Run Powershell commands sequentially in their own windows and prevent them from exiting - powershell

I want to run multiple Powershell commands sequentially in their own Powershell windows and do not want those windows to be closed after running.
Start-Process powershell {Write-Host "hello"}; Start-Process powershell
{Write-Host "hello"}; Start-Process powershell {Write-Host "hello"}
Powershell windows get closed right after running. I want them to remain open.
Edit: Multiple commands are not always same and they may vary in number.

# Asynchronously starts 3 new PowerShell windows that
# print "hello #<n>" to the console and stay open.
1..3 | ForEach-Object {
Start-Process powershell -Args '-noexit', '-command', "Write-Host 'hello #$_'"
-noexit is required to keep a PowerShell session open after executing a command with -command (run powershell.exe -? to see all CLI parameters)
Note how the arguments are specified individually, as ,-separated elements of an array that is passed to
-Args (short for -ArgumentList, though the parameter name can be omitted altogether in this case).
Note how the Write-Host command is passed as a string - script blocks aren't supported as such in this scenario; you can pass one, as you tried, but it will be quietly converted to a string, which simply means that its literal content is used (everything between { and }).
In other words: passing {Write-Host "hello"} is the same as 'Write-Host "hello"', but to avoid confusion you should pass a string.
You can only pass a script block as such if you invoke powershell.exe directly, not via Start-Process; you need Start-Process, however, to run the new session in a new window and to start it asynchronously.
Also, the string was changed to a double-quoted string ("...") with embedded single-quoting ('...') to ensure that the reference to $_ - the automatic variable representing the pipeline object at hand (1, 2, or 3) - is expanded (interpolated).
Using the pipeline (|) with an array of inputs (1..3, which evaluates to array 1, 2, 3) with the ForEach-Object cmdlet is just an example - you can still invoke the individual commands individually, one after the other, on individual lines, or separated with ; - thanks to Start-Process they'll still launch asynchronously.
However, if the individual commands share logic, the pipeline approach can simplify matters; you can put the shared logic in the body of the ForEach-Object call and pass the variable parts as input via the pipeline.

Put a read-host at the end of the command sequence - it will wait for you to input something before continuing execution (and presumably exiting?). To copy/paste the example in this link, you could anything like this which will pause execution until you enter something: $Age = Read-Host "Please enter your age" -> Ref:


Start-Process, Invoke-Command or?

Using the program got your back or GYB. I run the following command
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' -ArgumentList #("--email <Email Address>", "--action backup", "--local-folder $GYBfolder", "--service-account", "--batch-size 4") -Wait
The issue is that when the process is done my script does not complete.
$GYBfolder = $GYBfolder.Replace('"', "")
$output = [PSCustomObject]#{
Name = $SourceGYB
Folder = $GYBfolder
$filename = "C:\reports\" + $SourceGYB.Split("#")[0] + "_Backup.csv"
$output | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation | Format-Table text-align=left -AutoSize
Return $filename
For some reason the script stops right before the return.
I am curious to know if I should be using a different command to run GYB?
Any thoughts on why the script does not process the return?
There's great information in the comments, but let me attempt a systematic overview:
To synchronously execute external console applications and capture their output, call them directly (C:\Gyb\gyb.exe ... or & 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' ...), do not use Start-Process - see this answer.
Only if gyb.exe were a GUI application would you need **Start-Process -Wait in order to execute it synchronously**.
A simple, but non-obvious shortcut is to pipe the invocation to another command, such as Out-Null, which also forces PowerShell to wait (e.g. gyb.exe | Out-Null) - see below.
When Start-Process is appropriate, the most robust way to pass all arguments is as a single string encoding all arguments, with appropriate embedded "..." quoting, as needed; this is unfortunate, but required as a workaround for a long-standing bug: see this answer.
Invoke-Command's primary purpose is to invoke commands remotely; while it can be used locally, there's rarely a good reason to do so, as &, the call operator is both more concise and more efficient - see this answer.
