You may need to configure your browser or application to trust the Charles Root Certificate. See - iOS Native app not working with Charles [closed] - charles-proxy

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Charles: 4.2.6 , iOS: 10.2, Mac OS: 10.13.5
Followed instructions mentioned under, but getting same error
"You may need to configure your browser or application to trust the Charles Root Certificate. See SSL Proxying in the Help menu."
Am I doing something wrong or this is bug in latest charles ?

For iOS Simulator
Goto: Settings --> General --> About --> Certificate Trust Settings

On your iPhone, Go to General-> About -> (Scroll down to bottom) Certificate Trust Settings -> Trust the Charles Proxy Certificate

You need to go to Certificate Trust Settings -> Enable Full trust for Root Certificates . Turn the slider on to enable full trust for the Charles Proxy Custom Root Certificate, this should fix it.


How to change the domain name in access URL of a web application hosted on MS Azure? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a question about changing the domain name in access URL of a web application hosted on MS Azure. We have managed to recently create a clone of an existing Virtual Machine (VM) for a different project and the access URL for the clone is as shown below (Current URL) and this VM/instance is still private. We want to rename this to a different one as shown below (Expected URL). The web application is developed using below components and legacy source code link is available here Click Here. I would like to know how to change this URL domain name. Please assist me with this as I am still still learning and getting familiarized with this.
Apache Tomcat 6.0.24
Java 1.7.0_03
Apache http server 2.2
R 2.15.1 (R 3.1 suggested)
Mysql 5.1.41 (MySQL 5.5 suggested)
Mongo 2.02 (Mongo 2.4 suggested)
Grails 2.1.0
Current URL
Expected URL
Thank you,
Assign a new public ip to the new vm (or create a LB, it's up to you) and create a dns entry on "" domain called "infection" pointing to the new ip.
Configure the software accordingly (tomcat and httpd) and you're done.

how to deploy a exe file or desktop application online [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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the exe file was generated from matlab. I am trying a way to access the application online or run in my mobile phone(android).
The MCR can not be installed on android systems, which means you can not use the Matlab Compiler to create android applications.
You surely can deploy web applications, which is well documented. Most notable is this warning from the documentation:
The development version of MATLAB® Web App Server™ must be installed in a trusted intranet environment on dedicated hardware. The only purpose of the physical or virtual machine where the server is installed must be to host web apps that connect to the server. The server must never be exposed to the open Internet. For more information, see MATLAB Web App Server Security. source

Manage VPS server and install cpanel alternative [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hello all i just bought my first VPS server from hostinger and i dont know how to use it as earlier i used to use only shared hostings so i used to get my cpanel for the site where all the services are listed but this is not the case in VPS and Dedicated so i just wanted your advice and if possible a detailed step wise instructions on how to manage and install free cpanel alternatives on my VPS server
Things that i have IP address SSH and other things that is in VPS
what i need is just to install some softwares free on my server to create accounts and host websites. i need ftp, php myadmin, emails, cron jobs etc....
My srver details are CENTOS 6.7 x86_64 virtuozzo
There are many free available Control panel for Linux Like ISPConfig or spacewalk.
You can download them from their website and installation instruction are also provided on their website.
I suggest to go with Kloxo hosting control panel. It is free open source control panel. It has many features like manage billing, hosting, backup etc.. You can find complete features list and information from here..
It is also compatible with your Operating System. You can find installation guide for this hosting control panel from here..
Administrator Guide
User Guide
Hope, this will help and cover all your needs.
You can try open source control panels like CentOS Web Panel, ZPanel, WebMin, ISPConfig, etc. I personally use CentOS web Panel as open source alternative of cPanel. Here's the guide you can follow to install Centos Web Panel.
You probably need to install some free server configuration panel.
You can try a good known WebMin or relatively new and advanced ServerSuit.
Then you can install all the software you need to including the LAMP stack, mail servers, FTP servers and manage all those things from your browser of course.
ServerSuit also supports mobile devices which I prefer personally.

How to host a web server for the offline documentation temporarily? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Many programming languages and SDK (like Android Studio, Java, ...) provide their documentation for offline in the form of web pages. But when serving those files from the disk, Chrome is not able to fetch file types other than web page like JSON, ... and #import query does not works...
I don't want to use server like XAMPP for this. Because I am already using that for development purposes. Help me with a way to host a temporary light-weight server with web_root as the documentation folder.
Use the node package "http-server".
You must have node.js (v4.4.0 or greater) installed and from the command line/terminal the http-server package can be installed by using this command:
npm install -g http-server
Navigate to the local directory containing the files you want to serve and call http-server from the command line/terminal.
Your pages will be hosted by default on
Do not close the command line/terminal as this will stop the serving.

IBM Worklight Mobile First Server [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I Done Hybrid application using IBM Worklight.I created apk file using eclipse and installed in android device.if my Mobile first Server is Stopped my app in android Mobile not working. if my Mobile first Server is Started then My app working can u tell me what is happing?
Your application must connect to the Server.
If you close the server, it will fail connecting to the server.
If you start the Server, it will then succeed to connect to the Server.
If you want your application to continue functioning to some degree while the server is not reachable, you may want to see if Offline Authentication is what you're looking for.
From your duplicate question, it also seems that you're trying to use MFP adapters while the server is offline; this will not work. adapters use the server. Review my comments in the other question.