App store application package name - app-store

If I have an application ID for an app on the iOS App Store, how can I find the package name?
For example, if I know the application ID is 457446957, how can I find out what app this is (Jetpack Joyride, in this case):

Return all information about application(include package name)

You don't actually need the package name to load an App Store page, just the ID. So for your above example, if you load:
you'll get the App Store page for that app and could grab the package name using web-scraping. In this example,
h1.product-header__title product-header__title--app-header
contains the text:
Jetpack Joyride


Set Facebook Application ID dynamically in flutter for iOS

My iOS application requires multiple Facebook Applications. But, since we have to put the application ID and client ID on the info.plist file. So, it's impossible to switch or change the application ID without a dynamic way.
As per facebook documentation (, I found there is a method named setAppID/setDefaultAppID. Through this, I should be able to change the Facebook application ID dynamically. But, in the FBSDKCoreKit package, there are no such methods.
I tried:
FBSDKCoreKit.Settings.setAppID("appID") [No such method]
FBSDKCoreKit.Settings().setAppID("appID") [No such method]
FBSDKCoreKit.Settings.appId = "appID" [Doesn't work]
FBSDKCoreKit.Settings.shared.appId = "appID" [iOS application crashes]

Flutter: in-app product shows app name next to product name

This is what I have on my console:
but I get also my app name next to the product name:
(My Rents)
I could just remove it from the string but I have my app name translated to some languages and I'd like to know if it's possible to get it without the app name

Which of the MobileAdTargetingInfo properties of Flutter Firebase AdMob package do I need for release?

I want to know when using firebase_admob, do I need this code?
If so, when releasing an app, what should I write for keywords, contentUrl, and testDevices?
I mean, when releasing an app, testDevices is even necessary?
MobileAdTargetingInfo targetingInfo = MobileAdTargetingInfo(
keywords: <String>['flutterio', 'beautiful apps'],
contentUrl: '',
childDirected: false,
designedForFamilies: false,
gender: MobileAdGender.male, // or MobileAdGender.female, MobileAdGender.unknown
testDevices: <String>[], // Android emulators are considered test devices
this information is used to show ad to users.
You should use keywords related to your application. Ex: if Your application is related to hospital then you can use medicine as your key words.
you can add you web site url if you develop any web site for particular application as contentUrl .
testDevices is a Id of you device in which you are tested. if you want to test your application in real device then you must add test device id because it help you to avoid ad mob bane.
MobileAdTargetingInfo class properties mirror the native AdRequest API.
You will find more information about those properties in the documentation for AdRequest.Builder and RequestConfiguration.Builder.
public AdRequest.Builder addKeyword (String keyword)
Add a keyword for targeting purposes.
public AdRequest.Builder setContentUrl (String contentUrl)
Sets the content URL for a web site whose content matches the app's primary content. This web site content is used for targeting and brand safety purposes.
At the time of writing some parameters from the question have been deprecated with no alternative, some like the one below replaced with a different approach, while some other moved to RequestConfiguration.Builder.
public AdRequest.Builder setIsDesignedForFamilies (boolean isDesignedForFamilies)
Deprecated. Use Ad Content Filtering.
public RequestConfiguration.Builder setTagForChildDirectedTreatment (int tagForChildDirectedTreatment)
This method allows you to specify whether you would like your app to be treated as child-directed for purposes of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
public RequestConfiguration.Builder setTestDeviceIds (List testDeviceIds)
Sets a list of test device IDs corresponding to test devices which will always request test ads. The test device ID for the current device is logged in logcat when the first ad request is made.

BlackBerry Facebook jar file in eclipse

I know this might sound a very basic question but I am having an issue in using Facebook SDK for Blackberry. I have downloaded the latest one 0.8.25. I have imported them in my eclipse and they are present in the referenced libraries. I have a game app where I want the users to login using their facebook account. Which class contains the code for logging in? Are the jar files implementable or they are just for reference? I have read forums posts where users say that they executed Strawberry program but I can no where find any executable source code. Kindly please let me know how do I create a login page for BlackBerry using its SDK. I did go through another link of Sample Code here!
Let me know which class has login code or how do i use the SDK
At the very basic least, you need to get an instance of the Facebook object and call getCurrentUser(). So, for example:
String[] permissions = new String[] { Facebook.Permissions.ALL_PERMISSIONS };
Facebook fb = Facebook.getInstance(new ApplicationSettings(myNextUrl, myAppId, myAppSecret, permissions));
User fbUser = fb.getCurrentUser();
The code in the library will handle all of the details like getting the user to login to facebook account and accept the requested permissions and so on. You'll want to wrap that all in a try/except to catch FacebookException for error conditions (e.g. user refuses your request).

info.plist and app id creation

have developed an application for my clients, in the info.plist i have :
bundle identifier com.myCompagnyDomain.theApp
Bundle name §{PRODUCT_NAME}
Now i would like to create a an app Id to distribute the app to the apple store.
What i will put in the :
Bundle Seed ID (App ID Prefix)
Bundle Identifier (App ID Suffix)
myCompagnydomain is the domain name of my compagy ( not of my client), is this a problem ??
An other question,
My client give to me the user name and password of his account and he would like that i submit to him the application ( ziped).can i sign it with his account and submit to him the ziped app ? how i can do this ?
thanks for your answers
In Bundle name field You have put string like string in Provisioning Profile, when you create on Apple Provisioning portal.
Usually it is "com.'yourcompanyname'.'yourappname'", for example "".
But you can write any other string, your dog name, or your name, or project name, for example "com.xcode" or "xcode" or "bob007".