When you use an array to pass arguments to an external application, each element must contain just one argument, where parameter names and their values are considered distinct arguments; e.g., you must use #(--'action', 'backup', ...) rather than
#('--action backup', ...)
Therefore, use the following to run your command synchronously:
If gyb.exe is a console application:
# Note: Enclosing #(...) is optional
$argList = '--email', $emailAddress, '--action', 'backup', '--local-folder', $GYBfolder, '--service-account', '--batch-size', 4
# Note: Stdout and stderr output will print to the current console, unless captured.
& 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' $argList
If gyb.exe is a GUI application, which necessitates use of Start-Process -Wait (a here-string is used, because it makes embedded quoting easier):
# Note: A GUI application typically has no stdout or stderr output, and
# Start-Process never returns the application's *output*, though
# you can ask to have a *process object* returned with -PassThru.
Start-Process -Wait 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' #"
--email $emailAddress --action backup --local-folder "$GYBfolder" --service-account --batch-size 4
The shortcut mentioned above - piping to another command in order to force waiting for a GUI application to exit - despite being obscure, has two advantages:
Normal argument-passing syntax can be used.
The automatic $LASTEXITCODE variable is set to the external program's process exit code, which does not happen with Start-Process. While GUI applications rarely report meaningful exit codes, some do, notably msiexec.
# Pipe to | Out-Null to force waiting (argument list shortened).
# $LASTEXITCODE will reflect gyb.exe's exit code.
# Note: In the rare event that the target GUI application explicitly
# attaches to the caller's console and produces output there,
# pipe to `Write-Output` instead, and possibly apply 2>&1 to
# the application call so as to also capture std*err* output.
& 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' --email $emailAddress --action backup | Out-Null
Note: If the above unexpectedly does not run synchronously, the implication is that gyb.exe itself launches another, asynchronous operation. There is no generic solution for that, and an application-specific one would require you to know the internals of the application and would be nontrivial.
A note re argument passing with direct / &-based invocation:
Passing an array as-is to an external program essentially performs splatting implicitly, without the need to use #argList[1]. That is, it passes each array element as its own argument.
By contrast, if you were to pass $argList to a PowerShell command, it would be passed as a single, array-valued argument, so #argList would indeed be necessary in order to pass the elements as separate, positional arguments. However, the more typical form of splatting used with PowerShell commands is to use a hashtable, which allows named arguments to be passed (parameter name-value pairs; e.g., to pass a value to a PowerShell command's
-LiteralPath parameter:
$argHash = #{ LiteralPath = $somePath; ... }; Set-Content #argHash
[1] $args and #args are largely identical in this context, but, strangely, #argList, honors use of --%, the stop-parsing symbol operator, even though it only makes sense in a literally specified argument list.

Invoke a Perl script from Powershell and stores the script output in a variable [duplicate]

I'd like to run an external process and capture it's command output to a variable in PowerShell. I'm currently using this:
$params = "/verify $pc /"
start-process "netdom.exe" $params -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait
I've confirmed the command is executing but I need to capture the output into a variable. This means I can't use the -RedirectOutput because this only redirects to a file.
Note: The command in the question uses Start-Process, which prevents direct capturing of the target program's output. Generally, do not use Start-Process to execute console applications synchronously - just invoke them directly, as in any shell. Doing so keeps the application's output streams connected to PowerShell's streams, allowing their output to be captured by simple assignment $output = netdom ... (and with 2> for stderr output), as detailed below.
Fundamentally, capturing output from external programs works the same as with PowerShell-native commands (you may want a refresher on how to execute external programs; <command> is a placeholder for any valid command below):
# <command> is a *placeholder* for any valid command; e.g.:
# $cmdOutput = Get-Date
# $cmdOutput = attrib.exe +R readonly.txt
$cmdOutput = <command> # captures the command's success stream / stdout output
Note that $cmdOutput receives an array of objects if <command> produces more than 1 output object, which in the case of an external program means a string[1] array containing the program's output lines.
