How to get Acknowledgement from Kafka - apache-kafka

How to I exactly get the acknowledgement from Kafka once the message is consumed or processed. Might sound stupid but is there any way to know the start and end offset of that message for which the ack has been received ?

What I found so far is in 0.8 they have introduced the following way to choose from the offset for reading ..
kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime() finds the beginning of the data in the logs and starts streaming from there, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime() will only stream new messages.
example code
Still not sure about the acknowledgement part

Kafka isn't really structured to do this. To understand why, review the design documentation here.
In order to provide an exactly-once acknowledgement, you would need to create some external tracking system for your application, where you explicitly write acknowledgements and implement locks over the transaction id's in order to ensure things are only ever processed once. The computational cost of implementing such as system is extraordinarily high, and is one of the main reasons that large transactional systems require comparatively exotic hardware and have arguably lower scalability than systems such as Kafka.
If you do not require strong durability semantics, you can use the groups API to keep rough track of when the last message was read. This ensures that every message is read at least once. Note that since the groups API does not provide you the ability to explicitly track your applications own processing logic, that your actual processing guarantees are fairly weak in this scenario. Schemes that rely on idempotent processing are common in this environment.
Alternatively, you may use the poorly-named SimpleConsumer API (it is quite complex to use), which enables you to explicitly track timestamps within your application. This is the highest level of processing guarantee that can be achieved through the native Kafka API's since it enables you to track your applications own processing of the data that is read from the queue.


kafka and parallel consumer: why order is important into a microservice architecture

I started to dive into kafka ecosystem.
I was surprised to find out that by default, each consumer only digests one "event" at a time, sequentially!
It's given by offset acknowledgement, unit of parallelism is at partition-level and some other stuff... you can find nice details here.
If I need to consume received messages in parallel into my application node thread pool, I need to use and make some non-default development effort to get it.
By other hand, several technologies have their own recipes to get it: quarkus/smallrye, confluentinc has a parallel-consummer, spring, ...
I hope to find an by-default code configuration in order to get it.
This suggests me that perhaps, some other technologies are more suitable in order to consume messages straightforwardly...
Why parallel consumer is not given by default into libraries?
Why order is important into a microservice architecture?
KafkaConsumer is a relatively low-level object, that's basically capable of reading records from given offset position, seeking to a particular offset, reading and saving that offset in existing Kafka store (called __consumer_offsets). Similarly, the receive API is fully synchronous with its poll(Duration) signature.
If more custom, e.g. asynchronous behaviour is desired, then you can use the wrappers like parallel-consumer or spring-kafka.
When it comes to library design, very often it is preferable to do only one thing (basically an applied single responsibility principle).
As an example, consider that if the "main" library were to be asynchrous, the library providers would need to provide thread creation and maintaining semantics, what happens when there are no records (compare to spring-kafka's listeners), and so on. By exposing low-level API these concerns that are not immediately relevant to Kafka these concerns can be avoided.
Why parallel consumer is not given by default into libraries?
Kafka clients are a largely pluggable ecosystem. The core developers are focused on optimizing the server code, and the built-in client libraries (and serializers) work "well-enough" (TM). So, therefore, a "by default code configuration" for parallel-consumption doesn't exist.
Why order is important into a microservice architecture
That completely depends on your app, but one example is payment-processing or handling any sort of ledger system (after all, Kafka is a sort of distributed ledger). You cannot withdraw money without first depositing a balance. This is not unique to microservices.

Kafka Streams: How bad is it to have side effects in filter, map?

If it depends, what side effects are OK and which are definitely BAD?
My situation is that it feels more natural to filter out some events and log them and increment a metric (an HTTP call) in a single function passed to filter. However, the documentation mentions to put side effects such as logging in peek and foreach, but doesn't mention why.
The main reason against any external API calls is that many Streams API methods are time sensitive. If you do too much work, then the consumer group within the topology will fail to heartbeat and cause a rebalance, thereby halting the data flow. Even peek/foreach require an internal consumer and can have the same problem
That being said, HTTP / DB calls without a short client timeout can be bad. Logging or interfacing with local system resources is good.
If you really need external TCP/UDP calls, then stream/branch the data to some output topic, then use Kafka Connect for that.
In addition to the timing considerations that #OneCricketeer mentioned, you may want to consider if you are using exactly-once semantics (EOS) or at-least-once semantics (ALOS).
With EOS, the side effect would happen once per record; whereas, with ALOS, there's a chance that a given record may be processed multiple times.
You can read more about that here:

