoked, can it be invoked in the next schedule OR will the first invoke always stay active?
Follow-up Question:
1) Ok, I see that the kstream and the ktable are unbounded/infinite once the kafkastream is kicked off. However, wouldn't ktable materialization (to a compacted topic) send multiple entries for the same key within a specified period.
So, unless the compaction process attempts to clean these and retain only the latest one, the downstream application will consume all available entries for the same key querying from the topic, causing duplicates. Even if the compaction process does some level of cleanup, it is always not possible that at a given point in time, there are some keys that have more than one entries as the compaction process is catching up.
I assume KTable will only have one record for a given key in the RocksDB. If we have a way to schedule the materialization, that will help to avoid the duplicates. Also, reduce the amount of data being persisted in topic (increasing the storage), increase in the network traffic, additional overhead to the compaction process to clean it up.
2) Perhaps a ReadOnlyKeyValueStore would allow a controlled retrieval from the store, but it still lacks the way to schedule the retrieval of key, value and write to a topic, which requires additional coding.
Can the API be improved to allow a controlled materialization?
A KTable materialization never finishes and you cannot "invoke" a to() either.
When you use the Streams API, you "plug together" a DAG of operators. The actual method calls, don't trigger any computation but modify the DAG of operators.
Only after you start the computation via KafkaStreams#start() data is processed. Note, that all operators that you specified will run continuously and concurrently after the computation gets started.
There is no "end of a computation" because the input is expected to be unbounded/infinite as upstream application can write new data into the input topics at any time. Thus, your program never terminates by itself. If required, you can stop the computation via KafkaStreams#close() though.
During execution, you cannot change the DAG. If you want to change it, you need to stop the computation and create a new KafkaStreams instance that takes the modified DAG as input
Follow up:
Yes. You have to think of a KTable as a "versioned table" that evolved over time when entries are updated. Thus, all updates are written to the changelog topic and sent downstream as change-records (note, that KTables do some caching, too, to "de-duplicate" consecutive updates to the same key: cf.
will consume all available entries for the same key querying from the topic, causing duplicates.
I would not consider those as "duplicates" but as updates. And yes, the application needs to be able to handle those updates correctly.
if we have a way to schedule the materialization, that will help to avoid the duplicates.
Materialization is a continuous process and the KTable is updated whenever new input records are available in the input topic and processed. Thus, at any point in time there might be an update for a specific key. Thus, even if you have full control when to send updates to the changelog topic and/or downstream, there might be a new update later on. That is the nature of stream processing.
Also, reduce the amount of data being persisted in topic (increasing the storage), increase in the network traffic, additional overhead to the compaction process to clean it up.
As mentioned above, caching is used to save resources.
Can the API be improved to allow a controlled materialization?
If the provided KTable semantics don't meet your requirement, you can always write a custom operator as a Processor or Transformer, attach a key-value store to it, and implement whatever you need.

nondeterminism.njoin: maxQueued and prefetching

Why does the njoin prefetch the data before processing? It seems like an unnecessary complication, unless it has something to do with how Processes of Processes are merged?
I have a stream that runs effects whenever a new element is generated. I'd like to keep the effects to a minimum, so whenever a njoin with, say maxOpen = 4, 4 should be the maximum number of elements generated at the same time (no element should be generated unless it can be processed immediately).
Is there a way to solve this gracefully with njoin? Right now I'm using a bounded queue of "tickets" (an element is generated only after it got a ticket).
See, specifically the comment below from djspiewak.
"From a conceptual level, the problem here is the interface point between the "pull" model of Process and the "push" model that is required for any concurrent stream merging. Both wye and njoin sit at this boundary point and "cheat" by actively pulling on their source processes to fill an inbound queue, pushing results into an outbound queue pending the pull on the output process. (obviously, both wye and njoin make their inbound queues implicit via Actor) For the most part, this works extremely well and it preserves most of the properties that users care about (e.g. propagation of termination, back pressure, etc)."
The second parameter to njoined, maxQueued, bounds the amount of prefetching. If that parameter is 0, there is no limit on the queue size, and thus no limit on the prefetching. The docs for mergeN, which calls njoin explain a bit more the reasoning for this prefetching behavior. "Internally mergeN keeps small buffer that reads ahead up to n values of A where n equals to number of active source streams. That does not mean that every source process is consulted in this read-ahead cache, it just tries to be as much fair as possible when processes provide their A on almost the same speed." So it seems that the njoin is dealing with the problem of what happens when all the sources provide a value at nearly the same time, but it's trying to prevent any one of those joined streams from crowding out slower streams.

How to get Acknowledgement from Kafka

How to I exactly get the acknowledgement from Kafka once the message is consumed or processed. Might sound stupid but is there any way to know the start and end offset of that message for which the ack has been received ?
What I found so far is in 0.8 they have introduced the following way to choose from the offset for reading ..
kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime() finds the beginning of the data in the logs and starts streaming from there, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime() will only stream new messages.
example code
Still not sure about the acknowledgement part
Kafka isn't really structured to do this. To understand why, review the design documentation here.
In order to provide an exactly-once acknowledgement, you would need to create some external tracking system for your application, where you explicitly write acknowledgements and implement locks over the transaction id's in order to ensure things are only ever processed once. The computational cost of implementing such as system is extraordinarily high, and is one of the main reasons that large transactional systems require comparatively exotic hardware and have arguably lower scalability than systems such as Kafka.
If you do not require strong durability semantics, you can use the groups API to keep rough track of when the last message was read. This ensures that every message is read at least once. Note that since the groups API does not provide you the ability to explicitly track your applications own processing logic, that your actual processing guarantees are fairly weak in this scenario. Schemes that rely on idempotent processing are common in this environment.
Alternatively, you may use the poorly-named SimpleConsumer API (it is quite complex to use), which enables you to explicitly track timestamps within your application. This is the highest level of processing guarantee that can be achieved through the native Kafka API's since it enables you to track your applications own processing of the data that is read from the queue.