If you want to make sure that the result is always an array - even if only one object is output, type-constrain the variable as an array ([object[]]), or enclose the command in #(...), the array-subexpression operator:[2]
[array] $cmdOutput = <command>
$cmdOutput = #(<command>) # alternative
By contrast, if you want $cmdOutput to always receive a single - potentially multi-line - string, use Out-String, though note that a trailing newline is invariably added (GitHub issue #14444 discusses this problematic behavior):
# Note: Adds a trailing newline.
$cmdOutput = <command> | Out-String
With calls to external programs - which by definition only ever return strings in PowerShell[1] - you can avoid that by using the -join operator instead:
# NO trailing newline.
$cmdOutput = (<command>) -join "`n"
Note: For simplicity, the above uses "`n" to create Unix-style LF-only newlines, which PowerShell happily accepts on all platforms; if you need platform-appropriate newlines (CRLF on Windows, LF on Unix), use [Environment]::NewLine instead.
To capture output in a variable and print to the screen:
<command> | Tee-Object -Variable cmdOutput # Note how the var name is NOT $-prefixed
Or, if <command> is a cmdlet or advanced function, you can use common parameter
-OutVariable / -ov:
<command> -OutVariable cmdOutput # cmdlets and advanced functions only
Note that with -OutVariable, unlike in the other scenarios, $cmdOutput is always a collection, even if only one object is output. Specifically, an instance of the array-like [System.Collections.ArrayList] type is returned.
See this GitHub issue for a discussion of this discrepancy.
To capture the output from multiple commands, use either a subexpression ($(...)) or call a script block ({ ... }) with & or .:
$cmdOutput = $(<command>; ...) # subexpression
$cmdOutput = & {<command>; ...} # script block with & - creates child scope for vars.
$cmdOutput = . {<command>; ...} # script block with . - no child scope
Note that the general need to prefix with & (the call operator) an individual command whose name/path is quoted - e.g., $cmdOutput = & 'netdom.exe' ... - is not related to external programs per se (it equally applies to PowerShell scripts), but is a syntax requirement: PowerShell parses a statement that starts with a quoted string in expression mode by default, whereas argument mode is needed to invoke commands (cmdlets, external programs, functions, aliases), which is what & ensures.
The key difference between $(...) and & { ... } / . { ... } is that the former collects all input in memory before returning it as a whole, whereas the latter stream the output, suitable for one-by-one pipeline processing.
Redirections also work the same, fundamentally (but see caveats below):
$cmdOutput = <command> 2>&1 # redirect error stream (2) to success stream (1)
However, for external commands the following is more likely to work as expected:
$cmdOutput = cmd /c <command> '2>&1' # Let cmd.exe handle redirection - see below.
Considerations specific to external programs:
External programs, because they operate outside PowerShell's type system, only ever return strings via their success stream (stdout); similarly, PowerShell only ever sends strings to external programs via the pipeline.[1]
Character-encoding issues can therefore come into play:
On sending data via the pipeline to external programs, PowerShell uses the encoding stored in the $OutVariable preference variable; which in Windows PowerShell defaults to ASCII(!) and in PowerShell [Core] to UTF-8.
On receiving data from an external program, PowerShell uses the encoding stored in [Console]::OutputEncoding to decode the data, which in both PowerShell editions defaults to the system's active OEM code page.
See this answer for more information; this answer discusses the still-in-beta (as of this writing) Windows 10 feature that allows you to set UTF-8 as both the ANSI and the OEM code page system-wide.
If the output contains more than 1 line, PowerShell by default splits it into an array of strings. More accurately, the output lines are streamed one by one, and, when captured, stored in an array of type [System.Object[]] whose elements are strings ([System.String]).
