How to fit content into a specified area of screen at game startup in Unity3D - unity3d

We are using Unity3D to develop an interesting medical application. By making it very briefly, we have a very large touch screen, hanging from a wall. This screen is fixed to the wall and can not be moved. Patients could be adults or children. Tall or short people and so on. Before starting the game, we perform a calibration phase that consists in trying to understand more or less what the touch range is. That is, a taller person can reach the highest points on the screen, while a lower person can not. The calibration phase then identifies more or less which area is reachable. The result of the calibration (simplified) is a rectangle. We would like to fit the content of the game made with Unity3D to be included within this rectangle. That is, there is some function in Unity3D that allows you to specify when you start the game where you "draw" the elements of the game by defining a sort of "sub screen"?

Absolutely yes. It is quite easy, just change the Viewport Rect of the Camera:
Also check the Documentation for completeness (the paragraph Normalized Viewport Rectangles reports an example in games field, where the camera is split for a two-players basically want the same thing but with a single camera).
In this doc, there's also an example in which the viewport is changed programmaticaly (that's your case). Basically:
Camera.main.rect = new Rect(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax);


Unity: Positioning an element on canvas

I need to move an image down through canvas so that its central point would be where is now its top edge. It makes some 50 points, but if I decrease y by 50, it moves to different part of the screen on devices with different screen size. I guess, it's because my main canvas is set to scale with the screen size. So I suppose I need to manually divide the number 50 by my screen height and then code to multiply by Screen.height? Isn't there a more convenient way to move UI objects?
Allow me a second question: Do you think it is even wise to make a game purely on canvas? My game is simple 2D, only slightly animated and contains many layout elements, so I decided to go for it, but I have hard time to grasp the UI position rules.
you may have the problem of the anchoring.
Unity UI totally depends on the Anchoring, if you have got right anchoring there is no issue.
For example. if you anchored something at the Center than changing left and right value moves them according to the center anchor.
for clear visualization, you can paste a screenshot of the behavior.

Adjusting the 3D game to the screen size

How to make the 3D game adapt to the screen resolution?
I tried to change the fieldOfView of the camera, but this adjustment does not work correctly!
If you mean UI elements, there are little triangles usually in the middle of the canvas the element is under. These are anchors that will tell the element to try and stay in the same place on the canvas regardless of the screen resolution. You can read more about it here:
If you mean your actual game view, you'd probably need to write a script that adjusts the camera's FOV at the start of the game based on the resolution, but I have no idea where to even begin on the formula you'd use.

Displaying ARKit nodes in relation to real objects

I am trying to draw a box that can help someone understand the dimensions of an item, but I keep having the issue that since I first need to recognize a plane when I put my physical item on top of the plane, my box gets drawn in front of the item.
Is it possible to somehow overcome this?
#John Scalo is right, your problem is not having to first detect a plane, but it's that your render engine doesn't know that part of your green box frame is occluded (hidden) by a real-world object.
"…to somehow overcome this"
Yes, and by doing so you might be "solving" your original problem—help someone understand the dimensions of an item.
(Depending on your choice of render engine, e.g. SceneKit) You can add an invisible 3D object that has the same dimensions as the real-world object; so the render engine will "know" that some parts of your box frame are behind this (for the user invisible) 3D object. Therefor, you can tell it not to draw those parts of your box frame, which will give the illusion (borrowing from Apple here) that your soda can has the box around it.
These workarounds are inaccurate, but maybe their accuracy is enough for the level of realism you are trying to achieve:
Option 1: 1. After detecting the desk surface, place a semi-transparent 3D object over the soda can and then resize it (gestures/buttons your choice) until it's about the dimensions of the soda can. 2. Confirm that you're done, and just don't draw a texture on it at all just let it occlude the green box frame.
Option 2: Hold your device near the edges of the soda can and add "enough" ARAnchors to be able to create a "bounding shape" that (again) can be used to capture the real-word object and occlude that.
Option 3: (intense, and perhaps the least accurate) Use your finger to "brush" over the object from various angles, and on each touch perform a hit test (hopefully the top/nearest hit is a part of your soda can) and build up a "bounding shape" that way.
Option X: any combination of 1 - 2 - 3.
Good luck, there's lots of people trying to work around this device/ARKit limitation at them moment, so keep your eyes open for good ideas.
The problem you're dealing with is called occlusion, and ARKit doesn't (currently?) include occlusion support. Maybe some day soon iPhones and iPads will begin to ship with LIDAR (or similar), in which case ARKit will be able to detect objects in the scene, making occlusion much easier.