Implementing sagas with Kafka

I am using Kafka for Event Sourcing and I am interested in implementing sagas using Kafka.
Any best practices on how to do this? The Commander pattern mentioned here seems close to the architecture I am trying to build but sagas are not mentioned anywhere in the presentation.
This talk from this year's DDD eXchange is the best resource I came across wrt Process Manager/Saga pattern in event-driven/CQRS systems:
(requires registering for a free account to view)
The demo shown there lives on github:
I've given it a spin and I quite like it. I do recommend watching the video first to set the stage.
Although the approach shown is message-bus agnostic, the demo uses Kafka for the Process Manager to send commands to and listen to events from other bounded contexts. It does not use Kafka Streams but I don't see why it couldn't be plugged into a Kafka Streams topology and become part of the broader architecture like the one depicted in the Commander presentation you referenced.
I hope to investigate this further for our own needs, so please feel free to start a thread on the Kafka users mailing list, that's a good place to collaborate on such patterns.
Hope that helps :-)
I would like to add something here about sagas and Kafka.
In general
In general Kafka is a tad different than a normal queue. It's especially good in scaling. And this actually can cause some complications.
One of the means to accomplish scaling, Kafka uses partitioning of the data stream. Data is placed in partitions, which can be consumed at its own rate, independent of the other partitions of the same topic. Here is some info on it: how-choose-number-topics-partitions-kafka-cluster. I'll come back on why this is important.
The most common ways to ensure the order within Kafka are:
Use 1 partition for the topic
Use a partition message key to "assign" the message to a topic
In both scenarios your chronologically dependent messages need to stream through the same topic.
Also, as #pranjal thakur points out, make sure the delivery method is set to "exactly once", which has a performance impact but ensures you will not receive the messages multiple times.
The caveat
Now, here's the caveat: When changing the amount of partitions the message distribution over the partitions (when using a key) will be changed as well.
In normal conditions this can be handled easily. But if you have a high traffic situation, the migration toward a different number of partitions can result in a moment in time in which a saga-"flow" is handled over multiple partitions and the order is not guaranteed at that point.
It's up to you whether this will be an issue in your scenario.
Here are some questions you can ask to determine if this applies to your system:
What will happen if you somehow need to migrate/copy data to a new system, using Kafka?(high traffic scenario)
Can you send your data to 1 topic?
What will happen after a temporary outage of your saga service? (low availability scenario/high traffic scenario)
What will happen when you need to replay a bunch of messages?(high traffic scenario)
What will happen if we need to increase the partitions?(high traffic scenario/outage & recovery scenario)
The alternative
If you're thinking of setting up a saga, based on steps, like a state machine, I would challenge you to rethink your design a bit.
I'll give an example:
Lets consider a booking-a-hotel-room process:
Simplified, it might consist of the following steps:
Handle room reserved (incoming event)
Handle room payed (incoming event)
Send acknowledgement of the booking (after payed and some processing)
Now, if your saga is not able to handle the payment if the reservation hasn't come in yet, then you are relying on the order of events.
In this case you should ask yourself: when will this break?
If you conclude you want to avoid the chronological dependency; consider a system without a saga, or a saga which does not depend on the order of events - i.e.: accepting all messages, even when it's not their turn yet in the process.
Some examples:
Modeled as business process: parallel gateways (parallel process flows)
Do note in such a setup it is even more crucial that every action has got an implemented compensating action (rollback action).
I know this is often hard to accomplish; but, if you start small, you might start to like it :-)

How do I keep the RDMS and Kafka in sync?