If you want the output to be a single, potentially multi-line string, use the -join operator (you can alternatively pipe to Out-String, but that invariably adds a trailing newline):
$cmdOutput = (<command>) -join [Environment]::NewLine
Merging stderr into stdout with 2>&1, so as to also capture it as part of the success stream, comes with caveats:
To do this at the source, let cmd.exe handle the redirection, using the following idioms (works analogously with sh on Unix-like platforms):
$cmdOutput = cmd /c <command> '2>&1' # *array* of strings (typically)
$cmdOutput = (cmd /c <command> '2>&1') -join "`r`n" # single string
cmd /c invokes cmd.exe with command <command> and exits after <command> has finished.
Note the single quotes around 2>&1, which ensures that the redirection is passed to cmd.exe rather than being interpreted by PowerShell.
Note that involving cmd.exe means that its rules for escaping characters and expanding environment variables come into play, by default in addition to PowerShell's own requirements; in PS v3+ you can use special parameter --% (the so-called stop-parsing symbol) to turn off interpretation of the remaining parameters by PowerShell, except for cmd.exe-style environment-variable references such as %PATH%.
Note that since you're merging stdout and stderr at the source with this approach, you won't be able to distinguish between stdout-originated and stderr-originated lines in PowerShell; if you do need this distinction, use PowerShell's own 2>&1 redirection - see below.
Use PowerShell's 2>&1 redirection to know which lines came from what stream:
Stderr output is captured as error records ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]), not strings, so the output array may contain a mix of strings (each string representing a stdout line) and error records (each record representing a stderr line). Note that, as requested by 2>&1, both the strings and the error records are received through PowerShell's success output stream).
Note: The following only applies to Windows PowerShell - these problems have been corrected in PowerShell [Core] v6+, though the filtering technique by object type shown below ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) can also be useful there.
In the console, the error records print in red, and the 1st one by default produces multi-line display, in the same format that a cmdlet's non-terminating error would display; subsequent error records print in red as well, but only print their error message, on a single line.
When outputting to the console, the strings typically come first in the output array, followed by the error records (at least among a batch of stdout/stderr lines output "at the same time"), but, fortunately, when you capture the output, it is properly interleaved, using the same output order you would get without 2>&1; in other words: when outputting to the console, the captured output does NOT reflect the order in which stdout and stderr lines were generated by the external command.
If you capture the entire output in a single string with Out-String, PowerShell will add extra lines, because the string representation of an error record contains extra information such as location (At line:...) and category (+ CategoryInfo ...); curiously, this only applies to the first error record.
To work around this problem, apply the .ToString() method to each output object instead of piping to Out-String:
$cmdOutput = <command> 2>&1 | % { $_.ToString() };
in PS v3+ you can simplify to:
$cmdOutput = <command> 2>&1 | % ToString
(As a bonus, if the output isn't captured, this produces properly interleaved output even when printing to the console.)
Alternatively, filter the error records out and send them to PowerShell's error stream with Write-Error (as a bonus, if the output isn't captured, this produces properly interleaved output even when printing to the console):
$cmdOutput = <command> 2>&1 | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
Write-Error $_
} else {
An aside re argument-passing, as of PowerShell 7.2.x:
Passing arguments to external programs is broken with respect to empty-string arguments and arguments that contain embedded " characters.
Additionally, the (nonstandard) quoting needs of executables such as msiexec.exe and batch files aren't accommodated.
For the former problem only, a fix may be coming (though the fix would be complete on Unix-like platforms), as discussed in this answer, which also details all the current problems and workarounds.
If installing a third-party module is an option, the ie function from the Native module (Install-Module Native) offers a comprehensive solution.
[1] As of PowerShell 7.1, PowerShell knows only strings when communicating with external programs. There is generally no concept of raw byte data in a PowerShell pipeline. If you want raw byte data returned from an external program, you must shell out to cmd.exe /c (Windows) or sh -c (Unix), save to a file there, then read that file in PowerShell. See this answer for more information.
