how do we know if what customer says meet the intent? - chatbot

I'm new to Dialogflow and I want to learn something from it. Currently I'm stuck with 2 problems. First is how do we know if what customer says meet the intent?:
According to google's tutorial, it puts in training phrases:like the screen shot. In my case, I don't know how to trigger the intent. I tried My favorite color is Tony. It would ask as what I expected:What's your favorite color. But if I just say, Tony, It would goes to the fallback case. I'm confused about how would the intent be trigger. Is it by entity? or something else?
In addition, I currently wrote a coupon lines of code on linux(which could convert to other language as well) to turn on and off a board's led light(my friend helped me). However, since I'm new to dialogflow and I want to do things like: If I talk to google, it would turn it on/off. I'm wondering how should I do it. Could I get some hint? I never learned api before and I could certainly learn it on my own. I just wanna need some help.
p.s: I learned one year C++, so I'm not familiar with javascript, if completing this project requires javascript, I would certainly do that. Just need some hint pls.

First, you should know that you need not learn any other language if you are already good at something & that is cause Dialogflow offers you SDKs for that. You can check it out over here:
Now coming to your query, when user enters anything, that query comes to dialogflow & then it tries to find matches between different training phrases that you have entered in your intent. If there's a match found, having scored more than threshold, it sends us the response defined for that intent. You can even define custom entities, such as for colors, it would just help dialogflow to find more accurate intent. Following snaps should help you understand a situation better:
1. Intent-1
2. Intent-2
3. Custom entity
4. Output
Hope this answers your query.


How do I use SAPUI5 SDK?

I am four months incumbent to SAPUI5. I know the basics of SAPUI5 and am able to create application from scratch. However , this is true only for the controls that I am familiar with(I refer google/SAPUI5 SDK). Lately, I am realizing if it is brand new control for me, I have to spend a lot of time using SAPUI5 SDK going after the API reference, documentation and samples.
My question is could you please let me know how do I use SDK effectively ? For example, I need to know the method when a cell is clicked in sap.m.Table or an event for selection. How do I use documentation, API reference for it ?
Kindly help!
Whatever you are doing is correct, API reference has everything you need.
I can tell you the tricks I did while working on SAPUI5:
Every time you visit a reference about a particular control, watch out from where it has been inherited. This gives an edge, most control will have basic handlers at the parent control which can be reused in child controls. Example sap.ui.core.Element, this is like Grandfather of many controls. Spend time to understand this kind of controls.
Use browser console as your playground, create a particular object you are playing with, then use .and see what are the methods which are exposed.
Aggregations tell you about what is the kind of content a control can take in.
There is no other magic to this. Trust me, over a period of time, you will be very much faster in figuring out what fits.
When I work with new controls it helped me to take a look at the control samples first and its coding. This gives me a good quick overview.
Then I take a closer look at the API to that control to find out more about the properties, aggregations and events.
Sometimes I build a quick and simple example app for a certain control. This helps me to find out how the control is supposed to work.
As already mentioned, there is no way that works for everyone and it'll take some time.
You'll find your best way of working with it.

permutations and variations for chatbot user intents

(first time posting, be nice. Also, I'm learning how to code, so I may not ask this question in the right way, be nice) I'm designing a chatbot and I'm having trouble finding a solution that creates all the possible permutations and variations for how a user would ask a question or make a request. For example, if a user wants to know the weather they could ask "Wha't the weather?" or "Will it be sunny tomorrow?" or, or, or. Any resources you could point me to will be appreciated.
This is called natural language processing and is not trivial. I wouldn't recommend working on something as complex as this for a beginner.
I found a couple threads where people wanted to do the same thing.
Any tutorials for developing chatbots?
But yeah, this isn't easy.

