Typo3 No template was found for new FrontendForms - forms

I'm experimenting a bit with Forms in TYPO 3 version 8.7.13
I have created a form in the typo 3 backend, all good and it looks good, however when I add the form to a page and the load the front page I get the error
Sorry, the requested view was not found.
The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be resolved
for action "render" in class "TYPO3\CMS\Form\Controller\FormFrontendController".
Is there anything that needs to be added to the Typoscript config in order for them to work ?

You need to include the static template in your TypoScript template.

You have a TYPO3 form plugin on your page. See the details of the form system extension in the TYPO3 backend page module.
**Form No form selected.**
Apply the necessary yaml file to your form. Or hide or delete the form plugin.


TYPO3 11.5.21 error: TypoScript settings missing Unable to find TypoScript settings for module

yes, it's me with a further, maybe stupid question. I'm very new in TYPO3, I just started working with it. I know some programming languages but no typoscript. Therefore I'm working with the bootstrap package first.
I made some forms with TYPO3 core and so far everything was fine but there wasn't any possibility to customize the email (to sender). Therefore I first installed "Form: Mailtexts via plugin" but afterwards the form was not working anymore and I deleted it and everything was fine again.
After some research I have found powermail for creating forms with loads of cool functions.
So, I read four different tutorials about making forms in powermail and it's not working at all.
As far as I can evaluate the problem, I would guess that the last step is the problem, placing the content on the page.
After loading the page with the powermail elements an error message is shown
"TypoScript settings are missing. Did you include the related static templates? No form to show"
Of course I googled this error message and found this post https://github.com/derhansen/sf_event_mgt/issues/432.
In this post they include "fluid content elements" and "Event management and registration" extension and so did I. A new icon in the backend popped up "Events". Selecting this icon a further error message is shown:
"TypoScript settings missing Unable to find TypoScript settings for module. Please make sure, you have included the static TypoScript for the extension."
The page with the powermail elements is empty now, i.e. no more error message but it's also not working at all.
Please, does anyone understand what's going on here? I'm devastated :-(
Many thanks in advance for your kind help!
I tried to solve the problem by internet research and experiments
The plugin of powermail just informed you, that basic configuration is missing. The configuration is given via TypoScript and of course powermail brings some default configuration with it.
You now have to include them. You can do it by opening your default TypoScript template, change to the tab "Includes" and select "Main Template (powermail)". Save your template and reload your frontend.

Typo3 8.7.31 & extension fe_manager: No TypoScript found

In my TYPO3 8.7.31 I have an error:
No TypoScript found. Did you already setup module.tx_femanager.settings.configPID in your PageTS?
As the error message says, you need to configure module.tx_femanager.settings.configPID in your Page TSConfig (not to confuse with TypoScript). This is necessary to make the TypoScript setting available also in the TYPO3 backend which is not the case by default.
As mentioned in the documentation you need to specify the page id (pid), where your main TypoScript settings (frontend) are stored. Usually you will take the root page of your installation.
To set the Page TSConfig, edit the page properties of your root page and switch to the tab Resources. There you can find a field Page TSConfig. In this field you need to put above mentioned setting.
A hint for your next question: please put more effort into your question! Let us know what you tried so far. And please do a proper formatting of your question.
The Problem can also appear, if you have set the
module.tx_femanager.settings.configPID = 1
in your root page ts
but not included the main settings (femanager) in the template.

TYPO3 page only shows "HELLO WORLD!"

I started to learn how to use TYPO3 because I want to create a FAQ page. So I created a very simple page:
But if I view the page, then i only get "HELLO WORLD!". What am i doing wrong?
Did i missed some steps? Where can i get started the best way?
I use TYPO3 8.1.2 btw.
First of all: You have done nothing wrong.
TYPO3 has it's own configuration language: TypoScript.
You have to tell the system in TypoScript what should be rendered in the frontend. The default is a simple TypoScriptSnippet that only prints out the text HELLO WORLD.
I looks something like this:
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = WELLO WORLD
You can find the configuration of your page in the Template module in the backend in the field "Setup". You can either change the TypoScript directly in there or use external files and include them.
You have to understand at least the basics of TypoScript and Templating in TYPO3 to make the content you create in the backend appear in the frontend. If you learn from sources in the internet, try to avoid the old ones.
If you need more help, please feel free to join the TYPO3 community at slack (https://forger.typo3.org/slack), where you can ask any kind of TYPO3 related questions. We will happyly hep you to get started.
you just need to add template typescript code.
or other best way is the use the template by install the template from the pre distribution option.
Go to file extension and select from drop down "Get Preconfigured distribution" option and install from their list of available template.
After install successfully you can see page add/edit option have web icon, inside them you can create new page,
It will show page content on view.