We want to introduce a Kafka Event Bus which will contain some events like EntityCreated or EntityModified into our application so other parts of our system can consume from it. The main application uses an RDMS (i.e. postgres) under the hood to store the entities and their relationship.
Now the issue is how you make sure that you only send out EntityCreated events on Kafka if you successfully saved to the RDMS. If you don't make sure that this is the case, you end up with inconsistencies on the consumers.
I saw three solutions, of which none is convincing:
Don't care: Very dangerous, there can be something going wrong when inserting into an RDMS.
When saving the entity, also save the message which should be sent into a own table. Then have a separate process which consumes from this table and publishes to Kafka and after a success deleted from this table. This is quiet complex to implement and also looks like an anti-pattern.
Insert into the RDMS, keep the (SQL-) Transaction open until you wrote successfully to Kafka and only then commit. The problem is that you potentially keep the RDMS transaction open for some time. Don't know how big the problem is.
Do real CQRS which means that you don't save at all to the RDMS but construct the RDMS out of the Kafka queue. That seems like the ideal way but is difficult to retrofit to a service. Also there are problems with inconsistencies due to latencies.
I had difficulties finding good solutions on the internet.
Maybe this question is to broad, feel free to point me somewhere it fits better.
When saving the entity, also save the message which should be sent into a own table. Then have a separate process which consumes from this table and publishes to Kafka and after a success deleted from this table. This is quiet complex to implement and also looks like an anti-pattern.
This is, in fact, the solution described by Udi Dahan in his talk: Reliable Messaging without Distributed Transactions. It's actually pretty close to a "best practice"; so it may be worth exploring why you think it is an anti-pattern.
Do real CQRS which means that you don't save at all to the RDMS but construct the RDMS out of the Kafka queue.
Noooo! That's where the monster is hiding! (see below).
If you were doing "real CQRS", your primary use case would be that your writers make events durable in your book of record, and the consumers would periodically poll for updates. Think "Atom Feed", with the additional constraint that the entries, and the order of entries, is immutable; you can share events, and pages of events; cache invalidation isn't a concern because, since the state doesn't change, the event representations are valid "forever".
This also has the benefit that your consumers don't need to worry about message ordering; the consumers are reading documents of well ordered events with pointers to the prior and subsequent documents.
Furthermore, you've additionally gotten a solution to a versioning story: rather than broadcasting N different representations of the same event, you send out one representation, and then negotiate the content when the consumer polls you.
Now, polling does have latency issues; you can reduce the latency by broadcasting an announcement of the update, and notifying the consumers that new events are available.
If you want to reduce the rate of false polling (waking up a consumer for an event that they don't care about), then you can start adding more information into the notification, so that the consumer can judge whether to pull an update.
Notice that "wake up and maybe poll" is a process that is triggered by a single event in isolation. "Wake up and poll just this message" is another variation on the same idea. We broadcast a thin version of EmailDeliveryScheduled; and the service responsible for that calls back to ask for the email/an enhanced version of the event with the details needed to construct the email.
These are specializations of "wake up and consume the notification". If you have a use case where you can't afford the additional latency required to poll, you can use the state in the representation of the isolated event.
But trying to reproduce an ordered sequence of events when that information is already exposed as a sharable, cacheable document... That's a pretty unusual use case right there. I wouldn't worry about it as a general problem to solve -- my guess is that these cases are rare, and not easily generalized.
Note that all of the above is about messaging, not about Kafka. Notice that messaging and event sourcing are documented as different use cases. Jay Kreps wrote (2013)
I use the term "log" here instead of "messaging system" or "pub sub" because it is a lot more specific about semantics and a much closer description of what you need in a practical implementation to support data replication.
You can think of the log as acting as a kind of messaging system with durability guarantees and strong ordering semantics
The book of record should be the sole authority for the order of event messages. Any consumer that cares about order should be reading ordered documents from the book of record, rather than reading unordered documents and reconstructing the order.
In your current design....
Now the issue is how you make sure that you only send out EntityCreated events on Kafka if you successfully saved to the RDMS.
If the RDBMS is the book of record (the source of "truth"), then the Kafka log isn't (yet).
You can get there from here, over a number of gentle steps; roughly, you add events into the existing database, you read from the existing database to write into kafka's log; you use kafka's log as a (time delayed) source of truth to build a replica of the existing RDBMS, you migrate your read use cases to the replica, you migrate your write use cases to kafka, and you decommission the legacy database.
Kafka's log may or may not be the book of record you want. Greg Young has been developing Get Event Store for quite some time, and has enumerated some of the tradeoffs (2016). Horses for courses - I wouldn't expect it to be too difficult to switch the log from one of these to the other with a well written code base, but I can't speak at all to the additional coupling that might occur.
There is no perfect way to do this if your requirement is look SQL & kafka as a single node. So the question should be: "What bad things(power failure, hardware failure) I can afford if it happen? What the changes(programming, architecture) I can take if it must apply to my applications?"
For those points you mentioned:
What if the node fail after insert to kafka before delete from sql?
What if the node fail after insert to kafka before commit the sql transaction?
What if the node fail after insert to sql before commit the kafka offset?
All of them will facing the risk of data inconsistency(4 is slightly better if the data insert to sql can not success more than once such as they has a non database generated pk).
From the viewpoint of changes, 3 is smallest, however, it will decrease sql throughput. 4 is biggest due to your business logic model will facing two kinds of database when you coding(write to kafka by a data encoder, read from sql by sql sentence), it has more coupling than others.
So the choice is depend on what your business is. There is no generic way.