[2] There are subtle differences between the two approaches (which you may combine), though they usually won't matter: If the command has no output, the [array] type-constraint approach results in $null getting stored in the target variable, whereas it is an empty ([object[]) array in the case of #(...). Additionally, the [array] type constraint means that future (non-empty) assignments to the same variable are coerced to an array too.
Have you tried:
$OutputVariable = (Shell command) | Out-String
If you want to redirect the error output as well, you have to do:
$cmdOutput = command 2>&1
Or, if the program name has spaces in it:
$cmdOutput = & "command with spaces" 2>&1
Or try this. It will capture output into variable $scriptOutput:
& "netdom.exe" $params | Tee-Object -Variable scriptOutput | Out-Null
Another real-life example:
$result = & "$env:cust_tls_store\Tools\WDK\x64\devcon.exe" enable $strHwid 2>&1 | Out-String
Notice that this example includes a path (which begins with an environment variable). Notice that the quotes must surround the path and the EXE file, but not the parameters!
Note: Don't forget the & character in front of the command, but outside of the quotes.
The error output is also collected.
It took me a while to get this combination working, so I thought that I would share it.
I tried the answers, but in my case I did not get the raw output. Instead it was converted to a PowerShell exception.
The raw result I got with:
$rawOutput = (cmd /c <command> 2`>`&1)
I got the following to work:
$result = & invoke-Expression $Command1 | Out-String
$result gives you the needful
I use the following:
Function GetProgramOutput([string]$exe, [string]$arguments)
$process = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Process
$process.StartInfo.FileName = $exe
$process.StartInfo.Arguments = $arguments
$process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$err = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
$exe = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$arguments = "i"
$runResult = (GetProgramOutput $exe $arguments)
$stdout = $runResult[-2]
$stderr = $runResult[-1]
[System.Console]::WriteLine("Standard out: " + $stdout)
[System.Console]::WriteLine("Standard error: " + $stderr)
This thing worked for me:
$scriptOutput = (cmd /s /c $FilePath $ArgumentList)
If all you are trying to do is capture the output from a command, then this will work well.
I use it for changing system time, as [timezoneinfo]::local always produces the same information, even after you have made changes to the system. This is the only way I can validate and log the change in time zone:
$NewTime = (powershell.exe -command [timezoneinfo]::local)
$NewTime | Tee-Object -FilePath $strLFpath\$strLFName -Append
Meaning that I have to open a new PowerShell session to reload the system variables.
What did the trick for me, and would work when using external commands and also when both standard error and standard output streams could be the result of running the command (or a mix of them), was the following:
$output = (command 2>&1)

Open a powershell window from an existing powershell window, and keep it open after running code

I can open a powershell window from an existing one and provide it code to run here
But I can't get the second window to stay open once the code has run
Here's what I want to run in the first powershell window, and I would like the powershell window that opens to stay open after running the code (currently, it closes immediately)
start powershell { ECHO "hi" }
I tried some suggestions here but not having any luck
Also, I got a fix (of sorts) using something like start powershell { ECHO "hi"; TIMEOUT 20 } but that's not going to keep the window permanently open
PowerShell -Command {Write-Host "Test" } -NoExit
from about Powershell. To start the Powershell in a new window you can use:
start-process powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-noExit", "-command","Write-host 'TEST'; Write-Host 'Test2'"
Important -Command must be the last parameter (about Powershell):
When the value of Command is a string, Command must be the last parameter specified because any characters typed after the command are interpreted as the command arguments.
If you pass a command (-Command) or script file (-File) to execute to PowerShell's CLI (powershell.exe in Windows PowerShell, pwsh.exe in PowerShell [Core] v6+), PowerShell by default executes the command / script and then exits.
With a command or script specified for execution, you need to add the -NoExit switch if you want the new session to remain open.
Caveat: (Unless you call directly from within PowerShell with a script block), a positional argument - i.e., one neither preceded by -Command nor -File - is implicitly bound to:
-Command in Windows PowerShell
-File in PowerShell [Core] v6+.
Therefore, it's advisable to use the target parameter name explicitly.
