Can't pass a script block as a parameter to powershell.exe via -Command - powershell

I'm trying this
Start-Transcript -path $projectFolder\gruntLog.txt;
grunt $argList;
$cmdProc=start-process powershell -ArgumentList ('-command `$Global:commandBlock') -WorkingDirectory $fwd -PassThru -NoNewWindow:$NoNewWindow
And keep getting $commandBlock : The term '$Global:commandBlock' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
My guess was it has to do with scope. But making variable global didn't help. Adding -args $commandBlock like that:
-ArgumentList ('-command `$Global:commandBlock -args "-commandBlock:$commandBlock"')
-ArgumentList ('-command `$Global:commandBlock -args $commandBlock"')
didn't help
And I'm not sure that I escape variables correctly in the block, read this, but not sure how to apply to my script.

There's a few things which I think are keeping this from working. First, when you're using single quotes, ' you're instructing PowerShell to operate literally. This means that it won't expand variables. Not what you're looking for.
A better way to do this is to do it with an subexpression like this.
'ham' >> C:\temp\test.txt
$cmdProc=start-process powershell -ArgumentList ("-command $($Global:commandBlock)") -PassThru -NoNewWindow:$NoNewWindow
This will give you the desired results.
Subexpressions are pretty sweet. It lets you embed a mini-scriptblock within a string, and it's then expanded out in the parent string.
"today's date is $(get-date), on system: $($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
today's date is 02/14/2017 11:50:49, on system: BEHEMOTH

There are two major issues (leaving the obvious mistake of attempting to reference a variable inside a single-quoted string aside):
Any argument you want to pass to a new powershell instance via -Command must be escaped in non-obvious ways if it contains " and/or \ chars, which is especially likely if you're passing a piece of PowerShell source code.
The escaping issue can generally be solved by Base64-encoding the source-code string and passing it via the -EncodedCommand parameter - see this answer of mine to a related question for how to do that, but a more concise alternative is presented below.
If the source code being passed references any variables that only exist in the calling session, the new instance won't see them.
The solution is not to reference session-specific variables in the source code being passed, but to pass their values as parameter values instead.
To solve the local-variable-not-seen-by-the-new-instance problem, we must rewrite the script block to accept parameters:
param($projectFolder, $argList)
# For demonstration, simply *output* the parameter values.
"folder: [$projectFolder]; arguments: [$argList]"
Now we can apply the necessary escaping, using PetSerAl's sophisticated -replace expression from his comment on the question.
We can then invoke the resulting string with & {...} while passing it parameter values (I'm omitting the -WorkingDirectory and -PassThru parameters for brevity):
# Parameter values to pass.
$projectFolder = 'c:\temp'
$argList='-v -f'
Start-Process -NoNewWindow powershell -ArgumentList '-noprofile', '-command',
(('& {' + $scriptBlock.ToString() + '}') -replace '\"|\\(?=\\*("|$))', '\$&'),
For an explanation of the regular expression, again see this answer.
Note how the variable values passed as parameters to the script block are enclosed in '...' inside a "..."-enclosed string in order to:
pass the values as a single parameter value.
protect them from another round of interpretation by PowerShell.
Note: If your variable values have embedded ' instances, you'll have to escape them as ''.
The above yields:
folder: [c:\temp]; arguments: [-v -f]
Alternative with a temporary, self-deleting script file:
Using -File with a script file has the advantage of being able to pass parameter values as literals, with no concern over additional interpretation of their contents.
Caveat: As of PowerShell Core v6-beta.3, there is a problem when passing parameter values that start with -: they are not bound as expected; see this GitHub issue.
To work around this problem, the sample script block below accesses only the first parameter by name, and relies on all remaining ones binding via the automatic $Args variable.
# Define the script block to be executed by the new PowerShell instance.
# For demonstration, simply *output* the parameter values.
"folder: [$projectFolder]; arguments: [$Args]"
# Parameter values to pass.
$projectFolder = 'c:\temp'
$argList='-v -f'
# Determine the temporary script path.
$tempScript = "$env:TEMP\temp-$PID.ps1"
# Create the script from the script block and append the self-removal command.
# Note that simply referencing the script-block variable inside `"..."`
# expands to the script block's *literal* content (excluding the enclosing {...})
"$scriptBlock; Remove-Item `$PSCommandPath" > $tempScript
# Now invoke the temporary script file, passing the arguments as literals.
Start-Process -NoNewWindow powershell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile', '-File', $tempScript,
Again, the above yields:
folder: [c:\temp]; arguments: [-v -f]