Looking for message bus implementations that offer something between full ACID and nothing

Anyone know of a message bus implementation which offers granular control over consistency guarantees? Full ACID is too slow and no ACID is too wrong.
We're currently using Rhino ESB wrapping MSMQ for our messaging. When using durable, transactional messaging with distributed transactions, MSMQ can block the commit for considerable time while it waits on I/O completion.
Our messages fall into two general categories: business logic and denormalisation. The latter account for a significant percentage of message bus traffic.
Business logic messages require the guarantees of full ACID and MSMQ has proven quite adequate for this.
Denormalisation messages:
MUST be durable.
MUST NOT be processed until after the originating transaction completes.
MAY be processed multiple times.
MAY be processed even if the originating transaction rolls back, as long as 2) is adhered to.
(In some specific cases the durability requirements could probably be relaxed, but identifying and handling those cases as exceptions to the rule adds complexity.)
All denormalisation messages are handled in-process so there is no need for IPC.
If the process is restarted, all transactions may be assumed to have completed (committed or rolled back) and all denormalisation messages not yet processed must be recovered. It is acceptable to replay denormalisation messages which were already processed.
As far as I can tell, messaging systems which deal with transactions tend to offer a choice between full ACID or nothing, and ACID carries a performance penalty. We're seeing calls to TransactionScope#Commit() taking as long as a few hundred milliseconds in some cases depending on the number of messages sent.
Using a non-transactional message queue causes messages to be processed before their originating transaction completes, resulting in consistency problems.
Another part of our system which has similar consistency requirements but lower complexity is already using a custom implementation of something akin to a transaction log, and generalising that for this use case is certainly an option, but I'd rather not implement a low-latency, concurrent, durable, transactional messaging system myself if I don't have to :P
In case anyone's wondering, the reason for requiring durability of denormalisation messages is that detecting desyncs and fixing desyncs can be extremely difficult and extremely expensive respectively. People do notice when something's slightly wrong and a page refresh doesn't fix it, so ignoring desyncs isn't an option.
It's not exactly the answer you're looking for, but Jonathan Oliver has written extensively on how to avoid using distributed transactions in messaging and yet maintain transactional integrity:
Not sure if this helps you but, hey.
It turns out that MSMQ+SQL+DTC don't even offer the consistency guarantees we need. We previously encountered a problem where messages were being processed before the distributed transaction which queued them had been committed to the database, resulting in out-of-date reads. This is a side-effect of using ReadCommitted isolation to consume the queue, since:
Start transaction A.
Update database table in A.
Queue message in A.
Request commit of A.
Message queue commits A
Start transaction B.
Read message in B.
Read database table in B, using ReadCommitted <- gets pre-A data.
Database commits A.
Our requirement is that B's read of the table block on A's commit, which requires Serializable transactions, which carries a performance penalty.
It looks like the normal thing to do is indeed to implement the necessary constraints and guarantees oneself, even though it sounds like reinventing the wheel.
Anyone got any comments on this?
If you want to do this by hand, here is a reliable approach. It satisfies (1) and (2), and it doesn't even need the liberties that you allow in (3) and (4).
Producer (business logic) starts transaction A.
Insert/update whatever into one or more tables.
Insert a corresponding message into PrivateMessageTable (part of the domain, and unshared, if you will). This is what will be distributed.
Commit transaction A. Producer has now simply and reliably performed its writes including the insertion of a message, or rolled everything back.
Dedicated distributer job queries a batch of unprocessed messages from PrivateMessageTable.
Distributer starts transaction B.
Mark the unprocessed messages as processed, rolling back if the number of rows modified is different than expected (two instances running at the same time?).
Insert a public representation of the messages into PublicMessageTable (a publically exposed table, in whatever way). Assign new, strictly sequential Ids to the public representations. Because only one process is doing these inserts, this can be guaranteed. Note that the table must be on the same host to avoid 2PC.
Commit transaction B. Distributor has now distributed each message to the public table exactly once, with strictly sequantial Ids.
A consumer (there can be several) queries the next batch of messages from PublicMessageTable with Id greater than its own LastSeenId.
Consumer starts transaction C.
Consumer inserts its own representation of the messages into its own table ConsumerMessageTable (thus advancing LastSeenId). Insert-ignore can help protect against multiple instances running. Note that this table can be in a completely different server.
Commit transaction C. Consumer has now consumed each message exactly once, in the same order the messages were made publically available, without ever skipping a message.
We can do whatever we want based on the consumed messages.
Of course, this requires very careful implementation.
It is even suitable for database clusters, as long as there is only a single write node, and both reads and writes perform causality checks. It may well be that having one of these is sufficient, but I'd have to consider the implications more carefully to make that claim.