With Start-Process (whose built-in alias on Windows - but not on Unix - is start):
Note: The primary use of Start-Process is to launch an independent process asynchronously in a new window. However, the latter isn't supported on Unix-like platforms, where Start-Process's utility is therefore limited.
start powershell { ECHO "hi" } happens to work from PowerShell (except that the window closes right after executing the command), but it's important to note that you cannot actually pass script blocks to Start-Process, only strings.
Start-Process accepts an executable name (implied -FilePath parameter), and an array of string arguments (implied -ArgumentList / -Args parameter).
If you pass a script block ({ ... }), it is automatically stringified, meaning that its literal string contents are used (stripped of the { and }) as the (only) -ArgumentList string value.
Thus, bypassing the unnecessary script-block creation, your command - with -NoExit applied as desired - should be (with explicitly named parameters; note that -Command and its argument must come last):
Start-Process -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList '-NoExit -Command ECHO "hi"'
While passing arguments individually, as an array to -ArgumentList is arguably conceptually cleaner, it is actually better to pass all arguments as a single string, using embedded quoting as necessary, due to a longstanding bug - see GitHub issue #5576.
Trying to open an interactive shell in a new window as a different user, via the -Credential parameter, is broken up to at least PowerShell 7.1, resulting in keyboard input getting blocked both in the new window and in the caller's window - see this answer for a workaround with runas.exe and GitHub issue #12129.

Passing newline character to PowerShell via Cmd

I'm trying to run a PowerShell script from Windows cmd.exe. The input to the PowerShell script is a string, which contains newline characters using PowerShell backtick escaping - i.e:
For demonstration purposes, the input string is then written to the console, and also dumped to a file.
The issue I have is that when the script is run from cmd.exe using the syntax
powershell.exe script.ps1 "TEST`r`nTEST"
The newline characters in the string are not treated as newline, and are included literally in both the console output and the output text file.
However, if I run this from a PowerShell environment, I get the expected result (i.e. the newline characters are parsed correctly, and a newline is inserted in the appropriate location).
Similarly, if I pass in \r\n instead of the escaped newline characters through Windows cmd.exe, and do a .replace in the PowerShell script
$date = $data.replace("\r\n","`r`n")
I get the expected output:
Is anyone able to shed some light on why this happens?
The test script is as follows:
param([string]$data) # data to send
Write-Host $data
[IO.File]::WriteAllText('d:\temp.txt', $data)
return 0
And the file is called from the command line as:
powershell.exe script.ps1 "TEST`r`nTEST"
The script is running on Windows Server 2012 R2, using PowerShell v4.0
Use -Command and pass the entire PowerShell command as a single string; e.g.:
C:\> powershell -NoProfile -Command "script.ps1 \"TEST`r`nTEST\""
Note how the internal " instances are escaped as \", which PowerShell requires when called from the outside (alternatively, for full robustness, use "^"" (sic) in Windows PowerShell and "" in PowerShell (Core) v6+).
In your specific case,
powershell -NoProfile -Command script.ps1 "TEST`r`nTEST" would have worked too, but generally that only works as intended if the string has no embedded spaces.
Given that -Command is the default up to PSv5.1, your command - as currently posted - should work as-is.
As of PowerShell v5.1, arguments passed to powershell.exe from the outside:
ARE subject to interpretation by PowerShell, including string interpolation, by default and when you use -Command (i.e., specifying neither -File nor -Command currently defaults to -Command).
Caveat: The default behavior will change in v6: -File will be the default then - see the relevant change on GitHub.
are NOT subject to interpretation if you use -File to invoke a script - (after potential interpretation by cmd.exe) PowerShell treats all arguments as literal strings.
Caveat: This behavior is currently being discussed with respect to v6, given that it is overtly problematic in at least one case: trying to pass Boolean values.
Optional reading: Why you should pass the entire PowerShell command as a single argument when using -Command:
When you use -Command with multiple arguments, PowerShell essentially assembles them into a single command line behind the scenes before executing it.
