Eclipse plugin is not working on reinstalling - eclipse

I am using a custom plugin which is integrated to the Eclipse IDE which is used at my workplace, this integration happens on Maven build. This plugin works fine. Now if I uninstall the custom plugin and reinstall the same custom plugin, it does not work. It throws Read timed out
But I think this should not be an issue as the same plugin works with a standalone eclipse. Is there any why for me to enable logs so that I get to know what is happneing when I install or uninstall a plugin. The above logs

It looks like the problem arises because of the firewall. I've had a similar problem, I hope this helps.


Issue Editor and Browser for SonarQube in Eclipse are Blank

I recently installed SonarQube 5.1 on machine on my local network. I have successfully run the Maven plugin on one of my projects and everything seems to be working fine. I also installed the Eclipse plugin (Luna) from the marketplace and have been able to run an analysis within eclipse. The issues show up in the SonarQube Issues view. However, both the SonarQube Issue Editor and SonarQube Web Browser are completely blank.
This appears to be similar to this SO post, but the bug referenced there has been marked fixed. I would post a screenshot, but I don't have the required reputation.
Has anyone else encountered this?
Thanks Julien, the tip on the embedded browser led me to the solution. The problem was in fact caused by missing libraries on my system that were preventing the internal browser from functioning properly. The solution was to install the proper webkit-gtk libraries for my system. On Gentoo, the default is to install webkit-gtk:3, which is incompatible with SWT. The correct version can be installed by running emerge net-libs/webkit-gtk:2 on the command line as described in this SO answer.

Unable to load server class ''

I am using Google Plugin for eclipse to develop website using GWT. Every thing work properly before. Today I installed a theme plugin for eclipse and i uninstall this theme plugin after that. When i run my gwt project I get the error
Unable to load server class ''
I have tried reinstall Google Plugin for Eclipse and i still get this error.
How to solve this error ? Thank for any help.
I have tried reinstall eclipse and the Google Plugin. Everything work ok.

Unable to install PMD in Spring tool suite

I am unable to install PMD plug-in for STS (build on top of Luna).
Could someone please give the steps to do it?
Try this and install for Eclipse 4.
I'm the developer of eclipse-pmd, one of the two PMD plugins you mentioned in your question. If your installing the plugin through the Eclipse Marketplace then you're doing everything right. Once the installation is finished the getting started guide will help you with setting up eclipse-pmd.
You are, however, not the first who has a problem getting eclipse-pmd 1.4 to work with the Spring Tool Suite. Unfortunately we have not yet found the cause of the problem and are still looking for a solution. If you'd like to help or would like to follow the issue's progress then head over to the eclipse-pmd issue tracker at Github.
Update: the issue has been fixed and it had nothing to do with STS.
If your problem is something different then I need more information on what exactly does not work, e.g. does the installation give you an error message or doesthe installation work and you get an error message when running PMD?
Please follow below steps to install PMD in STS.
Download PMD from & Extract it.
Copy net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse_1.8.0 folder into ..\sts-bundle\sts-3.9.6.RELEASE\plugins\
then Install eclipse PMD from Eclipse Market Place you will find in Help this option.
Restart your STS.

GWT plugin error

I'm trying to install GWT plugin i eclipse.
It showing error like,
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r42
But there is no plugin installed. And also it is not at all working
Please make sure that you are downloading and installling the right plugin.
You can get the details from below link :
You have to run your eclipse as administrator, I have same problem with it.
Also make uncheck Proxy entries from Window->Preferences->Network Connections

M2E Plugin options not visible even after installing the plugin

I am facing the strangest of the issues with M2E Plug in and Eclipse 3.6(Helios). I am using Maven 2.2.1
I installed the plugin through both the available site option and the marketplace client and the plugin installation is happening fine. However the Maven options just seems to disappear from the editor intermittently.I say this because when I right click on a project I should get the Maven options but I am not able to see any. I also checked in Window->Preferences and couldnt find the Maven option. The worst part is this is intermittent and I cant seem to figure out what is wrong.
Changing the IDE version is not an option as it is mandatory to develop in client supplied softwares.
Got the M2E plugin from M2E -
I am not facing this issue anymore. The only thing that I did is to reinstall the m2e plugin several times from the market it seems to eventually have been fixed.