Creating a generic server-side validation function in Coldfusion

So, I've been trying to clean up my code and learn things that I should always do...well of course server-side validation is one of those things that I should always do. However, what happens when I have this huge form? I really would like to have a generic function that allows me to pass the data type and field name. Is there a secure way to do this in Coldfusion?
I've been looking into doing this for a while, but I've come to dead ends and can't find any info on doing something like this on the web. It seems like Coldfusion does not offer this ability.
However, I think it would be cool if there was a way to specify an attribute in your input tags that had the data type of the field. Then, it would be uber nice if Coldfusion stuck it into a struct for you with your field names.
Is there anyway to accomplish this or can someone elaborate on the most efficient way to do server-side validation?
That would be great if CF had something like that! Good news, it does, for years now! :)
What you're looking for is cfinput (and cfform) tag. This tag includes the validation specifics right in the tag like you're wanting (great minds think alike, right?). You can specify the validation, the error message, if it should validate client or server side - all kinds of neat tricks.
Check here for implementation - it's quite easy to use:
Be warned that a lot of code diva's hate cfform / cfinput. In reality, there is nothing wrong with them when implemented correctly. It can be abused and it won't fit for every solution, but that is true of everything in the toolbox. By and large, for most form input and validation situations it works great.
If you hate that idea, another is to use the built in type attribute of cfparam and catch your errors.
For example, at the top of your form processing page, you can :
<cfparam name="form.cardNumber" type="creditcard">
When this is reached, if the value in that variable is not of that type, it will throw an exception that you can catch. This keeps you from having to write the if() and pattern matching. Additionally, if there isn't a type built in, you can specify a regular expression for pattern matching.
Here's some more information and the types supported:
Let me know what you think!
I would encourage you to look at possibly using a ColdFusion framework like CFWheels (or ColdBox) which has a lot of this type of functionality already built in to make development a TON easier. Using CFWheels has been one of the best decisions I've made as a developer and my development skills have grown significantly over the past year. There's some great screencasts online to get started.