Any "..."-quoting around the individual arguments is lost in the process, which can have unexpected results; e.g.:
C:\> powershell -NoProfile -Command "& { $args.count }" "line 1`r`nline 2"
3 # !! "line 1`r`nline 2" was broken into 3 arguments
Given that the outer "..." quoting was removed in the process of parsing the command line, the actual command line that PowerShell ended up executing was:
C:\ PS> & { $args.Count } line 1`r`nline 2
To illustrate why, let's look at an equivalent command that uses explicit quoting:
C:\ PS> & { $args.Count } "line" "1`r`nline" "2"
In other words: After the enclosing " were removed, the resulting token was broken into multiple arguments by spaces, as usual.
The parameter will need to be reinterpreted as a PowerShell string. Will this get you down the road?
The reason your -replace did not work is that the original string actually contains a backtick. It needs to be escaped in the search string.
C:\src\t>type p1.ps1
Write-Host $s
$p = Invoke-Expression `"$s`"
Write-Host $p
$p2 = $s -replace "``r``n","`r`n"
Write-Host $p2
C:\src\t>powershell -noprofile -file .\p1.ps1 "TEST`r`nTEST"
Carriage return and Linefeed are bytes with values 13 and 10, you can't write them, you can't see them.
As a convenience, when writing PowerShell code, the language will let you write:
in a double quoted string, and when processing PowerShell source code (and at no other time), it will read those and replace them with bytes value 13 and 10.
It is this line of code in the PowerShell tokenizer which does it.
There is nothing special about backtick-n to the cmd.exe interpreter, and nothing special about having it in a string - you can put it there in a single quoted string
or replacing it in a string - except that you have to note when the replacement happens. e.g. in your comment:
For example, if you pass in 'r'n and then replace 'r'n with 'r'n, the 'r'n is still output literally
Because your code
-replace "`r`n"
-replace "[char]13[char]10"
and your string passed in from outside contains
and they don't match. Backtick-n in a string isn't magic, strings are not all interpreted by the PowerShell engine as PowerShell code, nor are parameters, or anything. And it's only in that context - when you write your -replace code, that is when the swap for actual newline characters happens.

Can't pass a script block as a parameter to powershell.exe via -Command

I'm trying this
Start-Transcript -path $projectFolder\gruntLog.txt;
grunt $argList;
$cmdProc=start-process powershell -ArgumentList ('-command `$Global:commandBlock') -WorkingDirectory $fwd -PassThru -NoNewWindow:$NoNewWindow
And keep getting $commandBlock : The term '$Global:commandBlock' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
My guess was it has to do with scope. But making variable global didn't help. Adding -args $commandBlock like that:
-ArgumentList ('-command `$Global:commandBlock -args "-commandBlock:$commandBlock"')
-ArgumentList ('-command `$Global:commandBlock -args $commandBlock"')
didn't help
And I'm not sure that I escape variables correctly in the block, read this, but not sure how to apply to my script.
There's a few things which I think are keeping this from working. First, when you're using single quotes, ' you're instructing PowerShell to operate literally. This means that it won't expand variables. Not what you're looking for.
A better way to do this is to do it with an subexpression like this.
'ham' >> C:\temp\test.txt
$cmdProc=start-process powershell -ArgumentList ("-command $($Global:commandBlock)") -PassThru -NoNewWindow:$NoNewWindow
This will give you the desired results.
Subexpressions are pretty sweet. It lets you embed a mini-scriptblock within a string, and it's then expanded out in the parent string.
"today's date is $(get-date), on system: $($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
today's date is 02/14/2017 11:50:49, on system: BEHEMOTH
There are two major issues (leaving the obvious mistake of attempting to reference a variable inside a single-quoted string aside):
Any argument you want to pass to a new powershell instance via -Command must be escaped in non-obvious ways if it contains " and/or \ chars, which is especially likely if you're passing a piece of PowerShell source code.
