Vuforia plugin disappears on unity - unity3d

On my Mac, I noticed every time I open my AR project which uses Vuforia, the Vuforia plugin disappears and I have to go to the unity download page and redownload the Vuforia sdk. Any suggestions on why this is happening or has anyone had this problem?

I figured it out. I'm kind of new to Mac and I copied the unity app into the applications folder and then when I imported the Vuforia package it imported it to the original location of the Unity app, so when I open it from the original location it worked and when I opened it in the app location Vuforia didn't work


Vuforia Engine AR not visible in package manager in Unity 2020

I'm new to unity and vuforia to complete a project i need vuforia engine AR in package manager, the steps shown in the video for unity are Window->Package Manager -> All Packages ->Vuforia Engine AR.
I couldn't access the AllPackages menu so someone suggested that i preview all the packages,i used player setting and selected preview packages, for all the other packages, this doesn't work either.
So i downloaded the vuforia sdk form the site, and i imported all of them into the project,it still didn't show me anything in the GameObject window, i tried to search for the required components like ARCamera and GroundPlaneFinder in the file i imported and they weren't in there.
Can anyone help me with this?
Nevermind, i figured it out, apparently in versions above 2020 in unity it is labelled as vuforia engine to access it go to window->package manager-> my assets->vuforia engine-> import(these were my settings don't know if it changes from version to version)
Be careful and don't try to import it in middle of a project though apparently it needs to be initialized/imported at the start of the project to avoid dependencies. you can create your project later.

Vuforia AR Camera working from the second attempt on Android

I have an Android application which I created using Unity and C#, it also uses Vuforia. I have an AR Camera, which shows a black screen when I have just installed the application and gave camera permission to it, but when I close the app and start it again, everything works fine. I did a lot of searches, so what I found and tried- to Switch automatic graphics to OpenGls2, to set minimization to none, etc. Upgrading Vuforia version will not work for me. Also ARCamera works for phones supporting ARCore and does not work for phones not having ARCore. So I guess, the issue is within the architecture of the phone. Any ideas on how to make it work?
It must be related to camera API. I don't know how Vuforia is trying to initialize the camera. Seems like it tries to initialize it before successful permission result on old Android versions. You can delay Vuforia initialization to be after the permission check. There is an option to set Vuforia delayed initialization, but it would be better to make a preload scene where you do check all permissions and maybe other setup and then load the scene where Vuforia is used.
Update: Please try to update xr plugins for Unity (they are packages now), update Unity itself to the latest version. Do not use unity beta. Se if there are some recommendations from Vuforia of which unity version is the latest supported. Youc also try to create a new unity project from scratch and then import the latest vuforia, then try camera on android, then if all good, import all the resources for your app.

Why the integration of Flutter with Unity and AR Vuforia makes no object appears?

I want to integrate Flutter app with Unity and AR Vuforia. I tried to use library: flutter_unity_widget (
When integrating Flutter app with Unity without Vuforia it works very well. But when I tried to use it with Vuforia … OK, I didn't get any error and I could build app, but when I tested it, it didn't show any object.
I did all the configuration with the library tutorial.
Maybe some of you integrated something like that?
Do you have any sample project with it?
You can check out this blog about "Building with Flutter + Unity (AR Experience Toolkit)" for unity.
And for AR Vuforia, it seems that support for this is not yet materialized as of this GitHub post. You can watch out for the updates there.
The same thing happened to me when I was testing on iOS, Android was OK
I went through all the steps, only that Vuforia didn't recognize anything. According to this issue Dataset Foo could not be loaded and cannot be activated, I dragged and dropped the data folder and Vuforia into the Runner.
And everything was working fine

How do I add Vuforia SDK with Unity after the installation of Unity?

I have already installed Unity on my I want to use Vuforia with Unity.But in new Vuforia site they don't provide us to download their SDK for already installed Unity.How can I download it.
Actually if you install unity 2017.2 or newer no need to add vuforia sdk. Just go to file-> build settings-> player settings ->click on vuforia augmented reality
And also in new versions of Unity (e. g. 2019.2.10f1) it is File > Build Settings > Player Settings > XR Settings > Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported checkmark
This will automatically import vuforia related assets into unity.
Install the latest version of Unity, and in the Unity component
selection section of the installer, select Vuforia Augmented Reality
Support, along with either the iOS Build Support or Android
Build Support packages.
Create a Vuforia developer account from the Vuforia registration page. This account gives you access to the tools you need to make
AR and MR applications with Vuforia in Unity.
If you have not already created a Unity ID, then do so from the Unity registration page. You need a Unity ID to download any
packages from the Unity Asset Store.
Open Unity and create a new 3D Project (make sure the 3D option is selected next to the Add Asset Package button). Name your Project,
then click the Create project button.
To activate Vuforia in your Unity project, access the Player settings
from Edit > Project Settings, then select the Player category,
and select the tab for the mobile device you are building to. Under
the XR Settings panel, enable the Vuforia Augmented Reality
Support property.
From Unity Docs
Since 2019.3 Vuforia is not native in Unity 3D anymore:
On Friday January 24th Unity posted an “XR Platform Updates” article.
Unfortunately, the original version of this article included unclear
information about Vuforia Engine. Vuforia Engine is still supported,
and will continue to be supported, in Unity. What has changed is that
the Vuforia Engine package will no longer be natively distributed by
Unity but can be easily obtained from the Unity Asset Store via our
Core Samples or our hosted NPM registry. You can learn more about how
to download the Vuforia Engine package here.
We apologize for any confusion. If you have any questions, please feel
free to post them on our community forums.
Thank you,
The Vuforia Team
We have to download an external SDK again:

Unity Google VR Additional libraries must be imported please upgrade

Hello I have trouble importing the google vr package in unity , my unity is already updated but this appears
I just had the same issue. I wanted to update the Cardboard SDK on an old project so I downloaded it from Github and imported the GoogleVRForUnity.unitypackage.
Every time I press play I have this message that pops. It works fine if I ignore it, but you can also click Import Package and it will open the gvr-5.2-and-5.3-compatible.unitypackage that's inside the GoogleVR folder. Import the content and the message will stop poping.
It looks like a bug thought, because I'm using Unity 5.4.0, so I should not need any compatibility for 5.2 or 5.3.
I just realized that now you also need a special version of Unity to use the GVR SDK 1.0. Right now (9/10/16) it's Unity 5.4.1f1-GVR7.1 available here. Maybe that's why it was complaining about my Unity version.