Guidance needed in Writing Specifications [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I was asked (at a place i just began working) to create simple specs for some new functionality that is going to be added to an existing Registration system. I need a little help since i've never done this before.
Here are two diagrams that show the current workflow and the new workflow.
Current Workflow:
New Workflow
I know they might be a bit vague but here's what's basically happening.
We are adding a new import form to an existing windows application.
We are modifying an existing form by adding a search button which will search
search and populate data read by an ocr.
I'm a new developer and i'm pretty bad at writing documents in general, but i would like to improve on this. Maybe some examples on how to go about writing something like this would be helpful. I've googled for some examples, but most of the ones i've found are on creating a brand new system. I need something that shows how to write one for modifying an exisiting system.
Here's my attempt at a specification. Maybe someone can critique it. At least then i will know what i need to improve.
I love writing specs (I'm a rare one in my company).
Diagrams are a good way to go, but for the more literally minded I start with a full specification template that has a ton of headings in it. For a new system, you'd generally have something to say for everyone. In your case you've specifically mentioned it's an existing app you're modifying, but the point is not to fill out all of the headings - the point is to think about them, and then delete them after due consideration. For example:
Business Requirements (short synopsis of the need, as explained to the business, non-technical users)
Use Cases (usually for bigger specs only)
Functional Requirements
Flowcharts etc.
Error Reporting
Assumptions and Additional Constraints
Third-party Software Requirements
Expandability (e.g. for bits that might need to plug-in to others etc)
Questions (for questions that still need to be answered by someone to finish the spec)
Also if it's really technical then you might need an introduction sections for:
- Target Audience
- Terminology
- Examples
All of these is generally overkill for all but the largest of designs. But even for a modification, I'd go through every item and consider whether I need to write anything or not. I think this is where a lot of the value of writing a spec comes from - the process of creation. In other words, trying to be thorough and not miss too much. All the benefits that come afterwards - like being able to do estimates, being able to explain the functionality to others etc - are nice side-effects. As long as it doesn't end up completely garbled, and suits your company okay, I think that's more important than the specific appearance, format or contents of the spec.
EDIT: Comments on your specification
I think you've done a reasonable job here. Most developers should be able to take the spec and produce something sensible, and most business analysts should be able to look at the spec and work out what it does and how it works. In my comments below, keep in mind that there's always a trade-off between how detailed you want the spec and how much time you have. I tend to believe the more detailed the spec the more time everyone saves, but that's not the case for everyone.
If you want this to be clearly understood by a business user (e.g. the customer), then the Objective section could maybe contain a sentence or two describing the problem it solves. In other words not what it will achieve, but why.
It's worth explicitly naming the intermediate staging table here. At the very least it means if someone comes back to the spec a year from now, they know exactly where to look in the database.
Minor point: in my experience screenshots that contain unrealistic data are harder to understand. Instead of showing "My Sample Form", "Name", "Address" etc, it'd perhaps be easier to understand with some sensible data. Can still be fake to protect the customer's data, like "123 Fake St" etc. Not a huge deal though.
It's not clear what will happen when something goes wrong. Are there to be any checks that the data in the staging table is in a valid format? If not, is the user given an error message, or otherwise logged somewhere? One error per row of invalid data, or one for the whole batch? The form consists of a single button - something I think we can agree isn't the world's greatest UI, but I understand sometimes these things happen - perhaps it could be enhanced with a logging window to show the results of the import. The answers might be straightforward, but the developer needs to know what they are.
Perhaps not an issue depending on how much data there is, but if there was a lot and it will take a while, it might be worth having a progress bar. Or, mention if the data will be imported in stages.
Would it be worth mentioning the definition of the permanent table to which data is moved? Are all fields moved from the staging table to the permanent table, or only some? If only some, can you show what maps to what? If the permanent table has different data lengths - for example if Address Street is a Varchar(30) - what would happen if the data won't fit? Again, perhaps simple answers, but ones that would be very usefully answered here.
Perhaps worth mentioning if the data will be imported in a single transaction or not - if the data import fails partway through, if everything rolled back, or is half the imported data left imported?
If another developer will be doing this work, I think they're far more likely to get the work right if you mocked-up / draw the screens for them. Even if it's just a form with one button, and even though I can take a good guess at what your search pop-up form will look like, I would make no mistakes if I knew exactly what it's supposed to look like. Tools like Balsamiq Mockups (and see examples here) are wonderful for quick mocks, though the default "comic sans" look may not ride well with managers. I'd rather have a dirty mockup than none at all though. (Note: the free version of Balsamiq doesn't let you save images, but you can achieve the same with the export/import functionality. Also you can't save to an image file like PNG etc, but you can use a screen-capture program to take a picture of what you draw.)
Minor point: I try to avoid personal pronouns like "I", "we", "our", just to make it a little more professional and better for customers to read if necessary. I only noticed one "our", so you've mostly got it right in terms of tone here.
Minor point: are varchars enough or will there be non-standard characters in there that require unicode (i.e. nvarchar)?
It's less clear to me what's happening in the Voter Add/Update Form, but I don't have knowledge of your application - maybe everyone involved will say "oh right, I get it". For example I don't understand the relevance of "ImpRecord001" and "ImpRecord002" - would it be worth mentioning in the design what these batch codes actually mean in the real world?
Is the "Search Data" button the same as the "Search OCR" button?
For any document: first consider why you are writing it - who will read it, what do they need to know? How much detail is appropriate? Another couple of general ideas
If may be useful to then think about the sources of information that go into what you are writing. One result of that might be that you make sure that what you write can be verified. If for example an information source is a person, especially for IT docs it might be a non-IT person telling you stuff, then you may be quite careful about how your present some information so that the "source" can also understand what you are saying.
Also consider carefully what comes after the current document. For example might a test plan be written on the basis of what you write? This might lead you to present information in tables that quite naturally get expanded to test cases.
So to your specific question. What do you mean by "spec"? The workflow you give isn't enough for a user to look at and agree "Yes please, that's what I want". It's not enough for someone to write some code. I'm thinking you might need several documents.
1). Some kind of requirements doc. One format you might use is a storyboard. This focuses on what the user can see and do. Exactly what data is shown on each screen. If there are computations underlying what's displayed you may need to have appendices describing these. This doc is read by both users and developers. Powerpoint or Word could be used.
2). From that you might derive some explicit data models. Item-by-item, field-by-field. data types, sizes, validation etc. I might use date modelling tool, or UML or just a spreadsheet. Primary audience is developer, but ideally a user (or a business anlyst intermediary) could verify the details. [If you don't have a business analyst, you probably are the business analyst :-) ]
3). More technical, a spec for the developers referring to items 1&2. A decomposition of the implemntation. Names of modules, packages, classes or whatever you are using. Defintions of transformations, algorithms and calculations. A more technical doc. I would use UML, but any precise form of capture would do. This is where we might really drill down into what some of the detailed boxes in your workflow mean.
As has been observed, in general we also need to make sure the developer udnerstands the non-functional requirements, such as security and data volumes. In your situation this may be be implcitly understood, so possibly you may not need it now ... in some other life you may, so it might be a good idea to at least have a one liner in place to remind you for the future.
Those are an excellent start for a spec.
I would add to them by creating mock screen shots of what you want the windows application to look like.
On top of that you can add the details of each data field, and what the allowed values are.
Include details of any exceptions you can think of, and how you want errors reported.
You might also want to consider what sort of reporting, and security/auditing you need, as these will need to be included in the design.
Finally, it's worthwhile to sit down with the developer and talk them through the process, going through each step, as i'm sure further details will be needed.
Some of the steps down at the bottom are a bit wordy. Try splitting them up and make sure the word IF never appears. IFs should be designated by using a diamond and splitting out the flow paths based on the conditional.

