IOS swift fatal error nil exception when trying to access TabBar - swift

I have the tabBar below and each of those TabBars belongs to it's own specific UIViewController . My issue is with my Home Tab Bar . That TabBar has a TableView if I am in another TabBar item like 'Search' or 'Notification' and go back to my Home tab Bar item then I want my TableView to remain in the same place . I have been able to do that by calling this
controller.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)
however as you can see from the image below my Home Tab Bar item does not get highlighted and I created a method that attempts to get my Home Tab highlighted but I get a nil exception . First let me show you my custom function all Tab Bar items on click go through here
class HomeProfile: NSObject {
var mycontroller = ControllerEnum()
func TabBarLogic(_ tabBar: UITabBar, didSelect item: UITabBarItem, streamsModel: Int, controller: UIViewController) {
if tabBar.items?.index(of: item) == 0 {
tabBar.tintColor = UIColor(hexString: "#004d99")
if TabBarCounter == 0 {
// To Refresh
let nextViewController = controller.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "HomeC") as! HomeC
controller.present(nextViewController, animated:false, completion: nil)
} else {
// keeps TableView position but does not highlight Tab
controller.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)
let Home = HomeC()
Home.HighlightTabBar() // Nil exception here
TabBarCounter = 0
if tabBar.items?.index(of: item)! == 1 {
// Search Tab Item
tabBar.tintColor = UIColor(hexString: "#004d99")
let nextViewController = controller.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LocalSearchC") as! LocalSearchC
controller.present(nextViewController, animated:false, completion:nil)
TabBarCounter = 1
if tabBar.items?.index(of: item)! == 2 {
// Post
if tabBar.items?.index(of: item)! == 3 {
// Notification
if tabBar.items?.index(of: item)! == 4 {
// Menu
This functionality is meant to be similar to facebook, if you are on the HomePage and click the Home Tab again then it will refresh the TableView however if you are on another Tab and go back to the Home tab it'll maintain your position; The TabBarCounter checks on that .
Ok this is my Home Controller code for the Tab
class HomeC: UIViewController,UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate, UITabBarDelegate{
#IBOutlet weak var TabBar: UITabBar!
override func viewDidLoad() {
TabBar.delegate = self
TabBar.selectedItem = TabBar.items![0]
TabBar.tintColor = UIColor(hexString: "#004d99")
func tabBar(_ tabBar: UITabBar, didSelect item: UITabBarItem) {
homeProfile.TabBarLogic(tabBar, didSelect: item, streamsModel: TabCounter,controller: self)
func HighlightTabBar() {
TabBar.delegate = self
TabBar.selectedItem = TabBar.items![0] // this fails
TabBar.tintColor = UIColor(hexString: "#004d99")
I know that the reason why it fails is because the TabBar in HighlightTabBar() when calling it does not have the reference to the TabBar . How can I make it so that this works . I have been looking at this one How to programmatically change UITabBar selected index after Dismiss? but so far nothing works .

Put the code in App delegate or button action
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
let tabBarController = appDelegate.window?.rootViewController as! UITabBarController
tabBarController.selectedIndex = 2


UIViewController setting new root view when click button

I have this code for a button that when clicked takes the user to the home page which is a UIViewController I have named 'HomePageViewController', I have also set the class as seen:
class set up.
The button code is located in the first (initial controller) UIViewController called 'SignInViewController', when it is clicked I want the HomePageViewController to replace the SignInViewController:
#IBAction func btnSignInPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
// if true take to home page
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let home = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier: "HomePageViewController") as!
// replace the homepage as the root page
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate
appDelegate?.window??.rootViewController = home
However, when I run this in stimulator, the button does not do anything, when I click it. Just a note, I am using a Tab Bar Controller, so I tried setting the root to the UIBarController, however this also did not work.
In your appDelegate, add property:
final var window: UIWindow?
Call it like this
#IBAction func btnSignInPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
// if true take to home page
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let home = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier: "HomePageViewController") as!
let window = UIApplication.shared.delegate!.window!!
window.rootViewController = nil
window.rootViewController = home
UIView.transition(with: window, duration: 0.4, options: [.transitionCrossDissolve], animations: nil, completion: nil)