The escaping issue can generally be solved by Base64-encoding the source-code string and passing it via the -EncodedCommand parameter - see this answer of mine to a related question for how to do that, but a more concise alternative is presented below.
If the source code being passed references any variables that only exist in the calling session, the new instance won't see them.
The solution is not to reference session-specific variables in the source code being passed, but to pass their values as parameter values instead.
To solve the local-variable-not-seen-by-the-new-instance problem, we must rewrite the script block to accept parameters:
param($projectFolder, $argList)
# For demonstration, simply *output* the parameter values.
"folder: [$projectFolder]; arguments: [$argList]"
Now we can apply the necessary escaping, using PetSerAl's sophisticated -replace expression from his comment on the question.
We can then invoke the resulting string with & {...} while passing it parameter values (I'm omitting the -WorkingDirectory and -PassThru parameters for brevity):
# Parameter values to pass.
$projectFolder = 'c:\temp'
$argList='-v -f'
Start-Process -NoNewWindow powershell -ArgumentList '-noprofile', '-command',
(('& {' + $scriptBlock.ToString() + '}') -replace '\"|\\(?=\\*("|$))', '\$&'),
For an explanation of the regular expression, again see this answer.
Note how the variable values passed as parameters to the script block are enclosed in '...' inside a "..."-enclosed string in order to:
pass the values as a single parameter value.
protect them from another round of interpretation by PowerShell.
Note: If your variable values have embedded ' instances, you'll have to escape them as ''.
The above yields:
folder: [c:\temp]; arguments: [-v -f]
Alternative with a temporary, self-deleting script file:
Using -File with a script file has the advantage of being able to pass parameter values as literals, with no concern over additional interpretation of their contents.
Caveat: As of PowerShell Core v6-beta.3, there is a problem when passing parameter values that start with -: they are not bound as expected; see this GitHub issue.
To work around this problem, the sample script block below accesses only the first parameter by name, and relies on all remaining ones binding via the automatic $Args variable.
# Define the script block to be executed by the new PowerShell instance.
# For demonstration, simply *output* the parameter values.
"folder: [$projectFolder]; arguments: [$Args]"
# Parameter values to pass.
$projectFolder = 'c:\temp'
$argList='-v -f'
# Determine the temporary script path.
$tempScript = "$env:TEMP\temp-$PID.ps1"
# Create the script from the script block and append the self-removal command.
# Note that simply referencing the script-block variable inside `"..."`
# expands to the script block's *literal* content (excluding the enclosing {...})
"$scriptBlock; Remove-Item `$PSCommandPath" > $tempScript
# Now invoke the temporary script file, passing the arguments as literals.
Start-Process -NoNewWindow powershell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile', '-File', $tempScript,
Again, the above yields:
folder: [c:\temp]; arguments: [-v -f]
I've messed around with the syntax for passing args to a new powershell instance and have found the following works. So many variations fail without a good error message. Maybe it would work in your case?
$arg = "HAM"
$command = {param($ham) write-host $ham}
#please not its important to wrap your command
#in a further script block to stop it being processed to a string at execution
#The following would normally suffice "& $command $arg"
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command & {$command} $arg"
Also simply using the Invoke-Command gives you the -ArgumentList parameter to opperate against the given Command that you are missing with the standard powershell.exe parameters. This is probably a bit cleaner looking.
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command invoke-command -scriptblock {$command} -argumentlist $arg"
No need for any extra complex escaping or unwanted persisted variables. Just keep the script block in curly braces so it remains a script block on arrival in the new session. At least in this simple case...
If you have several string parameters that contain spaces. I found popping the string in a single parenthesis and separating with commas works well. You could also probably pass a predefined array as a single argument.
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command invoke-command -scriptblock {$command} -argumentlist '$arg1', '$arg2', '$arg3'"
Will this work:
Start-Transcript -path $projectFolder\gruntLog.txt;
grunt $argList;
& $Global:commandBlock