For a large project, what planning should be done before coding and how should it be approached? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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What is your method of "mapping out" an idea before creating it?
Say I wanted to take on a big project, for example at the scale of a site like Facebook or MySpace. What planning/design steps should I take before I start the actual work?
For example, should I map everything out page by page (their functionalities, data, etc.)?
For a large project first think of a one-liner to description of your site (try to not use any buzzwords here). Next think of three design maxims (rules your design Should never conflict with). Then draw a few views and think up a few user cases (1 day) then work in code for 2 weeks (this will be a throw away prototype so just work as fast as you can forget about bugs and details, don't worry about code smells or design patterns, just make as much as you can), then revaluate all the steps above and throw away your two week prototype, and begin your project in a serious manner applying solid engineering and design. After a month has gone by evaluate your(team) moral and get feedback. If it all seems to be going ok, continue, you got a long ride ahead, otherwise just give up, do a postmortem, and start over with new goals.
I always start with the user interface design. I figure out what the user should be able to do and what controls I will give them to do it. Once I get that laid out in a way I like it, then I start with the code "wiring".
Make a list of all the features that site have.
Make a list of nice to have features.
Make a list of the weakness of the site.
Order that list and prioritize the items that will be built first.
Identify what will be possible to do and what is not.
Meet with your customer and present these results.
Usually I do a mindmap of
problem I am trying to solve,
translated into exact requirements,
then mapping that to user workflows.
The cross linking features of mindmapping softwares make it lot easy. Since mindmapping is 'kind of freeform', I end up concentrating on the 'task' rather than 'representation' (e.g which type of UML diagram should I use to represent this) ?
Once initial ideas are clear then I can work on project plan, spec/design documents using UML for more low level details. This approach usually works well for me.
To see if it works for you or not, you can use FreeMind (opensource mindmaping software, good but currently limited functionality). Then You can try Mindmanager or iMindmap for mindmaping. Both integrate well with other Office products.
Usually I start out by grabbing my scratchbook and just start writing down what I want as in terms of features, this should be quite detailed. And can be quite messy with every thing scrambled together, if so, when you're done make an 'official version' of you're ideas on paper (REAL pen and paper works best for this in my opinion).
Then I start making some scetches of how the pages would look like, what information it must contain and translate that to a global database design. Then work that global design to a more advanced level where all pages come together, with relations between tables and stuff.
After that I build up the most important pages on a code framework (I always make use of a framework, if you don't then forget the framework part), and by 'most important pages' I mean in for example a blog that would be the posts. After that build the not-so-important pages, in case of a blog that could be an archive of posts.
If you have that done, put the code together with a design, or do that while coding if you do not seperate code from HTML/CSS/JS.
Oh and yes, do NOT expand your first idea along the way. Just write that down and implement that afterwards. So if, in case of the blog again, you think half way you want Youtube tags in you're BB-code, write it down. Add that later, offcourse before you're initial site releases.
That's my workflow, at least a basic basic, basic description of it.
Start with "paper prototypes", i. e. take a pencil and sketch each page very roughly. This lets you start from the user perspective, which I think is a good idea.
You can then use the sketches for a first hallway usability test and later as the basis for "wireframes" you would give a web designer to work from.
If you've gone through the complete site once, you probably have a good idea of what the backend should be able to do. You can now use your page sketches and compile a list of the actions a user can trigger by clicking on things. This is the raw material for designing the server-side API that the frontend can call.
Using the calls that need to be served, you can design the backend: What functionalities group nicely, what data needs to be fetched, what do you need to store between page calls (== Session variables) etc.
In this process, I have fared quite well by postponing technology decisions (frameworks, protocols etc.) and even class structure etc., until I've gone through the whole thing once in terms of "what things should do what to what other things" (I guess there's a better term).
I think I would start with an open-source SNS solution that comes close to what you need and then figure out how to add use-specific plug-ins, modules, and themes that achieve your purposes. There are a lot of em out there. Building from scratch is going to take a lot more effort and planning. Most SNS functionality is not worth re-inventing. Focus on what will make your site unique and build upward toward that.
I'm a fairly visual person when it comes to designing software so I sketch out dataflows, class hierarchies, UI and flow charts on whiteboards and paper first.
Butcher paper and colored pens can be particularly fun to use as it's 3 feet wide and comes in 100 foot rolls. When you've got a design that's satisfying or sufficiently complete, tear it off the roll and pin to the wall. Update as necessary.
That technique has worked for some large refactors as well as new projects.
You could start with something very simple and then add features a little at a time. You may reach a point where you want to start over, but the groundwork you did will be beneficial. Or you can try to do the whole thing at once, in which case you'll need the advice already given in the other replies.
One more idea: Specify those features you are not going to include, and other restrictions. These are called constraints, and are as important as the rest of the plan, as it gives you boundaries so you know when you're done planning!
If you work for the same company as this person, start by getting everything in writing so you aren't the one to take the fall when the inevitable happens...