Creating a new page template in Typo3

I'm using Typo3 for the first time and have been asked to update a site built on it.
Making changes to existing templates so far has been OK since they were mainly CSS changes or replacing images. Now though I need to create a couple of new page templates.
What's the easiest way to go about this? The existing site has a home.html and layout.hmlt in the fileadmin directory. Do I need to create a new html file there, if so how do I use this as a new template for some of my pages?
I'm coming from a mainly WordPress background in terms of CMS (I've nearly given in a recoded the site as a WordPress site since I think it would be quicker at this stage) but I'd really prefer to figure this out.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I'm pulling my hair out trying to read through the documentation and getting nowhere. The site is using Typo3 version 4.4.6
How you add a new template to your page depends on how templating is handled. Sadly TYPO3 has a poor templating out of the box, so there is most likely an extension that does the job on your site.
Probably one of these:
flux & fluidpages
Check if one of these extension is installed and add a new page template according to the extensions manual or specify your question afterwards.
If plain TYPO3 was used, you'll find something like
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
file = fileadmin/myTemplate.html
in your Typoscript. You can add tmplate files like the ones that are already there. To use a different template on a page, you have to replace the page.10.file with the template you want to use. This can be done with a new template record (crated in backend via the template module). But this is a rather anoying procedure to change the template, because you have to create each time you want to change the page template for a page and its children. That is why mostly extensions are used for this.
The out of the box situation gets better with newer TYPO3 versions but in 4.4.6 there are no Backend Layouts that could be uses for a template switch ot something like that.
In Addition to change the mere file you have to adjust the subparts or marker that are filled with the content. You'll find that configured in your TypoScript as well

TYPO3 - HTML RTE frontend rendering is not working

I have the latest version of TYPO3, and the data I entered in the RTE is not rendered properly in the frond end (in site).
So for example <p>asdf</p> will show as it is in frond end.
I googled it and tried with some RTE default configuration changes, but that did not work well.
Please try with some basic testing first.
Create a new site on root level (directly below the globe). Create one content element with all text and styles you want to test.
Create a new Typoscript template for this site and put the following in the setup section:
page = PAGE
page.10 < styles.content.get
Make sure to include CSS Styled content inside the static template section.
Now watch your page page in frontend. Does it work?
Otherwise try step 0. and create a new (admin) backend user first.
Most likely you have either a strange transformation rule inside your RTE config in backend (UserTS or PageTS) or you have some kind of htmlspecialchar definition for your frontend rendering.
Please post something of the following basic Typo3 configuration settings and/or tell us if you use something of that:
You Upgraded from an older Typo3 version? Than it could be, that some configuration is missing.
Root Template or Site Template inside Typo3 Backend you can create or edit one, when you click in the most left menu on "Template"
If you choose "Create Template for new site" button the most basic Typo3 Typoscript * is automatically created
# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = HELLO WORLD!
Do you have such an TS (= Typoscript) tested? TEST IT and tell us if it works!!!
Does this work for you?
(Typo3's own configuration language - both a blessing and a curse - can be so easy and so painful - most laughful description i ever read, you can found on hatetypo3.blogspot.de "spaghetti code festival")
Don't miss include "CSS styled content" (it's in the form "edit whole template -> Includes)
But if you don't have include this, normally no site content is displayed in the frontend.
Another way is to include basic TS configuration in one or mor separate files. To get the files working, you have to referce them by this snippet in a Site Template in the BE
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE: yourfile">
# BTW I saw that it is common to place the file in a dir like
So give us this info or ask for more, if i miss something.