I've messed around with the syntax for passing args to a new powershell instance and have found the following works. So many variations fail without a good error message. Maybe it would work in your case?
$arg = "HAM"
$command = {param($ham) write-host $ham}
#please not its important to wrap your command
#in a further script block to stop it being processed to a string at execution
#The following would normally suffice "& $command $arg"
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command & {$command} $arg"
Also simply using the Invoke-Command gives you the -ArgumentList parameter to opperate against the given Command that you are missing with the standard powershell.exe parameters. This is probably a bit cleaner looking.
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command invoke-command -scriptblock {$command} -argumentlist $arg"
No need for any extra complex escaping or unwanted persisted variables. Just keep the script block in curly braces so it remains a script block on arrival in the new session. At least in this simple case...
If you have several string parameters that contain spaces. I found popping the string in a single parenthesis and separating with commas works well. You could also probably pass a predefined array as a single argument.
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command invoke-command -scriptblock {$command} -argumentlist '$arg1', '$arg2', '$arg3'"

Will this work:
Start-Transcript -path $projectFolder\gruntLog.txt;
grunt $argList;
& $Global:commandBlock


Unable to properly pass arguments with spaces to a PowerShell script from Jenkins

I have a stage in a Jenkins pipeline where I call a PowerShell script which I do within a container and I call it like this:
stage('Processing') {
container('remote') {
sh "pwsh -file script.ps1 ${params.NAME} ${params.DESCRIPTION} ${params.PEOPLE}
Within the script I do some preparation for a remote session and I call it using this command
Invoke-Command -Session $RemoteSession -ArgumentList $parameters -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
The mentioned preparation is basically me adding another parameter to args which I do like this
$parameters = #()
$parameters = $parameters + $args
$parameters += $var
Within the scriptblock I reference the args by their index like $args[1]. These are primarily strings, and everything works when an argument passed from Jenkins has no spaces in it. But when let's say ${params.NAME} has a space in it, but the indexing does not work correctly as spaces separate the original string into multiple arguments, hence the if the original index was $args[1], instead of taking in the value of ${params.DESCRIPTION}, it takes in a part of ${params.NAME}.
Do you know how to avoid this issue and take in the parameters with the original indexing even if it has spaces in it?
To make PowerShell see the expanded values such as ${params.NAME} as a single argument each, enclose them in ", which in the context of the "..." Groovy string must be escaped as \"
sh "pwsh -File script.ps1 \"${params.NAME}\" \"${params.DESCRIPTION}\" \"${params.PEOPLE}\""

Invoke-command and running ps1 with parameters

I'm trying to run a script using invoke-command to install defender for endpoint with some associated parameters.
If I run a standard ps1 using invoke-command it works with no issues. However, if I run the following:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName NAME -FilePath \\srv\share\install.ps1 -OnboardingScript \\srv\share\WindowsDefenderATPonboardingscript.cmd -Passive
I receive "A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'OnboardingScript'". Can someone please help me understand how I invoke a command and run a script with parameters?
Parameters already defined in the install.Ps1 file
Many thanks in advance
Your Invoke-Command call has a syntax problem, as Santiago Squarzon points out:
Any pass-through arguments - those to be seen by the script whose path is passed to -FilePath - must be specified via the -ArgumentList (-Args) parameter, as an array.
# Simplified example with - of necessity - *positional* arguments only.
# See below.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName NAME -FilePath .\foo.ps1 -Args 'bar', 'another arg'
The same applies to the more common invocation form that uses a script block ({ ... }), via the (potentially positionally implied) -ScriptBlock parameter.
However, there's a catch: Only positional arguments can be passed that way, which:
(a) requires that the target script support positional argument binding for all arguments of interest...
(b) ... which notably precludes passing switch parameters (type [switch]), such as -Passive in your call.
(c) requires you to pass the invariably positional arguments in the correct order.
Use a -ScriptBlock-based invocation, which allows for regular argument-passing with the usual support for named arguments (including switches):
If, as in your case, the script file is accessible by a UNC path visible to the remote session as well, you can simply call it from inside the remote script block.
Note: It isn't needed in your case, but you generally may need $using: references in order to incorporate values from the local session into the arguments - see further below for an example.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName NAME {
& \\srv\share\install.ps1 -OnboardingScript \\srv\share\WindowsDefenderATPonboardingscript.cmd -Passive
Otherwise (typically, a script file local to the caller):
Use a $using: reference to pass the content (source code) of your script file to the remote session, parse it into a script block there, and execute that script block with the arguments of interest :
$scriptContent = Get-Content -Raw \\srv\share\install.ps1
Invoke-Command -ComputerName NAME {
& ([scriptblock]::Create($using:scriptContent)) -OnboardingScript \\srv\share\WindowsDefenderATPonboardingscript.cmd -Passive
Small caveat: Since the original script file's source code is executed in memory in the remote session, file-related reflection information won't be available, such as the automatic variables that report a script file's full path and directory path ($PSCommandPath and $PSScriptRoot).
That said, the same applies to use of the -FilePath parameter, which essentially uses the same technique of copying the source code rather than a file to the remote session, behind the scenes.
thanks for your reply. I have managed to get this working by adding -ScriptBlock {. "\srv\share etc}