Measuring object width

I'd like to develop an iPhone app that does the following:
1. Starts the device camera.
2. Places a layer on the screen containing a stretchable frame for the user to fit to a desired object.
3. Measures the object's width & height.
You may look at this app which does practically what I need and more:!/id349530105?mt=8
Notice that it doesn't need to be super accurate and can definitely bear some aberration.
Any clue how to do it?
The clue: Geometry and Trigonometry.
By knowing the camera Field-of-View angles, entering the height of the camera above ground and assuming a planar, i.e. flat, ground, you can use basic geometry and trigonometry to work out everything.

Zooming in/out and painting in openGL

I've recently had some issues implementing a zooming feature into a painting application. Please let me start off by giving you some background information.
First, I started off by modifying Apple's glPaint demo app. I think it's a great source, since it shows you how to set up the EAGLView, etc...
Now, what I wanted to do next, was to implement zooming functionality. After doing some research, I tried two different approaches.
1) use glOrthof
2) change the frame size of my EAGLView.
While both ways allow me to perfectly zoom in / out, I experience different problems, when it actually comes to painting while zoomed in.
When I use (1), I have to render the view like this:
glOrthof(left, right, bottom, top, -1.0f, 1.0f); //those values have been previously calculated
//I'm using Apple's Texture2D class here to render an image
[_textures[kTexture_MyImage] drawInRect:[self bounds]];
[self swapBuffers];
Now, let's assume I zoom in a little, THEN I paint and after that, I want to zoom out again. In order to get this to work, I need to make sure that "kTexture_MyImage" always contains the latest changes. In order to do that, I need to capture the screen contents after changes have been made and merge them with the original image. The problem here is, that when I zoom in, my screen only shows part of the image (enlarged) and I haven't found a proper way to deal with this yet.
I tried to calculate which part of the screen was enlarged, then do the capturing. After that I'd resize this part to its original size and use yet another method to paste it into the original image at the correct position.
Now, I could go more into detail on how I achieved this, but it's really complicated and I figured, there has to be an easier way. There are already several apps out there, that perfectly do, what I'm trying to achieve, so it must be possible.
As far as approach (2) goes, I can avoid most of the above, since I only change the size of my EAGLView window. However, when painting, the strokes are way off their expected position. I probably need take the zoom level into account when painting and re-calculate the CGPoints in a different way.
However, if you have done similar things in the past or can give me a hint, how I could implement zooming into my painting app, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, it is definitely possible.
When it comes to paint programs, you should be keeping a linked list or tree of objects to draw for easy insertion / removal. When the user stops painting, (i.e. touchesEnded), you add objects to the data structure containing your scene.
When your user zooms you need to modulate the coordinates of the objects you are drawing with respect to the current viewport, projection, and modelview transforms. In your case, you're not changing the viewport or the modelview transforms so you need only account for the projection transform. You could also implement your zoom using a translation and scale on the modelview matrix but I'll ignore that case for simplicity because it involves inverting the transforms.
The good news is that you are using an orthographic projection so world coordinates correspond to window coordinates when no zooming is in effect. The "world" in your case is a simple canvas that probably corresponds to the size of the device in window coordinates.
Before you add an object to your scene data structure, convert all of the coordinates, using the current projection transform (i.e. the parameters to the glOrthof() call) to world coordinates (i.e. full canvas coordinates). You'll only remain sane if you keep all things in your model in the same coordinate space.
To convert the coordinates, assuming you can never zoom out past full device dimensions in your glOrtho() call, you'll have to scale them down proportional to the ratios of your zoomed ortho dimensions to your unzoomed ortho dimensions then bias them by the difference between your zoomed ortho bottom, left values and those of the original unzoomed ortho values.