how to DEPLOY a RAD generated WEBSERIVCE project EAR on WEBSPHERE - deployment

I have generated a webservice project using RAD/Eclipse and I want to generate a ear file of it and deploy it to WebShere.
After deploying the ear file in WebShere, the application server does not recognize it as a web service and the WSDL is not coming up.

Looks like the web service is not recognized...! Try verifying your ear
Uninstall the previously deployed and clean up your temp folders and do the re-install


STS 3.4.0 with Websphere don't deploy my application

I try to deploy my application on WebSphere from Eclipse.
Here some conditions:
STS 3.4.0
Websphere Plugin: IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Developer Tools for Kepler/Luna
After i installed the plugin i can add the Server and start/stop him, but when i try to add my application for deployment i get the feedback "There are no resources that can be added or removed from the server"
I have an ear project and a war project in my workspace which are deployable with JBoss without problems. Do i have to add something to my projects to make them deployable?
Is there any clue for this?
* Update *
Here you can see the project structure of my ear module.
I found a workaround which is ok i think.
I created a "Enterprise Application Project" and added my war modules to it.
This was deployable with WebSphere.
You can only add EAR projects via right click on Server > Add and Remove.... You should see dialog with projects that can be deployed to your server. If your EAR project is not visible there maybe it is not correctly recognized as EAR project. Check in Project properties > Project Facets if it has EAR facet checked.
Just for test you can try to export your project as EAR and then deploy it using web admin console.

Can we deploy the war file of ADF fusion application into web logic server?

I have created a ADF fusion application deployed in Jdev. When I deploy it as war file in Integrated weblogic server - works fine. When I deployed that as war in standalone weblogic server - it gives me error 500.
In the console (startweblogic.cmd) "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/adf/model/RegionBinding"
So I found on internet that deploying it as EAR the whole application would solve. Yes. It indeed was solved. My application runs fine in standalone weblogic.
Can we not deploy it as war in standalone weblogic?
The war file is working fine in integrated but not in stand alone.
P.S.: I installed ADF runtime, prepared the deployment profile to deploy as a web application.
I think you should make a quick research on the difference between these two types of archives EAR and WAR, then it should be clear to you.
Anyways, the fact is that you are trying to deploy a Fusion application, which includes in itself two different projects: the ViewController project and the Model one. The reason why on the standalone version it can only work if you deploy as an EAR is that this type of archive can contain several WARs, JARs (and other types of archives). While a WAR can contain only one of the projects (you can create a WAR for each, the Model and the ViewController project) and related jars. But they would be separate, so they would not have access to each-others files. I bet you've tried to deploy the ViewController.war only. This is the reason why you should deploy an .ear on the standalone version.
Instead, the integrated version, if an EAR file is deployed at the application level, and it has dependencies on a JAR file in the data model project and dependencies on a WAR file in the view-controller project. (It means, you are not deploying just the war from JDeveloper, it internally creates an EAR).
I hope this link would be useful.

How to deploy .EAR Application from JDeveloper to Weblogic Domain directly from Oracle JDeveloper

I have a JDeveloper Project that is in .ear file. I loaded it into JDeveloper as new application and I can see the whole project. I also have a weblogic domain where this application files in .WAR and .ear are deployed. The application is up and running ok.
What I want is to be able to deploy the project directly from the JDeveloper.
How can I do this?
I already tried to deploy the application (Deploy to Application Server) -> Created a new Application Server (Connection was a success) -> Deploy to selected instances in the Domain (Selected the server where the application is deployed - NOT the Admin Server) and Deploy as a Standalone Application.
I don't know if the previous steps were correct and neither if this is the correct way to do what I want to achieve.
See this video -
Define a connection to your application server, and then use the application->deploy option to deploy your application.

How to Create EAR file in RAD 7.5

I have checked out a dynamic web project from a CVS repository. But, there was no EAR file to check in. Now how can I create an EAR file for the project to deploy in WAS 6?
Also can I run my project in RAD without creating an .ear file? I am a newbie to Java EE projects.
In order to be able to export an EAR, you can add a new Enterprise Application project ( New > Enterprise Application project) and select your Web project as a Java EE module dependency.
This way you can export an EAR file that will contain a WAR file built from your Web project.
If you run the wizard for creating a new enterprise application (File->New), one of the options is to add an existing web project in your workspace into the application as you create it. You can then export the enterprise application as an EAR file ready to deploy into WebSphere Application Server or, if you have the test environment set up, you can just drag-and-drop it onto the server in the Servers view. To test your web application, right-click it and choose Run->Run on Server.
Try importing as project instead of EAR files

deploying a web service war file to websphere

I am trying to deploy a web service war file to websphere.
I have tested the web service in Eclipse using Tomcat and it worked. However, once I deploy the war file to Websphere, the service (as outputted in tomcat) does not display. In deploying to websphere, i checked the DEPLOY WEB SERVICES under the SELECT INSTALLATION OPTIONS.
When I created the war file from Eclipse, I right clicked the application and clicked export file, selected war file and there it went.
Was there something I missed in creating the war file? Or, in the deployment?
Maybe too late?...See this case for a reasonable explanation.