Change ViewController from Tabbar

I have a UITabBarController with 3 tabs and a SettingsVC where you can choose the appearance of MainVC (There are 2 different ViewControllers which based on what user prefers should be shown as the MainVC).
I made the application and it works but it's really buggy, cause I was just pushing the ViewControllers on top of each other, and in some certain conditions you see bugs while switching tabs.
Here is some part of my code(after trying a lot of stuff) which changes the VC's based on UserDefaults
// Check for Double Column Settings and navigate to Double Column VC
func checkMainVCViewStatusAndNavigateAcordingly(){
if UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: KEY_MAIN_VC_VIEW) == 1{
//let appDel = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
let mainVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "DoubleColumnMainVC") as! DoubleColumnMainVC
self.navigationController?.viewControllers[0] = mainVC
//navigationController?.pushViewController(mainVC, animated: false)
var navigationArray = self.navigationController?.viewControllers
print("Number of VCs = \(String(describing: navigationArray?.count))")
if navigationArray?.count == nil{
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(mainVC, animated: false)
self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: false)
// self.navigationController?.viewControllers = navigationArray!
// same as function above but goes to MainVC
func checkDoubleColumnMainVCViewStatusAndNavigateAcordingly(){
if UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: KEY_MAIN_VC_VIEW) == 0{
// let appDel = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
// appDel.goToMainVC()
let mainVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "MainVC") as! MainVC
self.navigationController?.viewControllers[0] = mainVC
var navigationArray = self.navigationController?.viewControllers
print("Number of VCs = \(String(describing: navigationArray?.count))")
if navigationArray?.count == nil{
navigationController?.pushViewController(mainVC, animated: false)
self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: false)
// self.navigationController?.viewControllers = navigationArray!
With this in ViewWillAppear of both this Controllers I call these functions to switch accordingly.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Can I push controllers from UITabBarController and not NavigationController? something like:
tabBarController.pushViewController(mainVC, animated: false)
instead of:
navigationController.pushViewController(mainVC, animated: false)
Thank you in advance
In my best case when everything works nicely, on first launch of the app (to the second mainVC) the Buttons in NavBar doesn't work.
I just realised that the NavigationBar that I'm seeing above my SecondMainVC is the NavigationBar from MainVC, that is why the buttons are not working. how is that possible?
I faced same issue while trying to develop a tab bar controller in storyboard , for this reason I found that the best way is to implement it by code.
so you can make your code look like this :
1) create a a sub class of UITabController and let it conform to UITabBarControllerDelegate
class TabBarVC: UITabBarController , UITabBarControllerDelegate {
2)then write this method in your class to initialize the tabs in your project:
private func settingUpTabBarAndInitializingViewControllers(){
//self delagting
self.delegate = self
//home tab
let homeStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: Constants.StoryBoards.homeStoryboard, bundle: nil)
let homeVC = homeStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: Constants.ControllersIDs.homeScreen) as! HomeVC
// shop tab
let shopStoybaord = UIStoryboard(name: Constants.StoryBoards.shopStoryboard, bundle: nil)
let shopVC = shopStoybaord.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: Constants.ControllersIDs.shopScreen) as! ShopVC
//offers tab
let offersStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: Constants.StoryBoards.offersStoryboard, bundle: nil)
let offersVC = offersStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: Constants.ControllersIDs.offersScreen) as! OffersVC
//more tab
let moreStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: Constants.StoryBoards.MoreScreenStoryboard, bundle: nil)
let moreVC = moreStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: Constants.ControllersIDs.moreVCScreen) as! MoreOptionsTVC
//setting VCs
self.viewControllers = [homeVC , shopVC , offersVC , moreVC]
//setting buttons
//buttons images
let homeImage = UIImage(named: "TabHome")
let shopImage = UIImage(named : "TabShop")
let offerImage = UIImage(named: "TabOffers")
let moreImage = UIImage(named: "TabMenu")
// buttons shakhsiyan
let homeButton = UITabBarItem(title: homeText, image: homeImage, selectedImage: homeTappedImage)
let shopButton = UITabBarItem(title: shopText, image: shopImage, selectedImage: shopTappedImage)
let offersButton = UITabBarItem(title: offersText, image: offerImage, selectedImage: offersTappedImage)
let moreButton = UITabBarItem(title: moreText, image: moreImage, selectedImage: moreTappedImage)
homeVC.tabBarItem = homeButton
shopVC.tabBarItem = shopButton
offersVC.tabBarItem = offersButton
moreVC.tabBarItem = moreButton
P.S. you can add tabs as much as you want and while scrolling in them you wont face any bug,
make sure to have only one navigation controller before your tab bar controller.
Check this hope it helps
Ok you can create a DEMO to see how thing works.After that you can implement it in your project.I know it may not look good to you but read it once and see image attached i am sure will get your answer.
1.I have created two UIViewControllers with the UITabBarController.
2.I have created class ItemFirstVC,ItemTwoVC and assigned to UIViewControllers in storyboard
3.Each controller is embedded in UINavigationController
4.Create a custom class of UITabBarController
5.Assign it to UITabBarController in storyboard
6.Now Each UIViewController has a button named as Firs Button,Second Button
7.From each button i have connected Action Segue to one more controller as you can see in image.
8.Now i have created a third UIViewController which is separate from UITabBarController.
9.Now we will load that Third UIViewController in UITabBarController
10.Create one more class ItemThirdVC and assign it to third UIViewController.
11.It also has a button named as third button action segued to one more UIViewController
12.Now switch to custom class of UITabBarContoller
// variable required to see work in action
var count = 0
class CustomTabBarController: UITabBarController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// remember to assign delegate
delegate = self
// this delegate indicates whether this tab should be selected or not
extension CustomTabBarController : UITabBarControllerDelegate{
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
// switch to UIViewController tabs multiple times
count = count + 1
if(count == 5){
// when count reaches 5 a new controller will load
let navigationController = viewController as? UINavigationController
guard navigationController != nil else {return true}
let viewController = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ItemThreeVC")
guard let vc = viewController else {return true}
navigationController?.setViewControllers([vc], animated: false)
return true

