AEM 6.4 overlaying internal area components/files which is under /libs - content-management-system

We are migrating from aem 6.2 to aem 6.4, I am facing this problem, we have overlayed few components in 6.2 now that components are under internal area in 6.4.
According to aem 6.4 we should not overlay aem internal components.
I want to keep this overlay function in 6.4 as well, Is there anyway to do it.
Suggest something please.

I haven't done it, but I think if you MUST change the functionality of an Internal component, you will need to duplicate it so that it has no association with the original component. So if it was cq/foundation/components/123 you would copy it and make it myapp/components/123.
Since you're doing an upgrade, you could then use something like ResourceType Updater to update all of the old resource types to the new resource type.


Typolinks target not working after upgrade to typo3 8.7.20

after upgrading from Typo3 7.6.30 to 8.7.20 my typolinks are not working correctly. The resulting links in the website have _blank as target.
No matter if the links are internal links or external links.
maybe something lets TYPO3 think you always have external URLs.
what is your domain definition, absRefPrefix, baseURL?
have you a clean https-handling?

Are pibase extensions still working in TYPO3 8?

I have to migrate TYPO3 6.2 websites to 8.7. Some websites use custom pibase extensions, do I need to redevelop them with Extbase ?
All previous answers have been correct but some words from a TYPO3 core team member: There are no plans to drop the support of "pibase" in the core. It is absolutely ok to use that API even though it does not provide much help to developers.
However I recommend to use at least fluid standalone to be able to create nice templates without all those ### stuff.
you don't need to redevelop these extensions, but you might need to change the call to core functions.
In 6.2 you still could use the old class names like t3lib.
These class names are available only with compatibility layer (together with a lot of delay).
For the future you need to use namespaces (and the correct new classes). You also should use namespaces for your own classes.
Depending on your used functions you might need to replace some calls with the newer functions as some functions got deprecated meanwhile.
You don't need to redevelop these extensions.
Just you need to change some TYPO3 core function like t3lib_div t3lib_BEfunc t3lib_parsehtml t3lib_extMgm and more..
Please see complete example here : See more details

Integrate existing TouchUI component into RTE - AEM 6.1

I'm looking to see if it's possible to integrate an existing AEM Component that I've developed (lets say button component) into the RTE.
I've read the following blog posts
I've also read the documentation (which is non existent).
I'm not looking to recreate the exact same component just for the RTE, this would need us to maintain two separate code bases, recreate the custom logic we have in the already existing component which has been tested and automation.
But most of all, go against best practices as we want everything to be agnostic.

Tableless images in TYPO3 4.7?

I am stuck updating a site on TYPO3 4.7. Upgrading is not an option.
All the content elements that use images are formatted with tables and spacer.gifs, is there any way to make it use divs and css instead?
If css_styled_content is correctly installed, and you'Ve included the static template in your main template, this is indeed not the expected behaviour.
Did you flush all output caches? If so, check the value of the typoscript setting at tt_content.image.20.renderMethod and tt_content.textpic.20.renderMethod. They may be set to "table", and should be one of "figure", "ul" or "div".
However, TYPO3 4.7 is out of it's LTS phase. You need to update as soon as possible.
4.7 is outdated and there is no such option there, sorry

Assign Portlet Macro Path in eea.facetednavigation

I want to add a 'Plone portlet' widget in Faceted criteria config screen. In particular, here I need a static portlet to add URL links. How do I fill the 'Portlet macro' field for a static portlet? Helper message is 'Path to portlet macro', and I already try values like 'here/portlet_static/macros/portlet' and 'here/portlet_recent/macros/portlet', all failed.
Plone 4.0.2 + eea.facetednavigation 4.0rc1
I don't know anything about eea.facetednavigation but it sounds to me like you have a bad mix of portlet technologies.
The /macros/portlet slot was only available in classic portlets based on simple templates as used in Plone 2.5. Since Plone 3 we have a completely different portlet machinery which no longer has any TAL macros in them.
As far as I know the EEA site is still using Plone 2.5 - so I wouldn't be surprised if many of their add-ons aren't compatible with later versions of Plone.