How to run an executable (exe) by providing a config file in powershell

I'm trying to run an exe in the background by providing a config file (yml in my case)
Tried the below, however this is not pushing the execution to background. -
./my.exe start --config-file $my_config_file
Found 'start-process' command which are specifically used for this case. With argument list is there any way to send the config file?
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "my.exe" -ArgumentList
Remove the -Wait argument and pass the process arguments as an array via -ArgumentList parameter:
Start-Process -FilePath "my.exe" -ArgumentList 'start', '--config-file', "`"$my_config_file`""
The strange quoting for $my_config_file is required because a path may contain spaces. Start-Process does not do automatic quoting. From the docs:
If parameters or parameter values contain a space, they need to be surrounded with escaped double quotes.
Note that you won't receive output of the started process, if that matters to you. You can redirect to a file, using parameters -RedirectStandardOutput and -RedirectStandardError, but you can't (easily) store the output in a variable.
A way to start a process in the background, while being able to receive its output, is to create a job.

Is there a dynamic variable for passed arguments in powershell?

In batch, passed arguments can be used with %1, and onward counting.
Lets say I have the following "batch.bat" script:
# echo off
echo %1
If i call this from cmd like: call batch.bat hello it would output "hello" in the console.
Is there any variable in ps which does the same thing?
I've found the folliwing, but it seems kind of unnatural.
$CommandLine = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CommandLine
Is there something more elegant perhaps?
PowerShell has an automatic variable $args that stores all arguments passed to a script (unless parameters were defined for the script). The individual arguments can be accessed by index ($args[0] for the first argument, $args[1] for the second, etc.).
However, in general it's advisable to define parameters to control what arguments a script should accept, e.g.
[integer]$Second = 42
There are numerous advantages to this, including (but not limited to):
arguments are parsed automatically and the values are stored in the respective variables
scripts automatically prompt for mandatory parameters
scripts throw an error if incorrect arguments are passed
you can define default values for optional parameters
you can have your script or function accept pipeline input
you can validate parameter values
you can use comment-based help for documenting the parameters and their usage

Executing powershell.exe from powershell script (run in ISE but not in script)

I'm new to these awesome Power shell world. I have a problem with script and really apreciate your help.
I have a script "cmd4.ps1" that needs to run another script "Transfer.ps1" that needs to receive 3 strings params and it needs to be run as other process thead different to "cmd4.ps1".
$Script="-File """+$LocalDir+"\Remote\Transfer.ps1"" http://"+$ServerIP+"/Upload/"+$FileName+" "+$ServerIP+" "+$LocalIP
Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList $Script
After ejecution, the $Script cointain a value similar to
-File "c:\temp re\Remote\Transfer.ps1"
containing the syntax to use -File parameter to run a script of Powershell.exe, and three parameters that Transfer.ps1 needs ("",,
When I write these instructions in PowerShell ISE I can see every values are right and PowerShell.exe is executed with right values, everything work fine!, but if I put these instructions inside "cmd4.ps1" script it doesn't work, I mean something is not right with parameters because I can see it start powershell but it never ends.
-ArgumentList is expecting an array of string arguments instead of a single string. Try this instead:
$ScriptArgs = #(
"http://$ServerIP/Upload/$FileName $ServerIP $LocalIP"
Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList $ScriptArgs
Note that you can simplify the string construction of the args as shown above.
Why don't you put this in cmd4.ps1?
& "c:\temp re\Remote\Transfer.ps1" "" "" ""