Swift - Present UIAlertController in extension function

I've wrote a label extension which detect links in the label.
It's attributed text with NSLinkAttributeName for links and I'm using
func handleTapOnLabel(_ tapGesture:UITapGestureRecognizer){} to detect where is the tap and which link to choose to open. The problem is that I use the function in extension for UILabel and I want to present an UIAlertController to ask the person - "You are about to open this link in Safari. Would you like to proceed?"... So I can't access viewcontroller to use the function present(UIAlertController... to display the alert. Any suggestions how this can be happened in extension? How to access label's viewcontroller directly from extension ?
Method 1) Present UIAlertController on top most ViewController in ViewController's hierarchy
extension UILabel { //your extension
func openLinkAction() { //your extension custom method
if var topController = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController {
while let presentedViewController = topController.presentedViewController {
topController = presentedViewController
// topController should now be your topmost view controller
// present alert on this controller
//and present here with vcInstance
Method 2) Pass ViewController's object as parameter
extension UILabel { //your extension
func openLink(vc: UIViewController) { //your extension custom method function
// code
// present alert on this vc
// For getting top most controller you ca use..
extension UIApplication {
class func topViewController(controller: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let navigationController = controller as? UINavigationController {
return topViewController(controller: navigationController.visibleViewController)
if let tabController = controller as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tabController.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(controller: selected)
if let presented = controller?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(controller: presented)
return controller
// topController
if let topController = UIApplication.topViewController() {

Swift - How to remove a viewcontroller from NavigationController?

I've got 4 ViewControllers attached to a NavigationController. The order of them is 1->2->3->4. When the user presses the back button on 4, I'd like them to be redirected to 2 instead of 3. At the same time, I'd also like the user to be directed back to 2 when the back button is pressed on 3. Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
Of course you can do this. Simply create the left bar button on 4th ViewController. and on that button action pop to 2nd viewcontroller
if let viewcontroller = self.navigationController?.viewControllers[1] where viewcontroller.isKindOfClass(YourController) {
self.navigationController?.popToViewController(viewcontroller, animated: false) }
if let vc = self.viewControllerWithClass(YourVC.self) {
self.popToViewController(vc, animated: true)
extension UINavigationController {
func viewControllerWithClass(_ aClass: AnyClass) -> UIViewController? {
for vc in self.viewControllers {
if vc.isMember(of: aClass) {
return vc
return nil
You can check for the controller in navigation stack.
let controllers = navigationController!.viewControllers.reverse()
for controller in controllers
if controller.isKindOfClass(YourController)
self.navigationController?.popToViewController(controller, animated: true)

Back when current view controller is not presented by segue. Swift

I am trying to present VC2 from VC1 without using segue. It works. Then, I tried to use self.navigationController?.popViewControllerAnimated(true) to back but it does not work. I am wondering what is the code I should use to back from VC2 to VC1. Below code is in appDelegate.
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let VC2 = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("VC2") as! VC2
let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: VC2)
self.topViewController()!.presentViewController(navController, animated: false, completion: nil)
func topViewController(base: UIViewController? = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let MMDrawers = base as? MMDrawerController {
for MMDrawer in MMDrawers.childViewControllers {
return topViewController(MMDrawer)
if let nav = base as? UINavigationController {
return topViewController(nav.visibleViewController)
if let tab = base as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tab.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(selected)
if let presented = base?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(presented)
return base
#IBAction func backButtonTapped(sender: AnyObject) {
print(self.navigationController?.viewControllers) // print([<MyAppName.VC2: 0x12f147200>])
Here is the Flow of your navigation :
Current Screen - Presenting A New Screen (Which itself embed within a navigation controller with vc2) so Popviewcontroller won't work .
If you present any viewcontroller then popviewcontroller wont work rather use dismissviewcontroller to come out previous screen .
Use This :
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {})